- allow custom animations on popups/dropdowns.
- show open new window buttons on dock app items context menu.
- toggle dock items using win + number.
- create separated system service to handle elevated actions.
- ghost windows caused by a refactor donde on v2.0.13.
- not showing save button after icon packs change.
- app failing when powershell is not part of the $PATH enviroment.
- dock items no updatings paths on store updates.
- unremovable workspace module on toolbar.
- not creating the default (system) icon pack.
- add kill process option on context menu for dock items.
- multi-language calendar and date module on toolbar.
- add icon packs selector on settings > general.
- allow show only windows on monitor owner of Dock/Taskbar.
- allow search languages by their english label.
- move dock state to the background.
- remove pin sub-menu on dock.
- slu-service was being closed on exit code 1.
- logging errors on monitor changes.
- duplicated items on dock after drag items.
- msix version crashing on start.
- add new setting on dock and toolbar to maintain overlap state by monitor.
- add service to restart the seelen-ui app on crash.
- force run the app as an APPX if it was installed using msix.
- custom http server to serve files instead bundle it in the executable on development (local).
- remove ghost settings window from dock.
- fix settings
button not working correctly. - fix settings
button not saving the monitor settings correctly.
- add
to the bundled apps settings list.
- themes now use widget ids instead hard-coded keys.
- improvements on events propagation.
- improvements on settings by monitor implementation.
- window manager not working properly.
- resolution, scale changes not refreshing the UI.
- add task manager shortcut on toolbar and dock context menu.
- improve default no media style on dock.
- add icons to context menus.
- randomized wallpaper slice freeze.
- bad behavior on context menus and popups.
- crashing on fresh installations.
- add bases for future plugins and widgets sytems.
- change wallpaper randomly.
- some UI/UX improvements on seelen wallpaper manager.
- UI/UX improvements on wi-fi toolbar module.
- seelen-ui added to user PATH enviroment variable.
- popups and context menus fast flashing.
- media player app not appearing on media module (weg & toolbar).
- touch looking the cursor.
- improve start up failure behavior.
- allow change default output volume using mouse wheel on media module items.
- add mini calendar to date module.
- add new settings to delay the show and hide of dock and toolbar.
- dock and toolbar animations
- fix update notifications for release and nightly channels.
- app crashing when changing settings on app launcher.
- app previews on wrong position on dock.
- apps being runned as admin instead normal.
- infinite render loop on settings home page, fetching news.
- unification of SeelenWeg pinned files, folder and apps in a single structure.
- improve open_file function to allow arguments.
- allow to users select update channel between release, beta and nightly.
- not getting icons directly from .lnk files.
- users not recieving update notification on settings header.
- start-menu item on dock not closing native start menu.
- default theme wallpaper showing cut on ultra-wide monitors.
- Window Manager Layout Conditions was reimplemented, old conditions (v1) will fail.
- refactors, more and more refactors, refactors for everyone.
- reimplementation of Tiling Window Manager.
- remove Update modal at startup by an update button on settings.
- make the dock/taskbar solid when hide mode is
. - add app launcher (rofi for windows).
- add seelen wall (rain-meter and wallpaper engine alternatives).
- expose function to pin items into the dock.
- settings by monitor.
- window manager multimonitor support.
- allow users change date format directly on UI settings.
- add context menu to toolbar items.
- improve quality icons from all app/files items.
- improve init loading performance.
- improve fullscreen matching system.
- reduce UI total size from 355mb (v1) to 121mb (v2-beta4) to 93mb (v2-beta8).
- reduce Installer size from 75mb (v1) to 40mb (v2-beta4) to 28.8mb (v2-beta8).
- allow drop files, apps and folders into the dock to pin them.
- now Virtual Desktop shortcuts doesn't require Tiling WM be enabled to work.
- now Themes are wrapped in a CSS layer, making easier the override theming.
- allow change size of Window Manager Layouts via window resizing with the mouse.
- allow close windows by middle clicking on dock items.
- show icon of app in media players that are not uwp/msix.
- show pwa apps like a separeted app from browser on dock.
- missing icons for files with a different extension than
. - losing cursor events on clicking a dock item.
- app allowing be closed via Alt + F4.
- native taskbar being hidden regardless of whether the program starts successfully or not.
- app continuing running when the program fails to start (case: WebView2 Runtime not installed).
- no stoping correctly secondary processes/threads on app close.
- showing unmanageable windows on dock.
- restart seelen-ui button not working properly.
- tray icons not working on others language than english.
- edge tabs open in file explorer.
- tray module only working when the system language is english.
- app crashing on IMMDevice disconnection.
- clean weg items on load to remove duped items and apps/files that don't exist.
- remove 1/2px thickness border on window manager border.
- remove 1/2px black border on some previews of apps.
- can not restore settings window.
- taskbar not been restored when changing weg enabled state.
- taskbar been restored always as not autohide, now it will restored as initial state.
- add beta channel
- add debugger cli toggles to tracing more info on logs.
- media modules now exports the app related to the media player.
- saving ahk lib in wrong location.
- app crashing on enumerating many monitors or on large load.
- app crashing if uwp package has missing path.
- app no working fine on multiple monitors.
- add volume changed popup.
- new custom virtual desktop implementation.
- shortcut to toggle debug mode on hitboxes (Control + Win + Alt + H).
- remove black borders of windows previews on dock.
- improve uwp app manage on dock/taskbar.
- add strategy pattern to virtual desktops.
- topbar hitbox rect on auto hide equals to on-overlap.
- bad matching fullscreen apps.
- suspended process (ex: Settings) been shown on dock.
- uwp icons not loading correctly.
- bad focused app matching strategy.
- add a option to hide apps from the dock/taskbar, requested on #5.
- update tray labels when tray icons module are open.
- add auto-hide option to the toolbar.
- route no maintaining on cancel changes on settings window.
- cancel button no working correctly after save the settings multiple times.
- tray module no forcing tray overflow creating on startup.
- native taskbar not been restored on close.
- add
fn to the scopes of toolbar placeholders.
- improve interfaces and documentation.
- styles of media module when dock is on left side.
- opened apps been removing on weg items file change.
- app crashing on update if language prop was null in the settings.json file.
- internal interfaces to improve documentation and development.
- add language selector to the nsis installer.
- allow search on lang selector on Seelen UI Settings.
- app no opening to new users.
- avoid recreate already existing folders.
- separate lib and app in two crates.
- improve click behavior on seelen weg item to make it more intuitive.
- can no disable run on startup.
- text been cut on toolbar.
- app crashing on wallpaper change on win11 24h2
- made all invoke handlers async
- crash on registering network event
- app crashing on 24h2
- app crashing by tray icon module
- app crashing for new users
- reduce load time from ~7s to ~4s
- .slu and uri now are loaded correctly on seelen ui.
- allow change wallpaper from seelen settings.
- add file associations for .slu files
- add uri associations for seelen-ui:uri
- improve settings editor experience by adding live reload feature.
- cli no working on production
- no listening window moving of virtual desktop events.
- no closing or starting widgets on settings changes.
- no listening monitors changes.
- no loading toolbar modules on wake up
- allow custom images on toolbar by
functions. - add notifications module to toolbar.
- add exe path to window in generic module for toolbar.
- add focused window icon to default toolbar layouts.
- icons now are recreated from exe path if icon was deleted.
- uwp icons now are loaded from background.
- improvements on themes selector.
- improvements on system color detection and expose more system colors based in accent gamma.
- improve theme creation experience by adding live reload feature.
- improve toolbar layouts (placeholders) creation experience by adding live reload feature.
- improve weg items editor experience by adding live reload feature.
- deprecate
and add newonClickV2
on toolbar modules.
- bad translations keys.
- no restoring dock on closing fullscreened app.
- app installed by msix no opening.
- remove unnecessary 1px padding on toolbar.
- remove unnecessary loop on taskbar hiding function.
- no loading translations correctly on update modal.
- add translation to the rest of apps (dock, toolbar, and update modal).
- not hiding the taskbar at start.
- opening multiple instances of the app.
- app not running on startup
- no updating themes on changes saved.
- Add multi-language support! 🥳.
- Add default media input/output selectors to media module in fancy toolbar.
- Add start module to dock/taskbar (opens start menu).
- Flat default themes to allow easier overrides.
- Fix zorder on hovering on weg and toolbar respectively to wm borders.
- Applying bad themes on apps.
- Not hiding the taskbar at start.
- no executing seelen after update installation
- migrate settings files from
- load uwp apps info asynchronously
- crash on move toolbar item
- can not remove media module
- fancy toolbar items now can be dragged of position.
- using fancy toolbar's layout now can be modified and saved as custom.yml.
- styles can be specified in fancy toolbar placeholder item.
- fancy toolbar item now will have an unique id, this can be specified in the placeholder file.
- replace "bluetooth" for "devices" on bundled fancy toolbar placeholders.
Media module added to the toolbar.
Media module added to SeelenWeg.
SeelenWeg now has a context menu (Right Click Menu).
- enhancements on fullscreen events.
- remove Default Wave animation on seelenweg (users will be able to add their own animations).
- no updating colors correctly on change light or dark mode on windows settings.
- window manager enabled by default for new users.
- showing tray icons with empty name.
- no focusing seelen settings if it was minimized.
- no registering system events (battery/network/etc)
- improve logging on dev mode and fix missing target on production logged errors.
- improve fullscreen matching.
- network icon showing incorrect interface icon (lan instead wifi).
- no updating adapters list and using adapter on network changes.
- improvements on workflows to auto upload artifacts to the store.
- improvements on fullscreen events.
- disable tiling window manager on windows 10 from UI (can be forced on settings.json file)
- app crashing on windows 10
- empty tray icons list on windows 10
- separate
anddeveloper tools
tabs in the settings. - add a option to open the install path in explorer.
- focus settings window if already exist.
- better performance on canceling changes in settings.
- avoid loading innecesary files in modules that are not used.
- update pinned apps path by filename on open (some apps change of path on updates so this will fix that).
- show empty message on toolbar when no wlan networks are found.
- ahk error on save.
- add Network toolbar module.
- add WLAN selector to the Network toolbar module.
- add css variable (--config-accent-color-rgb) to be used with css functions like
- now placeholders, layouts and themes can be loaded from data users folder (
) - now buttons and others components will use the user accent color.
- no max size on System Tray List module.
- xbox games showing missing icons on SeelenWeg.
- follow user accent color for tray list and windows borders
- no showing promoted (pinned on taskbar) tray icons.
- toolbar no initialized correctly sometimes, now will retry if fails.
- battery no updating level.
- battery showing as always charging on default toolbar templates.
- tray overflow module no working on different languages.
- refactor on window_api and AppBar structures.
- only show a progress bar on update and not the complete installer GUI.
- main app no running if the forced creation of tray overflow fails.
- now
(same as:batteries[0]
) are available on the scope of power toolbar module.
- add battery crate to handle batteries info directly from their drivers.
- show if is smart charging.
- now battery module wont be shown if batteries are not found.
- battery showing 255%.
- tray icons not showing on startup
- hidden trays if icon was not found (now will show a missing icon)
- add "Run as admin" option at context menu on Seelenweg.
- allow receive commands using TCP connections.
- Add System Tray Icons module, (incomplete, devices like usb or windows antivirus trays are still not supported).
- improve power (battery) events performance.
- Window manager disabled by default to new users.
- remove tauri single instance plugin by TCP connection.
- new placeholder added to the bundle as alternative to default.
- new workspace item available to be used in placeholders.
- support fullscreen apps (will hide the toolbar and the weg on fullscreen an app).
- showing incorrect format on dates at start of the app.
- complex text with icons on toolbar items cause wraps.
- missing icons on some uwp apps.
- refactor on window event manager to allow synthetic events.
- no truncating text on toolbar items overflow.
- rendering empty items on toolbar when empty placeholder is declared.
- Modular Themes
- Themes now allow tags to be categorized.
- Allow add, organize, combine multiple themes as cascade layers.
- Themes now allow folder structure to improve developers experience.
- Now themes will use .yml files instead json to improve developers experience.
- Themes schema updated, no backwards compatibility with json themes. (.json in themes folder will be ignored)
- No hiding the taskbar correctly.
- Add splash screen to Settings window.
- Add discord link on Information Section.
- Use TaskScheduler for autostart Seelen with priority and admin privileges.
- bad zorder on Weg and Toolbar under the WM borders
- Multi-monitor support for Fancy Toolbar.
- Multi-monitor support for Seelenweg.
- Remove unnecessary tooltip collision on toolbar items.
- Crash on restoring app in other virtual desktop using Weg.
- Touch events not working on Toolbar and Weg.
- disable binding monitors and monitors on apps configurations for now.
- Allow pin apps on Open using Apps Configurations.
- Allow changes Shortcuts using UI.
- Allow Binary Conditions in Apps Configurations Identifiers.
- Allow change the Auto hide behavior for Seelenweg.
- Close AHK by itself if app is crashed or forcedly closed.
- Configurations by apps are enabled again.
- Allow open settings file from Extras/Information
- Add opacity to toolbar (theme: default)
- Ahk not closing on app close or when user change options.
- Automatic MSIX bundle.
- Add Github Actions for Releases.
- Add Github Actions for Web Page.
- Allow customize Fancy Toolbar modules using placeholders yaml files.
- Add fast settings for toolbar allowing to adjust volume, brightness, etc.
- if app on weg is cloak, change of virtual desktop instead minimize/restore
- no closing AHK instances
- floating size on fallback
- reservation not working properly
- ignore top most windows by default (normally these are tools or widgets)
- minimization on weg not working properly if window manager is activated
- change focus using commands not working with conditional layouts
- randomly frozen app on start
- no tiling UWP apps
- Allow quit from settings
- Using Box-Content style in the position of windows instead outlined for a better user experience
- Managing windows without caption (Title bar)
- can't update border configurations
- hiding dock on switching virtual desktops
- Taskbar showing instead be always hidden
- Bad download URL in Update Notification
- Showing update notification on installations by Windows Store
- Add Smart Auto Hide for Seelenweg.
- Add visible Separators Option
- Enable animations for items into LEFT, TOP, RIGHT positions
- Now the copy handles option will return hexadecimal handles instead decimal (good for faster debug in tools like spy++).
- duped handles
- inconsistencies in separators width
- App downloaded form Microsoft Store was not running without admin.
- Update notifications always enabled for nsis installer
- Update notifications will not appear if app is installed using msix (Microsoft Store).
- Now by default if user is Admin, UAC will be triggered on run the app to allow a better integrated experience in SeelenWeg and Komorebi Tiling Manager.
- add indicator to know opens and focused apps on SeelenWeg
- allow set the position of seelenweg (left, top, right, bottom) 🎉
- only creates app icons the first time they are loaded
- change themes implementation to allow customs css files
- incorrect icon for UWP (was using store icon instead taskbar icon)
- replacing icons on each load
- showing logs of opened apps on development
- offset margins working like windows RECT instead like one side margins
- add Themes Feature 🎉 (incomplete only for Seelenweg for now)
- add SeelenWeg (a Dock or Taskbar) beta feature
- add SeelenWeg in to Settings
- add ContextMenu for apps in SeelenWeg
- allow move apps in the Weg 😄
- add Grouped Apps in one item
- live reload of Apps on events like change of title
- UWP apps support
- move readme blob to documentation/images
- add some traces on functions to save logs
- clean installation of komorebi no working
- little improvements on background code
- initial users can not save the settings
- add a update tab to allow users decide if will receive notifications for updates
- add functionality to pause btn on tray menu
- Enable Updater 🎉
- icon not showing on tray
- poor icon quality on task bar
- StartUp running bad exe file
- implement tray icon
- Migrate all app background from Electron ⚡ to Tauri 🦀
- reimplement startup to use native system startup
- reimplement included shortcuts with ahk
- reimplement komorebi autostart
- reimplement installer to use NSIS
- refactor folder structure to isolate front-end apps
- improve maximized windows experience
- fix resize not working (now works like master)
- show current used versions on information
- add grid layout preview
- add win + k to open komorebi settings
- update komorebi to 0.1.22
- remove invisible borders feature
- missing property on schema
- white screen on start app
- add a new way to match applications by path
- searching feature on apps
- no focusing windows on change workspace
- autostacking not working properly
- workspaces rules not working
- add popups on actions 🦀
- now can switch from installed and packaged and should work as the same
- fix no removing old path
- lag on many applications
- add more templates
- fix first install
- delete old paths on update
- fix not saving templates
- fix toggle ahk shortcuts does not run or stop the instance
- running ahk when disabled
- not updating the path of installation folder on update for windows tasks
- new searching option for applications
- templates feature
- including ghost apps on migration
- new feature of invisible borders per app
- new easy way to hard restart the services and AHK
- delete border overflow and changed for invisible borders per app
- components was not triggering dark mode correctly
- new apps templates
- add AHK as a dependency to show to new users
- add AHK settings
- export option for apps
- delete bound monitor and workspace on an application
- bad installation on setup