Location-based AR from AR.js.
LocAR.js is an AR.js project to develop a library focused specifically on location-based augmented reality in the browser. Currently it consists of the location-based three.js code from the main AR.js repository, with some minor changes to make it compatible with latest versions (0.169.0 at time of writing) of three.js.
Location-based AR has been part of AR.js for a while now, however the location-based component is essentially entirely independent of the marker-based and NFT components. Thus it makes sense to separate it out into its own project so that, for example, its dependencies (primarily three.js) can be updated without breaking the rest of AR.js and likewise, the code can be altered to ensure compatibility with the latest three.js without similarly breaking the remainder of AR.js. It also means that developers can work on the location-based aspect without having to understand the marker-based and NFT side, and also means that there is no need to include jsartoolkit.
The opportunity has also been taken to move to the modern and user-friendly build tool Vite, with the hope that this will improve the development and maintenance experience.
For a while there have been some bugs and issues with location-based AR.js which are thus far unresolved (e.g #278 or #590 ), which we hope can be investigated more easily with a standalone project (subject to our time availability of course - which is why we need developers and maintainers!). It's also hoped that the move to the more friendly Vite build system will help resolve some of the occasional issues that occur with importing ES6 modules (e.g. issue 607 ).
Some of these issues, such as incorrect North on some devices, may well be to do with incorrect or mis-calibrated sensors but the hope is that the standalone library will help to verify this and, if certain devices have North wrong by a consistent bearing, to develop a calibration tool.
For this reason, the focus at present will be on developing a pure three.js version only. When we believe that the key bugs and issues have been resolved, the plan is to then provide an A-Frame wrapper.
Chrome on Android is recommended. It may also work on Chrome in iOS; please file an issue if not. It will not work on Safari on iOS, due to permissions issues - though pull requests are welcome to fix this. Firefox unfortunately does not appear to fully implement the Device Orientation API so is unlikely to work
The library has been published to npm
so you can install with:
npm install locar
Then you can use the library in your projects with:
import * as LocAR from 'locar';
as long as you include locar
as a dependency, e.g. in your package.json
"dependencies": {
"locar" : "^0.0.7",
"three" : "^0.169.0"
Including the library bundle directly as an import has issues with duplicate three.js imports which we have not resolved, so we recommend the approach above.
Please see here for full API documentation.
Please see here for a tutorial introducing LocAR.js.
This is an open-source project licensed under the MIT License and thus comes with no warranty. Also it is a volunteer-led project; work on the project by AR.js maintainers or any other contributor will be undertaken time-permitting only. For this reason we welcome contributors! The more people working on the project, the more likely it is that it will become full-featured and issues will be resolved.