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Yet another technical analysis bot ( Conceptualising chained strategies based on chart/TA scenarios, within timeframes, managed with YAML templates


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Yet Another Technical Analysis Bot (YATAB)

Use at Your Own Risk

See disclaimer at the end of this file, before using this project.

What is YATAB?

This is a technical analysis, financial market trading bot (currently supports crypto markets), with support for YAML playbook templates, to control how and what the bot does; whether thats automated trading, or simple notifications.

Following a concept of timeframes with strategies (which can be chained together with other strategies), to look for scenarios (definable sets of conditions over a given number of data frames) on a combination of chart datapoints and/or technical analysis; with subscriptions for callbacks, based on a definable number of signals within a given timeframe.

Leveraging the talib library, via the NPM talib wrapper.

Project status

  • Planning a candidate release towards the end of 2024
  • Implemented: YAML playbook templates
  • Spot trading only (could expand on this later)
  • Storage; File, Memory, Redis
  • Exchanges; Paper, Kraken

In development

  • Storage; S3, DynamoDB
  • Exchanges; UniswapV3, GeckoTerminalV2


  • talib@1.1.6
  • Storage; MongoDB
  • Exchanges; UniswapV2
  • Testing; Mock JSON
  • D3 UI
  • Playbooks, helpers repo:


First, you'll need to install NPM packages.

npm install

Then choose to use Playbooks, or write your own scripts using the examples shown in the Structure section, below.

Playbooks (YAML templates)

Bot instances can be configured using YAML templates, known as playbooks, stored in the ~/playbook/<name>/<name>.yml directory. Replace <name> with actual template name.

In this example; A subscription callback action function will be imported from ~/playbook/<name>/<name>.ts

Running templates

Without the YML file extension.

npm run playbook <name>

pnpm playbook <name>

See ~/playbook/sample-eth-btc/sample-eth-btc.yml for a very simple example playbook, which would sell bearish overbought and buy bullish oversold RSI conditions of ETH/BTC, on Kraken.


The concept of items, refers to all core components of the bot. Items are listed in order of dependency.

Item Description
Analysis Provides contexts of configured technical analysis
Asset Identifies individual assets across the ecosystem
Exchange Interface with external exchanges (i.e. Kraken, Uniswap, etc.)
Pair Two Asset items, tied to an Exchange, tracking balances, prices
Order Provides trade actions on Pair
Chart Manage dataset information on Pair
Scenario A set of conditions, against Chart and/or Analysis data
Strategy Collection of Scenario against a Chart
Timeframe Collection of Strategy within time constraints
Subscription Collection of Timeframe, awaiting a set of signal conditions, to do actions (callbacks)

Subscription actions (callbacks)

See ~/playbook/sample-eth-btc/sample-eth-btc.ts for an example set of callbacks, reference in the sample-eth-btc playbook above

use references


 # Use playbook, local file or
 - playbook:sample-eth-btc

 # Similar to above, just using the playbook's scenario `foobar`
 - playbook:sample-eth-btc:scenario:foobar

 # Use scenario `bearish-cross` from `bull-market-support-band`, local file or
 - scenario:bull-market-support-band:bearish-cross

 # Alternative way to define and use analysis; RSI, overriding `optInTimePeriod` (default `14`) with `28`, and `inRealField` (default `candle.close`) with ``

 # To use default RSI configuration
 - analysis:rsi14:RSI


  • Supported type (required) values are; playbook, scenario, and analysis
  • The name (required) value can be any alphanumeric string, with hyphens - or underscores _
  • All remaining, unlimited param values are optional, depending on requirements.
  • When type is analysis, param0 is always the analysis type, i.e; RSI, SMA, MACD, etc.
  • All analysis config fields and default values are defined in ~/src/Helper/Analysis.ts
  • Analysis config fields can be passed as param values, i.e. inRealField=candle.close


  • Whenever referencing a playbook or scenario, all use references within that source, will be added to your playbook.
  • A use reference will always update a previously defined use reference, with the same type and name.


All time values are in milliseconds, with the following exceptions;

  • ChartData.closeTime and ChartData.openTime are stored in seconds.
  • Minutes are used when storing datasets. i.e. 240 for four hours; storage/dataset/Kraken/ETHBTC/2023/03/18/240/

Shorthand notation in playbooks

Notations s,m,h,d,w (i.e. 5m for five minutes in milliseconds) are available for better readability on Time (i.e. intervalTime) suffixed fields, otherwise values are treated as milliseconds.

    pair: ethBtcKraken
    pollTime: 5m          # five minutes; 300000 milliseconds
    candleTime: 4h        # four hours; 14400000 milliseconds


Quantities will always be stored as literal values, unless the quantity is a percentage value. In which case, it will operate under the follow conditions;

Side Last Qty. Operation
Buy 0 Percentage of Balance B
Buy > 0 Change current order quantity, by this percentage
Sell 0 Percentage of Balance A
Sell > 0 Change current order quantity, by this percentage


Is defined in order of what information is available.

  • Can be set directly Chart.datasetNextTime
  • When a dataset is added; moves to Chart.endTime
  • Now, minus Timeframe.windowTime
  • If available; Chart.datasetUpdateTime
  • Otherwise; now, minus Chart.candleTime multiplied by BOT_CHART_DEFAULT_TOTAL_CANDLE (default 50)

Finally, Chart.candleTime is deducted from the time to ensure integrity of any existing candle delta on dataset.

Item referencing

All items are identified in playbooks with a name (names are only unique to item type), which is then used to link items together.

The example below defines two assets; BTC and USD, the exchange Kraken, and a Pair, which consists of both assets, on the exchange. This is to allow price tracking, for these assets, specific to Kraken.

See the Items table above for more details on how items are related.

    symbol: BTC
    symbol: USD
    # More exchanges are in development; Binance, Coinbase, including decentralised options, such as Uniswap
    class: Kraken
    a: btc
    b: usd
    exchange: kraken

Scenarios in playbooks

When defining scenarios, we're looking for at least one condition (you can define as many as you need), across one or more candles. Each condition can target either Chart candle metrics, or any associated Analytic.

In the example below, we're looking for the scenario where the RSI is moving to the upside, from at or below a value of 30 (oversold) on the previous candle, to the latest (current) candle, with an RSI value above 30, where the candles current price (we use close, as it's the latest reading, until the candle closes) is 5% higher than the previous candle close.

Alternatively, you can also use fixed values, instead of percentages.

Example YAML templates can be found (more to be added) in: ~/playbook/

      inRealField: close
      optInTimePeriod: 14
    type: RSI
  # This is the name of the scenario, and would be used as a reference in strategies
    # You'll need to define, and include any analysis below, if you're using it in the conditions below
      - rsi14
      # Previous candle
        # Condition 1 - RSI was below 30
        - [rsi14.outReal, '<', 30]
      # Latest candle
        # Condition 1 - RSI is now 30 or higher
        - [rsi14.outReal, '>=', 30]
        # Condition 2 - price is also 5% higher than the previous candle close
        - [candle.close, '>=', 5%]
        # Or a fixed price, when the price is 42K or higher
        # - [candle.close, '>=', 42000]

Scenario condition field names

If you define condition fields without prefixes (i.e outReal instead of rsi14.outReal for analysis named rsi14), the condition will be evaluated on all datasets that use that field name.

Use the candle. prefix to target only Chart candle metrics. Available fields; close, closeTime, high, low, open, openTime, tradeCount, volume, vwap


Bull Market Support Band

      inRealField: close
      optInTimePeriod: 21
    type: EMA
      inRealField: close
      optInTimePeriod: 20
    type: SMA
  # EMA21 crossing below the SMA20
      - ema21
      - sma20
      - # Previous candle - TIP: If this candle is removed, then the scenario could be used to indicate and trigger other strategies, while bullish, instead of a cross
        - [ema21.outReal, '>=', sma20.outReal]
      - # Latest candle
        - [ema21.outReal, '<', sma20.outReal]
    windowTime: 4w
  # EMA21 crossing above SMA20
      - ema21
      - sma20
      - # Previous candle
        - [ema21.outReal, '<', sma20.outReal]
      - # Latest candle
        - [ema21.outReal, '>=', sma20.outReal]
    windowTime: 4w


See .env.example for bot configuration options, and exchange API keys


Mocha, Chai unit test coverage. Currently tests a known dataset for strategy scenarios, against two timeframes.

npm test


tsc --watch


Tested using an Anvil hardfork of local mainnet RPC.

anvil --fork-url --fork-block-number 17480237 --fork-chain-id 1 --chain-id 1


If you'd like to support, and see more time dedicated to the development of this project; donations will allow me to do that, and are greatly appreciated.



Ethereum (EVM chains):



Here is a basic overview of how the bot is currently structured. Subject to change, as this project is still in development.

How a Subscription applies to Timeframe changes

Available condition values

  • high for the timeframe with the most amount of signals
  • low for the timeframe with the least amount of signals
  • new for any previously unseen signals (depends on state data passed with a Subscription.despatch)
  • total for the sum of all timeframe signals{
  action: (
    subscribe: SubscriptionData
  ) => {},
  chart: chartKrakenEthBtc4h,
  condition: [
    ['total', '>=', '3'],
  match: 'new', // Or `all`
  name: 'buyEthBtcKraken',
  timeframeAny: [


Run over intervalTime, checking one or more Strategy. Matches will Subscription.despatch() to any Timeframe subscribers.

let defaultTimeframe ={
  intervalTime: 1000, // 1 second
  windowTime: 86400000 * 30, // last 30 days
  strategy: [

setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);

Strategy (belonging to a Timeframe)

One or more Analysis result sets, for a given Chart, looking for one or more Scenario condition matches (which can trigger an optional chained Strategy).

let stratBullishSma20Cross ={
  action: [
  analysis: [
  chart: chartKrakenEthBtc4h,
  name: 'BullishSma20Cross',

Scenario (belonging to a Strategy)

One or more sets of conditions against one or more sets of Analysis and/or Chart metrics.

const Sma20BullishCross ={
  analysis: [
  condition: [

    // Three candles back
      ['close', '<', 'outReal'],

    // Two...
      ['close', '<', 'outReal'],

    // Previous candle
      ['close', '>=', 'outReal'],

    // Latest candle
      ['close', '>=', 'outReal'],
  name: 'scenarioSma20BullishCross',

Analysis (belonging to a Strategy and/or Scenario)

A light talib wrapper, with configuration.

const analysisSma20 ={
  name: 'SMA20',
  config: {
    inRealField: 'close',
    optInTimePeriod: 20,
    // startIndex: 20, // Force offset of TA, to chart datapoints
  type: 'SMA',

Chart (belonging to an Exchange)

Collection of data points for a Chart with Pair of Asset, for a candleTime, updated every pollTime, sourced from storage.

let chartKrakenEthBtc4h ={
  exchange: exchangeKraken,
  pair: pairEthBtc,
  pollTime: 300000, // 5 minutes in milliseconds
  candleTime: 14400000 // 4 hours in milliseconds

Asset (belonging to a Pair)


let assetEth ={
  exchange: exchangeKraken,
  symbol: 'ETH'

let assetBtc ={
  exchange: exchangeKraken,
  symbol: 'BTC'

let pairEthBtc ={
  a: assetEth,
  b: assetBtc


A potential source of Chart data, or destination for Exchange actions. I.e. based on a Subscription despatch to open/close a Position.

Support for web3 RPC nodes, will be added.

const exchangeKraken ={
  class: 'Kraken',
  key: process.env.KRAKEN_CLIENT_KEY,
  secret: process.env.KRAKEN_CLIENT_SECRET,


All created items (i.e. are kept in a simple global storage system, identified by their own UUID. Using Bot.setItem(object): uuid and Bot.getItem(uuid): object

Web3: Fantom testnet

Notes for EVM testing.

UniswapV2Factory 0xEE4bC42157cf65291Ba2FE839AE127e3Cc76f741

UniswapV2Router02 0xa6AD18C2aC47803E193F75c3677b14BF19B94883

WFTM 0xf1277d1Ed8AD466beddF92ef448A132661956621

USDT 0xc7ddde830db19bd94dd584dcac774f0be47b29d1


Use at Your Own Risk

This project is provided for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be used as financial, trading, or investment advice. The algorithms and technical analysis tools implemented in this bot are based on publicly available methods, but there is no guarantee that they will be accurate, profitable, or effective in any market condition.

No Liability

I, the repository owner, do not assume any responsibility for any financial losses, damages, or issues that may arise from the use of this bot. You are solely responsible for your trading decisions and the risks associated with using automated trading tools.

Not Financial Advice

This bot does not provide any buy/sell recommendations or market predictions. Please consult with a licensed financial advisor or conduct your own research before making any financial decisions.


  • Use this bot at your own discretion.
  • Past performance is not indicative of future results.
  • Ensure compliance with any relevant regulations or exchange rules.


Yet another technical analysis bot ( Conceptualising chained strategies based on chart/TA scenarios, within timeframes, managed with YAML templates








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