CalculateTPLikePropsFromSweep Algorithm¶
+The CalculateTPLikePropsFromSweep()
calculates square pulse properties
+from a given sweep. It retrieves the associated setting values for the sweep and
+returns the voltage difference, current difference and resistance for each
+head stage. The function only works for current clamp mode.
The function is split into several parts:
+The goal of the algorithm is to determine the steady state resistance of a +square pulse response. The available sweep data contains the excitation pulse as +well as the response pulse. The excitation pulse is in units of current and the +response is measured in voltage. The actual data consists of discrete points of +digital to analog output (excitation) and analog to digital input (response). +For simplicity this will be neglected in the following.
+The square pulse DA data is used to find the leading and trailing edge of +the pulse. Therefore a level of 10% of the amplitude of the square pulse is defined +to find the location of signal crossing.
+Using a edge finding algorithm the location of firstEdge and secondEdge +is retrieved.
+For determination of the base line level in front of the pulse a
+range is defined to average the points of the square pulse response. The full base
+line fraction in front of a square pulse starts after the onSetDelay
and ends
+at firstEdge
. The length of the range is defined as 10% of this distance. The
+reference point is the end of this range and it is set close to firstEdge.
The base line level is then determined by averaging over the data points p between +left and right.
+For determination of the elevated level at the end of the active pulse a
+range is defined to average the points of the square pulse response. The active
+pulse starts after firstEdge
and ends with secondEdge
. The length of the
+range is defined as 10% of this distance. The reference point is the end of this
+range and it is set close to secondEdge.
The elevated level is then determined by averaging over the data points p between +left and right.
+The difference between elevated level and base line level is the voltage response +for the steady state.
+To get the steady state resistance the current from the excitation amplitude of +the square pulse is required. It is retrieved the same way from the square pulse +excitation data as the voltage response from the square pulse response data. +The difference from the square pulse excitation data yields:
+The steady state resistance is then:
+Retrieving settings¶
+The sweep number is retrieved, that allows to get the setting for this sweep. +Also the configuration wave for the sweep is retrieved, that is required to +extract the actual ADC and DAC data from the sweep.
+The totalOnsetDelay
is independent of the head stage and the sum of the auto and
+user onset delay. The number of the ADC channel that are used per head stage
+is read to wave ADCs
. The same is done for the number of the DAC channel to the wave DACs
+The units per head stage are read from the saved settings to wave ADunit
+wave DAunit
. If a head stage was active is read to the wave wave statusHS
sweepNo = ExtractSweepNumber(NameofWave(sweep))
+WAVE config = GetConfigWave(sweep)
+totalOnsetDelay = GetLastSettingIndep(numericalValues, sweepNo, "Delay onset auto", DATA_ACQUISITION_MODE) + \
+ GetLastSettingIndep(numericalValues, sweepNo, "Delay onset user", DATA_ACQUISITION_MODE)
+WAVE ADCs = GetLastSetting(numericalValues, sweepNo, "ADC", DATA_ACQUISITION_MODE)
+WAVE DACs = GetLastSetting(numericalValues, sweepNo, "DAC", DATA_ACQUISITION_MODE)
+WAVE/T ADunit = GetLastSetting(textualValues, sweepNo, "AD Unit", DATA_ACQUISITION_MODE)
+WAVE/T DAunit = GetLastSetting(textualValues, sweepNo, "DA Unit", DATA_ACQUISITION_MODE)
+WAVE statusHS = GetLastSetting(numericalValues, sweepNo, "Headstage Active", DATA_ACQUISITION_MODE)
Finding square pulse¶
+The following is done for each head stage up to NUM_HEADSTAGES
(default = 8):
++If the head stage was not active, continue with next head stage.
+++if(!statusHS[i]) + continue +endif +With the number of the DAC channel of this head stage the column in the sweep +with the actual data read with
. The +same is done for the column with the AD data toADcol
. With the columns the +actual data is read to waveDA
respectively with +ExtractOneDimDataFromSweep()
. The coordinate in points of +totalOnsetDelay
on the scale ofDA
is saved toonsetDelayPoint
.++DAcol = AFH_GetDAQDataColumn(config, DACs[i], XOP_CHANNEL_TYPE_DAC) +ADcol = AFH_GetDAQDataColumn(config, ADCs[i], XOP_CHANNEL_TYPE_ADC) + +WAVE DA = ExtractOneDimDataFromSweep(config, sweep, DACol) +WAVE AD = ExtractOneDimDataFromSweep(config, sweep, ADcol) + +onsetDelayPoint = (totalOnsetDelay - DimOffset(DA, ROWS)) / DimDelta(DA, ROWS) +The scaled x coordinates of the full square pulse range including base line are +defined from
to the end of theDA
wave and saved in +first
.A signal level is defined for finding the edges in the sent square pulse +(DA channel). The level is 10 % from the difference of maximum - minimum of the +DA data above the minimum level. With
up to two signal crossings +at the level are searched betweenfirst
in waveDA
and +their x position in points is saved to wavelevels
. The search runs from +lower to higher x coordinates. +An assertion checks if two (or more) signal crossings were found.++first = totalOnsetDelay +last = IndexToScale(DA, DimSize(DA, ROWS) - 1, ROWS) + +low = WaveMin(DA, first, last) +high = WaveMax(DA, first, last) + +level = low + 0.1 * (high - low) + +Make/FREE/D levels +FindLevels/Q/P/DEST=levels/R=(first, last)/N=2 DA, level +ASSERT(V_LevelsFound >= 2, "Could not find enough levels") +The first found location is saved to
and the second to +secondEdge
. By defaultDA
contains a pulse so the linear interpolation +between the points done by FindLevels results that firstEdge is found +at last_baseline_point + 0.1 and secondEdge at last_pulse_point + 0.9. The values +are truncated to integers to equal the last baseline point as well as the last +pulse point.++firstEdge = trunc(levels[0]) +secondEdge = trunc(levels[1]) +
Extraction of levels¶
+The following is done for each head stage:
+++For determination of the base line the range is defined as 10 % of the +
location tototalOnsetDelay
. The end point of the range is +firstEdge - 1
. Thebaseline
level is then defined as the average of all +AD
points in this range.++high = firstEdge - 1 +low = high - (firstEdge - onsetDelayPoint) * 0.1 + +baseline = mean(AD, IndexToScale(AD, low, ROWS), IndexToScale(AD, high, ROWS)) +The elevated range (steady state) is defined by 10 % of the
+location tosecondEdge
. Theelevated
level is then defined as the +average of allAD
points in this range.++high = secondEdge - 1 +low = high - (secondEdge - firstEdge) * 0.1 + +elevated = mean(AD, IndexToScale(AD, low, ROWS), IndexToScale(AD, high, ROWS)) +An assertion checks if the
of this head stage is “mV” as this function +only works for I-clamp mode.++ASSERT(!cmpstr(ADunit[i], "mV"), "Unexpected AD Unit") +The voltage difference of
+elevated - baseline
from this head stages AD +wave is stored in wavedeltaV
and scaled by 0.001 to convert to Volts.++deltaV[i] = (elevated - baseline) * 1e-3 +The baseline level and the elevated level of the
wave are determined +with the identical calculation as for theAD
wave described above.++high = firstEdge - 1 +low = high - (firstEdge - onsetDelayPoint) * 0.1 + +baseline = mean(DA, IndexToScale(DA, low, ROWS), IndexToScale(DA, high, ROWS)) + +high = secondEdge - 1 +low = high - (secondEdge - firstEdge) * 0.1 + +elevated = mean(DA, IndexToScale(DA, low, ROWS), IndexToScale(DA, high, ROWS)) +An assertion checks if the
of this head stage is “pA” as this function +only works for I-clamp mode.++ASSERT(!cmpstr(DAunit[i], "pA"), "Unexpected DA Unit") +The current difference of
+elevated - baseline
from this head stagesDA
+wave is stored in wavedeltaI
and scaled by 1E-12 to convert to Ampere.++deltaI[i] = (elevated - baseline) * 1e-12 +
+The following is done for each head stage:
+++The resistance for the current head stage is calculated by the formula +R = U / I from
.++resistance[i] = deltaV[i] / deltaI[i] +
Then the loop continues to the next head stage of this sweep with +Finding square pulse