Handles distributed logging and events throughout a MADSci-powered Lab.
- Collects logs from distributed components of the lab and centralizes them
- Allows for querying of events
- Can accept arbitrary event data
- Enforces a standard Event schema, allowing for structured querying and filtering of logs.
- Supports python
-style log levels.
To create and run a new MADSci Event Manager, do the following in your MADSci lab directory:
- If you're not using docker compose, provision and configure a MongoDB instance.
- If you're using docker compose, create or add the following to your Lab's
, defining your docker compose services for the EventManager and a MongoDB database to store events.
name: madsci_example_lab
container_name: mongodb
image: mongodb/mongodb-community-server:latest
- 27017:27017
container_name: event_manager
image: madsci:latest
context: ..
dockerfile: Dockerfile
- USER_ID=1000
- GROUP_ID=1000
network_mode: host
- /path/to/your/lab/direcotry:/home/madsci/lab/
- .madsci:/home/madsci/.madsci/
command: python -m madsci.event_manager.event_server
- mongodb
# Create an Event Manager Definition
madsci manager add --type event_manager
# Start the database and Event Manager Server
docker compose up
# OR
python -m madsci.event_manager.event_server
You should see a REST server started on the configured host and port. Navigate in your browser to the URL you configured (default: http://localhost:8001/
) to see if it's working.
You can see up-to-date documentation on the endpoints provided by your event manager, and try them out, via the swagger page served at http://your-event-manager-url-here/docs
You can use MADSci's EventClient
) in your python code to log new events to the event manager, or fetch/query existing events.
from madsci.client.event_client import EventClient
from madsci.common.types.event_types import Event, EventLogLevel, EventType
event_client = EventClient(
event_server="", # Update with the host/port you configured for your EventManager server
event_client.log_info("This logs a simple string at the INFO level, with event_type LOG_INFO")
event = Event(
event_data="This logs a more complex NODE_CREATE event at the DEBUG level. The event_data field should contain relevant data about the event (in this case, something like the NodeDefinition, for instance)"
event_client.log_warning(event) # Log the same event, but override the log level.
# Get recent events
# Get all events from a specific node
event_client.query_events({"source": {"node_id": "01JJ4S0WNGEF5FQAZG5KDGJRBV"}})