This repository contains CI independent shellscripts to build Docker container.
Since 2018 I build docker containers, most of them are opensource. As code utility for any opensource projects we use Internally we use a Gitlab CI to build the images and upload them to the Docker registries. This build logs can't be seen by the opensource community, so we use Travis CI to build the images again. Both the Gitlab CI and the Travis CI have different variable names and techniques for building docker containers. So I decided to build CI independent shellscripts so you don't have to worry about which CI has which variable every time.
Gitlab CI Var Name | Travis CI Var Name | |
Directory where the build files are: | CI_PROJECT_DIR | TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR |
Not complete comparable but very similar: | CI_PROJECT_NAME | TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG |
Gitlab CI Example:
stage: build
- master
- schedules
- feat/MDD-169
# :debug for gitlab-ci sh in image
name: gitlab.dcso.lolcat:4567/misp/helper-containers:kaniko
- /kaniko/executor --verbosity info
--digest-file /dev/termination-log
--dockerfile "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/$FOLDER/Dockerfile"
--destination "$DOCKER_SLUG/$CI_PROJECT_NAME:$TAG-dev"
--build-arg VCS_REF="$CI_COMMIT_SHA"
--build-arg VERSION="$FOLDER"
--build-arg COMPONENT="db"
--build-arg BUILD_DATE="$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d")"
Travis CI Example:
- docker run --rm /kaniko/executor
--verbosity info
--digest-file /dev/termination-log
--dockerfile "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/$FOLDER/Dockerfile"
--build-arg VCS_REF="$TRAVIS_COMMIT"
--build-arg VERSION="$FOLDER"
--build-arg COMPONENT="db"
--build-arg BUILD_DATE="$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d")"
You can see, at Gitlab CI start the script commands directly in an customized docker image. Travis CI has no option for this current. You can use Travis CI with docker yes, but in an other way.
To prevent this and make it easy as possible for me and all other I write here shellscripts to which can be executed in both CIs.
- Create Docker build shellscript
- Create Docker tag shellscript
- Create Docker push shellscript
- Create Docker kaniko shellscript
- Circle CI
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