Name | Type | Description | Notes |
MintedNfts | List<GetAllNFTsResponseMintedNfts> | The minted NFTs. Only filled in for `v1` candy machines. Left empty for `v2`. | [optional] |
UnmintedNfts | List<GetAllNFTsResponseUnmintedNfts> | The unminted NFTs. Only filled in for `v1` candy machines. Left empty for `v2`. | [optional] |
AllNfts | List<GetAllNFTsResponseUnmintedNfts> | The list of all NFTs. Filled in for both `v1` and `v2` NFTs. | [optional] |
Accurate | bool | Whether or not the division of NFTs among minted and unminted is accurate. If it is not accurate, then it is possible that NFTs have been included in the `minted` list that are not actually minted. If it is accurate, then the split of minted and unminted is correct. `v1` candy machines always return a correct minted/unminted split. | [optional] |