The provided information describes two files that together create a web-based Connect Four game.
The first file, index.html
, is an HTML template that sets up the structure and layout of the game's webpage. It includes references to external stylesheets and fonts to style the page, as well as a script (main.js
) that contains the game's logic. The HTML document is structured with a top-level heading, a div container for the game board with buttons representing the holes on the Connect Four board, and explanatory text paragraphs that provide instructions, fun facts, and game theory insights. There is also a replay button to restart the game and a footer with copyright information.
The second file, main.js
, is a JavaScript file that contains the game's functionality. It defines constants for the display elements (such as URLs for cell background images and audio files), variables to maintain the game state (like the board array, turn, and winner), and references to DOM elements for interaction and display purposes. Event listeners are set up to handle user interactions, such as clicking on the game board or the replay button. The render
function updates the visual elements of the game based on the current state, including showing the replay button when there's a winner and updating the top message to reflect the game's status. The holClk
function handles the game logic when a cell is clicked, including playing sounds, updating the board, and checking for a winner. The init
function initializes the game state and is called to start the game.
Together, these files synergistically create an interactive Connect Four game that users can play in their web browser, with visual and audio feedback, and a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes.