- The motivation behind this is to understand how an ELF file works and why it is the way it is
There is a great article on this file format that can be found here:
{% embed url="http://blog.k3170makan.com/2018/09/introduction-to-elf-format-elf-header.html" %}
- One important piece of binary exploitation is grabbing the data (code) portion of the program
- This can be accomplished a few different ways, but I wanted to showcase a quick Python solution
f = None
with open('binary_name_here'), 'rb') as fh:
f =fh. read()
eh = f[52:]
so = eh[32:36]
so = int.from_bytes(so, byteorder='little')
- Note that byteorder is a command arg and can either be 'little' or 'big'