Name | Type | Description | Notes |
BlockchainIdentifier | string | The address / public key of the wallet you're querying. Examples: - Solana: `GKNcUmNacSJo4S2Kq3DuYRYRGw3sNUfJ4tyqd198t6vQ` - Ethereum: `0xa84b9478d203cd25dF722e83C87590f8028f6aAA` | [optional] |
Unit | string | The `unit` parameter is only applicable if you are trying to retrieve the balance of the native token (e.g., SOL, ETH, BNB). Applicable units: - Solana: `lamport`, `sol` (1 SOL = 1e9 Lamports) - Ethereum: `wei`, `gwei`, `eth` | [optional] |
Network | string | The network of the blockchain you selected - Solana: `devnet`, `mainnet-beta` - Ethereum: `ropsten`, `mainnet` Defaults when not provided (not applicable to path parameters): - Solana: `devnet` - Ethereum: `ropsten` | [optional] |
TokenBlockchainIdentifier | string | The `token_blockchain_identifier` identifies the token you wish to transfer. - If you're transferring a native blockchain currency (e.g., SOL, ETH, BNB), then simply do not supply this value. - If you're transfering an NFT, then supply the token address of the NFT. On Solana, this is the `mint_address` or `mint` (the address of the mint). - If you're transfering a token, supply the token address. For Solana, you can find on this on the Solana Explorer (e.g., see `SRMuApVNdxXokk5GT7XD5cUUgXMBCoAz2LHeuAoKWRt` for <a href="\" target="_blank">Serum Token</a>) for the `token_address`. Examples: - Ethereum: `0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48` - Solana: `CK1LHEANTu7RFqN3XMzo2AnZhyus2W1vue1njrxLEM1d` | [optional] [default to "null"] |