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Detected DB Entities Report

Daniel Odievich edited this page Sep 24, 2018 · 21 revisions


Detected DB Entities report shows information about each and every detected Entity (Collector Definitions, Collectors, Queries, Users, Sessions, Blocking Sessions, Clients, Databases, Modules, Programs, Wait States and Related Business Transactions) in DB applications.

It is only generated if user requested DB application (ApplicationType=DB) in Target in Job File.

Report File Locations

Detected DB Entities report is produced when Output.DetectedEntities=True and when the SIM application was queried.

Detected DB Entities report has the following file format Report\DetectedEntities.DB.<Job File Name>.<Start Date and Time>-<End Date and Time>.xlsx

For example, DetectedEntities.DB.demo1demo2.withSIM.201807202100-201807202110.xlsx

Data File Locations

The data for the report is in the following files:

  • "Report\DBENT\applications.csv"
  • "Report\DBENT\blockingsessions.csv"
  • "Report\DBENT\businesstransactions.csv"
  • "Report\DBENT\clients.csv"
  • "Report\DBENT\collectordefinitions.csv"
  • "Report\DBENT\collectors.csv"
  • "Report\DBENT\databases.csv"
  • "Report\DBENT\modules.csv"
  • "Report\DBENT\programs.csv"
  • "Report\DBENT\queries.csv"
  • "Report\DBENT\sessions.csv"
  • "Report\DBENT\users.csv"
  • "Report\DBENT\waitstates.csv"

Report Contents

Data Pivot
5.Collector Definitions
6.Collectors 6.Collectors.Type
8.Machine Properties 8.Machine Properties.Type
9.Machine Volumes 9.Machine Volumes.Type
10.Machine Networks 10.Machine Networks.Type
11.Machine CPUs 11.Machine CPUs.Type
12.Machine Containers
13.Machine Processes 13.Machine Processes.Type


This sheet describes the parameters of the extraction and reporting job that produced this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
UserName String User that was used to retrieve data from the Controller
Application String Name of Application that was queried
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller


This sheet provides quick access to the contents of this report and provides at-a-glance number of rows in each of the sheet’s tables.

Column Data Type Purpose
Sheet Name String Name of the sheet in the report
Num Entities Integer Number of Entities in that sheet
Link Hyperlink Link to the sheet in the report


This sheet provides information about Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
UserName String User that was used to retrieve data from the Controller
Version String Version of the Controller
NumApps Integer Number of APM Applications registered in the Controller
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller


This sheet provides information about all DB Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
Description String Description of Application, if set
NumCollectorDefinitions Integer Number of Collector Definitions configured
NumCollectors Integer Number of Collectors that are detected
NumOracle Integer Number of Oracle Collectors
NumMySQL Integer Number of MySQL Collectors
NumSQLServer Integer Number of SQL Server Collectors
NumDB2 Integer Number of DB2 Collectors
NumPostgres Integer Number of Postres Collectors
NumSybase Integer Number of Sybase Collectors
NumOther Integer Number of Other Collectors
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller

5.Collector Definitions

This sheet provides information about all Collector Definitions in all DB Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
CollectorName String Name of Collector
CollectorType String Type of Collector
CollectorStatus String Status of Collector
AgentName String Name of Database Agent that is assigned to serve this Collector
Host String Hostname of the database server
Port Integer Port of the database server
UserName String User name of the user used to access the database server
IsEnabled Boolean Is this Collector enabled
IsLoggingEnabled Boolean Is logging enabled on this Collector
DatabaseName String Not sure what this is for
FailoverPartner String Not sure what this is for
SID String SID or Service Name to use to connect
CustomConnectionString String Custom database connection string specified for Collector
UseWindowsAuth Boolean Use Windows Authentication to connect to database. SQL Server only
ConnectAsSysDBA Boolean Connect as SysDBA user. Oracle only
UseServiceName Boolean Use Service Name to connect. Oracle only (?)
UseSSL Boolean Use SSL connectivity to OS (?)
IsEnterpriseDB Boolean Not sure what this means
IsOSMonitoringEnabled Boolean Is OS Monitoring enabled
UseWindowsAuth Boolean Not sure what this is for
UseLocalWMI Boolean Use Local WMI to collect OS hardware information. Windows only
HostOS String Host Operating System
HostDomain String Host Domain
HostUserName String Username for Host OS monitoring
UseCertificateAuth Boolean Use certificate authentication for OS harware monitoring
SSHPort Integer Port for SSH login for OS monitoring
DBInstanceID Integer Not sure what this is for
Region String Not sure what this is
RemoveLiterals Boolean Not sure what this is
IsLDAPEnabled Boolean Not sure what this is
CreatedBy String Who created this Collector
CreatedOn DateTime When was this Collector created
ModifiedBy String Who last modified this Collector
ModifiedOn DateTime When was this Collector last modified
ConfigID Integer ID of Collector Definition
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller


This sheet provides information about all Collector Definitions in all DB Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
CollectorName String Name of Collector
CollectorType String Type of Collector
CollectorStatus String Status of Collector
AgentName String Name of Database Agent that is assigned to serve this Collector
Host String Hostname of the database server
Port Integer Port of the database server
UserName String User name of the user used to access the database server
Role String Database role as reported by Database Monitoring agent
Calls Number Number of calls to this entity
ExecTime Number Duration of execution of all calls to this entity
ExecTimeSpan TimeSpan Duration of execution of all calls to this entity
From DateTime Beginning of time range queried, local time
To DateTime End of time range queried, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of time range queried, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime End of time range queried, UTC time
Duration Integer Duration of time range queried, in minutes
ConfigID Integer ID of Collector Definition
CollectorID Integer ID of Collector
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller
CollectorLink URL Link to Collector in Controller



Controller CollectorName CollectorType CollectorStatus AgentName Host Port UserName QueryHash Query SQLClauseType SQLJoinType SQLGroupBy SQLHaving SQLOrderBy SQLUnion SQLWhere Name Namespace Client Calls ExecTime ExecTimeSpan AvgExecTime AvgExecRange Weight IsSnapCorrData IsSnapWindowData From To FromUtc ToUtc Duration ConfigID CollectorID QueryID QueryLink



Controller CollectorName CollectorType CollectorStatus AgentName Host Port UserName DBUserName ExecTime ExecTimeSpan Weight From To FromUtc ToUtc Duration ConfigID CollectorID UserID



Controller CollectorName CollectorType CollectorStatus AgentName Host Port UserName SessionName ClientName ExecTime ExecTimeSpan Weight From To FromUtc ToUtc Duration ConfigID CollectorID SessionID


10.Blocking Sessions

Controller CollectorName CollectorType CollectorStatus AgentName Host Port UserName BlockingSessionName BlockingClientName BlockingDBUserName OtherSessionName OtherClientName OtherDBUserName QueryHash Query BlockTime BlockTimeSpan FirstOccurrence FirstOccurrenceUtc From To FromUtc ToUtc Duration ConfigID CollectorID BlockingSessionID


Controller CollectorName CollectorType CollectorStatus AgentName Host Port UserName ClientName ExecTime ExecTimeSpan Weight From To FromUtc ToUtc Duration ConfigID CollectorID ClientID



Controller CollectorName CollectorType CollectorStatus AgentName Host Port UserName DatabaseName ExecTime ExecTimeSpan Weight From To FromUtc ToUtc Duration ConfigID CollectorID DatabaseID



Controller CollectorName CollectorType CollectorStatus AgentName Host Port UserName ModuleName ExecTime ExecTimeSpan Weight From To FromUtc ToUtc Duration ConfigID CollectorID ModuleID



Controller CollectorName CollectorType CollectorStatus AgentName Host Port UserName ProgramName ExecTime ExecTimeSpan Weight From To FromUtc ToUtc Duration ConfigID CollectorID ProgramID



Controller CollectorName CollectorType CollectorStatus AgentName Host Port UserName ApplicationName BTName Calls ExecTime ExecTimeSpan AvgExecTime AvgExecRange Weight From To FromUtc ToUtc Duration ConfigID CollectorID ApplicationID BTID

16.Wait States

Controller CollectorName CollectorType CollectorStatus AgentName Host Port UserName State ExecTime ExecTimeSpan From To FromUtc ToUtc Duration ConfigID CollectorID WaitStateID

16.Wait States.Type


This sheet provides information about all Nodes in all Tiers in all SIM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
NodeName String Name of Node
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
TierID Integer ID of Tier in Application
NodeID Integer ID of APM Agent in Application
MachineID Integer ID of Machine Agent in Application
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller


This sheet provides information about all Machines in all Tiers in all SIM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
NodeName String Name of Node
MachineName String Name of Machine
MachineType String Type of Machine (PHYSICAL, CONTAINER_AWARE, CONTAINER)
IsHistorical Boolean Not sure what this is
IsEnabled Boolean Is SIM enabled
DynamicMonitoringMode String Type of dynamic monitoring (KPI, UNKNOWN)
HostMachineID String ID of the host machine (if MachineType=CONTAINER)
DotnetCompatibilityMode Boolean Is .NET Compatibility mode set
ForceMachineInstanceRegistration Boolean Not sure what this is
AgentConfigFeatures String List of SIM features enabled
ControllerConfigFeatures String List of SIM features enabled
MemPhysical Integer Amount of Physical Memory
MemSwap Integer Amount of Swap Memory
MachineInfo String OS Information
JVMInfo String JVM Information (I think of Machine Agent)
InstallDirectory String Machine Agent Installation folder
AgentVersion String Version of Machine Agent, parsed to #.#.#.#
AgentVersionRaw String Version of Machine Agent as reported to Controller
AutoRegisterAgent Boolean Not sure what this is
AgentType String Type of Agent
APMApplicationName String Name of APM Application this Machine Agent is registered to
APMTierName String Name of APM Tier this Machine Agent is registered to
APMNodeName String Name of APM Node this Machine Agent is registered to
NumProps Integer Number of properties in Machine
NumTags Integer Number of tags in Machine
NumCPUs Integer Number of CPUs in Machine
NumVolumes Integer Number of Volumes in Machine
NumNetworks Integer Number of Network Adapters in Machine
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
TierID Integer ID of Tier in Application that TierName refers to
NodeID Integer ID of APM Agent in Application that NodeName refers to
MachineID Integer ID of Machine in Application
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller


This sheet uses data in 7.Machines sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Default configuration provides breakdown of Machines by Type in all Controllers, Applications and Tiers.

Columns Rows Values Filters
MachineID (Count)

Example report showing Controller-level summary of SIM Machines registered by type and version:

Full Size

8.Machine Properties

This sheet provides information about Properties and Tags of Machines in all Tiers in all SIM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
NodeName String Name of Node
MachineName String Name of Machine
PropType String Type of property (Tag, Property)
PropName String Name of property
PropValue String Value of property
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
TierID Integer ID of Tier in Application that TierName refers to
NodeID Integer ID of APM Agent in Application that NodeName refers to
MachineID Integer ID of Machine in Application

8.Machine Properties.Type

This sheet uses data in 8.Machine Properties sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Default configuration provides breakdown of Machines Properties by Name/Value in all Controllers, Applications and Tiers.

Columns Rows Values Filters
MachineID (Count)

Example report all Tags in the 2 SIM Applications in 2 Controllers:

Full Size

Same report filtered to show values of all Tags starting with AWS in the 2 SIM Applications in 2 Controllers:

Full Size

9.Machine Volumes

This sheet provides information about Volumes of Machines in all Tiers in all SIM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
NodeName String Name of Node
MachineName String Name of Machine
MountPoint String Mount point of the volume
Partition String Partition on the volume
PartitionMetricName String Metric name of the Partition
VolumeMetricName String Metric name of the Volume
SizeMB Integer Size of the Volume
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
TierID Integer ID of Tier in Application that TierName refers to
NodeID Integer ID of APM Agent in Application that NodeName refers to
MachineID Integer ID of Machine in Application

9.Machine Volumes.Type

This sheet uses data in 9.Machine Volumes sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Default configuration provides breakdown of Machine Volumes by Partition/Mount/Size of Volume in all Controllers, Applications and Tiers.

Columns Rows Values Filters
MachineID (Count)

Example report all Partitions in the 2 SIM Applications in 2 Controllers:

Full Size

Same report filtered to show values of specific Partition and it's Mount Points in the 2 SIM Applications in 2 Controllers:

Full Size

10.Machine Networks

This sheet provides information about Network Adapters of Machines in all Tiers in all SIM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
NodeName String Name of Node
MachineName String Name of Machine
NetworkName String Name of the network adapter
MacAddress String MAC Address of the network adapter
IP4Address String IPv4 address
IP4Gateway String IPv4 default gateway address
IP6Address String IPv6 address
IP6Gateway String IPv6 default gateway address
Speed Integer Network speed
Enabled String Enabled (yes/no/blank)
PluggedIn String Plugged into the wire (yes/no/blank)
State String Link state (up/down/unknown)
Duplex String Duplex state (full/unknown)
MTU Integer MTU size
NetworkMetricName String Metric name of the Network
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
TierID Integer ID of Tier in Application that TierName refers to
NodeID Integer ID of APM Agent in Application that NodeName refers to
MachineID Integer ID of Machine in Application

10.Machine Networks.Type

This sheet uses data in 10.Machine Networks sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Default configuration provides breakdown of Machine Networks Speeds by State/Network Name in all Controllers, Applications and Tiers.

Columns Rows Values Filters
MachineID (Count)

Example report showing 12K Network Adapters in various stages of reporting and with different speeds

Full Size

Here are all the Network Adapters that are Up filtered to only show those at 10Gbps speed ordered by frequency of showing:

Full Size

11.Machine CPUs

This sheet provides information about CPUs of Machines in all Tiers in all SIM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
NodeName String Name of Node
MachineName String Name of Machine
CPUID String ID of the CPU
NumCores String Number of physical cores in CPU
NumLogical String Number of logical cores in CPU
Vendor String CPU Vendor name
Flags Integer CPU feature flags (strings separated by spaces)
NumFlags String Number of CPU feature flags (how many of those strings are there)
Model Integer CPU Model
Speed String CPU Speed, Mhz
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
TierID Integer ID of Tier in Application that TierName refers to
NodeID Integer ID of APM Agent in Application that NodeName refers to
MachineID Integer ID of Machine in Application

11.Machine CPUs.Type

This sheet uses data in 11.Machine CPUs sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Default configuration provides breakdown of Machine CPUs Physical and Logical cores by Model/Speed in all Controllers, Applications and Tiers.

Columns Rows Values Filters
MachineID (Count)

Here are 12K CPUs showing how this customer vastly prefers Intel CPUs over AMD, and how most of them are 6 or 4 physical cores:

Full Size

12.Machine Containers

This sheet provides information about Docker Containers of Machines in all Tiers in all SIM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
NodeName String Name of Node
MachineName String Name of Machine
ContainerID String ID of the Container
ContainerName String Name of the container
ImageName String Name of the image used to make the container
ContainerMachineID Integer ID of the Machine on which Container is running. Unreliable.
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
TierID Integer ID of Tier in Application that TierName refers to
NodeID Integer ID of APM Agent in Application that NodeName refers to
MachineID Integer ID of Machine in Application

13.Machine Processes

This sheet provides information about Processes running on Machines in all Tiers in all SIM Applications in all Controllers in the time range covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
NodeName String Name of Node
MachineName String Name of Machine
Class String Class of the process
ClassID String Class ID of the process. Appears to be identical to Class
Name String Name of the process
CommandLine String Full command line of the process
RealUser String User running the process
RealGroup String Group of user running the process
EffectiveUser String Effective user running the process
EffectiveGroup String Effective group of user running the process
State String State of the process (RUNNING, SLEEPING, TERMINATING, ZOMBIE)
NiceLevel String NICE level of the process
StartTime String When process was started
EndTime String When process was terminated, if it was
PID Integer Process ID
ParentPID Integer Parent Process ID
PGID Integer Don't know what this is
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
TierID Integer ID of Tier in Application that TierName refers to
NodeID Integer ID of APM Agent in Application that NodeName refers to
MachineID Integer ID of Machine in Application

13.Machine Processes.Type

This sheet uses data in 13.Machine Processes sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Default configuration provides breakdown of Processes/CommandLine by State by Model/Speed in all Controllers, Applications and Tiers.

Columns Rows Values Filters
MachineID (Count)

Here are the most frequently running processes:

Full Size

Here are only the processes running under "apache" user:

Full Size

Here are only the processes running under "root" user:

Full Size

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