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API Reference
Amanieu d'Antras edited this page Feb 12, 2015
16 revisions
class task<Result> {
// Result type of the task
typedef Result result_type;
// Create an empty task object (operator bool returns false)
// Movable but not copyable
task(const task&) = delete;
task& operator=(const task&) = delete;
task& operator=(task&&);
// Destroy the task object. This detaches the task and does not wait for
// it to finish.
// Returns true if this task object contains a reference to a valid
// task. If this is not the case then all other functions throw a
// std::invalid_argument exception.
explicit operator bool() const;
// Waits for the task to complete and then retrieves the result of the
// task. If the task contains an exception then that exception is
// rethrown. The result is moved out of the task, and then the task is
// cleared (operator bool returns false).
Result get();
// Waits for the task to have finished executing
void wait() const;
// Returns whether the task has finished executing
bool ready() const;
// Returns whether the task was canceled due to an exception
bool canceled() const;
// Returns the std::exception_ptr associated with this task if it
// was canceled by an exception. This calls wait() internally.
std::exception_ptr get_exception() const;
// Register a continuation function to be run after this task and
// invalidate the task object. The function can take a parameter
// of Result or task<Result>, and will be scheduled with the
// given scheduler.
task<T> then(Func f); // T = result type of f
task<T> then(Sched& sched, Func f); // T = result type of f
// Turn this task object into a shared_task<T>. This will
// invalidate the current task object.
shared_task<Result> share();
// shared_task<T> is almost identical to task<T>, except:
// - shared_task<T> is copyable, copies all refer to the same task
// - shared_task<T> doesn't get invalidated on get() and then()
// - get() returns a const reference to the result
class shared_task<Result> {
typedef Result result_type;
shared_task(const shared_task&);
shared_task& operator=(const shared_task&);
shared_task& operator=(shared_task&&);
explicit operator bool() const;
void get() const; // If Result is void
Result& get() const; // If Result is a reference type
const Result& get() const; // Otherwise
void wait() const;
bool ready() const;
bool canceled() const;
std::exception_ptr get_exception() const;
task<T> then(Func f) const; // T = result type of f
task<T> then(Sched& sched, Func f) const; // T = result type of f
// Create a completed task containing a value
task<T> make_task(T value);
task<T&> make_task(std::reference_wrapper<T> value);
task<void> make_task();
// Create a canceled task containing an exception
task<T> make_exception_task<T>(std::exception_ptr except);
// Spawn a task to run the given function, optionally using the given
// scheduler instead of the default. The default scheduler can be overriden
// by defining the LIBASYNC_CUSTOM_DEFAULT_SCHEDULER preprocessor macro.
task<T> spawn(Func f); // T = result type of f
task<T> spawn(Sched& sched, Func f); // T = result type of f
class local_task<Func> {
typedef Result result_type;
// Local tasks can only be created using local_spawn()
local_task() = delete;
// Local tasks are non-movable and non-copyable
local_task(const local_task&) = delete;
local_task(local_task&&) = delete;
local_task& operator=(const local_task&) = delete;
local_task& operator=(local_task&&) = delete;
// The destructor implicitly waits for the task to finish
// Waits for the task to complete and then retrieves the result of the
// task. If the task contains an exception then that exception is
// rethrown. The result is moved out of the task.
void get(); // If Result is void
Result& get(); // If Result is a reference type
Result get(); // Otherwise
// Waits for the task to have finished executing
void wait() const;
// Returns whether the task has finished executing
bool ready() const;
// Spawn a local task to run the given function, optionally using the given
// scheduler instead of the default. The default scheduler can be overriden
// by defining the LIBASYNC_CUSTOM_DEFAULT_SCHEDULER preprocessor macro.
// Note that because local_task is non-movable, the result of this function
// must be captured using auto&&.
local_task<Func> local_spawn(Func f);
local_task<Func> local_spawn(Sched& sched, Func f);
struct abandoned_event_task {};
class event_task<Result> {
// Creates an event_task initialized with a new event
// Movable but not copyable
event_task(const event_task&) = delete;
event_task& operator=(const event_task&) = delete;
event_task& operator=(event_task&&);
// If a result has not been set, the event is canceled with an
// abandoned_event_task exception.
// Get a task associated with this event. This can only be called once.
task<Result> get_task();
// Set the value of the event. The event can only be set once.
bool set() const; // If Result is void
bool set(Result& r) const; // If Result is a reference type
bool set(Result&& r) const; // Otherwise
bool set(const Result& r) const; // Otherwise
// Cancel the event with an exception. The event can only be set once.
bool set_exception(std::exception_ptr except) const;
// Return a task which is completed when any one of the given tasks is
// completed. The task will give the index of the task that completed first
// and the result of that task. All tasks must have the same result type.
// Note: If T is void, the return value is task<size_t> instead.
task<std::pair<size_t, T>> when_any(task<T>/shared_task<T>... tasks);
task<std::pair<size_t, T>> when_any(Iter begin, Iter end);
task<std::pair<size_t, T>> when_any(Range tasks);
// Return a task which is completed when all of the given tasks are
// completed. The results of all tasks, which may have different types, is
// returned in a tuple, in the same order as they were specified.
// Note: The result tuple element will have type void_ for any void tasks.
struct void_ {};
task<std::tuple<T...>> when_all(task<T>/shared_task<T>... tasks);
// Return a task which is completed when all of the given tasks are
// completed. Unlike the variadic form, all tasks must have the same type.
// The results of the tasks is returned in a vector, in the same order as
// the original range of tasks.
// Note: If T is void, the return value is task<void>
task<std::vector<T>> when_all(Iter begin, Iter end);
task<std::vector<T>> when_all(Range tasks);
// General note: If any of the tasks throw an exception then the returned
// task will propagate that exception, unless it is when_any and the result
// has already been set by a task that finished earlier.
// Exception thrown by cancel_current_task
struct task_canceled {};
// A cancellation token is just a boolean flag that indicates whether to
// cancel a set of task. It must be explicitly checked by tasks.
class cancellation_token {
// A token is initialized to the 'not canceled' state
// Tokens are non-movable and non-copyable
cancellation_token(const cancellation_token&) = delete;
cancellation_token(cancellation_token&&) = delete;
cancellation_token& operator=(const cancellation_token&) = delete;
cancellation_token& operator=(cancellation_token&&) = delete;
// Returns whether the token has been canceled
bool is_canceled() const;
// Sets the token to the canceled state
void cancel();
// Reset the token to a non-canceled state
void reset();
// Throws a task_canceled exception if the token is canceled
void interruption_point(const cancellation_token& token);
// Range object representing 2 iterators
class range<Iter> {
Iter begin() const;
Iter end() const;
// Create a range from 2 iterators
range<Iter> make_range(Iter begin, Iter end);
// Integer range between 2 integers
class int_range<T> {
class iterator;
iterator begin() const;
iterator end() const;
// Create an integer range
int_range<T> irange(T begin, T end);
// Partitioners which wrap a range and split it between threads. A
// partitioner is just a range with an additional split() function.
// A simple partitioner which splits until a grain size is reached. If a
// grain size is not specified, one is chosen automatically.
<detail> static_partitioner(Range&& range);
<detail> static_partitioner(Range&& range, size_t grain);
// A more advanced partitioner which initially divides the range into one
// chunk for each available thread. The range is split further if a chunk
// gets stolen by a different thread.
<detail> auto_partitioner(Range&& range);
// Convert a range to a partitioner. This is a utility function for
// implementing new parallel algorithms. If the argument is already a
//partitioner then it is simply passed on.
decltype(auto_partitioner(range)) to_partitioner(Range&& range);
Partitioner&& to_partitioner(Partitioner&& partitioner);
// Run a set of functions in parallel, optionally using a scheduler
void parallel_invoke(Func&&... funcs);
void parallel_invoke(scheduler& sched, Func&&... funcs);
// Run a function over a range in parallel. The range parameter can also be
// a partitioner to explicitly control how jobs are distributed to threads.
void parallel_for(Range&& range, const Func& func);
void parallel_for(scheduler& sched, Range&& range, const Func& func);
// Reduce a range in parallel. The range parameter can also be a partitioner
// to explicitly control how jobs are distributed to threads.
Result parallel_reduce(Range&& range, const Result& initial,
const ReduceFunc& reduce);
Result parallel_reduce(scheduler& sched, Range&& range,
const Result& initial, const ReduceFunc& reduce);
// Apply a function to a range and reduce it in parallel. The range
// parameter can also be a partitioner to explicitly control how jobs are
// distributed to threads.
Result parallel_map_reduce(Range&& range, const Result& initial,
const MapFunc& map, const ReduceFunc& reduce);
Result parallel_map_reduce(scheduler& sched, Range&& range,
const Result& initial, const MapFunc& map,
const ReduceFunc& reduce);
// Default scheduler which uses a thread pool. This can be overriden by
// setting the LIBASYNC_CUSTOM_DEFAULT_SCHEDULER preprocessor macro.
<detail>& default_scheduler();
// Scheduler that runs tasks inline in the calling thread
<detail>& inline_scheduler();
// Scheduler that runs tasks in a new thread. Note that this does not wait
// for threads to finish on shutdown.
<detail>& thread_scheduler();
class fifo_scheduler {
// Movable but not copyable
fifo_scheduler(const fifo_scheduler&) = delete;
fifo_scheduler& operator=(const fifo_scheduler&) = delete;
fifo_scheduler& operator=(fifo_scheduler&&);
// Note that any remaining tasks are not executed
// Add a task to the queue
void schedule(task_run_handle t);
// Try running one task from the queue. Returns false if the queue was
// empty.
bool try_run_one_task();
// Run all tasks in the queue
void run_all_tasks();
class threadpool_scheduler {
// Create a new thread pool with the given number of threads.
threadpool_scheduler(size_t num_threads);
// Movable but not copyable
threadpool_scheduler(const threadpool_scheduler&) = delete;
threadpool_scheduler& operator=(const threadpool_scheduler&) = delete;
threadpool_scheduler& operator=(threadpool_scheduler&&);
// Any tasks that are currently executing are finished, but any tasks
// added after destruction has begun are not executed.
// Run a task on the thread pool
void scheduler(task_run_handle t);
class task_run_handle {
// Create an invalid handle
// Movable but not copyable
task_run_handle(const task_run_handle&) = delete;
task_run_handle& operator=(const task_run_handle&) = delete;
task_run_handle& operator=(task_run_handle&&);
// Check if a handle is valid
explicit operator bool() const;
// Execute the task and invalidate the handle
void run();
// Same as before, but uses the given wait handler
void run_with_wait_handler(wait_handler handler)
// Convert to a void pointer and invalidate the handle
void* to_void_ptr();
// Convert a void pointer back to a task_run_handle
static task_run_handle from_void_ptr(void*);
class task_wait_handle {
// Create an invalid handle
// Movable and copyable
task_wait_handle(const task_wait_handle&);
task_wait_handle& operator=(const task_wait_handle&);
task_wait_handle& operator=(task_wait_handle&&);
// Check if a handle is valid
explicit operator bool() const;
// Check if the task has finished
bool ready() const;
// Queue a function to be executed when the task has finished executing.
void on_finish(Func&& func)
// Set the wait handler for the current thread. This is used to allow a
// thread to do useful work while waiting for a task to complete. This also
// returns the previously defined wait handler.
typedef void (*wait_handler)(task_wait_handle t);
wait_handler set_thread_wait_handler(wait_handler w);