If you wish to contribute to this project, create a pull request with the following:
- Summary of the changes made.
- Why these changes were made.
- Whether or not these changes are deemed high priorty to be implemented quickly (IE if a security vulnerbility is found)
- Justification for code that is 'hard to read'
- Justification for code that is unsafe (IE if the risk is deemed acceptable for the performance uplift, and even then provide a alt method with "Unsafe" as its postfix)
- External references to sources used whilst producing said code, so others can learn.
- Comments on pieces of code that you know would be hard to read for others without prior context as to why said code is written in that way for it to be hard to read.
Else, create a issue with the following:
- If a Issue:
- Steps to reproduce.
- If know how to fix
- How to fix said problem
- A explanation of why these steps were done on how to fix
- If not know how to fix
- Potential way to fix
- Potential ways to cercemvent issue
- If know how to fix
- Steps to reproduce.
- If a Improvement:
- Follow the steps in the pull request.
Thank you! Please feel free to make improvements to the contributing too!