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80 lines (56 loc) · 3.07 KB

File metadata and controls

80 lines (56 loc) · 3.07 KB

Prerequisites software

  • Android Studio


There is automated testing for every push command through github actions (see .github/workflows/ci.yml).

You can manually test before pushing by running both unit tests and instrumented tests:

  • ./gradlew sdk:test
  • ./gradlew test:connectedAndroidTest
  • ./gradlew test:connectedAndroidTest -P testingMinimizedBuild=true -P android.enableR8.fullMode=false

Manual testing

  • {normal,invisible,compact} -> verify -> success -> mark used

  • {normal,invisible,compact} -> verify -> success -> token timeout

  • {normal,invisible,compact} -> verify -> touch outside -> challenge closed

  • {normal,invisible,compact} -> verify -> back button -> challenge closed

  • {normal,invisible,compact} -> verify -> rotate device (recreate activity, i.e. without android:configChanges in AndroidManifest.xml) -> hcaptcha gone, no callbacks fired

  • {normal,invisible,compact} -> verify -> send app to background -> open app from history again -> hcaptcha is displayed

  • {hide dialog} -> verify -> token obtained -> mark used

How to end-to-end test SDK integration before release

When this make sense

  • Proguard configuration update
  • API Changes
  • Breaking Changes

How to do this

To install the SDK for a specific pull request (PR) or git branch in the same way as end-developers do, i.e. as a Gradle dependency, follow the steps below:

  1. Update your dependency in example-app/build.gradle by replacing:
    dependencies {
       // ...
       implementation project(path: ':sdk')
       // ...


dependencies {
   // ...
   implementation "com.github.hCaptcha:hcaptcha-android-sdk:BRANCH_NAME-SNAPSHOT"
   // or
   implementation "com.github.hCaptcha:hcaptcha-android-sdk:pull/PR_NUMBER/head-SNAPSHOT"
  1. Build example-app for release variant
  2. Test example-app

NOTE: JitPack builds dependencies on-demand, i.e. once Gradle requests the dependency. If the dependency for the specified PR branch has not been built yet, Gradle may fail with a timeout error. It can take 5-10 minutes for JitPack to build and make the dependency available to Gradle, so please be patient.


To publish a new version follow the next steps:

  1. Bump versions in the sdk/build.gradle file:
    • android.defaultConfig.versionCode: increment by 1 (next integer)
    • android.defaultConfig.versionName: Semantic Versioning
  2. Update with changes since last version
  3. Create a Github Release with the SAME version from step 1 (without a prefix such as v)
    • JitPack's automatic process will be triggered upon first installation of the new package version

Known issues

Android Studio Lombok plugin doesn't work (generated methods not found)

Install lombok plugin from mplushnikov/lombok-intellij-plugin#1130 (comment)