A pack of files and folders that gives you everything you need to get Apitax up and running. Use this as a starting point to integrate Apitax into your application or build your own application around Apitax.
StarterPack Benefits and Features:
- A complete set of working files to bring up Apitax with a single command
- Integrates Apitax/Core, Apitax/Drivers, Apitax/Scripts, and Apitax/CLI out of the box to give you a great experience
- Provides options to launch Apitax/Dashboard as well
- Completely customizable as if you were trying to use the raw Apitax code yourself
- Every service launches in Docker in one swift motion
- StarterPack utilizes Pip and Docker to build the application. For this reason, an internet connection is required on the machine you use to build these images.
docker-compose up --build
in config should be set to false unless you are using this application locally, for tests, or for development
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/@apitax/dashboard
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/@apitax/api-client
- https://github.com/Apitax/API-Client
- https://github.com/Apitax/Dashboard
- https://hub.docker.com/r/apitax/dashboard/
- (Coming Soon) - https://github.com/Apitax/Commandtax
- (Documentation will be moved eventually) - https://github.com/Apitax/Core#commandtax---data-gathering-manipulating-usage
- (Coming Soon) - A package on PyPi
- (In Progress) - https://github.com/Apitax/Scriptax
- (Documentation will be moved eventually) - https://github.com/Apitax/Core#scriptax---control-flow-scoping-and-automation
- (Coming Soon) - A package on PyPi
- https://pypi.org/project/apitax/
- https://hub.docker.com/r/apitax/core/
- https://github.com/Apitax/Core
- (Build Server - Currently down) - https://openrubicon.com/job/Apitax/
- (Uses Swagger to power the API) - https://swagger.io/
- https://github.com/Apitax/StarterPack
- (Coming Soon) - https://hub.docker.com/r/apitax/starterpack-default/
Standard Library:
- (Coming Soon) - https://github.com/Apitax/StandardLibrary
- (Coming Soon) - A package on PyPi
Coming Soon:
- apitax.net
- commandtax.net
- scriptax.net
Bot account: