description |
04/24/2024 |
This is a type of loop that is a variation for a control flow statement (for execution flow) that specifies iteration. Basically, it runs a section of code over and over again until a specific condition has been satisfied. A counter must be specified in a for
For loops are essentially a section of code that can be broken down in two parts, establish a counter to define the iteration and then define the body that will execute once per iteration of the defined counter.
A friend and fellow security researcher recently told me that it is a great idea to "picture" C when writing ASM and "picture" ASM when writing C. This is a useful skill to have when dealing with ASM.
{% hint style="info" %} Note: For some fun, I put a shell in here for you so you can play around with it since we're going to be getting into some shellcode coming up!! I also thought this would make it a bit more fun!! {% endhint %}
Example in C -> forloop.c
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// do something
printf("Here's your loop!\n");
Instead of incrementing your counter, you can start at a higher counter and then decrement from it using i--
See below:
for (int i = 10; i > 0; i--){
// do something
printf("Here's your for loop!\n");
For incrementing the counter, your ASM will look like this:
.global main
.global _start
.section .text
mov x15, #0 // Initialize counter (i = 0)
cmp x15, #10 // Compare counter to 10
beq exit // Branch to exit program if == 0
# Write syscall
mov x8, #64 // Syscall ID for write
mov x0, #1 // First argument
ldr x1, =msg // Load address into x1
mov x2, len // Size of string
svc 0 // Perform syscall -- Supervisor call
add x15, x15, #1 // Increment counter (i++)
b loop // Branch to loop
// Welcome shell
mov x8, #64
mov x0, #1
ldr x1, =welcome_shell
mov x2, len2
svc 0
// Shell
ldr x0, =shell // Load contents of shell variable into x0 register
bl system // Branch to system and link return
// Exit syscall
mov x8, #93 // Syscall ID for exit
mov x0, #0 // Mov 0 into x0 register
svc 0 // Supervisor call --> perform syscall
.section .data
msg: .ascii "Fuck your for loop!\n"
len = . - msg
welcome_shell: .ascii "Here's a shell xD\n"
len2 = . - welcome_shell
shell: .ascii "/bin/sh"
For decrementing the counter, your ASM will look like this:
.global main
.global _start
.section .text
mov x15, #10 // Initialize counter (i = 10)
cmp x15, #0 // Compare counter to 0 (i < 10)
beq exit // Branch to exit program if (i == 0)
# Write syscall
mov x8, #64 // Syscall ID for write
mov x0, #1 // First argument
ldr x1, =msg // Load address into x1
mov x2, len // Size of string
svc 0 // Perform syscall -- Supervisor call
sub x15, x15, #1 // Decrement counter (i--)
b loop // Branch to loop
// Welcome shell
mov x8, #64
mov x0, #1
ldr x1, =welcome_shell
mov x2, len2
svc 0
// Shell
ldr x0, =shell // Load contents of shell variable into x0 register
bl system // Branch to system and link return
// Exit syscall
mov x8, #93 // Syscall ID for exit
mov x0, #0 // Mov 0 into x0 register
svc 0 // Supervisor call --> perform syscall
.section .data
msg: .ascii "Here's your for loop!\n"
len = . - msg
welcome_shell: .ascii "Here's a shell xD\n"
len2 = . - welcome_shell
shell: .ascii "/bin/sh"