- Xcode 13.1
- Xcode 12.4
- Swift 5.2.4
- Remove iPhoneSimulator from Info.plist
- Xcode 11
- Swift 5.0
- Fix Merge Conflicts
- Fix NSBatchDeleteRequest
- Fix NSFetchRequest Crash
- Swift 4.2
- Minor Bug Fix
- Update Swift Version in Podspec to 4.1
- Fix offline crashes
- Fix threading issues
- Fix bug around mandatory non-exsistent property.
- Remove Proximity Status from the server
- Fix Visitor Entity
- Expose REGION_IDENTIFIER of CLBeaconRegion
- Update EddystoneScanner
- Analytics overhaul changes
- Define LATCH_LATENCY for campOn/campOff behaviour
- Event Logging changes.
- Fix defnition of
's didRagneBeacons to returnMBeacon
objects. - Fix method signature.
- Introducing a completely new Beaconstac SDK written completely in Swift.
- One line initialisation making it easier than ever to integrate Beaconstac into your app.
- Light-weight and added bitcode support.
- A new way to handle location permission for battery efficient BLE scanning and conforming to Apple App Store guidelines.
- Uses the much improved Beaconstac API v2 for faster and intelligent syncing of rules.
- Offline support with persistent caching of rules.
- Introducing beacon ranging on display wakeup.
- Added a new property usageRequirement in Beaconstac.h to better manage user location permissions based on the applications requirement.
- Removed allowRangingInBackground property from Beaconstac.h. Instead use the property usageRequirement for setting your applications options.
- Added a new MSNotification property in MSCard to display notification attached to the card.
- Fixed a bug which was causing crash on iOS 10.
- Improvements in user analytics. This update is recommended for all users.
- Introducing Rules by Places. This allows assigning a MSRule to a MSPlace object instead of a single MSBeacon or a MSTag on beacons. Check Beaconstac Admin Console on how to set it up.
- Added a new property for assigning GooglePlaceID to a given MSPlace object.
- Added a new property in MSRule - placesBeacons, which is an array of beacons attached to a place in case this MSRule is assigned to a MSPlace.
- SDK automatically syncs notifications from Beaconstac Admin Conole and registers UserNotificationCategory for each CTA created under Notifications.
- Fixed a bug which was causing Custom attributes to not work properly.
- Fixed a bug which was causing name and email to be not reported on Analytics dashboard (https://manage.beaconstac.com/reporting/visitors)
- Introduced new property in Beaconstac to check if beacon ranging is enabled
- Introduced new api in MSRuleProcessor to fetch rules from server, ignoring the local cached version
- MSRuleProcessor cannot be accessed as [MSRuleProcessor sharedInstance] anymore. Instead, use the property in Beaconstac instance: [[Beaconstac sharedInstance] ruleProcessor]
- New classes for Webpage, Custom and Popup action types. All action types now inherit from MSAction. Check the Example code for how to access these.
- Improvement in 'allowRangingInBackground' property
- New Webhook class and delegate methods. See the updated Admin Console for including Webhook parameters.
- Example app updated to include Summary Card and Photo Card UI
- Fixed issues with geo-fence monitoring for reliable sync when changes are made on the admin console
- Added support for syncing and showing notifications associated with cards or created as a standalone action
- Added a method to enable/disable background ranging
- Added compatibility for background beacon ranging on iOS9
- Added a new delegate method which is triggered when Rule sync with server completes
- Performance improvement in rule triggering
- Cleanup all data on destroying Beaconstac shared instance
- Rules assigned to Tags will trigger callbacks when camped on the tagged beacon
- Added a property in MSBeaconManager to get the currently campedOnBeacon
- Fixed a bug which prevented Exit Rules to not trigger if there were multiple Exit Rules on same beacon
- Added MSTags class to enable grouping beacons by tags
- Start/Stop Geo-fence api changed
- Added delegate callback if SDK fails to sync rule with the server
- Shows error in Console if an invalid UUID is entered
- Added MSPlace class to enable grouping beacons by places
- Ability to add Geo-fences around MSPlace with entry/exit callbacks
- Version number dropped from framework name
- Added ability to track sessions based on change in time and location
- Added ability to reset a Beaconstac sharedInstance in case of switching user accounts
- Rule processor Action type webhook - webhook parameters now contain more contextual information
- Delegate method names updated to include sender object as the first parameter in Beaconstac, MSBeaconManager and MSRuleProcessor classes
- Added more fields to event log packet like campon duration on a beacon
- Added a description property to MSBeacon class
- Major improvement in beacon campon and exit behavior
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Added more fields to event logger
- Added support for Beaconstac delegates to be optional
- Major bug fix - First time beacon detection bug fixed
- Minor bug fixes
- Added GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods to MSNetwork class
- Deprecated postToServer and fetchDataForURL methods in MSNetwork class
- Added MSUIAction enum for action type in MSAnalytics. Deprecated MSActionType in MSAnalytics
- Added created, modified and status properties to MSAction class
- Added MSCard and MSMedia classes to Beaconstac for handling card action type and media in card action type
- Fixed bug - Ranging and monitoring beacons specific to region
- Fixed bug - Removed ambiguity with class name for Reachability.h
- Fixed bug - webhook action type post parameters
- Fixed bug - Added Dwell time implementation to exit beacon event
- Added sharedInstanceWithOrganizationId: developerToken method for creating a Beaconstac shared instance
- Added method for start ranging beacons with UUID and identifier in Beaconstac and MSBeaconManager classes
- Added support for filter options while ranging beacons
- Added method for stopping beacon ranging in Beaconstac and MSBeaconManager classes
- Added support for triggering rules based on exit beacon event
- Deprecated setUpOrganizationId: userToken: beaconUUID: beaconIdentifier method from Beaconstac class
- Deprecated sharedInstance method in Beaconstac class
- Modified initUserIdentity method to setUserIdentity in Beaconstac class