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Deploying WordPress and MySQL

The following sample is for deploying a WordPress site and a MySQL database to demonstrate service descovery with DNS

This sample is simplified version from the official kubernetes sample without the PVC.

The full version could be found in [../wordpress-pvc] The alternative version with EIP could be found in [../wordpress-eip]

Test It Out

  1. Ensure PrivateZone service is enabled (

  2. Create Serverless Kubernetes cluster, and check the option for "Using PrivateZone for service descovery"

  3. Modify the kustomization.yaml file with your password

  4. Deploy application

kubectl apply -k ./

Verify that the Secret exists by running the following command:

kubectl get secrets

Check on the status of the pod using this command:

kubectl get pod
kubectl get pod -l app=wordpress
kubectl get service -l app=wordpress

You will see the service result as following

$ kubectl get service -l app=wordpress
NAME              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)        AGE
wordpress         LoadBalancer   <none>  80:30987/TCP   2m
wordpress-mysql   ClusterIP      <none>       <none>           3306/TCP       2m

Access the WordPress application

LB_ENDPOINT=$(kubectl get service wordpress  -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}")

# Open browser with URL in MacOSX
open http://$LB_ENDPOINT
  1. Delete deployments and services
kubectl delete -k ./