The line with the * means that's the code count that I contributed to the assignment and doesn't count libraries or code I already had on-hand for use in the project. It only counts new code.
2018 Assignments(I didn't use any distro code for these. It's just the code counts minus the minified libraries.
Language files blank comment code
HTML 4 5 0 213
Sass 1 2 0 53
CSS 2 4 6 42
Markdown 1 5 0 28
JavaScript 1 0 6 1
SUM: 9 16 12 337
Actual counts is much less aka minus SQL(as that's generated data thus the official count without a * shows the proper counts where I subtracted prexisting code and libraries I utilized.
Language files blank comment code
SQL 3 9 0 5053
HTML 9 34 0 658
Python 7 77 87 360
Markdown 1 14 0 50
JavaScript 2 7 11 21
CSS 1 0 6 1
SUM: 23 141 104 6143
*SUM: 20 132 104 1090
Language files blank comment code
JavaScript 4 55 115 533
Python 1 46 72 274
HTML 3 14 0 198
Markdown 1 5 0 46
CSS 2 0 6 13
SUM: 11 120 193 1064
This assignment was a basic email program.
Language files blank comment code
Python 11 96 69 266
JavaScript 1 21 8 174
HTML 4 20 0 125
CSS 1 1 0 6
SUM: 17 138 77 571
*SUM: 17 16 -2 376
Language files blank comment code
HTML 8 23 0 284
Python 11 96 59 264
JavaScript 1 5 3 94
CSS 2 8 39 20
SUM: 22 132 101 662
*SUM: 7 43 2556 411
Language files blank comment code
Python 12 74 64 224
HTML 7 18 0 118
CSS 1 3 6 51
Markdown 7 10 0 24
SUM: 27 105 70 417
*SUM: 7 13 6 191
CTF Club which is now done I believe. All code counts are sans the libraries I have included for the JS and the CSS counts. Python is pretty much exact.
Language files blank comment code
Python 25 556 739 1825
HTML 12 78 0 1192
Markdown 2 125 0 660
JavaScript 6 71 163 540
CSS 2 5 26 42
INI 1 2 0 11
JSON 1 0 0 1
SUM: 49 837 928 4271