Updated packages to highest compatible version
- AutoMapper 6.2.2 --> 7.0.1
- System.ServiceModel.Http 4.9.0 --> 4.10.3
Async implemtation added.
- Fix order of elements in IHISearch
- Added support for mobile/email for IHIsearch
- Added support for netstandard2.0
- Fixed client for Async IHI Batch Submit,Status,Retrieve,Delete for CSP
- fixed up samples and added Tls12
- Added support for NUNIT testing exposing interfaces for dummy responses to can test locally
- Added modified R40-CreateVerifiedIHI-Mod.cs file for HIPS
- Referencing latest Common Library to fix Serialize issue with HI Service
- Updated the signedXml.CheckSignature function passing in certificate as fw 4.6.2 fails if not there
- removed redundant code/libs
- updated mapper to nuget package
- Latest common library
- Removed duplicate calls to web service in : ProviderSearchForProviderOrganisationClient.cs (5.0) and ProviderSearchForProviderIndividualClient.cs (5.0)
- Added ProviderManageProviderDirectoryEntryClient, ProviderManageProviderOrganisationClient and ProviderReadProviderOrganisationClient.
- Added australian unstructured address search.
- Added ProviderBatchAsyncSearchForProviderIndividualClient and ProviderBatchAsyncSearchForProviderOrganisationClient.
- Added CreateVerifiedIHI for new Borns
- Updated ConsumerSearchIHI, ConsumerSearchIHIBatchSync and ConsumerSearchIHIBatchAsync client to include support for unstructured addresses.
- Removed prohibition on "history" field.
- Fixed issue with state not being serialized due to the absence of the "stateFieldSpecified" field in Australian Postal and Australian Street Addresses.
- Added client for ProviderSearchForProviderIndividual.
- Added client for ProviderSearchForProviderOrganisation.
- Change the clients to expose the property SoapMessages, which further contains SOAP request and response XMLs and Message IDs.
- Added CSP support to the header of the request.
- ConsumerSearchIHIBatchSyncClient has time out values on the client increased.
- Removed ValidateUri from Validation class
- Updated clients throw a specific FaultException when one is returned from Medicare which gives details on the problem
- Changed namespaces of generated classes to Nehta.MCAR3 and Nehta.MCAR32
- Added a sample project
- Added validation to ID length for batch IHI search
- Added ProviderReadReferenceDataClient
- Added the following properties to all clients:
- LastSoapRequestTimestamp
- LastSoapRequestMessageID
- HIServiceOperation
- HIServiceVersion
- Original release