diff --git a/0-one-pager.markdown b/0-one-pager.markdown deleted file mode 100644 index 1f9312d..0000000 --- a/0-one-pager.markdown +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -layout: page -title: "An in-progress one pager." ---- -"We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more, and things that are more distant, than they did, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up, and by their great stature add to ours." attributed to John of Salisbury, learn more [here](https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/268025.html). - -### About - -I am a 2nd year master's student at CU Boulder, working on natural language processing with [Dr. Katharina Kann](https://kelina.github.io) and the [NALA Group](https://nala-cub.github.io/). Depending on your intention, you can check my CV [here](assets/pdf/Abhishek_CV_Uploaded_12-27-22.pdf), my Linkedin profile [here](https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhishekpurushothama/) for details of my professional background or the summary below. - -### Contact -My email is [abhishek DOT purushothama AT colorado DOT edu](mailto:abhijnvb@gmail.com) but I prefer using Linkedin messaging for non-academic professional conversations. - -### Research -My research interests are focused around making NLP applicable to, and available in many languages. - -### Teaching Experience -I have the pleasure and privilege of being a Teaching Assistant for [Principles of Programming Languages](https://home.cs.colorado.edu/~srirams/teaching/ppl_class_notes.html) at CU Boulder since Spring 2022 with Prof. Sankaranarayanan, Prof. Kaki and Prof. Chang. - -### Industry Experience -I was a Software Engineer with VMware(2017-2021) in Bengaluru before I started my graduate studies. - -I have also done internships at Siemens(Research and Engineering, Summer 2022) and Juniper Networks(Software, Spring 2017). - -### Educational Background -I am currently in the Computer Science Masters program at CU Boulder. -I did by Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering (2013-2017) at PES Institute Technology (now PES University) in Bangalore. - -### Writing -I write technical and non-technical articles infrequently, you can find them on my medium site [here](https://medium.com/@ab-purushothama). - -### Code and other projects -I do have public repositories and open-source or public contributions which can be seen in my Github profile [here](https://github.com/Abhishek-P/). - -### Bookshelf -I like to read (largely fiction) and for better or worse track it on Goodreads. If you are interested you can find my shelves [here](https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/25049166-abhishek-p). - -#### Bookstore recommendations -I try and visit (preferably independent) bookstores when I travel and below are some recommendations, in no particular order. - -In Bengaluru, [Blossom Book House](https://goo.gl/maps/SpANTEYfUvm5BabF9). - -In Boulder, [The Bookworm](https://goo.gl/maps/87pD8YA1NKstoW8v7). - -In San Jose, [Recycle Bookstore](https://goo.gl/maps/bN3wHRHLVDCaLmyf9). - -In San Francisco, [City Lights Booksellers & Publishers](https://goo.gl/maps/YxiHSMZcrFgDuiRe7). - -In Seattle, [Mercer Street Books](https://goo.gl/maps/HfRd9nqfos5ND6DQ8). - -`We now have additional recommendation of another city bookstore from the staff.` - -In Washington D.C., [Capitol Hill Books](https://maps.app.goo.gl/JK5Qdc1UgqXDC3p8A). -* Recommended [Powell's](https://www.travelportland.com/attractions/powells/) in Portland. - -#### Template -This site uses jekyll and tries to imitate a single page CV style similar to [this](https://jonbarron.info/). diff --git a/1-experience.markdown b/1-experience.markdown deleted file mode 100644 index ecb83bb..0000000 --- a/1-experience.markdown +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ ---- -layout: page -title: Experience ---- - -* I was a **Research and Engineering Intern** with the *Smart Machine Vision and Visualization* Research group in **Siemens Technologies** for Summer 22. I worked on Information Extraction, Knowledge Graph Construction and Ontology Alignment for a Semantic Application. - - -* For four years (2017 to 2021), I worked in *Horizon Cloud Service* at **VMware**. My work was focused on building and maintaining features and micro-services for the Cloud Control Plane. I have been a proud part of it's evolution and the customers' journey with it. -Things I had largely worked on during that time were - * Horizon Cloud on Azure. - * Support for Monitoring and Management of Horizon 7 pods from Cloud Administration Console. - * Multi Pod Assignments with Universal Broker for Horizon 7 and Horizon Cloud on Azure. - * [Transition Process from Single-Pod Broker to Universal Broker](https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Horizon-Cloud-Service/services/hzncloudmsazure.admin15/GUID-B27B57CF-2A08-4315-8444-E04E3946B676.html). - - -* I was a **Software Engineering Intern** with **Juniper Networks India** for the first six months of 2017. I worked on various things to assist the work done by the JUNOS Kernel team in Bangalore. These ranged from adding commands JUNOS CLI, Code review management for the teams and building dump debugging scripts. diff --git a/2-education.markdown b/2-education.markdown deleted file mode 100644 index 93237f7..0000000 --- a/2-education.markdown +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ ---- -layout: page -title: Education ---- -### Graduate Studies (2021-Present) - I am a Masters Student in Computer Science at the [University of Colorado Boulder](https://www.colorado.edu/cs/) since Fall 2021. My focus is in Natural Language Processing. I am also a member of [Dr. Katharina Kann](https://kelina.github.io/)'s [NALA Lab](https://nala-cub.github.io/). I am currently working on projects in Multilingual NLP and Cross-lingual transfer. - - -### Undergraduate Studies (2013-2017) - I graduated with Bachelor's in Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering from [PES Institute of Technology (now PES University)](https://www.pes.edu/), Bangalore in 2013. I had my first taste of Research during this time with Center for Knowledge Analytics and Ontological Engineering under the guidance of [Dr. Kavi Mahesh](https://iiitdwd.ac.in/Dr.Kavi_Mahesh.php). - - -### Other courses - * My first taste of MOOCs with [Cryptography I](https://www.coursera.org/learn/crypto) by Stanford's Dan Boneh in 2015, I highly recommend it for all students of Computer Sciences, the way it is both accessible and that you get to hear from one of the best teachers for the field is a unique experience. - - * I also completed [Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning from Stanford Center for Professional Development](https://online.stanford.edu/courses/cs224n-natural-language-processing-deep-learning?courseId=11754&method=load) in 2019. The course structure and support was top-notch, including the interaction you get with fellow students in the cohort. It gave me a throwback to undergrad math and more hands-on experience with the deep learning models. But it does cost a pretty penny. Making other alternative courses better choices in most cases . diff --git a/3-projects.markdown b/3-projects.markdown deleted file mode 100644 index 7af2b09..0000000 --- a/3-projects.markdown +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ ---- -layout: page -title: Projects ---- -#### Some of my past projects. - -* #### Birds need attention too. - - We performed comparative analysis between Transformer ([AST](https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.01778)) and Convolution ([EfficientNet](https://ai.googleblog.com/2019/05/efficientnet-improving-accuracy-and.html)) based backbones for BirdCLEF 2022's Bird Sound classification Task. This was done for [Prof Danna Gurari's Neural Networks and Deep Learning](https://home.cs.colorado.edu/~DrG/Courses/NeuralNetworksAndDeepLearning/AboutCourse.html) Course in Spring 22. - -* #### [Devopedia's cms-maker](https://github.com/DevopediaOrg/cms-maker/) - Method and utilities to generate Chicago Manual Style citations from webpages for [Devopedia.org](https://devopedia.org) - -* #### [Movie Recommend](https://github.com/Abhishek-P/movie-recommend) - Recommending movies from MovieLens dataset the way google used to recommend videos before deep learning methods. - - -## Publications -* #### [Classification-based Access Control Methodology in RDF](https://preview.tinyurl.com/y2ambhag) by Abhishek, P., Jayateerth S. Deshpande, and Kavi Mahesh in TERI ICDL 2016 diff --git a/4-teaching.markdown b/4-teaching.markdown deleted file mode 100644 index f295b1f..0000000 --- a/4-teaching.markdown +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -layout: page -title: Teaching - ---- - -I have fortunately and somewhat surprisingly come to love teaching Computer Science in Higher Education. I hope to continue this for the foreseeable future and hopefully beyond. - -* #### Graduate Teaching Assistant for [CSCI 3155: Principles of Programing Languages](https://home.cs.colorado.edu/~srirams/teaching/ppl_class_notes.html) in Spring 22. - - The Instructors were [Prof. Sriram Sankaranarayanan](https://home.cs.colorado.edu/~srirams) and [Prof. Gowtham Kaki](https://gowthamk.github.io/). - - - You can find the Prof. Sankaranarayanan's notes for it at this [link](https://home.cs.colorado.edu/~srirams/teaching/). I personally found it refreshing and well crafted. The course uses [Scala](https://www.scala-lang.org/) as the primary programming medium. The course utilizes a small representative programming language called Lettuce to understand and demonstrate the principles. - - -* #### Graduate Teaching Assistant for [CSCI 3155: Principles of Programing Languages](https://csci3155.cs.colorado.edu/s18/) in Fall 22. - - The Instructor is [Prof. Evan Chang](https://plv.colorado.edu/bec/). - - This is a more project/lab-driven course, but was the foundation of Prof Sriram's version of the course. - You can choose to base your course on the same. You can find many of the resources at this [link](https://github.com/csci3155). - - -I strongly appreciate the efforts of the CS Department and other entities at CU Boulder that encourage and support Graduate students in pursuing teaching opportunities during their Graduate studies. diff --git a/index.markdown b/index.markdown index f21311b..cc867b6 100644 --- a/index.markdown +++ b/index.markdown @@ -1,16 +1,61 @@ --- -# Feel free to add content and custom Front Matter to this file. -# To modify the layout, see https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/#overriding-theme-defaults - layout: home --- -I am a 3rd year master's student in computer science at CU Boulder, working on natural language processing with [Dr. Katharina Kann](https://kelina.github.io) and the [NALA Group](https://nala-cub.github.io/). +> "We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more, and things that are more distant, than they did, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up, and by their great stature add to ours." + +attributed to John of Salisbury, learn more [here](https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/268025.html). + +# About Me + +I will be starting my PhD at Georgetown University in Fall 2024. I will be working with [Prof. Nathan Schneider](https://people.cs.georgetown.edu/nschneid/) and other *excellent* folks of [NERT](http://nert.georgetown.edu/), [GUCL](https://gucl.georgetown.edu/), and [CS](https://cs.georgetown.edu/#). Before this, I was a master's student at CU Boulder, working on natural language processing with [Prof. Katharina Kann](https://kelina.github.io) and the [NALA Group](https://nala-cub.github.io/). + +# Contact +My email is [abhishek DOT purushothama AT colorado DOT edu](mailto:abhshek.purushothama@colorado.edu), but I prefer using Linkedin messaging for non-academic professional conversations. + + +# Professional details +Depending on your intention, you can check my CV [here](assets/pdf/Abhishek_CV_Uploaded_12-27-22.pdf), or my Linkedin profile [here](https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhishekpurushothama/) for details of my professional background or the summary below. + + + +# Writing, Code, Books + +[expand] + +## Writing + +I write technical and non-technical blog articles infrequently, you can find them on my medium site [here](https://medium.com/@ab-purushothama). + + +## Code and other projects +I do have public repositories and open-source or public contributions which can be seen in my Github profile [here](https://github.com/Abhishek-P/). + +## Bookshelf +I like to read (largely fiction) and for better or worse track it on Goodreads. If you are interested you can find my shelves [here](https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/25049166-abhishek-p). If you ever meet me, feel free to ask for a personal recommendation :). + +## Bookstore recommendations +I try and visit (preferably independent) bookstores when I travel and below are some recommendations, in no particular order. + +In Bengaluru, [Blossom Book House](https://goo.gl/maps/SpANTEYfUvm5BabF9). + +In Boulder, [The Bookworm](https://goo.gl/maps/87pD8YA1NKstoW8v7). + +In San Jose, [Recycle Bookstore](https://goo.gl/maps/bN3wHRHLVDCaLmyf9). + +In San Francisco, [City Lights Booksellers & Publishers](https://goo.gl/maps/YxiHSMZcrFgDuiRe7). + +In Seattle, [Mercer Street Books](https://goo.gl/maps/HfRd9nqfos5ND6DQ8). + +`We now have additional recommendation of another city bookstore from the staff.` -You can check my [CV](assets/pdf/Abhishek_CV_Uploaded_12-27-22.pdf) or pages where I have noted down some descriptive information. +In Washington DC, [Capitol Hill Books](https://maps.app.goo.gl/JK5Qdc1UgqXDC3p8A). +* Recommended [Powell's](https://www.travelportland.com/attractions/powells/) in Portland. -If you want to contact me, and it is for something official and administrative, my email address is at the bottom. Otherwise, Linkedin DMs are simple and easy to use and are something I check often. +[/expand] -If you came here by accident, click [here](https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/cams/penguin-cam) and watch the delightful penguins in San Diego Zoo before you head back. +## Template +This site uses jekyll and tries to imitate a single page CV style similar to [this](https://jonbarron.info/). -Have a great day! \ No newline at end of file +{% include text-expand.html %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timeline-nlp.markdown b/timeline-nlp.markdown deleted file mode 100644 index b499627..0000000 --- a/timeline-nlp.markdown +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -layout: page -title: "NLP 'highlights'" ---- -## A timeline of my NLP highlights -* 2023 - * Working on improving transformers for morphological inflection - * Graduating from MSCS at CU Boulder with research focus on NLP -* 2022 - * Worked on continued pretraining for cross-lingual transfer -* 2021 - * Started MSCS at CU Boulder with research focus on NLP - * Grader for Grad NLP at CU with Prof James Martin - * Took NLP Seminar with Prof Katharina von der Wense (nee Kann) - * Started working on continued pretraining for cross-lingual transfer -* 2020 - * Worked with devopedia.org on URL to Citation Maker project - * Completed XCS224N : Deep Learning for NLP from Stanford Center for Professional Development -* 2019 - * Mentoring UC Davis aisociety students on a project for using using QA systems -* 2018 - * Worked on log analysis and question answering side projects at VMware -* 2017 - * Graduated with Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering from PES Institute of Technology -* 2015 - * Worked on Kannada WebNLG (kan) task with Prof. Kavi Mahesh -* 2013 - * Started the Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering at PES Institute of Technology \ No newline at end of file