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File metadata and controls

93 lines (69 loc) · 6.79 KB


A macOS application for monitoring/editing the state of an application over MultipeerConnectivity.

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The visibility and dependability of state can be mysterious. Other mediums enjoy the ability of being quickly manipulated and viewed across a temporal spectrum with applications like Final Cut and Logic. What would an application like those look like for code? CycleMonitor is an exploration of that idea. It was written with the intent of being paired with applications written using Cycle.swift but is not exclusive to them. This project also takes inspiration from Bret Victor.


  • Recording of events and their resulting state (even while disconnected from monitor)
  • Playback of states back to device
  • Playback of events back to device
  • Saving/opening of sessions
  • Generation of tests from selected states in timeline
  • Editing of states via text editor (can be played-back to device as text is entered)

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Includes a sample app. To use:

  1. Run pod install
  2. Boot up the monitor and sample app
  3. Hit the Record tab
  4. Select the intended client from the drop-down
  5. Produce events from the iOS application (button-pressing, backgrounding of app, etc.)

The sample app also keeps a running total of the last 25 Moments to allow for later review should you experience something worth review while offline. To retrieve that timeline:

  1. Produce events from the iOS application (button-pressing, backgrounding of app, etc.)
  2. Shake the device
  3. Send the report to yourself
  4. Open the report using CycleMonitor



CycleMonitor records state as Moments over time with a schema of:

struct Moment {
  var drivers: [Driver]
  var cause: Driver
  var effect: String
  var context: String
  var isApproved = false
  struct Driver { // Drivers are event producers
    var label: String
    var action: String
    var id: String

Each Moment provides its cause/effect as well as a list of the drivers/event-producers that were being recorded at the time. The moment's active driver/event-producer indicates itself as the cause by providing a non-nil action. A Moment's context/effect can conveniently be created using the reflective abilities of Wrap (func wrap<T>(_ object: T) -> [String: Any]?).


As events are experienced on the client, they can be encoded as Moments, converted to JSON and broadcasted to the monitor. MultipeerJSON is provided as a convenience to make those broadcasts and is designed to consume a incoming stream of JSON encoded Moments. MultipeerJSON also buffers outgoing transmissions until a connection is established.

let moment = CycleMonitor.Moment(...)
let JSON = moment.coerced() as [AnyHashable: Any]
let transmitter = MultipeerJSON()
let responses: RxSwift.Observable<[AnyHashable: Any]> = transmitter.rendered(


If your application is designed to consume a single source-of-truth/state, it has the potential to disregard its version of that state and instead consume a new state injected remotely. CycleMonitor can send states to a client in order to review their rendering. However, converting incoming JSON to your application's State is not as easy as the inverse and requires traditional JSON serialization. Selecting the Effects On Device tab begins the broadcast of a stream of JSON serialized Moments back to the client.


Once the effect of a cause on a context is considered to be correct, that Moment can be serialized and further tested as development continues. To save Moments, select their checkbox in the timeline and then select File > Export Tests. Those files can then be imported into the client's Xcode project and tested. The sample app uses this single (pseudo code) process for all Moments:

// 1. deserialize all `.moment` files into the application's `Moment` types
// 2. assert that each `Moment's` `cause` applied to its `context` produces its `effect`

This approach only tests the business-logic/state-manipulation portion of the application, not the rendering of the resulting state via drivers.


Automatic Quality Assurance Testing

Debuggers usually allow inspection through a 3-dimensional perspective of time, temporarily displaying values as they change. CycleMonitor attempts a 4-dimensional view, where all values are presented at once and can be inspected at will. However, a timeline has the potential to fork in many ways and its presentation could be improved with an additional perspective.

If a 4th-dimension provides all values as a timeline, a 5th-dimension would provide all possible timelines as a tree. This would be a lot of information to present and a challenge to visualize comprehensively. Visualization would provide a means of user-evaluation but if that evaulation was automated, visualization might not be necessary. Evaluation could be automated if a test-framework was given a means of advancing the timeline. It could throw random values at an application (QuickCheck), producing potential timelines to the desired degree, comparing them against intended/forbidden results and returning the offending timelines. This could be further automated with supervised machine-learning, using existing tests to develop an understanding of expectations that could then be further tested and used to return potentially-offending issues.

UX Testing

In the same way that observing patterns in state sequences could be used to find bugs in code, patterns could also be observed to find bugs in UX design. If clients were configured to report timelines to a repo, those timelines could be used to find common patterns of user-activity which could then be used to improve the UX design. For example, a timeline that contained multiple errors might indicate a confusing UX. Changes could be made to the application, released and the resulting reported-timelines re-evaluated for a decrease in error-states.


CycleMonitor has the potential to work with any multipeer-connectivity-capable application that relies on a single-source-of-truth. The use of unidirectional architectures/frameworks makes this approach easier. Some of these frameworks include: