HTML CSS Git Challenge: Code Refactor
This challenge is an on-the-job ticket, which begins with starter code that has been modified involving a very important aspect of web development: accessibility.
For long-term sustainability, all links are reviewed to ensure correct in its functionability. Also, rework of the CSS to make it more efficient by consolidating CSS selectors and properties, organizing them to follow the semantic structure of the HTML elements, and including comments before each element or section of the page.
To test the web accessibility, a free web screen reader, such as NV Access may be used to test this web page.
NV Access may be referenced under the following URL:
The Horiseon web page (index.html) may be opened under any web browser, while opening the NV Access app to enable the assistive app to review the web page for accessible attributes.
Source references to support the delivery of this solution included reference lookups to the following sources: a. b. c.
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