description |
A common vulnerability found in PHP web apps |
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- The LFI attack is where an attacker can trick the web app into exposing or running files on the web server
- Attempt dot-dot-slash attack to ensure the attack is possible
Example: http://htb.local/?page=../../../../../../test.txt\xampp\apache\logs\access.log&cmd=ipconfig
- Obtain a GET request in burp
- Send to Intruder
- Attack type set to Sniper
Example on where to place payload:
- Click the add button on the right side and make sure that the payload character is between the field where the two pipes are
- Go to payloads > Load > SecLists > Discovery > Web-Content > raft-small-words.txt
- Click start attack
- Make sure to order by the largest length as that will be what you need to focus on
- This section is for if you found something from bruteforcing for LFI
GET /admin/?debug=|fasfoaj|
- Place the payload characters in between the pipes
- Remember, the pipes are the payload characters in burp, you need to manually add this
- Go to payloads > SecLists > LFI > LFI-jhaddix.txt
- Select start attack and organize by largest length again
Example of LFI:
wfuzz -c -z file,/usr/share/seclists/Fuzzing/LFI/LFI-Jhaddix.txt --hh <common number> <URL>
- If you can include an Apache log file through LFI, you can often inject PHP to the logs and execute that PHP using the LFI
- These logs can be stored in a variety of places
- Do more research on where these places can be
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- Similar to an LFI but a remote file can be included and served to execute server-side code