Messaging API client for Viber
npm i --save messaging-api-viber
yarn add messaging-api-viber
const { ViberClient } = require('messaging-api-viber');
// get authToken from the "edit info" screen of your Public Account.
const client = ViberClient.connect(authToken);
uses axios as HTTP client. We use axios-error package to wrap API error instances for better formatting error messages. Directly console.log
on the error instance will return formatted message. If you'd like to get the axios request
, response
, or config
, you can still get them via those keys on the error instance.
client.setWebhook(url).catch(error => {
console.log(error); // formatted error message
console.log(error.stack); // error stack trace
console.log(error.config); // axios request config
console.log(error.request); // HTTP request
console.log(error.response); // HTTP response
All methods return a Promise.
Setting a Webhook.
Param | Type | Description |
url | String |
HTTPS Account webhook URL to receive callbacks & messages from users. |
eventTypes | Array<String> |
Indicates the types of Viber events that the account owner would like to be notified about. Possible values: delivered , seen , failed , subscribed , unsubscribed and conversation_started . |
You can filter event types using optional parameter:
client.setWebhook('', [
Removing your webhook.
sendMessage(receiver, message)
- Official Docs
Sending a message to a user.
Param | Type | Description |
receiver | String |
Unique Viber user id. |
message | Object |
Message and options to be sent. |
client.sendMessage(USER_ID, {
type: 'text',
text: 'Hello',
Note: Maximum total JSON size of the request is 30kb.
sendText(receiver, text [, options])
- Official Docs
Sending a text message to a user.
Param | Type | Description |
receiver | String |
Unique Viber user id. |
text | String |
The text of the message. |
options | Object |
Other optional parameters. |
client.sendText(USER_ID, 'Hello');
sendPicture(receiver, picture [, options])
- Official Docs
Sending a picture message to a user.
Param | Type | Description |
receiver | String |
Unique Viber user id. |
picture | Object |
picture.text | String |
Description of the photo. Can be an empty string if irrelevant. Max 120 characters. | | String |
URL of the image (JPEG). Max size 1 MB. Only JPEG format is supported. Other image formats as well as animated GIFs can be sent as URL messages or file messages. |
picture.thumbnail | String |
URL of a reduced size image (JPEG). Max size 100 kb. Recommended: 400x400. Only JPEG format is supported. |
options | Object |
Other optional parameters. |
client.sendPicture(USER_ID, {
text: 'Photo description',
media: '',
thumbnail: '',
sendVideo(receiver, video [, options])
- Official Docs
Sending a video message to a user.
Param | Type | Description |
receiver | String |
Unique Viber user id. |
video | Object |
| | String |
URL of the video (MP4, H264). Max size 50 MB. Only MP4 and H264 are supported. |
video.size | Number |
Size of the video in bytes. |
video.duration | Number |
Video duration in seconds; will be displayed to the receiver. Max 180 seconds. |
video.thumbnail | String |
URL of a reduced size image (JPEG). Max size 100 kb. Recommended: 400x400. Only JPEG format is supported. |
options | Object |
Other optional parameters. |
client.sendVideo(USER_ID, {
media: '',
size: 10000,
thumbnail: '',
duration: 10,
sendFile(receiver, file [, options])
- Official Docs
Sending a file message to a user.
Param | Type | Description |
receiver | String |
Unique Viber user id. |
file | Object |
| | String |
URL of the file. Max size 50 MB. See forbidden file formats for unsupported file types. |
file.size | Number |
Size of the file in bytes. |
file.file_name | String |
Name of the file. File name should include extension. Max 256 characters (including file extension). |
options | Object |
Other optional parameters. |
client.sendFile(USER_ID, {
media: '',
size: 10000,
file_name: 'name_of_file.doc',
sendContact(receiver, contact [, options])
- Official Docs
Sending a contact message to a user.
Param | Type | Description |
receiver | String |
Unique Viber user id. |
contact | Object |
| | String |
Name of the contact. Max 28 characters. |
contact.phone_number | String |
Phone number of the contact. Max 18 characters. |
options | Object |
Other optional parameters. |
client.sendContact(USER_ID, {
name: 'Itamar',
phone_number: '+972511123123',
sendLocation(receiver, location [, options])
- Official Docs
Sending a location message to a user.
Param | Type | Description |
receiver | String |
Unique Viber user id. |
location | Object |
| | String |
Latitude (±90°) within valid ranges. |
location.lon | String |
Longitude (±180°) within valid ranges. |
options | Object |
Other optional parameters. |
client.sendLocation(USER_ID, {
lat: '37.7898',
lon: '-122.3942',
sendURL(receiver, url [, options])
- Official Docs
Sending an URL message to a user.
Param | Type | Description |
receiver | String |
Unique Viber user id. |
url | String |
URL. Max 2,000 characters. |
options | Object |
Other optional parameters. |
client.sendURL(USER_ID, '');
sendSticker(receiver, stickerId [, options])
- Official Docs
Sending a sticker message to a user.
Param | Type | Description |
receiver | String |
Unique Viber user id. |
stickerId | Number |
Unique Viber sticker ID. For examples visit the sticker IDs page. |
options | Object |
Other optional parameters. |
client.sendSticker(USER_ID, 46105);
sendCarouselContent(receiver, richMedia [, options])
- Official Docs
Sending a carousel content message to a user.
Param | Type | Description |
receiver | String |
Unique Viber user id. |
richMedia.ButtonsGroupColumns | Number |
Number of columns per carousel content block. Default 6 columns. Possible values: 1 - 6. |
richMedia.ButtonsGroupRows | Number |
Number of rows per carousel content block. Default 7 rows. Possible values: 1 - 7. |
richMedia.Buttons | Array<Object> |
Array of buttons. Max of 6 _ ButtonsGroupColumns _ ButtonsGroupRows. |
options | Object |
Other optional parameters. |
client.sendCarouselContent(USER_ID, {
Type: 'rich_media',
ButtonsGroupColumns: 6,
ButtonsGroupRows: 7,
BgColor: '#FFFFFF',
Buttons: [
Columns: 6,
Rows: 3,
ActionType: 'open-url',
ActionBody: '',
Image: 'http://html-test:8080/myweb/guy/assets/imageRMsmall2.png',
Columns: 6,
Rows: 2,
'<font color=#323232><b>Headphones with Microphone, On-ear Wired earphones</b></font><font color=#777777><br>Sound Intone </font><font color=#6fc133>$17.99</font>',
ActionType: 'open-url',
ActionBody: '',
TextSize: 'medium',
TextVAlign: 'middle',
TextHAlign: 'left',
Columns: 6,
Rows: 1,
ActionType: 'reply',
ActionBody: '',
Text: '<font color=#ffffff>Buy</font>',
TextSize: 'large',
TextVAlign: 'middle',
TextHAlign: 'middle',
Image: '',
Columns: 6,
Rows: 1,
ActionType: 'reply',
ActionBody: '',
Text: '<font color=#8367db>MORE DETAILS</font>',
TextSize: 'small',
TextVAlign: 'middle',
TextHAlign: 'middle',
Columns: 6,
Rows: 3,
ActionType: 'open-url',
ActionBody: '',
Image: '',
Columns: 6,
Rows: 2,
"<font color=#323232><b>Hanes Men's Humor Graphic T-Shirt</b></font><font color=#777777><br>Hanes</font><font color=#6fc133>$10.99</font>",
ActionType: 'open-url',
ActionBody: '',
TextSize: 'medium',
TextVAlign: 'middle',
TextHAlign: 'left',
Columns: 6,
Rows: 1,
ActionType: 'reply',
ActionBody: '',
Text: '<font color=#ffffff>Buy</font>',
TextSize: 'large',
TextVAlign: 'middle',
TextHAlign: 'middle',
Image: '',
Columns: 6,
Rows: 1,
ActionType: 'reply',
ActionBody: '',
Text: '<font color=#8367db>MORE DETAILS</font>',
TextSize: 'small',
TextVAlign: 'middle',
TextHAlign: 'middle',
Keyboards - Official Docs
The Viber API allows sending a custom keyboard using the send_message API, to supply the user with a set of predefined replies or actions. Keyboards can be attached to any message type and be sent and displayed together. To attach a keyboard to a message simply add the keyboard’s parameters to the options:
client.sendText(USER_ID, 'Hello', {
keyboard: {
DefaultHeight: true,
BgColor: '#FFFFFF',
Buttons: [
Columns: 6,
Rows: 1,
BgColor: '#2db9b9',
BgMediaType: 'gif',
BgMedia: '',
BgLoop: true,
ActionType: 'open-url',
ActionBody: '',
Image: '',
Text: 'Key text',
TextVAlign: 'middle',
TextHAlign: 'center',
TextOpacity: 60,
TextSize: 'regular',
Which in turn will look like this:
Broadcast API - Official Docs
Those API methods use the same parameters as the send methods with a few variations described below. You should specify a list of receivers instead of a single receiver.
broadcastMessage(broadcastList, message)
broadcastText(broadcastList, text [, options])
broadcastPicture(broadcastList, picture [, options])
broadcastVideo(broadcastList, video [, options])
broadcastFile(broadcastList, file [, options])
broadcastContact(broadcastList, contact [, options])
broadcastLocation(broadcastList, location [, options])
broadcastURL(broadcastList, url [, options])
broadcastSticker(broadcastList, stickerId [, options])
broadcastCarouselContent(broadcastList, richMedia [, options])
Param | Type | Description |
broadcastList | Array<String> |
This mandatory parameter defines the recipients for the message. Every user must be subscribed and have a valid user id. The maximum list length is 300 receivers. |
'a broadcast to everybody'
.then(result => {
// {
// message_token: 40808912438712,
// status: 0,
// status_message: 'ok',
// failed_list: [
// {
// receiver: 'pttm25kSGUo1919sBORWyA==',
// status: 6,
// status_message: 'Not subscribed',
// },
// {
// receiver: 'EGAZ3SZRi6zW1D0uNYhQHg==',
// status: 5,
// status_message: 'Not found',
// },
// ],
// }
- Official Docs
It will fetch the account’s details as registered in Viber.
client.getAccountInfo().then(info => {
// {
// status: 0,
// status_message: 'ok',
// id: 'pa:75346594275468546724',
// name: 'account name',
// uri: 'accountUri',
// icon: '',
// background: '',
// category: 'category',
// subcategory: 'sub category',
// location: {
// lon: 0.1,
// lat: 0.2,
// },
// country: 'UK',
// webhook: '',
// event_types: ['delivered', 'seen'],
// subscribers_count: 35,
// members: [
// {
// id: '01234567890A=',
// name: 'my name',
// avatar: '',
// role: 'admin',
// },
// ],
// }
- Official Docs
It will fetch the details of a specific Viber user based on his unique user ID.
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
Unique Viber user id. |
client.getUserDetails('01234567890A=').then(user => {
// {
// id: '01234567890A=',
// name: 'John McClane',
// avatar: '',
// country: 'UK',
// language: 'en',
// primary_device_os: 'android 7.1',
// api_version: 1,
// viber_version: '6.5.0',
// mcc: 1,
// mnc: 1,
// device_type: 'iPhone9,4',
// };
- Official Docs
It will fetch the online status of a given subscribed account members.
Param | Type | Description |
id | Array<String> |
Array of unique Viber user id. 100 ids per request. |
.getOnlineStatus(['01234567890=', '01234567891=', '01234567893='])
.then(status => {
// [
// {
// id: '01234567890=',
// online_status: 0,
// online_status_message: 'online',
// },
// {
// id: '01234567891=',
// online_status: 1,
// online_status_message: 'offline',
// last_online: 1457764197627,
// },
// {
// id: '01234567893=',
// online_status: 3,
// online_status_message: 'tryLater',
// },
// ];
To enable default request debugger, use following DEBUG
env variable:
If you want to use custom request logging function, just define your own onRequest
const client = ViberClient.connect({
accessToken: ACCESS_TOKEN,
onRequest: ({ method, url, headers, body }) => {
/* */
To avoid sending requests to real Viber server, specify origin
option when constructing your client:
const { ViberClient } = require('messaging-api-viber');
const client = ViberClient.connect({
accessToken: ACCESS_TOKEN,
origin: '',
Warning: Don't do this on production server.
Manual Mock with Jest
create __mocks__/messaging-api-viber.js
in your project root:
// __mocks__/messaging-api-viber.js
const jestMock = require('jest-mock');
const { ViberClient } = require.requireActual('messaging-api-viber');
module.exports = {
ViberClient: {
connect: jest.fn(() => {
const Mock = jestMock.generateFromMetadata(
return new Mock();
Then, mock messaging-api-viber
package in your tests:
// __tests__/mytest.spec.js