- create a pico-Céu example (with tutorial) that covers the remaining resources;
- can be a new version of race.ceu, but using Frame Management
- list Arduino functionalities and create an example, with tutorial, that covers its features;
- close the remaining issues;
- generate a new release of Céu-Maker;
- change move-net.ceu to use string lib;
- [pico-Céu] solve a bug in WINDOW_SET_SIZE ceu-lang/pico-ceu#1
- study the usage of mkdocs, mkdocs2pandoc and pandoc;
- document how to use resources (
- created a race-frame.ceu with a tutorial (version using Frame Management) - pico-céu/examples/race-frames
- close the remaining issues
- updated SelectDevice README.md - close ceu-maker-gsoc#3
- pico-Céu.exe and Céu-Arduino.exe don't compile files with space in name - close ceu-lang/ceu-maker#10
- isn't better to realease a pre-v0.40 after the GSoC? With all examples, tutorials, docs, and working on Ubuntu?
- changed move-net.ceu to use string lib;
- Create tutorial and an example showing arduino functionalities
- Create a tutorial and an example showing the network communication
- postponed to next week
- pico-ceu/examples/move-net (version pre-v0.40)
- update the pico-ceu/examples/move-net to cover more Céu features (version pre-v0.40)
- Disable the option to use IDE configuration
- Install Linux in a Virtual Box
- Create a tutorial and an example about pico-céu graphics
- The IDE configuration was disabled (ceu-lang/ceu-maker#13)
- ok
- The tutorial and the example are in pico-ceu repository, inside examples/race folder (version pre-v0.40)
- Fix a bug in SelectDevice.exe - CPU comboBox was displaying all CPUs in one line
- Stop compiling when close SelectDevice Window ceu-lang/ceu-maker#12
- Start writing the tutorial
- The tutorials must include
- graphical interaction (pico-Céu)
- Arduino programming (Céu-Arduino)
- Both of then, including communication via Serial
- Network
- Implement the examples while writing the tutorials
- The tutorials must include
- Fix a bug when use the IDE configuration in SelectDevice
- Fix issue ceu-lang/ceu-maker#10
- pico-Céu.exe and Céu-Arduino.exe don't compile files with space in name
- compile a folder is still not working
- Usart
- replace await with spawn, NEVER with finalize
- allow the user to pass _ as parameter to
function. In this case, the connected port is used. If more than one port is connected, then the first detect is choosen.
- Check if the modifications in Céu-Arduino and pico-Céu repositories don't produce any error
- SelectDevice bug fixed in ceu-maker-gsoc cd832c2 and ceu-maker 6a167d2
- Fixed ceu-lang/ceu-maker#12 "Stop compiling when close SelectDevice Window"
- The bug when use the IDE configuration was not solved yet. The arduino Makefile was changed to support different compilation process when using the IDE configs, but I didn't figure out what is causing the bug
- The issue ceu-lang/ceu-maker#10 was partially fixed. Files with space in names can now be compilled, but this created a error when compiling a folder (with main.ceu file in it).
- Usart
- the replacements were made in ceu-maker 8f58b08 and in pico-ceu fe94587
- still working in it
- need help in "Check if the modifications in Céu-Arduino and pico-Céu repositories don't produce any error"
- Fix issue ceu-lang/ceu-maker#10
- pico-Céu.exe and Céu-Arduino.exe don't compile files with space in name
- Pico-Céu usart
- include in pico-céu repository
- as explaned in , string.ceu was also modified. This file should be added in Céu repository
- change await to spawn and use finalize (consequently is necessary to use NEVER)
- allow the user to use the default port number when calling usart
- include in pico-céu repository
- The issue was mostly fixed. Some things that We still need to do:
- Check if Storm example still works after the changes and if it works with whitespaces in its filepath.
- usart
- Implement an application that uses Usart
- Document Usart
- Fix issue ceu-lang/ceu-maker#9
- Executing pico-Céu code by double click
- The app is in https://github.com/AnnyCaroline/ceu-maker-gsoc/tree/master/usart. This folder also contains the usart.ceu and an explanation of the application;
- The ceu-lang/ceu-maker#9 was fixed.
- Fix the issue ceu-lang/ceu-maker#4
[pico-ceu] API for Serial ports
- Fix the issue ceu-lang/ceu-maker#8
'tr' is not recognized as an internal command
- The error above shows up when a Céu-Arduino file is compiled. See the issue for more information.
- Fix a refresh bug in SelectDevice.exe
- Check if SelectDevice.exe can use IDE options properly, including compile throw a Network port
- Usart is working. Still need to implement Usart_TX and Usart_RX;
- The current work is in Google Drive
- Fixed the issue ceu-lang/ceu-maker#8 by adding
bin from GnuWin32 in Céu-Maker. This bin needed two dlls. One of them,libiconv2.dll
is already present inceu-maker/mingw/bin/
with the namelibiconv-2.dll
. Would be interesting to find a way to not have the same file twice. - The SelectDevice.exe refresh bug was fixed with the commits 50c1827 and f9796ac
- Fix the issue ceu-lang/ceu-maker#4
- I found difficulties to fix the issue ceu-lang/ceu-maker#4
- Fix the issues from the last pull request (ceu-lang/ceu-maker#4, ceu-lang/ceu-maker#5, ceu-lang/ceu-maker#6, ceu-lang/ceu-maker#7)
- Study the modifications in Céu-Maker
- Fixed the issues (ceu-lang/ceu-maker#5, ceu-lang/ceu-maker#6, ceu-lang/ceu-maker#7)
- The issue ceu-lang/ceu-maker#4 was postponed to next week
- Fix the last pull request
- Test and continue the implementation of the User interface to chosse arduino board and port
- allow the user to choose the cpu if necessary
- document
- pull request
- Propose a aplication to use as example
- Fixed the last pull request and made a new one;
- SelectDevice updates
- Implemented CPU selection in SelectDevice;
- Fixed a bug in SelectDevice - Reference AnnyCaroline/ceu-maker-gsoc#1;
- Implemented a workaround in SelectDevice App so that users can choose to select a board or use the IDE configurations (see more);
- Changed WinRAR 64-bit to 32-bit;
- Updated and fixes Céu-maker intructions;
- Tested Céu-Maker with 3 Arduino boards: video;
- VSCode with Céu-Arduino: instructions and video;
- Pull request
- Study pico-ceu
- User-friendly interface for end-user choose arduino board and port (céu-arduino)
- Pull request: ceu-lang/ceu-maker#1
- Started the studies of pico-ceu
- Developed a Windows Forms Application with GUI to auxiliate the board selection
- Application: https://github.com/AnnyCaroline/ceu-maker-gsoc/tree/master/SelectDevice
- Integration with Céu-Maker: https://github.com/AnnyCaroline/ceu-maker/commit/305d559256df8fb909a07137a0930ca4e75dfef9
- Continue the study of Package Generation of Céu-Maker
- add make.exe in céu-maker repository
- change instructions
- remove download section
- reinforce to use Git Bash
- change instructions
- change Makefile to automate the winrar section
- add make.exe in céu-maker repository
- Search for Arduino projects to compose the project's set of examples
- Completed the tasks nested in the study of Package Generation
- updated instructions
- generate script to use WinRAR via command line
- Created a prototype of a GUI app for Céu-maker package generator
- Postponed the search for Arduino projects
- Ask and search about some parts of the paper
- Understand and execute Package Generation of Céu-Maker
- Deeper study of the paper and the features of Céu
- I found difficulties to reproduce the Céu-Maker package generation
Mailing list of Céu
- https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ceu-lang
- Tasks:
- register
- take a glance at previous messages
- post small introduction about the project with related links
Papers about Céu
- Anny:
- Naveen:
- Tasks:
- Read the suggested papers
- (not everything is exactly the same as in the current implementation)
- Ask questions
- It may take time (weeks)
- Read the suggested papers
Fork repository
- Anny
- Naveen
- Add this file
- Add your project proposal submitted to GSoC
- Share the link among us
- Keep it up-to-date with the original
Be proactive! Suggest and discuss tasks with mentor
- Everything expected, but the paper needs more work. There are some parts that I should search and ask about.
(1-2 small paragraphs for each of the planned tasks)