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246 lines (186 loc) · 6.33 KB

File metadata and controls

246 lines (186 loc) · 6.33 KB


This Node library should enable you to invoke from Node the functionality of Simon Weber's Unofficial Google Music API, gmusicapi.

It is not a re-implementation; it binds to existing functionality from the Python module.

The main reason for using this Node module is to stubbornly avoid learning Python.


2.7 <= Python version < 3.0

You will need the Python gmusicapi to be working already.

[Here's my instructions](Installing Python!


Install this Node package to your own Node project.

Via npm

npm install --save gmusicapi-node

Via GitHub

Install this Node package:

npm install --save git+ssh://



Include the installed package into your Node script using require().

var gmusicapi = require('gmusicapi-node');


Basic usage

var gmusicapi = require('gmusicapi-node')();

// attempt to acquire a MobileClient
.then(function(bindings) {
	// check what functions are exported by this library

	return bindings
	.then(function(results) {
		// you'll get an array of playlists

Example output:

		"kind": "sj#playlist",
		"name": "かたわ少女",
		"deleted": false,
		"lastModifiedTimestamp": "1412977187235428",
		"recentTimestamp": "1412977136104000",
		"shareToken": "AMaBXykdBzHnRhaVhtpIBrYu6UwQFgaZDOtFL1XTGmMAc6aOEJ4GKvk2ZIVRmPH3m0dZFbTElvznB3b6EcA37NtD0IuHM_hU0w==",
		"clientId": "996CEDEF0DFAE259",
		"ownerProfilePhotoUrl": "(redacted)",
		"ownerName": "(redacted)",
		"accessControlled": false,
		"creationTimestamp": "1412977136108902",
		"id": "8bcfdbb5-b22e-3441-b815-a58d5b53afd9"

Advanced usage

You can use a non-default configuration like I do:

var options = {
	// these options will be passed to `python-shell`
	pyshellOptions: {
		pythonPath: '/usr/local/bin/python',
		env: {
			// which directories (delimited by : character) Python should inspect when importing modules
			'PYTHONPATH': '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages'
	credentials: {
		email: '',
		password: 'hey'
	// or use credentials from keychain, like so:
	credentials: {
		usekeychain: true,
		email: '
	// skipping sanity checks saves a bit of time, if you're sure your Python environment works
	skipSanityChecks: true

var lib = require('../src/js/index')(options);

.then(function(bindings) {
	return bindings


If default state doesn't work out for you, require() the library with some options

pyshellOptions is passed to python-shell. Any unrecognised options within this object will be passed through to child_process.spawn's options object.

You can assign a string to pyshellOptions.pythonPath to specify the path to your intended Python executable.

You can assign an object of key-value pairs to pyshellOptions.env to provide environment variables to child_process.spawn.

Here's an example of that:

var options = {
	// these options will be passed to `python-shell`
	pyshellOptions: {
		pythonPath: '/usr/local/bin/python',
		env: {
			// which directories (delimited by : character) Python should inspect when importing modules
			'PYTHONPATH': '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages'

var lib = require('../src/js/index')(options);

We also have options for:

Option type Description
logLevel string Print to console.log various verbosity of messages from this library. Defaults to "info". Possible values are: ["info"]
skipSanityChecks boolean Skip sanity checks on startup
credentials object see credentials spec below


Option type Description
usekeychain boolean Consult Mac OS X Keychain for your Google account's password instead of specifying password. Defaults to false.
email string Your Google account
password string Your Google password
keychainSpec object see keychainSpec below


Option type Description
account string Which Account to search for in Keychain (example: Defaults to the email provided in credentials.
service string Which Service to search for in Keychain. Defaults to ''.
type string What type of password to search for in Keychain. Defaults to 'internet'.

You can populate your Keychain with a Google password like so:

security add-internet-password -a -s -w YOURPASSWORDHERE


Check out this repository:

git clone


If you are have checked out this repository to develop it, probably you want to invoke its code.

You can make a "scratch" file (a.k.a. a "fiddle") within this repository to invoke functionality from within this repository.

Saving fiddles into repository

The whole directory scratch/ is .gitignored, so feel free to add files there.

For example, you could make a file scratch/scratch.js:

var gmusicapi = require('../src/js/index.js');


Alternatively: any file ending in .scratch.js is .gitignored also, so you could save a fiddle file somewhere else if you prefer.

Running your fiddles

You're using Sublime Text, right? Add a new build system.

  "cmd": ["/usr/local/bin/node", "$file"],   
  "selector": "source.js"   

Now when you press Cmd+B upon a .js file, it will run your fiddle.



Minor release

Finish your commit, then run:

npm version patch
npm publish
git push origin master --follow-tags

Or run sh ./

Major release

Finish your commit, then run:

npm version major
npm publish
git push origin master --follow-tags

Or run sh ./