Hacktoberfest is an annual month-long celebration of open source software, organized by DigitalOcean in partnership with GitHub. It encourages contributions to open source projects by offering exciting rewards to participants.
During the month of October, individuals are invited to contribute to open source projects on GitHub. To be eligible for rewards, participants must make a minimum of four valid pull requests to any public repository. This is a great opportunity for both beginners and experienced developers to get involved in the open source community.
If you're new to open source or just looking to contribute to a project in Hactoberfest for practice, here are some steps to help you get started:
Register for Hacktoberfest on the official website: Hacktoberfest
Fork the Repository:
- Click the "Fork" button in the upper-right corner of the repository's page. This creates a copy (fork) of the repository in your GitHub account.
- Check out all intructions before beginning to contribute.
In our repository,
a. Copy the HTML code below and replace the placeholders with your information and URLs:
<figure class="Card">
<div class="profile-image"><img src="{IMAGE-URL}" alt="Profile-Image" /></div>
<h5 class="Role">Contributor</h5>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="icons">
<a href="GITUHB_URL" target="_blank"><i class="ion-social-github" id="github"></i></a>
<a href="TWITTER_URL" target="_blank"><i class="ion-social-twitter" id="twitter"></i></a>
<a href="LINKEDIN_URL" target="_blank"><i class="ion-social-linkedin" id="linkedin"></i></a>
b. Navigate to the "index.html" file, access the editing mode, insert the provided code above this comment
<!-- Please place the code above this line -->
in html file.
- Replace {IMAGE-URL} with your image URL, {YOUR_NAME} with your name, GITUHB_URL with your GitHub URL, TWITTER_URL with your Twitter URL, and LINKEDIN_URL with your LinkedIn URL.
- Note: If you don't have an account on a particular platform, just remove the corresponding anchor tag block
Create a Pull Request to add the changes to the repository.
Here, please change the title to "added {your-name}" -
Please patiently await the repository maintainer's review and be open to making further changes if requested. Your cooperation and flexibility are greatly appreciated!