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10 lines (10 loc) · 719 Bytes

File metadata and controls

10 lines (10 loc) · 719 Bytes

When making new release, in Notepad++:

  1. run cmd /c bandit -r "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)" & pause from the root of package.
  2. run cmd /c pylint "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)" --rcfile "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)\..\pyproject.toml" & pause from the root of package.
  3. run cmd /c black "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)" & pause from the root of package.
  4. set version in pyproject.toml to {YYYY}.{MM}.{DD}.{release_SID_for_the_day}.
  5. set version tag to v{YYYY}.{MM}.{DD}.{release_SID_for_the_day} for the latest commit from which the release will be made.
  6. run poetry lock.
  7. run poetry build.
  8. make standalone app for Windows with cx_Freeze by executing
  9. upload to PyPI with poetry publish.