diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09130b35b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[submodule "generic_tracers"]
+ path = src/access/generic_tracers
+ url = https://github.com/ACCESS-NRI/GFDL-generic-tracers.git
diff --git a/exp/MOM_compile.csh b/exp/MOM_compile.csh
index 4dc3361f8e..3145b6b927 100755
--- a/exp/MOM_compile.csh
+++ b/exp/MOM_compile.csh
@@ -57,8 +57,10 @@ if ( $help ) then
echo " EBM : ocean-seaice-land-atmosphere coupled model with energy balance atmosphere"
echo " ACCESS-CM : ocean component of ACCESS-CM model."
echo " ACCESS-OM : ocean component of ACCESS-OM model."
- echo " ACCESS-ESM : ocean component of ACCESS-ESM model with CSIRO BGC (Wombat)."
- echo " ACCESS-OM-BGC: ocean component of ACCESS-OM model with CSIRO BGC (Wombat)."
+ echo " ACCESS-ESM : ocean component of ACCESS-ESM model with support for generic tracer WOMBATlite."
+ echo " ACCESS-OM-BGC: ocean component of ACCESS-OM model with CSIRO BGC (Wombat). Wombat has now been"
+ echo " implemented as a generic tracer and is available in the ACCESS-OM model type."
+ echo " ACCESS-OM-BGC is retained only for legacy."
echo "--platform followed by the platform name that has a corresponding environ file in the ../bin dir, default is gfortran"
@@ -104,13 +106,13 @@ endif
if ( $type == EBM ) then
set cppDefs = ( "-Duse_netCDF -Duse_netCDF3 -Duse_libMPI -DLAND_BND_TRACERS -DOVERLOAD_C8 -DOVERLOAD_C4 -DOVERLOAD_R4" )
else if( $type == ACCESS-OM ) then
- set cppDefs = ( "-Duse_netCDF -Duse_libMPI -DACCESS_OM" )
+ set cppDefs = ( "-Duse_netCDF -Duse_libMPI -DACCESS_OM -DUSE_OCEAN_BGC" )
else if( $type == ACCESS-OM-BGC ) then
set cppDefs = ( "-Duse_netCDF -Duse_libMPI -DACCESS_OM -DCSIRO_BGC" )
else if( $type == ACCESS-CM ) then
set cppDefs = ( "-Duse_netCDF -Duse_libMPI -DACCESS_CM" )
else if( $type == ACCESS-ESM ) then
- set cppDefs = ( "-Duse_netCDF -Duse_libMPI -DACCESS_CM -DCSIRO_BGC" )
+ set cppDefs = ( "-Duse_netCDF -Duse_libMPI -DACCESS_CM -DUSE_OCEAN_BGC" )
if ( $unit_testing ) then
@@ -221,12 +223,12 @@ if( $type == MOM_solo ) then
set srcList = ( mom5/drivers )
set libs = "$executable:h:h/lib_ocean/lib_ocean.a $executable:h:h/lib_FMS/lib_FMS.a"
else if( $type == ACCESS-CM || $type == ACCESS-ESM) then
- set srcList = ( accesscm_coupler )
+ set srcList = ( access/accesscm_coupler )
set includes = "-I$executable:h:h/lib_FMS -I$executable:h:h/$type/lib_ocean"
set libs = "$executable:h:h/$type/lib_ocean/lib_ocean.a"
setenv OASIS true
else if( $type == ACCESS-OM || $type == ACCESS-OM-BGC) then
- set srcList = ( accessom_coupler )
+ set srcList = ( access/accessom_coupler )
set includes = "-I$executable:h:h/lib_FMS -I$executable:h:h/$type/lib_ocean"
set libs = "$executable:h:h/$type/lib_ocean/lib_ocean.a $executable:h:h/lib_FMS/lib_FMS.a"
else if( $type == MOM_SIS ) then
@@ -254,6 +256,10 @@ else
exit 1
+if( $type == ACCESS-OM || $type == ACCESS-ESM) then
+ set srcList = ( $srcList access/shared )
# Always include FMS
set libs = "$libs $executable:h:h/lib_FMS/lib_FMS.a"
diff --git a/exp/ocean_compile.csh b/exp/ocean_compile.csh
index c547360ce8..fbfcd09ad4 100644
--- a/exp/ocean_compile.csh
+++ b/exp/ocean_compile.csh
@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ set lib_name = "lib_ocean"
if( $type == ACCESS-OM || $type == ACCESS-CM || $type == ACCESS-OM-BGC || $type == ACCESS-ESM) then
set srcList = ( $srcList mom5/ocean_access )
- if( $type == ACCESS-OM-BGC || $type == ACCESS-ESM) then
+ if( $type == ACCESS-OM-BGC ) then
set srcList = ( $srcList mom5/ocean_csiro_bgc )
+ else if ( $type == ACCESS-OM || $type == ACCESS-ESM ) then
+ set srcList = ( $srcList mom5/ocean_bgc access/generic_tracers/generic_tracers access/generic_tracers/mocsy/src )
mkdir -p $executable:h:h/$type/$lib_name
cd $executable:h:h/$type/$lib_name
diff --git a/src/access/README.md b/src/access/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..837f117693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/access/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# ACCESS-specific code
+This directory includes code that is specific to ACCESS-models.
+[ACCESS-specific generic tracers](https://github.com/ACCESS-NRI/GFDL-generic-tracers) are included as a git submodule. To retrieve the code for the submodule run:
+git submodule update --init --recursive
diff --git a/src/accesscm_coupler/cpl_netcdf_setup.F90 b/src/access/accesscm_coupler/cpl_netcdf_setup.F90
similarity index 100%
rename from src/accesscm_coupler/cpl_netcdf_setup.F90
rename to src/access/accesscm_coupler/cpl_netcdf_setup.F90
diff --git a/src/accesscm_coupler/mom_oasis3_interface.F90 b/src/access/accesscm_coupler/mom_oasis3_interface.F90
similarity index 91%
rename from src/accesscm_coupler/mom_oasis3_interface.F90
rename to src/access/accesscm_coupler/mom_oasis3_interface.F90
index d34798554e..06dccc794f 100644
--- a/src/accesscm_coupler/mom_oasis3_interface.F90
+++ b/src/access/accesscm_coupler/mom_oasis3_interface.F90
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ module mom_oasis3_interface_mod
ocean_public_type, &
use time_manager_mod, only: time_type
+use gtracer_flux_mod, only: set_coupler_type_data, extract_coupler_type_data
+use coupler_types_mod, only: coupler_2d_bc_type, ind_pcair, ind_u10, ind_psurf, ind_csurf, ind_flux
+use constants_mod, only: WTMCO2, hlv
! Timing
@@ -355,7 +358,7 @@ subroutine coupler_init(Dom, Time, Time_step_coupled, Run_len, dt_cpld)
- mom_name_write(9)='co2_o'
+ mom_name_write(9)='co2_o' ! Ocean surface pCO2 is not used by any other models
@@ -486,7 +489,7 @@ subroutine coupler_init(Dom, Time, Time_step_coupled, Run_len, dt_cpld)
end subroutine coupler_init
-subroutine into_coupler(step, Ocean_sfc, Time, before_ocean_update)
+subroutine into_coupler(step, Ocean_sfc, Ice_ocean_boundary, Time, before_ocean_update)
use ocean_operators_mod, only : GRAD_BAROTROPIC_P !GRAD_SURF_sealev
@@ -496,6 +499,7 @@ subroutine into_coupler(step, Ocean_sfc, Time, before_ocean_update)
implicit none
type (ocean_public_type) :: Ocean_sfc
+type (ice_ocean_boundary_type) :: Ice_ocean_boundary
type (time_type),optional :: Time
integer, intent(in) :: step
@@ -561,9 +565,17 @@ subroutine into_coupler(step, Ocean_sfc, Time, before_ocean_update)
vtmp(iisd:iied,jjsd:jjed) = Ocean_sfc%gradient(iisd:iied,jjsd:jjed,2)
+ ! Note, this is not actually used by the other models
+ ! If this is needed in the future with generic WOMBATlite, it can be calculated from the csurf
+ ! and alpha fields in the Ocean_sfc%fields coupler_bc_type "co2_flux" boundary condition:
+ ! pco2 [ppmv] = 1e6 * (co2_csurf / co2_alpha)
vtmp(iisd:iied,jjsd:jjed) = Ocean_sfc%co2(iisd:iied,jjsd:jjed)
- vtmp(iisd:iied,jjsd:jjed) = Ocean_sfc%co2flux(iisd:iied,jjsd:jjed)
+ ! vtmp(iisd:iied,jjsd:jjed) = Ocean_sfc%co2flux(iisd:iied,jjsd:jjed)
+ ! Extract the flux field in the IOB%fluxes coupler_bc_type "co2_flux" boundary condition,
+ ! converting from [mol/m^2/s] to [kg(CO2)/m^2/s] and to positive downwards
+ call extract_coupler_type_data(Ice_ocean_boundary%fluxes, "co2_flux", ind_flux, vtmp, &
+ scale_factor=-1.e-3*WTMCO2, idim=(/iisc,iisc,iiec,iiec/), jdim=(/jjsc,jjsc,jjec,jjec/))
call mpp_error(FATAL,&
'==>Error from into_coupler: Unknown quantity.')
@@ -611,16 +623,16 @@ subroutine into_coupler(step, Ocean_sfc, Time, before_ocean_update)
end subroutine into_coupler
-subroutine from_coupler(step,Ocean_sfc,Ice_ocean_boundary, Time)
+subroutine from_coupler(step,Ocean_sfc,Ice_ocean_boundary, Atm_fields, Time)
! This is all highly user dependent.
-use constants_mod, only : hlv ! 2.500e6 J/kg
use auscom_ice_mod, only : chk_i2o_fields, chk_fields_period, chk_fields_start_time
implicit none
type (ocean_public_type) :: Ocean_sfc
type (ice_ocean_boundary_type) :: Ice_ocean_boundary
+type (coupler_2d_bc_type) :: Atm_fields
type (time_type),optional :: Time
real, dimension(isg:ieg,jsg:jeg) :: gtmp
@@ -631,7 +643,7 @@ subroutine from_coupler(step,Ocean_sfc,Ice_ocean_boundary, Time)
frac_nir_dir=0.5*0.57, frac_nir_dif=0.5*0.57 ! shortwave partitioning
character*80 :: fname = 'fields_i2o_in_ocn.nc'
- integer :: ncid,currstep,ll,ilout
+ integer :: ncid,currstep,ll,ilout,n
data currstep/0/
save currstep
@@ -723,7 +735,11 @@ subroutine from_coupler(step,Ocean_sfc,Ice_ocean_boundary, Time)
Ice_ocean_boundary%wfiform(iisc:iiec,jjsc:jjec) = vwork(iisc:iiec,jjsc:jjec)
- Ice_ocean_boundary%co2(iisc:iiec,jjsc:jjec) = vwork(iisc:iiec,jjsc:jjec)
+ ! Ice_ocean_boundary%co2(iisc:iiec,jjsc:jjec) = vwork(iisc:iiec,jjsc:jjec)
+ ! Set the pcair field in the Atm_fields coupler_bc_type "co2_flux" boundary condition,
+ ! converting from [ppmv] to [mol/mol]
+ call set_coupler_type_data(vwork, "co2_flux", ind_pcair, Atm_fields, &
+ scale_factor=1.e-6, idim=(/iisc,iisc,iiec,iiec/), jdim=(/jjsc,jjsc,jjec,jjec/))
Ice_ocean_boundary%wnd(iisc:iiec,jjsc:jjec) = vwork(iisc:iiec,jjsc:jjec)
!20171024: 2 more i2o fields: water and heat fluxes due to land ice discharge into ocean
@@ -752,6 +768,18 @@ subroutine from_coupler(step,Ocean_sfc,Ice_ocean_boundary, Time)
if(jf .ne. 1) call mpp_clock_end(id_oasis_recv1)
enddo !jf
+ ! Set the u10 and psurf fields in the Atm_fields coupler_bc_types
+ do n = 1, Atm_fields%num_bcs
+ if ((Atm_fields%bc(n)%flux_type .eq. 'air_sea_gas_flux_generic') .or. &
+ (Atm_fields%bc(n)%flux_type .eq. 'air_sea_gas_flux')) then
+ call set_coupler_type_data(ice_ocean_boundary%wnd, Atm_fields%bc(n)%name, ind_u10, &
+ Atm_fields, idim=(/iisc,iisc,iiec,iiec/), jdim=(/jjsc,jjsc,jjec,jjec/))
+ call set_coupler_type_data(ice_ocean_boundary%p, Atm_fields%bc(n)%name, ind_psurf, &
+ Atm_fields, idim=(/iisc,iisc,iiec,iiec/), jdim=(/jjsc,jjsc,jjec,jjec/))
+ endif
+ enddo
call mpp_clock_end(id_oasis_recv)
if (chk_i2o_fields .and. (mod(step, chk_fields_period) == 0) .and. (step >= chk_fields_start_time) .and. (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe())) then
@@ -761,13 +789,14 @@ subroutine from_coupler(step,Ocean_sfc,Ice_ocean_boundary, Time)
end subroutine from_coupler
-subroutine write_coupler_restart(step,Ocean_sfc,write_restart)
+subroutine write_coupler_restart(step,Ocean_sfc,Ice_ocean_boundary,write_restart)
use auscom_ice_mod, only : auscom_ice_heatflux_new
logical, intent(in) :: write_restart
integer, intent(in) :: step
type (ocean_public_type) :: Ocean_sfc
+type (ice_ocean_boundary_type) :: Ice_ocean_boundary
integer :: ncid,ll,ilout
real, dimension(iisd:iied,jjsd:jjed) :: vtmp
@@ -794,7 +823,13 @@ subroutine write_coupler_restart(step,Ocean_sfc,write_restart)
case('dssldy'); vtmp = Ocean_sfc%gradient(iisd:iied,jjsd:jjed,2); fld_ice='ssly_i'
case('frazil'); vtmp = Ocean_sfc%frazil(iisd:iied,jjsd:jjed); fld_ice='pfmice_i'
case('co2_o'); vtmp = Ocean_sfc%co2(iisd:iied,jjsd:jjed); fld_ice='co2_oi'
- case('co2fx_o'); vtmp = Ocean_sfc%co2flux(iisd:iied,jjsd:jjed); fld_ice='co2fx_oi'
+ case('co2fx_o')
+ ! vtmp = Ocean_sfc%co2flux(iisd:iied,jjsd:jjed); fld_ice='co2fx_oi'
+ ! Extract the flux field in the IOB%fluxes coupler_bc_type "co2_flux" boundary condition,
+ ! converting from [mol/m^2/s] to [kg(CO2)/m^2/s] and to positive downwards
+ call extract_coupler_type_data(Ice_ocean_boundary%fluxes, "co2_flux", ind_flux, vtmp, &
+ scale_factor=-1.e-3*WTMCO2, idim=(/iisc,iisc,iiec,iiec/), jdim=(/jjsc,jjsc,jjec,jjec/))
+ fld_ice='co2fx_oi'
end select
if (parallel_coupling) then
diff --git a/src/accesscm_coupler/ocean_solo.F90 b/src/access/accesscm_coupler/ocean_solo.F90
similarity index 89%
rename from src/accesscm_coupler/ocean_solo.F90
rename to src/access/accesscm_coupler/ocean_solo.F90
index 9944be7f30..0fd42996ac 100644
--- a/src/accesscm_coupler/ocean_solo.F90
+++ b/src/access/accesscm_coupler/ocean_solo.F90
@@ -154,11 +154,16 @@ program main
use auscom_ice_parameters_mod, only: redsea_gulfbay_sfix, do_sfix_now, sfix_hours, int_sec
+ use coupler_types_mod, only: coupler_2d_bc_type, coupler_type_data_override, coupler_type_send_data
+ use gtracer_flux_mod, only: flux_exchange_init, atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc
+ use gtracer_flux_mod, only: gas_fields_restore, gas_fields_restart
implicit none
type (ocean_public_type) :: Ocean_sfc
type (ocean_state_type), pointer :: Ocean_state
- type(ice_ocean_boundary_type), target :: Ice_ocean_boundary
+ type(ice_ocean_boundary_type), target :: Ice_ocean_boundary
+ type(coupler_2d_bc_type), target :: Atm_fields
! define some time types
type(time_type) :: Time_init ! initial time for experiment
@@ -171,7 +176,8 @@ program main
type(time_type) :: Time_restart
type(time_type) :: Time_restart_current
type(time_type) :: Time_last_sfix
- type(time_type) :: Time_sfix
+ type(time_type) :: Time_sfix
+ type(time_type) :: Time_next
integer :: sfix_seconds
character(len=17) :: calendar = 'julian'
@@ -393,56 +399,13 @@ program main
call data_override_init(Ocean_domain_in = Ocean_sfc%domain)
override_clock = mpp_clock_id('Override', flags=flags,grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT)
- call mpp_get_compute_domain(Ocean_sfc%domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
- allocate ( Ice_ocean_boundary% u_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% v_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% t_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% q_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% salt_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% lw_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% sw_flux_vis_dir (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% sw_flux_vis_dif (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% sw_flux_nir_dir (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% sw_flux_nir_dif (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% lprec (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% fprec (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% runoff (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% calving (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% p (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% aice(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% mh_flux(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% wfimelt(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% wfiform(isc:iec,jsc:jec))
- allocate ( Ice_ocean_boundary%co2(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary%wnd(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary%licefw(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary%liceht(isc:iec,jsc:jec))
- Ice_ocean_boundary%u_flux = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%v_flux = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%t_flux = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%q_flux = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%salt_flux = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%lw_flux = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%lprec = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%fprec = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%runoff = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%calving = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%p = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%aice = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%mh_flux = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary% wfimelt = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary% wfiform = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%co2 = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%wnd = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%licefw = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%liceht = 0.0
+ ! Initialise the boundary values, including initialising and setting boundary values
+ ! in FMS coupler types
+ call flux_exchange_init(Time, Ocean_sfc, Ocean_state, Ice_ocean_boundary, Atm_fields)
+ ! Restore ocean FMS coupler type fields from restart file
+ call gas_fields_restore(Ocean_sfc)
coupler_init_clock = mpp_clock_id('OASIS init', grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT)
call mpp_clock_begin(coupler_init_clock)
@@ -452,12 +415,25 @@ program main
! loop over the coupled calls
do nc=1, num_cpld_calls
- call external_coupler_sbc_before(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nc, dt_cpld )
+ call external_coupler_sbc_before(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, Atm_fields, nc, dt_cpld )
+ ! Potentially override fields from the data_table
call mpp_clock_begin(override_clock)
- call ice_ocn_bnd_from_data(Ice_ocean_boundary)
+ Time_next = Time + Time_step_coupled
+ call coupler_type_data_override('OCN', Atm_fields, Time_next)
+ call ice_ocn_bnd_from_data(Ice_ocean_boundary, Time_next)
call mpp_clock_end(override_clock)
+ ! Calculate the extra tracer fluxes
+ call mpp_get_compute_domain(Ocean_sfc%domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
+ call atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc(Atm_fields, Ocean_sfc%fields, Ice_ocean_boundary%fluxes, &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%aice, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
+ ! Send FMS coupler type diagnostics
+ call coupler_type_send_data(Ice_ocean_boundary%fluxes, Time_next)
+ call coupler_type_send_data(Ocean_sfc%fields, Time_next)
+ call coupler_type_send_data(Atm_fields, Time_next)
if (debug_this_module) then
call write_boundary_chksums(Ice_ocean_boundary)
@@ -473,24 +449,25 @@ program main
call update_ocean_model(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_state, Ocean_sfc, Time, Time_step_coupled)
- Time = Time + Time_step_coupled
+ Time = Time_next
if( Time >= Time_restart ) then
- Time_restart_current = Time
- Time_restart = increment_date(Time, restart_interval(1), restart_interval(2), &
+ Time_restart_current = Time
+ Time_restart = increment_date(Time, restart_interval(1), restart_interval(2), &
restart_interval(3), restart_interval(4), restart_interval(5), restart_interval(6) )
- timestamp = date_to_string(time_restart_current)
+ timestamp = date_to_string(time_restart_current)
write(stdoutunit,*) '=> NOTE from program ocean_solo: intermediate restart file is written and ', &
trim(timestamp),' is appended as prefix to each restart file name'
call ocean_model_restart(Ocean_state, timestamp)
call ocean_solo_restart(Time, Time_restart_current, timestamp)
+ call gas_fields_restart(Ocean_sfc, timestamp)
end if
call external_coupler_sbc_after(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nc, dt_cpld )
- call external_coupler_restart( dt_cpld, num_cpld_calls, Ocean_sfc)
+ call external_coupler_restart( dt_cpld, num_cpld_calls, Ocean_sfc, Ice_ocean_boundary)
! close some of the main components
call ocean_model_end(Ocean_sfc, Ocean_state, Time)
@@ -500,8 +477,9 @@ program main
! need to reset pelist before calling mpp_clock_end
! call mpp_set_current_pelist()
- ! write restart file
+ ! write restart files
call ocean_solo_restart(Time_end, Time_restart_current)
+ call gas_fields_restart(Ocean_sfc)
call fms_io_exit
@@ -558,13 +536,14 @@ subroutine ocean_solo_restart(Time_run, Time_res, time_stamp)
end subroutine ocean_solo_restart
-! get forcing data from data_overide
-subroutine ice_ocn_bnd_from_data(x)
+! get forcing data from data_override
+subroutine ice_ocn_bnd_from_data(x, Time_next)
type (ice_ocean_boundary_type) :: x
type(time_type) :: Time_next
- Time_next = Time + Time_step_coupled
+ integer :: m, n
call data_override('OCN', 't_flux', x%t_flux , Time_next)
call data_override('OCN', 'u_flux', x%u_flux , Time_next)
call data_override('OCN', 'v_flux', x%v_flux , Time_next)
@@ -582,12 +561,21 @@ subroutine ice_ocn_bnd_from_data(x)
call data_override('OCN', 'p', x%p , Time_next)
call data_override('OCN', 'aice', x%aice , Time_next)
call data_override('OCN', 'mh_flux', x%mh_flux , Time_next)
+ ! Overriding ice_ocean_boundary%fluxes here avoids unnecessary calculation
+ ! of overridden fluxes. However, we cannot use coupler_type_data_override
+ ! here since it does not set the override flag on overridden fields
+ do n = 1, x%fluxes%num_bcs
+ do m = 1, x%fluxes%bc(n)%num_fields
+ call data_override('OCN', x%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%name, &
+ x%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values, Time_next, &
+ override=x%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%override)
+ enddo
+ enddo
call mpp_sync()
end subroutine ice_ocn_bnd_from_data
! Here we provide some hooks for calling an interface between the OASIS3 coupler and MOM.
! The mom_oasis3_interface module is NOT general and it is expected that the user will
! heavily modify it depending on the coupling strategy.
@@ -619,7 +607,7 @@ subroutine external_coupler_sbc_init(Dom, dt_cpld, Run_len)
call coupler_init(Dom, dt_cpld=dt_cpld, Run_len=Run_len)
end subroutine external_coupler_sbc_init
-subroutine external_coupler_sbc_before(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nsteps, dt_cpld )
+subroutine external_coupler_sbc_before(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, Atm_fields, nsteps, dt_cpld )
! Perform transfers before ocean time stepping
! May need special tratment on first call.
@@ -628,6 +616,7 @@ subroutine external_coupler_sbc_before(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nsteps, dt
implicit none
type (ice_ocean_boundary_type), intent(INOUT) :: Ice_ocean_boundary
type (ocean_public_type) , intent(INOUT) :: Ocean_sfc
+ type (coupler_2d_bc_type), intent(INOUT) :: Atm_fields
integer , intent(IN) :: nsteps, dt_cpld
integer :: rtimestep ! Receive timestep
@@ -635,8 +624,8 @@ subroutine external_coupler_sbc_before(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nsteps, dt
rtimestep = (nsteps-1) * dt_cpld ! runtime in this run segment!
stimestep = rtimestep
- call from_coupler( rtimestep, Ocean_sfc, Ice_ocean_boundary )
- call into_coupler( stimestep, Ocean_sfc, before_ocean_update = .true.)
+ call from_coupler( rtimestep, Ocean_sfc, Ice_ocean_boundary, Atm_fields )
+ call into_coupler( stimestep, Ocean_sfc, Ice_ocean_boundary, before_ocean_update = .true.)
end subroutine external_coupler_sbc_before
subroutine external_coupler_sbc_after(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nsteps, dt_cpld )
@@ -652,19 +641,21 @@ subroutine external_coupler_sbc_after(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nsteps, dt_
integer :: stimestep ! Send timestep
stimestep = nsteps * dt_cpld ! runtime in this run segment!
- if (stimestep < num_cpld_calls*dt_cpld) call into_coupler(stimestep, Ocean_sfc, before_ocean_update = .false.)
+ if (stimestep < num_cpld_calls*dt_cpld) call into_coupler(stimestep, Ocean_sfc, &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary, before_ocean_update = .false.)
end subroutine external_coupler_sbc_after
-subroutine external_coupler_restart( dt_cpld, num_cpld_calls, Ocean_sfc)
+subroutine external_coupler_restart( dt_cpld, num_cpld_calls, Ocean_sfc, Ice_ocean_boundary)
!Clean up as appropriate and write a restart
use mom_oasis3_interface_mod, only : write_coupler_restart
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: dt_cpld, num_cpld_calls
integer :: timestep
type (ocean_public_type) :: Ocean_sfc
+ type (ice_ocean_boundary_type) :: Ice_ocean_boundary
timestep = num_cpld_calls * dt_cpld
- call write_coupler_restart(timestep, Ocean_sfc, write_restart=.true.)
+ call write_coupler_restart(timestep, Ocean_sfc, Ice_ocean_boundary, write_restart=.true.)
end subroutine external_coupler_restart
subroutine external_coupler_exit
diff --git a/src/accessom_coupler/cpl_netcdf_setup.F90 b/src/access/accessom_coupler/cpl_netcdf_setup.F90
similarity index 100%
rename from src/accessom_coupler/cpl_netcdf_setup.F90
rename to src/access/accessom_coupler/cpl_netcdf_setup.F90
diff --git a/src/accessom_coupler/mom_oasis3_interface.F90 b/src/access/accessom_coupler/mom_oasis3_interface.F90
similarity index 97%
rename from src/accessom_coupler/mom_oasis3_interface.F90
rename to src/access/accessom_coupler/mom_oasis3_interface.F90
index 939ecf8319..058434930a 100644
--- a/src/accessom_coupler/mom_oasis3_interface.F90
+++ b/src/access/accessom_coupler/mom_oasis3_interface.F90
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ module mom_oasis3_interface_mod
ocean_public_type, &
use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, get_time
+use gtracer_flux_mod, only: set_coupler_type_data
! Timing
@@ -657,16 +658,18 @@ subroutine into_coupler(step, Ocean_sfc, Time, before_ocean_update)
end subroutine into_coupler
-subroutine from_coupler(step,Ocean_sfc,Ice_ocean_boundary, Time)
+subroutine from_coupler(step,Ocean_sfc,Ice_ocean_boundary, Atm_fields, Time)
! This is all highly user dependent.
use constants_mod, only : hlv ! 2.500e6 J/kg
use auscom_ice_mod, only : chk_i2o_fields, chk_fields_period, chk_fields_start_time
+use coupler_types_mod, only: coupler_2d_bc_type, ind_u10, ind_psurf
implicit none
type (ocean_public_type) :: Ocean_sfc
type (ice_ocean_boundary_type) :: Ice_ocean_boundary
+type (coupler_2d_bc_type) :: Atm_fields
type (time_type),optional :: Time
real, dimension(isg:ieg,jsg:jeg) :: gtmp
@@ -674,7 +677,7 @@ subroutine from_coupler(step,Ocean_sfc,Ice_ocean_boundary, Time)
integer, intent(in) :: step
character*80 :: fname = 'fields_i2o_in_ocn.nc'
- integer :: ncid,currstep,ll,ilout
+ integer :: ncid,currstep,ll,ilout,n
data currstep/0/
save currstep
@@ -798,6 +801,18 @@ subroutine from_coupler(step,Ocean_sfc,Ice_ocean_boundary, Time)
if(jf .ne. 1) call mpp_clock_end(id_oasis_recv1)
enddo !jf
+ ! Set the u10 and psurf fields in the Atm_fields coupler_bc_types
+ do n = 1, Atm_fields%num_bcs
+ if ((Atm_fields%bc(n)%flux_type .eq. 'air_sea_gas_flux_generic') .or. &
+ (Atm_fields%bc(n)%flux_type .eq. 'air_sea_gas_flux')) then
+ call set_coupler_type_data(ice_ocean_boundary%wnd, Atm_fields%bc(n)%name, ind_u10, &
+ Atm_fields, idim=(/iisc,iisc,iiec,iiec/), jdim=(/jjsc,jjsc,jjec,jjec/))
+ call set_coupler_type_data(ice_ocean_boundary%p, Atm_fields%bc(n)%name, ind_psurf, &
+ Atm_fields, idim=(/iisc,iisc,iiec,iiec/), jdim=(/jjsc,jjsc,jjec,jjec/))
+ endif
+ enddo
call mpp_clock_end(id_oasis_recv)
if (chk_i2o_fields .and. (mod(step, chk_fields_period) == 0) .and. (step >= chk_fields_start_time) .and. (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe())) then
diff --git a/src/accessom_coupler/ocean_solo.F90 b/src/access/accessom_coupler/ocean_solo.F90
similarity index 89%
rename from src/accessom_coupler/ocean_solo.F90
rename to src/access/accessom_coupler/ocean_solo.F90
index 838759cde0..5baf2de772 100644
--- a/src/accessom_coupler/ocean_solo.F90
+++ b/src/access/accessom_coupler/ocean_solo.F90
@@ -111,11 +111,16 @@ program main
use accessom2_mod, only : accessom2_type => accessom2
use coupler_mod, only : coupler_type => coupler
+ use coupler_types_mod, only: coupler_2d_bc_type, coupler_type_data_override, coupler_type_send_data
+ use gtracer_flux_mod, only: flux_exchange_init, atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc
+ use gtracer_flux_mod, only: gas_fields_restore, gas_fields_restart
implicit none
type (ocean_public_type) :: Ocean_sfc
type (ocean_state_type), pointer :: Ocean_state
type(ice_ocean_boundary_type), target :: Ice_ocean_boundary
+ type(coupler_2d_bc_type), target :: Atm_fields
type(accessom2_type) :: accessom2
type(coupler_type) :: coupler
@@ -130,7 +135,8 @@ program main
type(time_type) :: Time_restart
type(time_type) :: Time_restart_current
type(time_type) :: Time_last_sfix
- type(time_type) :: Time_sfix
+ type(time_type) :: Time_sfix
+ type(time_type) :: Time_next
integer :: sfix_seconds
character(len=17) :: calendar = 'julian'
@@ -388,61 +394,14 @@ program main
call data_override_init(Ocean_domain_in = Ocean_sfc%domain)
override_clock = mpp_clock_id('Override', flags=flags,grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT)
+ ! Initialise the boundary values, including initialising and setting boundary values
+ ! in FMS coupler types
+ call flux_exchange_init(Time, Ocean_sfc, Ocean_state, Ice_ocean_boundary, Atm_fields)
+ ! Restore ocean FMS coupler type fields from restart file
+ call gas_fields_restore(Ocean_sfc)
- call mpp_get_compute_domain(Ocean_sfc%domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
- allocate ( Ice_ocean_boundary% u_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% v_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% t_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% q_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% salt_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% lw_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% sw_flux_vis_dir (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% sw_flux_vis_dif (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% sw_flux_nir_dir (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% sw_flux_nir_dif (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% lprec (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% fprec (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% runoff (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% calving (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% p (isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% aice(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% mh_flux(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% wfimelt(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% wfiform(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% licefw(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary% liceht(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary%wnd(isc:iec,jsc:jec))
-#if defined(ACCESS_OM) && defined(CSIRO_BGC)
- allocate ( Ice_ocean_boundary%iof_nit(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
- Ice_ocean_boundary%iof_alg(isc:iec,jsc:jec))
- Ice_ocean_boundary%u_flux = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%v_flux = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%t_flux = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%q_flux = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%salt_flux = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%lw_flux = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%lprec = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%fprec = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%runoff = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%calving = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%p = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%aice = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%mh_flux = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary% wfimelt = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary% wfiform = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%licefw = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%liceht = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%wnd = 0.0
-#if defined(ACCESS_OM) && defined(CSIRO_BGC)
- Ice_ocean_boundary%iof_nit = 0.0
- Ice_ocean_boundary%iof_alg = 0.0
coupler_init_clock = mpp_clock_id('OASIS init', grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT)
call mpp_clock_begin(coupler_init_clock)
call external_coupler_sbc_init(Ocean_sfc%domain, dt_cpld, Run_len, &
@@ -454,12 +413,25 @@ program main
call mpp_clock_begin(main_clock)
do nc=1, num_cpld_calls
- call external_coupler_sbc_before(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nc, dt_cpld)
+ call external_coupler_sbc_before(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, Atm_fields, nc, dt_cpld)
+ ! Potentially override fields from the data_table
call mpp_clock_begin(override_clock)
- call ice_ocn_bnd_from_data(Ice_ocean_boundary)
+ Time_next = Time + Time_step_coupled
+ call coupler_type_data_override('OCN', Atm_fields, Time_next)
+ call ice_ocn_bnd_from_data(Ice_ocean_boundary, Time_next)
call mpp_clock_end(override_clock)
+ ! Calculate the extra tracer fluxes
+ call mpp_get_compute_domain(Ocean_sfc%domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
+ call atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc(Atm_fields, Ocean_sfc%fields, Ice_ocean_boundary%fluxes, &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%aice, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
+ ! Send FMS coupler type diagnostics
+ call coupler_type_send_data(Ice_ocean_boundary%fluxes, Time_next)
+ call coupler_type_send_data(Ocean_sfc%fields, Time_next)
+ call coupler_type_send_data(Atm_fields, Time_next)
if (debug_this_module) then
call write_boundary_chksums(Ice_ocean_boundary)
@@ -475,20 +447,21 @@ program main
call update_ocean_model(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_state, Ocean_sfc, Time, Time_step_coupled)
- Time = Time + Time_step_coupled
+ Time = Time_next
if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then
call accessom2%progress_date(int(dt_cpld))
if( Time >= Time_restart ) then
- Time_restart_current = Time
- Time_restart = increment_date(Time, restart_interval(1), restart_interval(2), &
+ Time_restart_current = Time
+ Time_restart = increment_date(Time, restart_interval(1), restart_interval(2), &
restart_interval(3), restart_interval(4), restart_interval(5), restart_interval(6) )
- timestamp = date_to_string(time_restart_current)
+ timestamp = date_to_string(time_restart_current)
write(stdoutunit,*) '=> NOTE from program ocean_solo: intermediate restart file is written and ', &
trim(timestamp),' is appended as prefix to each restart file name'
call ocean_model_restart(Ocean_state, timestamp)
call ocean_solo_restart(Time, Time_restart_current, timestamp)
+ call gas_fields_restart(Ocean_sfc, timestamp)
end if
call external_coupler_sbc_after(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nc, dt_cpld )
@@ -508,8 +481,9 @@ program main
! need to reset pelist before calling mpp_clock_end
! call mpp_set_current_pelist()
- ! write restart file
+ ! write restart files
call ocean_solo_restart(Time_end, Time_restart_current)
+ call gas_fields_restart(Ocean_sfc)
call fms_io_exit
@@ -574,12 +548,13 @@ end subroutine ocean_solo_restart
! get forcing data from data_overide
-subroutine ice_ocn_bnd_from_data(x)
+subroutine ice_ocn_bnd_from_data(x, Time_next)
type (ice_ocean_boundary_type) :: x
type(time_type) :: Time_next
- Time_next = Time + Time_step_coupled
+ integer :: m, n
call data_override('OCN', 't_flux', x%t_flux , Time_next)
call data_override('OCN', 'u_flux', x%u_flux , Time_next)
call data_override('OCN', 'v_flux', x%v_flux , Time_next)
@@ -597,12 +572,21 @@ subroutine ice_ocn_bnd_from_data(x)
call data_override('OCN', 'p', x%p , Time_next)
call data_override('OCN', 'aice', x%aice , Time_next)
call data_override('OCN', 'mh_flux', x%mh_flux , Time_next)
+ ! Overriding ice_ocean_boundary%fluxes here avoids unnecessary calculation
+ ! of overridden fluxes. However, we cannot use coupler_type_data_override
+ ! here since it does not set the override flag on overridden fields
+ do n = 1, x%fluxes%num_bcs
+ do m = 1, x%fluxes%bc(n)%num_fields
+ call data_override('OCN', x%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%name, &
+ x%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values, Time_next, &
+ override=x%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%override)
+ enddo
+ enddo
call mpp_sync()
end subroutine ice_ocn_bnd_from_data
! Here we provide some hooks for calling an interface between the OASIS3 coupler and MOM.
! The mom_oasis3_interface module is NOT general and it is expected that the user will
! heavily modify it depending on the coupling strategy.
@@ -626,7 +610,7 @@ subroutine external_coupler_sbc_init(Dom, dt_cpld, Run_len, &
end subroutine external_coupler_sbc_init
-subroutine external_coupler_sbc_before(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nsteps, dt_cpld )
+subroutine external_coupler_sbc_before(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, Atm_fields, nsteps, dt_cpld )
! Perform transfers before ocean time stepping
! May need special tratment on first call.
@@ -635,6 +619,7 @@ subroutine external_coupler_sbc_before(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nsteps, dt
implicit none
type (ice_ocean_boundary_type), intent(INOUT) :: Ice_ocean_boundary
type (ocean_public_type) , intent(INOUT) :: Ocean_sfc
+ type (coupler_2d_bc_type), intent(INOUT) :: Atm_fields
integer , intent(IN) :: nsteps, dt_cpld
integer :: rtimestep ! Receive timestep
@@ -642,7 +627,7 @@ subroutine external_coupler_sbc_before(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nsteps, dt
rtimestep = (nsteps-1) * dt_cpld ! runtime in this run segment!
stimestep = rtimestep
- call from_coupler( rtimestep, Ocean_sfc, Ice_ocean_boundary )
+ call from_coupler( rtimestep, Ocean_sfc, Ice_ocean_boundary, Atm_fields )
call into_coupler( stimestep, Ocean_sfc, before_ocean_update = .true.)
end subroutine external_coupler_sbc_before
diff --git a/src/access/generic_tracers b/src/access/generic_tracers
new file mode 160000
index 0000000000..6dcadbbaef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/access/generic_tracers
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 6dcadbbaef22c8c7b20f7ed5cf75df37dbade3b8
diff --git a/src/access/shared/gtracer_flux.F90 b/src/access/shared/gtracer_flux.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e264ac344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/access/shared/gtracer_flux.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
+!> Contains routines for handling FMS coupler_bc_type tracer flux structures
+!! and calculating fluxes when using generic tracers
+module gtracer_flux_mod
+ use time_manager_mod, only: time_type
+ use coupler_types_mod, only: coupler_1d_bc_type, coupler_2d_bc_type
+ use coupler_types_mod, only: coupler_type_spawn, coupler_type_set_diags
+ use coupler_types_mod, only: coupler_type_set_data, coupler_type_extract_data
+ use coupler_types_mod, only: coupler_type_register_restarts, coupler_type_restore_state
+ use coupler_types_mod, only: ind_flux, ind_deltap, ind_kw
+ use coupler_types_mod, only: ind_pcair, ind_u10, ind_psurf
+ use coupler_types_mod, only: ind_alpha, ind_csurf, ind_sc_no
+ use coupler_types_mod, only: ind_runoff, ind_deposition
+ use coupler_types_mod, only: atmos_ocean_type_fluxes_init => coupler_types_init
+ use ocean_model_mod, only: ocean_public_type, ocean_state_type
+ use ocean_model_mod, only: ocean_model_init_sfc, ocean_model_flux_init
+ use ocean_types_mod, only: ice_ocean_boundary_type
+ use atmos_ocean_fluxes_mod, only: atmos_ocean_fluxes_init
+ use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_get_compute_domain
+ use field_manager_mod, only: fm_field_name_len, fm_type_name_len, fm_loop_over_list, fm_change_list
+ use fm_util_mod, only: fm_util_get_real_array
+ use fms_io_mod, only: restart_file_type, save_restart
+ use constants_mod, only: wtmair, rdgas, vonkarm
+ use mpp_mod, only: mpp_error, FATAL
+ implicit none; private
+ ! Public member functions
+ public :: flux_exchange_init
+ public :: gas_fields_restore
+ public :: gas_fields_restart
+ public :: set_coupler_type_data
+ public :: extract_coupler_type_data
+ public :: atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc
+ character(len=*), parameter :: mod_name = 'gtracer_flux_mod'
+ real, parameter :: epsln=1.0e-30
+ contains
+ !> \brief Initialise the boundary values, including initialising and setting boundary
+ !! values in FMS coupler types. Based loosely on the flux_exchange_init subroutine in
+ !! flux_exchange_mod (coupler/flux_exchange.F90)
+ subroutine flux_exchange_init (Time, Ocean, Ocean_state, Ice_ocean_boundary, atm_fields)
+ type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time
+ type(ocean_public_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean
+ type(ocean_state_type), pointer :: Ocean_state
+ type(ice_ocean_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Ice_ocean_boundary
+ type(coupler_2d_bc_type), intent(inout) :: atm_fields
+ ! local variables
+ integer :: isc,iec,jsc,jec
+ type(coupler_1d_bc_type) :: gas_fields_atm ! tracer fields in atm
+ type(coupler_1d_bc_type) :: gas_fields_ocn ! tracer fields atop the ocean
+ type(coupler_1d_bc_type) :: gas_fluxes ! tracer fluxes between the atm and ocean
+ ! Initialise FMS coupler types
+ call atmos_ocean_type_fluxes_init( )
+ call ocean_model_flux_init(Ocean_state)
+ call atmos_ocean_fluxes_init(gas_fluxes, gas_fields_atm, gas_fields_ocn)
+ call mpp_get_compute_domain(Ocean%domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
+ ! Allocate Ice_ocean_boundary fields
+ allocate( &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%u_flux(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%v_flux(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%t_flux(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%q_flux(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%salt_flux(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%lw_flux(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%lprec(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%fprec(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%runoff(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%calving(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%p(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%aice(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%mh_flux(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%wfimelt(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%wfiform(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%licefw(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%liceht(isc:iec,jsc:jec), &
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%wnd(isc:iec,jsc:jec))
+#if defined(ACCESS_CM)
+ allocate(Ice_ocean_boundary%co2(isc:iec,jsc:jec))
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%u_flux = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%v_flux = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%t_flux = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%q_flux = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%salt_flux = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%lw_flux = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%lprec = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%fprec = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%runoff = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%calving = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%p = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%aice = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%mh_flux = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary% wfimelt = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary% wfiform = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%licefw = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%liceht = 0.0
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%wnd = 0.0
+#if defined(ACCESS_CM)
+ Ice_ocean_boundary%co2 = 0.0
+ ! Spawn 2D Ocean%fields FMS coupler type from 1D gas_fields_ocn
+ call coupler_type_spawn(gas_fields_ocn, Ocean%fields, (/isc,isc,iec,iec/), &
+ (/jsc,jsc,jec,jec/), suffix = '_ocn')
+ call coupler_type_set_diags(Ocean%fields, "ocean_sfc", Ocean%axes(1:2), Time)
+ ! This sets the boundary values in Ocean%fields
+ call ocean_model_init_sfc(Ocean_state, Ocean)
+ ! Spawn 2D Ice_ocean_boundary%fluxes FMS coupler type from 1D gas_fluxes
+ ! Annoyingly, spawning doesn't copy param array, so add manually
+ call coupler_type_spawn(gas_fluxes, Ice_ocean_boundary%fluxes, (/isc,isc,iec,iec/), &
+ (/jsc,jsc,jec,jec/), suffix='_ice_ocn')
+ call add_gas_fluxes_param(Ice_ocean_boundary%fluxes)
+ call coupler_type_set_diags(Ice_ocean_boundary%fluxes, "ocean_flux", Ocean%axes(1:2), Time)
+ ! Spawn 2D atm_fields FMS coupler type from 1D gas_fields_atm
+ call coupler_type_spawn(gas_fields_atm, atm_fields, (/isc,isc,iec,iec/), &
+ (/jsc,jsc,jec,jec/), suffix='_atm')
+ call coupler_type_set_diags(atm_fields, "atmos_sfc", Ocean%axes(1:2), Time)
+ end subroutine flux_exchange_init
+ !> \brief Restore FMS coupler_bc_type state from ocean restart file. Based loosely on
+ !! code from the coupler_init subroutine in coupler_main (coupler/coupler_main.F90 and
+ !! FMScoupler)
+ subroutine gas_fields_restore(Ocean)
+ type(ocean_public_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean
+ ! local variables
+ type(restart_file_type), dimension(:), pointer :: ocn_bc_restart => NULL()
+ integer :: num_ocn_bc_restart
+ call coupler_type_register_restarts(Ocean%fields, ocn_bc_restart, num_ocn_bc_restart, &
+ Ocean%domain, ocean_restart=.true.)
+ call coupler_type_restore_state(Ocean%fields, test_by_field=.true.)
+ end subroutine gas_fields_restore
+ !> \brief Write ocean restart file for FMS coupler_bc_type state. Based loosely on
+ !! code from the coupler_restart subroutine in coupler_main (coupler/coupler_main.F90)
+ subroutine gas_fields_restart(Ocean, timestamp)
+ type(ocean_public_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean
+ character(len=64), optional :: timestamp
+ ! local variables
+ type(restart_file_type), dimension(:), pointer :: ocn_bc_restart => NULL()
+ integer :: num_ocn_bc_restart
+ integer :: n
+ call coupler_type_register_restarts(Ocean%fields, ocn_bc_restart, num_ocn_bc_restart, &
+ Ocean%domain, ocean_restart=.true.)
+ do n = 1, num_ocn_bc_restart
+ call save_restart(ocn_bc_restart(n), timestamp)
+ enddo
+ end subroutine gas_fields_restart
+ !> Retrieve param array from field_manager and add to FMS coupler_bc_type. This is
+ !! needed because the coupler_type_spawn routine does not copy the param array into
+ !! the spawned type. This routine is based on the atmos_ocean_fluxes_init subroutine
+ !! in atmos_ocean_fluxes_mod (shared/coupler/atmos_ocean_fluxes.F90)
+ !! https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/FMS/blob/7f585284f1487c0629f8075be350385e6e75dd2f/coupler/atmos_ocean_fluxes.F90#L448
+ subroutine add_gas_fluxes_param(gas_fluxes)
+ type(coupler_2d_bc_type), intent(inout) :: gas_fluxes !< FMS coupler_bc_type to add param to
+ ! local variables
+ integer :: n
+ character(len=fm_field_name_len) :: name
+ character(len=fm_type_name_len) :: typ
+ integer :: ind
+ character(len=*), parameter :: sub_name = 'add_gas_fluxes_param'
+ character(len=*), parameter :: error_header =&
+ '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):'
+ n = 0
+ do while (fm_loop_over_list('/coupler_mod/fluxes', name, typ, ind))
+ if (typ .ne. 'list') then
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' ' // trim(name) // ' is not a list')
+ endif
+ n = n + 1
+ if (.not. fm_change_list('/coupler_mod/fluxes/' // trim(name))) then
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem changing to ' // trim(name))
+ endif
+ if (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%name .eq. name) then
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param => fm_util_get_real_array('param')
+ else
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting param array pointer')
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine add_gas_fluxes_param
+ !> Set single field by name in a 2D FMS coupler type from a two-dimensional array.
+ !! This is a convenience wrapper on coupler_type_set_data routine in
+ !! coupler_types_mod (shared/coupler/coupler_types.F90)
+ subroutine set_coupler_type_data(array_in, name, field_index, var, scale_factor, halo_size, idim, jdim, override)
+ real, dimension(1:,1:), intent(in) :: array_in !< The source array for the field; its size must match the
+ !! size of the data being copied unless idim and jdim are
+ !! supplied.
+ character(*), intent(in) :: name !< The name of the boundary condition to set
+ integer, intent(in) :: field_index !< The index of the field in the boundary condition that
+ !! is being set.
+ type(coupler_2d_bc_type), intent(inout) :: var !< BC_type structure with the data to set
+ real, optional, intent(in) :: scale_factor !< A scaling factor for the data that is being added
+ integer, optional, intent(in) :: halo_size !< The extent of the halo to copy; 0 by default
+ integer, dimension(4), optional, intent(in) :: idim !< The data and computational domain extents of the first
+ !! dimension of the output array in a non-decreasing list
+ integer, dimension(4), optional, intent(in) :: jdim !< The data and computational domain extents of the second
+ !! dimension of the output array in a non-decreasing list
+ logical, optional, intent(in) :: override !< If true, set the override flag for the field being set
+ integer :: n
+ logical :: override_flag = .false.
+ logical :: fmatch = .false.
+ character(len=*), parameter :: sub_name = 'set_coupler_type_data'
+ character(len=*), parameter :: error_header =&
+ '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):'
+ if (present(override)) override_flag = override
+ do n = 1, var%num_bcs
+ if ( var%bc(n)%name .eq. trim(name) ) then
+ call coupler_type_set_data(array_in, n, field_index, var, &
+ scale_factor=scale_factor, halo_size=halo_size, idim=idim, jdim=jdim)
+ if ( override_flag ) then
+ var%bc(n)%field(field_index)%override = override_flag
+ endif
+ fmatch = .true.
+ exit
+ endif
+ enddo
+ if (.not. fmatch) then
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' No coupler type BC called '//trim(name))
+ endif
+ end subroutine set_coupler_type_data
+ !> Extract single field by name from a 2D FMS coupler type into a two-dimensional array.
+ !! This is a convenience wrapper on coupler_type_extract_data routine in
+ !! coupler_types_mod (shared/coupler/coupler_types.F90)
+ subroutine extract_coupler_type_data(var_in, name, field_index, array_out, scale_factor, halo_size, idim, jdim)
+ type(coupler_2d_bc_type), intent(in) :: var_in !< BC_type structure with the data to extract
+ character(*), intent(in) :: name !< The name of the boundary condition to extract
+ integer, intent(in) :: field_index !< The index of the field in the boundary condition that
+ !! is being extracted.
+ real, dimension(1:,1:), intent(out) :: array_out !< The recipient array for the field; its size
+ !! must match the size of the data being copied
+ !! unless idim and jdim are supplied.
+ real, optional, intent(in) :: scale_factor !< A scaling factor for the data that is being extracted
+ integer, optional, intent(in) :: halo_size !< The extent of the halo to copy; 0 by default
+ integer, dimension(4), optional, intent(in) :: idim !< The data and computational domain extents of the first
+ !! dimension of the output array in a non-decreasing list
+ integer, dimension(4), optional, intent(in) :: jdim !< The data and computational domain extents of the second
+ !! dimension of the output array in a non-decreasing list
+ integer :: n
+ logical :: fmatch = .false.
+ character(len=*), parameter :: sub_name = 'extract_coupler_type_data'
+ character(len=*), parameter :: error_header =&
+ '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):'
+ do n = 1, var_in%num_bcs
+ if ( var_in%bc(n)%name .eq. trim(name) ) then
+ call coupler_type_extract_data(var_in, n, field_index, array_out, &
+ scale_factor=scale_factor, halo_size=halo_size, idim=idim, jdim=jdim)
+ fmatch = .true.
+ exit
+ endif
+ enddo
+ if (.not. fmatch) then
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' No coupler type BC called '//trim(name))
+ endif
+ end subroutine extract_coupler_type_data
+ !> \brief Calculate the FMS coupler_bc_type ocean tracer fluxes. Units should be mol/m^2/s.
+ !! Upward flux is positive.
+ !!
+ !! This routine is based on the atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc subroutine in atmos_ocean_fluxes_mod
+ !! (shared/coupler/atmos_ocean_fluxes.F90 and FMScoupler) modified in the following ways:
+ !! - Operate on 2D inputs, rather than 1D
+ !! - Add calculation for 'air_sea_deposition' from atmos_ocean_dep_fluxes_calc subroutine
+ !! - Multiply fluxes by ice_fraction input, rather than masking based on seawater input
+ !! - Make tsurf input optional, as it is only used by a few implementations
+ !! - Use ind_runoff rather than ind_deposition in runoff flux calculation (note, their
+ !! values are equal)
+ !! - Rename gas_fields_ice to gas_fields_ocn
+ subroutine atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc(gas_fields_atm, gas_fields_ocn, gas_fluxes,&
+ ice_fraction, isc, iec, jsc, jec, tsurf, ustar, cd_m)
+ type(coupler_2d_bc_type), intent(in) :: gas_fields_atm ! fields in atm
+ !< Structure containing atmospheric surface variables that are used in the calculation
+ !! of the atmosphere-ocean tracer fluxes.
+ type(coupler_2d_bc_type), intent(in) :: gas_fields_ocn ! fields atop the ocean
+ !< Structure containing ocean surface variables that are used in the calculation of the
+ !! atmosphere-ocean tracer fluxes.
+ type(coupler_2d_bc_type), intent(inout) :: gas_fluxes ! fluxes between the atm and ocean
+ !< Structure containing the gas fluxes between the atmosphere and the ocean and
+ !! parameters related to the calculation of these fluxes.
+ real, intent(in) :: ice_fraction(isc:iec,jsc:jec) !< sea ice fraction
+ integer, intent(in) :: isc !< The start i-index of cell centers within
+ !! the computational domain
+ integer, intent(in) :: iec !< The end i-index of cell centers within the
+ !! computational domain
+ integer, intent(in) :: jsc !< The start j-index of cell centers within
+ !! the computational domain
+ integer, intent(in) :: jec !< The end j-index of cell centers within the
+ !! computational domain
+ real, intent(in), optional :: tsurf(isc:iec,jsc:jec) !< surface temperature
+ real, intent(in), optional :: ustar(isc:iec,jsc:jec) !< friction velocity, not
+ !! used
+ real, intent(in), optional :: cd_m (isc:iec,jsc:jec) !< drag coefficient, not
+ !! used
+ ! local variables
+ character(len=*), parameter :: sub_name = 'atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc'
+ character(len=*), parameter :: error_header =&
+ & '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):'
+ real, parameter :: permeg=1.0e-6
+ integer :: n
+ integer :: i
+ integer :: j
+ real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: kw
+ real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cair
+ character(len=128) :: error_string
+ ! Return if no fluxes to be calculated
+ if (gas_fluxes%num_bcs .le. 0) return
+ if (.not. associated(gas_fluxes%bc)) then
+ if (gas_fluxes%num_bcs .ne. 0) then
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Number of gas fluxes not zero')
+ else
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ do n = 1, gas_fluxes%num_bcs
+ ! only do calculations if the flux has not been overridden
+ if ( .not. gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_flux)%override) then
+ if (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%flux_type .eq. 'air_sea_gas_flux_generic') then
+ if (.not. allocated(kw)) then
+ allocate( kw(isc:iec,jsc:jec) )
+ allocate ( cair(isc:iec,jsc:jec) )
+ elseif ((size(kw(:,:), dim=1) .ne. iec-isc+1) .or. (size(kw(:,:), dim=2) .ne. jec-jsc+1)) then
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Sizes of flux fields do not match')
+ endif
+ if (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%implementation .eq. 'ocmip2') then
+ do j = jsc,jec
+ do i = isc,iec
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_kw)%values(i,j) =&
+ & (1 - ice_fraction(i,j)) * gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(1) * &
+ & gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_u10)%values(i,j)**2
+ cair(i,j) = &
+ gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_alpha)%values(i,j) * &
+ gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_pcair)%values(i,j) * &
+ gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_psurf)%values(i,j) * gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(2)
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_flux)%values(i,j) =&
+ & gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_kw)%values(i,j) *&
+ & sqrt(660. / (gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_sc_no)%values(i,j) + epsln)) *&
+ & (gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_csurf)%values(i,j) - cair(i,j))
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_deltap)%values(i,j) =&
+ & (gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_csurf)%values(i,j) - cair(i,j)) / &
+ (gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_alpha)%values(i,j) * permeg + epsln)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ elseif (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%implementation .eq. 'duce') then
+ if (.not. present(tsurf)) then
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Implementation ' //&
+ trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%implementation) // ' for ' // trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%name) //&
+ ' requires input tsurf')
+ endif
+ do j = jsc,jec
+ do i = isc,iec
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_kw)%values(i,j) = &
+ & (1 - ice_fraction(i,j)) * gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_u10)%values(i,j) /&
+ & (770.+45.*gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(1)**(1./3.)) *&
+ & 101325./(rdgas*wtmair*1e-3*tsurf(i,j) *&
+ & max(gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_alpha)%values(i,j),epsln))
+ !alpha: mol/m3/atm
+ cair(i,j) = &
+ gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_alpha)%values(i,j) * &
+ gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_pcair)%values(i,j) * &
+ gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_psurf)%values(i,j) * 9.86923e-6
+ cair(i,j) = max(cair(i,j),0.)
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_flux)%values(i,j) =&
+ & gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_kw)%values(i,j) *&
+ & (max(gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_csurf)%values(i,j),0.) - cair(i,j))
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_deltap)%values(i,j) =&
+ & (max(gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_csurf)%values(i,j),0.) - cair(i,j)) /&
+ & (gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_alpha)%values(i,j) * permeg + epsln)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ elseif (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%implementation .eq. 'johnson') then
+ if (.not. present(tsurf)) then
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Implementation ' //&
+ trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%implementation) // ' for ' // trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%name) //&
+ ' requires input tsurf')
+ endif
+ !f1p: not sure how to pass salinity. For now, just force at 35.
+ do j = jsc,jec
+ do i = isc,iec
+ !calc_kw(tk,p,u10,h,vb,mw,sc_w,ustar,cd_m)
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_kw)%values(i,j) =&
+ & (1 - ice_fraction(i,j)) * calc_kw(tsurf(i,j),&
+ & gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_psurf)%values(i,j),&
+ & gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_u10)%values(i,j),&
+ & 101325./(rdgas*wtmair*1e-3*tsurf(i,j)*max(gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_alpha)%values(i,j),epsln)),&
+ & gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(2),&
+ & gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(1),&
+ & gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_sc_no)%values(i,j))
+ cair(i,j) =&
+ & gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_alpha)%values(i,j) *&
+ & gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_pcair)%values(i,j) *&
+ & gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_psurf)%values(i,j) * 9.86923e-6
+ cair(i,j) = max(cair(i,j),0.)
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_flux)%values(i,j) =&
+ & gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_kw)%values(i,j) *&
+ & (max(gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_csurf)%values(i,j),0.) - cair(i,j))
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_deltap)%values(i,j) =&
+ & (max(gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_csurf)%values(i,j),0.) - cair(i,j)) /&
+ & (gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_alpha)%values(i,j) * permeg + epsln)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, ' Unknown implementation (' //&
+ & trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%implementation) // ') for ' // trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%name))
+ endif
+ elseif (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%flux_type .eq. 'air_sea_gas_flux') then
+ if (.not. allocated(kw)) then
+ allocate( kw(isc:iec,jsc:jec) )
+ allocate ( cair(isc:iec,jsc:jec) )
+ elseif ((size(kw(:,:), dim=1) .ne. iec-isc+1) .or. (size(kw(:,:), dim=2) .ne. jec-jsc+1)) then
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Sizes of flux fields do not match')
+ endif
+ if (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%implementation .eq. 'ocmip2_data') then
+ do j = jsc,jec
+ do i = isc,iec
+ kw(i,j) = (1 - ice_fraction(i,j)) * gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(1) *&
+ & gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_u10)%values(i,j)
+ cair(i,j) =&
+ & gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_alpha)%values(i,j) *&
+ & gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_pcair)%values(i,j) *&
+ & gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_psurf)%values(i,j) * gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(2)
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_flux)%values(i,j) = kw(i,j) *&
+ & (gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_csurf)%values(i,j) - cair(i,j))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ elseif (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%implementation .eq. 'ocmip2') then
+ do j = jsc,jec
+ do i = isc,iec
+ kw(i,j) = (1 - ice_fraction(i,j)) * gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(1) *&
+ & gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_u10)%values(i,j)**2
+ cair(i,j) =&
+ & gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_alpha)%values(i,j) *&
+ & gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_pcair)%values(i,j) *&
+ & gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_psurf)%values(i,j) * gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(2)
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_flux)%values(i,j) = kw(i,j) *&
+ & (gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_csurf)%values(i,j) - cair(i,j))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ elseif (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%implementation .eq. 'linear') then
+ do j = jsc,jec
+ do i = isc,iec
+ kw(i,j) = (1 - ice_fraction(i,j)) * gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(1) *&
+ & max(0.0, gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_u10)%values(i,j) - gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(2))
+ cair(i,j) =&
+ & gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_alpha)%values(i,j) *&
+ & gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_pcair)%values(i,j) *&
+ & gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_psurf)%values(i,j) * gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(3)
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_flux)%values(i,j) = kw(i,j) *&
+ & (gas_fields_ocn%bc(n)%field(ind_csurf)%values(i,j) - cair(i,j))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, ' Unknown implementation (' //&
+ & trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%implementation) // ') for ' // trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%name))
+ endif
+ elseif (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%flux_type .eq. 'air_sea_deposition') then
+ if (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(1) .le. 0.0) then
+ write (error_string, '(1pe10.3)') gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(1)
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, 'Bad parameter (' // trim(error_string) //&
+ & ') for air_sea_deposition for ' // trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%name))
+ endif
+ if (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%implementation .eq. 'dry') then
+ do j = jsc,jec
+ do i = isc,iec
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_flux)%values(i,j) = (1 - ice_fraction(i,j)) *&
+ gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_deposition)%values(i,j) / gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(1)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ elseif (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%implementation .eq. 'wet') then
+ do j = jsc,jec
+ do i = isc,iec
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_flux)%values(i,j) = (1 - ice_fraction(i,j)) *&
+ gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_deposition)%values(i,j) / gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(1)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, 'Unknown implementation (' //&
+ & trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%implementation) // ') for ' // trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%name))
+ endif
+ elseif (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%flux_type .eq. 'land_sea_runoff') then
+ if (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(1) .le. 0.0) then
+ write (error_string, '(1pe10.3)') gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(1)
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, ' Bad parameter (' // trim(error_string) //&
+ & ') for land_sea_runoff for ' // trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%name))
+ endif
+ if (gas_fluxes%bc(n)%implementation .eq. 'river') then
+ do j = jsc,jec
+ do i = isc,iec
+ gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_flux)%values(i,j) = (1 - ice_fraction(i,j)) *&
+ & gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_runoff)%values(i,j) /&
+ & gas_fluxes%bc(n)%param(1)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, ' Unknown implementation (' //&
+ & trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%implementation) // ') for ' // trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%name))
+ endif
+ else
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, ' Unknown flux_type (' // trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%flux_type) //&
+ & ') for ' // trim(gas_fluxes%bc(n)%name))
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ if (allocated(kw)) then
+ deallocate(kw)
+ deallocate(cair)
+ endif
+ end subroutine atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc
+ !> Calculate \f$k_w\f$
+ !!
+ !! Taken from Johnson, Ocean Science, 2010. (http://doi.org/10.5194/os-6-913-2010)
+ !!
+ !! Uses equations defined in Liss[1974],
+ !! \f[
+ !! F = K_g(c_g - H C_l) = K_l(c_g/H - C_l)
+ !! \f]
+ !! where \f$c_g\f$ and \f$C_l\f$ are the bulk gas and liquid concentrations, \f$H\f$
+ !! is the Henry's law constant (\f$H = c_{sg}/C_{sl}\f$, where \f$c_{sg}\f$ is the
+ !! equilibrium concentration in gas phase (\f$g/cm^3\f$ of air) and \f$C_{sl}\f$ is the
+ !! equilibrium concentration of unionised dissolved gas in liquid phase (\f$g/cm^3\f$
+ !! of water)),
+ !! \f[
+ !! 1/K_g = 1/k_g + H/k_l
+ !! \f]
+ !! and
+ !! \f[
+ !! 1/K_l = 1/k_l + 1/{Hk_g}
+ !! \f]
+ !! where \f$k_g\f$ and \f$k_l\f$ are the exchange constants for the gas and liquid
+ !! phases, respectively.
+ !!
+ !! This routine was copied from FMScoupler at
+ !! https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/FMScoupler/blob/6442d387153064644325c96a5e9e2935139d5e3c/full/atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc.F90
+ real function calc_kw(tk, p, u10, h, vb, mw, sc_w, ustar, cd_m)
+ real, intent(in) :: tk !< temperature at surface in kelvin
+ real, intent(in) :: p !< pressure at surface in pa
+ real, intent(in) :: u10 !< wind speed at 10m above the surface in m/s
+ real, intent(in) :: h !< Henry's law constant (\f$H=c_sg/C_sl\f$) (unitless)
+ real, intent(in) :: vb !< Molar volume
+ real, intent(in) :: mw !< molecular weight (g/mol)
+ real, intent(in) :: sc_w
+ real, intent(in), optional :: ustar !< Friction velocity (m/s). If not provided,
+ !! ustar = \f$u_{10} \sqrt{C_D}\f$.
+ real, intent(in), optional :: cd_m !< Drag coefficient (\f$C_D\f$). Used only if
+ !! ustar is provided.
+ !! If ustar is not provided,
+ !! cd_m = \f$6.1 \times 10^{-4} + 0.63 \times 10^{-4} *u_10\f$
+ real :: ra,rl,tc
+ tc = tk-273.15
+ ra = 1./max(h*calc_ka(tc,p,mw,vb,u10,ustar,cd_m),epsln)
+ rl = 1./max(calc_kl(tc,u10,sc_w),epsln)
+ calc_kw = 1./max(ra+rl,epsln)
+ end function calc_kw
+ !> Calculate \f$k_a\f$
+ !!
+ !! See calc_kw
+ !!
+ !! This routine was copied from FMScoupler at
+ !! https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/FMScoupler/blob/6442d387153064644325c96a5e9e2935139d5e3c/full/atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc.F90
+ real function calc_ka(t, p, mw, vb, u10, ustar, cd_m)
+ real, intent(in) :: t !< temperature at surface in C
+ real, intent(in) :: p !< pressure at surface in pa
+ real, intent(in) :: mw !< molecular weight (g/mol)
+ real, intent(in) :: vb !< molar volume
+ real, intent(in) :: u10 !< wind speed at 10m above the surface in m/s
+ real, intent(in), optional :: ustar !< Friction velocity (m/s). If not provided,
+ !! ustar = \f$u_{10} \sqrt{C_D}\f$.
+ real, intent(in), optional :: cd_m !< Drag coefficient (\f$C_D\f$). Used only if
+ !! ustar is provided.
+ !! If ustar is not provided,
+ !! cd_m = \f$6.1 \times 10^{-4} + 0.63 \times 10^{-4} *u_10\f$
+ real :: sc
+ real :: ustar_t, cd_m_t
+ if (.not. present(ustar)) then
+ !drag coefficient
+ cd_m_t = 6.1e-4 +0.63e-4*u10
+ !friction velocity
+ ustar_t = u10*sqrt(cd_m_t)
+ else
+ cd_m_t = cd_m
+ ustar_t = ustar
+ end if
+ sc = schmidt_g(t,p,mw,vb)
+ calc_ka = 1e-3+ustar_t/(13.3*sqrt(sc)+1/sqrt(cd_m_t)-5.+log(sc)/(2.*vonkarm))
+ end function calc_ka
+ !> Calculate \f$k_l\f$
+ !!
+ !! See calc_kw, and Nightingale, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2000
+ !! (https://doi.org/10.1029/1999GB900091)
+ !!
+ !! This routine was copied from FMScoupler at
+ !! https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/FMScoupler/blob/6442d387153064644325c96a5e9e2935139d5e3c/full/atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc.F90
+ real function calc_kl(t, v, sc)
+ real, intent(in) :: t !< temperature at surface in C
+ real, intent(in) :: v !< wind speed at surface in m/s
+ real, intent(in) :: sc
+ calc_kl = (((0.222*v**2)+0.333*v)*(max(sc,epsln)/600.)**(-0.5))/(100.*3600.)
+ end function calc_kl
+ !> Schmidt number of the gas in air
+ !!
+ !! This routine was copied from FMScoupler at
+ !! https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/FMScoupler/blob/6442d387153064644325c96a5e9e2935139d5e3c/full/atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc.F90
+ real function schmidt_g(t, p, mw, vb)
+ real, intent(in) :: t !< temperature at surface in C
+ real, intent(in) :: p !< pressure at surface in pa
+ real, intent(in) :: mw !< molecular weight (g/mol)
+ real, intent(in) :: vb !< molar volume
+ real :: d,v
+ d = d_air(t,p,mw,vb)
+ v = v_air(t)
+ schmidt_g = v / d
+ end function schmidt_g
+ !> From Fuller, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (https://doi.org/10.1021/ie50677a007)
+ !!
+ !! This routine was copied from FMScoupler at
+ !! https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/FMScoupler/blob/6442d387153064644325c96a5e9e2935139d5e3c/full/atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc.F90
+ real function d_air(t, p, mw, vb)
+ real, intent(in) :: t !< temperature in c
+ real, intent(in) :: p !< pressure in pa
+ real, intent(in) :: mw !< molecular weight (g/mol)
+ real, intent(in) :: vb !< diffusion coefficient (\f$cm3/mol\f$)
+ real, parameter :: ma = 28.97d0 !< molecular weight air in g/mol
+ real, parameter :: va = 20.1d0 !< diffusion volume for air (\f$cm^3/mol\f$)
+ real :: pa
+ ! convert p to atm
+ pa = 9.8692d-6*p
+ d_air = 1d-3 *&
+ & (t+273.15d0)**(1.75d0)*sqrt(1d0/ma + 1d0/mw)/(pa*(va**(1d0/3d0)+vb**(1d0/3d0))**2d0)
+ ! d_air is in cm2/s convert to m2/s
+ d_air = d_air * 1d-4
+ end function d_air
+ !> kinematic viscosity in air
+ !!
+ !! This routine was copied from FMScoupler at
+ !! https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/FMScoupler/blob/6442d387153064644325c96a5e9e2935139d5e3c/full/atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc.F90
+ real function p_air(t)
+ real, intent(in) :: t
+ real, parameter :: sd_0 = 1.293393662d0,&
+ & sd_1 = -5.538444326d-3,&
+ & sd_2 = 3.860201577d-5,&
+ & sd_3 = -5.2536065d-7
+ p_air = sd_0+(sd_1*t)+(sd_2*t**2)+(sd_3*t**3)
+ end function p_air
+ !> Kinematic viscosity in air (\f$m^2/s\f$
+ !!
+ !! This routine was copied from FMScoupler at
+ !! https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/FMScoupler/blob/6442d387153064644325c96a5e9e2935139d5e3c/full/atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc.F90
+ real function v_air(t)
+ real, intent(in) :: t !< temperature in C
+ v_air = n_air(t)/p_air(t)
+ end function v_air
+ !> dynamic viscosity in air
+ !!
+ !! This routine was copied from FMScoupler at
+ !! https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/FMScoupler/blob/6442d387153064644325c96a5e9e2935139d5e3c/full/atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc.F90
+ real function n_air(t)
+ real, intent(in) :: t !< temperature in C
+ real, parameter :: sv_0 = 1.715747771d-5,&
+ & sv_1 = 4.722402075d-8,&
+ & sv_2 = -3.663027156d-10,&
+ & sv_3 = 1.873236686d-12,&
+ & sv_4 = -8.050218737d-14
+ ! in n.s/m^2 (pa.s)
+ n_air = sv_0+(sv_1*t)+(sv_2*t**2)+(sv_3*t**3)+(sv_4*t**4)
+ end function n_air
+end module gtracer_flux_mod
diff --git a/src/mom5/ocean_bgc/ocean_generic_tracer.F90 b/src/mom5/ocean_bgc/ocean_generic_tracer.F90
index 737345bd23..e4cf03afa6 100644
--- a/src/mom5/ocean_bgc/ocean_generic_tracer.F90
+++ b/src/mom5/ocean_bgc/ocean_generic_tracer.F90
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ module ocean_generic_mod
use field_manager_mod, only: fm_get_index,fm_string_len, fm_new_value
use generic_tracer, only: generic_tracer_init, generic_tracer_source, generic_tracer_update_from_bottom
- use generic_tracer, only: generic_tracer_coupler_get, generic_tracer_coupler_set, generic_tracer_register_diag
+ use generic_tracer, only: generic_tracer_coupler_accumulate, generic_tracer_coupler_set, generic_tracer_register_diag
use generic_tracer, only: generic_tracer_end, generic_tracer_get_list, do_generic_tracer, generic_tracer_register
use generic_tracer, only: generic_tracer_coupler_zero, generic_tracer_vertdiff_G, generic_tracer_vertdiff_M
- use generic_tracer, only: generic_tracer_diag
+ use generic_tracer, only: generic_tracer_diag, generic_tracer_update_from_coupler
use g_tracer_utils, only: g_tracer_get_name,g_tracer_get_alias,g_tracer_set_values,g_tracer_get_common
use g_tracer_utils, only: g_tracer_get_next,g_tracer_type,g_tracer_is_prog,g_tracer_flux_init
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ module ocean_generic_mod
public ocean_generic_sum_sfc
public ocean_generic_zero_sfc
public ocean_generic_sbc
+ public ocean_generic_sbc_adjust
public ocean_generic_init
public ocean_generic_flux_init
public ocean_generic_column_physics
@@ -336,9 +337,14 @@ subroutine ocean_generic_sbc(Ice_ocean_boundary_fluxes,Disd,Djsd, T_prog, runoff
character(len=fm_string_len) :: g_tracer_name
character(len=fm_string_len), parameter :: sub_name = 'update_generic_tracer_sbc'
- !Extract the tracer surface fields from coupler
- call generic_tracer_coupler_get(Ice_ocean_boundary_fluxes)
+ !Extract the tracer surface fields from coupler
+ ! dts: change to use generic_tracer_coupler_accumulate with a weight of 1. for consistency
+ ! with MOM6. Note this means that the generic_?_update_from_coupler method is no longer
+ ! called here. Instead this will be called later in ocean_generic_sbc_adjust when flux
+ ! adjustments are available
+ call generic_tracer_coupler_accumulate(Ice_ocean_boundary_fluxes, 1.)
+ ! dts: Is this still needed here, since this is now also done in ocean_generic_sbc_adjust?
!Update T_prog fields from generic tracer fields
!Get the tracer list
@@ -394,6 +400,87 @@ subroutine ocean_generic_sbc(Ice_ocean_boundary_fluxes,Disd,Djsd, T_prog, runoff
end subroutine ocean_generic_sbc
+ !
+ !
+ ! Adjust tracer surface boundary conditions
+ !
+ !
+ ! This subroutine applies any adjustments to the generic tracers surface boundary conditions,
+ ! for example, adjustment of surface tracer fluxes due to salinity restoring.
+ !
+ !
+ ! call ocean_generic_sbc_adjust(Ice_ocean_boundary_fluxes,Disd,Djsd, T_prog )
+ !
+ !
+ subroutine ocean_generic_sbc_adjust(Disd, Djsd, T_prog, salt_flux_added, runoff)
+ integer, intent(in) :: Disd, Djsd
+ type(ocean_prog_tracer_type), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: T_prog
+ real, intent(in), dimension(Disd:,Djsd:) :: salt_flux_added
+ real, intent(in), dimension(Disd:,Djsd:) :: runoff
+ type(g_tracer_type), pointer :: g_tracer_list,g_tracer,g_tracer_next
+ integer :: g_tracer_index
+ character(len=fm_string_len) :: g_tracer_name
+ character(len=fm_string_len), parameter :: sub_name = 'ocean_generic_sbc_adjust'
+ ! Adjust tracer fields via the generic_?_update_from_coupler method
+ call generic_tracer_update_from_coupler(Disd, Djsd, salt_flux_added)
+ !Update T_prog fields from generic tracer fields
+ !
+ !Get the tracer list
+ call generic_tracer_get_list(g_tracer_list)
+ if(.NOT. associated(g_tracer_list)) call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(sub_name)//&
+ ": No tracer in the list.")
+ !For each tracer name get its T_prog index and get its flux fields
+ g_tracer=>g_tracer_list
+ do
+ if(g_tracer_is_prog(g_tracer)) then
+ call g_tracer_get_alias(g_tracer,g_tracer_name)
+ g_tracer_index = fm_get_index(trim('/ocean_mod/prog_tracers/'//g_tracer_name))
+ if (g_tracer_index .le. 0) &
+ call mpp_error(FATAL,trim(sub_name) // ' Could not get the index for '//g_tracer_name)
+ if (_ALLOCATED(g_tracer%stf) )&
+ call g_tracer_get_values(g_tracer,g_tracer_name,'stf', T_prog(g_tracer_index)%stf, Disd,Djsd)
+ if (_ALLOCATED(g_tracer%btf) )&
+ call g_tracer_get_values(g_tracer,g_tracer_name,'btf', T_prog(g_tracer_index)%btf, Disd,Djsd)
+ !If the tracer has runoff fill in the T_prog(n)%trunoff and T_prog(n)%runoff_tracer_flux
+ if(_ALLOCATED(g_tracer%trunoff)) then
+ !Fill in T_prog(n)%trunoff
+ call g_tracer_get_values(g_tracer,g_tracer_name,'trunoff',T_prog(g_tracer_index)%trunoff,Disd,Djsd)
+ !Fill in T_prog(n)%runoff_tracer_flux
+ T_prog(g_tracer_index)%runoff_tracer_flux = T_prog(g_tracer_index)%trunoff * runoff
+ !Set g_tracer%runoff_tracer_flux
+ call g_tracer_set_values(g_tracer,g_tracer_name,'runoff_tracer_flux',T_prog(g_tracer_index)%runoff_tracer_flux,Disd,Djsd)
+ !
+ !Fill in T_prog(n)%triver in MOM
+ !Note: This is done so that MOM can apply the river fluxes through setting either
+ ! the runoff and calving fluxes (when discharge_combine_runoff_calve=.false.)
+ ! or
+ ! the total river concentration (when discharge_combine_runoff_calve=.true.)
+ !
+ !Assume zero calving flux for the generic tracers.
+ !T_prog(g_tracer_index)%tcalving = 0 !MOM default
+ T_prog(g_tracer_index)%triver = T_prog(g_tracer_index)%trunoff
+ endif
+ endif
+ !traverse the linked list till hit NULL
+ call g_tracer_get_next(g_tracer, g_tracer_next)
+ if(.NOT. associated(g_tracer_next)) exit
+ g_tracer=>g_tracer_next
+ enddo
+ end subroutine ocean_generic_sbc_adjust
! Column physics for generic tracers.
diff --git a/src/mom5/ocean_core/ocean_model.F90 b/src/mom5/ocean_core/ocean_model.F90
index 1f98edfa25..176773177e 100644
--- a/src/mom5/ocean_core/ocean_model.F90
+++ b/src/mom5/ocean_core/ocean_model.F90
@@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ subroutine update_ocean_model(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_state, Ocean_sfc, &
! compute "flux adjustments" (e.g., surface tracer restoring, flux correction)
call mpp_clock_begin(id_flux_adjust)
call flux_adjust(Time, T_diag(1:num_diag_tracers), Dens, Ext_mode, &
- T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), Velocity, river, melt, pme)
+ T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), Velocity, river, melt, pme, runoff)
call mpp_clock_end(id_flux_adjust)
diff --git a/src/mom5/ocean_core/ocean_sbc.F90 b/src/mom5/ocean_core/ocean_sbc.F90
index d0ac92f0a5..4d40cecd3e 100644
--- a/src/mom5/ocean_core/ocean_sbc.F90
+++ b/src/mom5/ocean_core/ocean_sbc.F90
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ module ocean_sbc_mod
use ocean_parameters_mod, only: MOM_BGRID, MOM_CGRID
use ocean_riverspread_mod, only: spread_river_horz
use ocean_tempsalt_mod, only: pottemp_from_contemp
-use ocean_tpm_mod, only: ocean_tpm_sum_sfc, ocean_tpm_avg_sfc, ocean_tpm_sbc
+use ocean_tpm_mod, only: ocean_tpm_sum_sfc, ocean_tpm_avg_sfc, ocean_tpm_sbc, ocean_tpm_sbc_adjust
use ocean_tpm_mod, only: ocean_tpm_zero_sfc, ocean_tpm_sfc_end
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_grid_type, ocean_domain_type, ocean_public_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_time_type, ocean_thickness_type
@@ -4466,7 +4466,7 @@ end subroutine get_ocean_sbc
-subroutine flux_adjust(Time, T_diag, Dens, Ext_mode, T_prog, Velocity, river, melt, pme)
+subroutine flux_adjust(Time, T_diag, Dens, Ext_mode, T_prog, Velocity, river, melt, pme, runoff)
#if defined(ACCESS_CM) || defined(ACCESS_OM)
use auscom_ice_parameters_mod, only : use_ioaice, aice_cutoff
@@ -4482,6 +4482,7 @@ subroutine flux_adjust(Time, T_diag, Dens, Ext_mode, T_prog, Velocity, river, me
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: river
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: melt
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(inout) :: pme
+ real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(inout) :: runoff
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: open_ocean_mask
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: pme_restore, flx_restore
@@ -4766,6 +4767,9 @@ subroutine flux_adjust(Time, T_diag, Dens, Ext_mode, T_prog, Velocity, river, me
endif ! endif for if (id_correction(index_salt) > 0 )
+ ! apply adjustments to tracer surface boundary conditions due to salt restoring/correction
+ call ocean_tpm_sbc_adjust(Dom, T_prog, flx_restore(:,:)+flx_correct(:,:), runoff)
! diagnostics for salinity or pme restoring and correction
diff --git a/src/mom5/ocean_param/sources/ocean_shortwave.F90 b/src/mom5/ocean_param/sources/ocean_shortwave.F90
index 6b5140486f..5cf141da43 100644
--- a/src/mom5/ocean_param/sources/ocean_shortwave.F90
+++ b/src/mom5/ocean_param/sources/ocean_shortwave.F90
@@ -294,11 +294,11 @@ subroutine sw_source (Time, Thickness, Dens, T_prog, T_diag, swflx, swflx_vis, T
if(use_shortwave_gfdl) then
call sw_source_gfdl (Time, Thickness, T_diag(:), swflx, swflx_vis, index_irr, Temp, sw_frac_zt, opacity)
elseif(use_shortwave_csiro) then
- call sw_source_csiro (Time, Thickness, T_diag(:), swflx, index_irr, Temp, sw_frac_zt)
+ call sw_source_csiro (Time, Thickness, T_diag(:), swflx, index_irr, Temp, sw_frac_zt, opacity)
elseif(use_shortwave_jerlov) then
call sw_source_jerlov (Thickness, T_diag(:), swflx, swflx_vis, index_irr, Temp, sw_frac_zt, opacity)
elseif(use_shortwave_ext) then
- call sw_source_ext(Time, Thickness, T_diag(:), swflx, Temp, sw_frac_zt)
+ call sw_source_ext(Time, Thickness, T_diag(:), swflx, Temp, sw_frac_zt, opacity)
! add heating rate to thickness*density weighted temperature
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ end subroutine sw_source
-subroutine sw_source_ext (Time, Thickness, T_diag, swflx, Temp, sw_frac_zt)
+subroutine sw_source_ext (Time, Thickness, T_diag, swflx, Temp, sw_frac_zt, opacity)
type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time
type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(in) :: Thickness
@@ -372,6 +372,7 @@ subroutine sw_source_ext (Time, Thickness, T_diag, swflx, Temp, sw_frac_zt)
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:) , intent(in) :: swflx
type(ocean_prog_tracer_type), intent(inout) :: Temp
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(inout) :: sw_frac_zt
+ real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(inout) :: opacity
integer :: k, j, i
real :: sw_heat_rate(isd:ied,jsd:jed,1:nk)
@@ -381,7 +382,7 @@ subroutine sw_source_ext (Time, Thickness, T_diag, swflx, Temp, sw_frac_zt)
! for our testing purposes we'll just invoke one of our methods
! Note here that index_irr is "global"
- call sw_source_csiro (Time, Thickness, T_diag, swflx, index_irr, Temp, sw_frac_zt)
+ call sw_source_csiro (Time, Thickness, T_diag, swflx, index_irr, Temp, sw_frac_zt, opacity)
! the heating rate is stored in
sw_heat_rate = Temp%wrk1
diff --git a/src/mom5/ocean_param/sources/ocean_shortwave_csiro.F90 b/src/mom5/ocean_param/sources/ocean_shortwave_csiro.F90
index 43f4072734..a960d2cef4 100644
--- a/src/mom5/ocean_param/sources/ocean_shortwave_csiro.F90
+++ b/src/mom5/ocean_param/sources/ocean_shortwave_csiro.F90
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ module ocean_shortwave_csiro_mod
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_clock_id, mpp_clock_begin, mpp_clock_end
use mpp_mod, only: CLOCK_ROUTINE
use time_interp_external_mod, only: time_interp_external, init_external_field
+use constants_mod, only: epsln
use ocean_domains_mod, only: get_local_indices
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_time_type, ocean_domain_type, ocean_grid_type
@@ -306,7 +307,7 @@ end subroutine ocean_shortwave_csiro_init
! surface tracer flux "stf(i,j,temp)"
-subroutine sw_source_csiro (Time, Thickness, T_diag, swflx, index_irr, Temp, sw_frac_zt)
+subroutine sw_source_csiro (Time, Thickness, T_diag, swflx, index_irr, Temp, sw_frac_zt, opacity)
type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time
type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(in) :: Thickness
@@ -315,6 +316,7 @@ subroutine sw_source_csiro (Time, Thickness, T_diag, swflx, index_irr, Temp, sw_
integer, intent(in) :: index_irr
type(ocean_prog_tracer_type), intent(inout) :: Temp
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(inout) :: sw_frac_zt
+ real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(inout) :: opacity
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,0:nk) :: sw_frac_zw
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: zt_sw
@@ -422,6 +424,29 @@ subroutine sw_source_csiro (Time, Thickness, T_diag, swflx, index_irr, Temp, sw_
+ ! Compute opacity, which is used by biogeochemistry.
+ ! We split off the k=1 level, since sw_frac_zw(k=0)=sw_frac_top,
+ ! which is typically set to sw_frac_top=0.0 for purposes of
+ ! accounting (as swflx is also in stf(index_temp). A value
+ ! of sw_frac_zw(k=0)=0.0 to compute opacity would result in a
+ ! negative opacity at k=1, which is not physical. Instead, for
+ ! purposes of opacity calculation, we need sw_frac_zw(k=0)=1.0.
+ k=1
+ do j=jsc,jec
+ do i=isc,iec
+ opacity(i,j,k) = -log( sw_frac_zw(i,j,k) / (F_vis + epsln) + epsln) &
+ / (Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) + epsln)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do k=2,nk-1
+ do j=jsc,jec
+ do i=isc,iec
+ opacity(i,j,k) = -log( sw_frac_zw(i,j,k) / (sw_frac_zw(i,j,k-1) + epsln) + epsln) &
+ / (Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) + epsln)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
end subroutine sw_source_csiro
! NAME="sw_source_csiro"
diff --git a/src/mom5/ocean_tracers/ocean_tpm.F90 b/src/mom5/ocean_tracers/ocean_tpm.F90
index 576dde39fb..b8cd30a1ad 100644
--- a/src/mom5/ocean_tracers/ocean_tpm.F90
+++ b/src/mom5/ocean_tracers/ocean_tpm.F90
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ module ocean_tpm_mod !{
! this functionality may be moved into a new, generalized
! boundary condition manager.
+! ocean_tpm_sbc_adjust: Calls specified routines to adjust
+! surface boundary condition, e.g. due to virtual fluxes
+! that arise from salinity restoring
! ocean_tpm_bbc: Calls specified routines to handle bottom
! coundary condition calculations.
@@ -221,6 +225,7 @@ module ocean_tpm_mod !{
use ocean_generic_mod, only: ocean_generic_sum_sfc
use ocean_generic_mod, only: ocean_generic_zero_sfc
use ocean_generic_mod, only: ocean_generic_sbc
+use ocean_generic_mod, only: ocean_generic_sbc_adjust
use ocean_generic_mod, only: ocean_generic_init
use ocean_generic_mod, only: ocean_generic_column_physics
use ocean_generic_mod, only: ocean_generic_end
@@ -267,6 +272,7 @@ module ocean_tpm_mod !{
public ocean_tpm_init
public ocean_tpm_flux_init
public ocean_tpm_sbc
+public ocean_tpm_sbc_adjust
public ocean_tpm_source
public ocean_tpm_start
public ocean_tpm_tracer
@@ -1336,6 +1342,54 @@ subroutine ocean_tpm_sbc(Domain, Grid, T_prog, Time, Ice_ocean_boundary_fluxes,
end subroutine ocean_tpm_sbc !}
! NAME="ocean_tpm_sbc"
+! call subroutines to adjust surface boundary condition, e.g. due to
+! virtual fluxes that arise from salinity restoring
+subroutine ocean_tpm_sbc_adjust(Domain, T_prog, salt_flux_added, runoff)
+implicit none
+! Arguments
+type(ocean_domain_type), intent(in) :: Domain
+type(ocean_prog_tracer_type), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: T_prog
+real, dimension(Domain%isd:,Domain%jsd:), intent(in) :: salt_flux_added
+real, dimension(Domain%isd:,Domain%jsd:), intent(in) :: runoff
+! local parameters
+! local variables
+if (do_generic_tracer) call ocean_generic_sbc_adjust(Domain%isd, Domain%jsd, T_prog, salt_flux_added, runoff)
+end subroutine ocean_tpm_sbc_adjust !}
+! NAME="ocean_tpm_sbc_adjust"
diff --git a/src/ocean_shared/generic_tracers/generic_tracer.F90 b/src/ocean_shared/generic_tracers/generic_tracer.F90
index 68c3ac74cf..c358f3f5e5 100644
--- a/src/ocean_shared/generic_tracers/generic_tracer.F90
+++ b/src/ocean_shared/generic_tracers/generic_tracer.F90
@@ -86,7 +86,9 @@ module generic_tracer
public generic_tracer_source
public generic_tracer_diag
public generic_tracer_update_from_bottom
+ public generic_tracer_update_from_coupler
public generic_tracer_coupler_get
+ public generic_tracer_coupler_accumulate
public generic_tracer_coupler_set
public generic_tracer_coupler_zero
public generic_tracer_end
@@ -304,6 +306,28 @@ subroutine generic_tracer_coupler_get(IOB_struc)
end subroutine generic_tracer_coupler_get
+ !
+ !
+ ! Accumulate the boundary values (%stf and %triver) from coupler fluxes
+ !
+ !
+ ! This subroutine accumulates coupler values for those generic tracers that have flux
+ ! exchange with atmosphere. This routine simply wraps g_tracer_coupler_get for MOM5,
+ ! but the API is provided here for consistency with https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/ocean_BGC
+ !
+ !
+ ! call generic_tracer_coupler_accumulate(Ice_ocean_boundary_fluxes, weight)
+ !
+ !
+ subroutine generic_tracer_coupler_accumulate(IOB_struc, weight)
+ type(coupler_2d_bc_type), intent(in) :: IOB_struc
+ real, intent(in) :: weight
+ !All generic tracers
+ !Update tracer boundary values (%stf and %triver) from coupler fluxes foreach tracer in the prog_tracer_list
+ call g_tracer_coupler_get(tracer_list, IOB_struc)
+ end subroutine generic_tracer_coupler_accumulate
@@ -481,6 +505,44 @@ subroutine generic_tracer_update_from_bottom(dt, tau, model_time)
end subroutine generic_tracer_update_from_bottom
+ !
+ !
+ ! Modify the values obtained from the coupler
+ !
+ !
+ ! Calls the corresponding generic_X_update_from_coupler routine for each package X.
+ !
+ !
+ ! call generic_tracer_update_from_coupler(ilb, jlb, salt_flux_added)
+ !
+ !
+ ! Lower bounds of x and y extents of input arrays on data domain
+ !
+ !
+ ! Surface salt flux into ocean from restoring or flux adjustment [g/m^2/sec]
+ !
+ !
+ subroutine generic_tracer_update_from_coupler(ilb, jlb, salt_flux_added)
+ integer, intent(in) :: ilb, jlb
+ real, dimension(ilb:,jlb:), intent(in) :: salt_flux_added
+ character(len=fm_string_len), parameter :: sub_name = 'generic_tracer_update_from_coupler'
+ !Specific tracers
+ ! if(do_generic_CFC) call generic_CFC_update_from_coupler(tracer_list) !Nothing to do
+ if(do_generic_TOPAZ) call generic_TOPAZ_update_from_coupler(tracer_list)
+ if(do_generic_BLING) call generic_BLING_update_from_coupler(tracer_list)
+ if(do_generic_miniBLING) call generic_miniBLING_update_from_coupler(tracer_list)
+ if(do_generic_COBALT) call generic_COBALT_update_from_coupler(tracer_list)
+ return
+ end subroutine generic_tracer_update_from_coupler