Smart contracts to implement AVS (Actively Validated Service) that verifies sentiment analysis of user feedback.
event NewTaskCreated(uint32 indexed taskIndex, Task task);
Tracks when a user submits new feedback to the system. Every feedback submission gets a unique ID (taskIndex) and includes:
- The user's written comment
- A rating (1-5)
- The block number when submitted
"taskIndex": 1,
"task": {
"comment": "Great service!",
"rating": 5,
"taskCreatedBlock": 21808375
event TaskResponded(
uint32 indexed taskIndex,
Task task,
string sentiment,
address operator
Tracks when an operator analyzes a piece of feedback. Records:
- Which feedback they analyzed (taskIndex)
- The original feedback details
- Their sentiment analysis result (positive/negative/neutral)
- The operator's address
"taskIndex": 1,
"task": {
"comment": "Great service!",
"rating": 5,
"taskCreatedBlock": 21808375
"sentiment": "POSITIVE",
"operator": "0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8"
forge install Layr-Labs/eigenlayer-middleware@mainnet
### Terminal 1 (Run the anvil node)
anvil --chain-id 31337 --fork-url
### Terminal 2 (Script to deploy the contract on Eigen Layer and AVS)
forge script script/DeployManager.sol --rpc-url --broadcast
##### anvil-hardhat
✅ [Success] Hash: 0xb4f1a071ef6ff6e6cea75d66eb62b88424af582d226a833c77eed019039866b5
Contract Address: 0xe3EF345391654121f385679613Cea79A692C2Dd8
Block: 21808375
##### anvil-hardhat
✅ [Success] Hash: 0x75b40857f7eabbc418480bf390d8820e67e50d7cc8bbd88440cb222609c5fb29
Block: 21808376
##### anvil-hardhat
✅ [Success] Hash: 0x55d17bf3de917cea3f91d631d96c2bd662d9790f85eadad5459db86fbb2020f6
Block: 21808377
Paid: 0.00007202453545676 ETH (118142 gas * 0.60964378 gwei) ```