preference, email mechanism and controller configuration changed
preference, email mechanism and controller configuration changed
chat responses routes and chat sercer-side controllers added
chat responses routes and chat sercer-side controllers added
mail scripts and server response pages updated
mail scripts and server response pages updated
url changedgit add . and solved cors problem
url changedgit add . and solved cors problem
cors error res headers added in serevr
cors error res headers added in serevr
cors issue fixes with status code changes
cors issue fixes with status code changes
sdk first version updated and bug fixes
sdk first version updated and bug fixes
chat sdk configuration and initial functionality released
chat sdk configuration and initial functionality released
chat crud operations added & bug fixes
chat crud operations added & bug fixes
chats ui for retriving and creation created
chats ui for retriving and creation created
announcements implemented and bug fixes
announcements implemented and bug fixes
dashboard details api added and sidebar menu removed
dashboard details api added and sidebar menu removed
pages converted to markdown pages
pages converted to markdown pages