Create the Key Pair
gpg --gen-key
Validate created keys
gpg --list-keys
Exporting and Importing Keys
Users need to export their public keys to make them public, so others can use it.
gpg --armor --output NAME.gpg --export NAME@email.com gpg: The command to run GPG. --armor: Puts the key in an ASCII format. --output NAME.gpg: Creates the public key in an accessible format. In this case, we named the key `NAME.gpg`. --export NAME@email.com: References which key to use from the key ring. It is referenced by the email.
To import this key
gpg --import NAME.gpg
gpg --armor --output encryptedmessage.txt --encrypt --recipient NAME@email.com plainmessage.txt gpg: The command to run GPG. --armor: Puts the encrypted message in an ASCII format. --output encryptedmessage.txt: Command for the output file, which creates the name of the encrypted file. --encrypt: Tells GPG to encrypt. --recipient NAME@email.com: Tells GPG which public key to use, based on the email address of the key. plainmessage.txt: Specifies for GPG which plaintext file to encrypt.
Step 4: Decryption
gpg --output decrypted_message --decrypt encryptedmessage.txt
gpg: The command to run gpg.
--output decrypted_message`: This creates an output file, which is the decrypted message.
--decrypt encryptedmessage.txt`: This is indicating to decrypt and what file to decrypt.