diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ff0c42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Set default behavior to automatically normalize line endings.
+* text=auto
+# Set default behavior for command prompt diff.
+# This is need for earlier builds of msysgit that does not have it on by
+# default for csharp files.
+# Note: This is only used by command line
+#*.cs diff=csharp
+# Set the merge driver for project and solution files
+# Merging from the command prompt will add diff markers to the files if there
+# are conflicts (Merging from VS is not affected by the settings below, in VS
+# the diff markers are never inserted). Diff markers may cause the following
+# file extensions to fail to load in VS. An alternative would be to treat
+# these files as binary and thus will always conflict and require user
+# intervention with every merge. To do so, just uncomment the entries below
+#*.sln merge=binary
+#*.csproj merge=binary
+#*.vbproj merge=binary
+#*.vcxproj merge=binary
+#*.vcproj merge=binary
+#*.dbproj merge=binary
+#*.fsproj merge=binary
+#*.lsproj merge=binary
+#*.wixproj merge=binary
+#*.modelproj merge=binary
+#*.sqlproj merge=binary
+#*.wwaproj merge=binary
+# behavior for image files
+# image files are treated as binary by default.
+#*.jpg binary
+#*.png binary
+#*.gif binary
+# diff behavior for common document formats
+# Convert binary document formats to text before diffing them. This feature
+# is only available from the command line. Turn it on by uncommenting the
+# entries below.
+#*.doc diff=astextplain
+#*.DOC diff=astextplain
+#*.docx diff=astextplain
+#*.DOCX diff=astextplain
+#*.dot diff=astextplain
+#*.DOT diff=astextplain
+#*.pdf diff=astextplain
+#*.PDF diff=astextplain
+#*.rtf diff=astextplain
+#*.RTF diff=astextplain
diff --git a/BIP39.NET.csproj b/BIP39.NET.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3328dc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BIP39.NET.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ 10.0
+ Debug
+ AnyCPU
+ {517A4285-49E4-4478-9388-DCF497EEA68A}
+ Library
+ Properties
+ Bitcoin.BIP39
+ BIP39
+ en-US
+ 512
+ {786C830F-07A1-408B-BD7F-6EE04809D6DB};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}
+ Profile7
+ v4.5
+ true
+ full
+ false
+ bin\Debug\
+ prompt
+ 4
+ pdbonly
+ true
+ bin\Release\
+ prompt
+ 4
+ ..\BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll
+ PreserveNewest
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BIP39.NET.sln b/BIP39.NET.sln
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57e50b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BIP39.NET.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+# Visual Studio 14
+VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.25123.0
+MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
+Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "BIP39.NET", "BIP39.NET.csproj", "{517A4285-49E4-4478-9388-DCF497EEA68A}"
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
+ Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {517A4285-49E4-4478-9388-DCF497EEA68A}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {517A4285-49E4-4478-9388-DCF497EEA68A}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {517A4285-49E4-4478-9388-DCF497EEA68A}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {517A4285-49E4-4478-9388-DCF497EEA68A}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/BIP39.cs b/BIP39.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..277cc4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BIP39.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace Bitcoin.BIP39
+ ///
+ /// A .NET implementation of the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal - 39 (BIP39)
+ /// BIP39 specification used as reference located here: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039.mediawiki
+ /// Made by thashiznets@yahoo.com.au
+ /// v1.0.1.1
+ /// I ♥ Bitcoin :)
+ /// Bitcoin:1ETQjMkR1NNh4jwLuN5LxY7bMsHC9PUPSV
+ ///
+ public class BIP39
+ {
+ #region Private Attributes
+ private byte[] _entropyBytes;
+ private byte[] _passphraseBytes;
+ private Language _language;
+ private List _wordIndexList; //I made this a property because then we can keep the same index and swap between languages for experimenting
+ private string _mnemonicSentence;
+ #endregion
+ #region Public Constants and Enums
+ public const int cMinimumEntropyBits = 128;
+ public const int cMaximumEntropyBits = 8192;
+ public const int cEntropyMultiple = 32;
+ public const int cBitsInByte = 8;
+ public const int cBitGroupSize = 11;
+ public const string cEmptyString = "";
+ public const string cSaltHeader = "mnemonic"; //this is the first part of the salt as described in the BIP39 spec
+ public enum Language {English,Japanese,Spanish,ChineseSimplified,ChineseTraditional,French,Unknown};
+ public const string cJPSpaceString = "\u3000"; //ideographic space used by japanese language
+ #endregion
+ #region Constructors
+ ///
+ /// Constructor to build a BIP39 object from scratch given an entropy size and an optional passphrase. Language is optional and will default to English
+ ///
+ /// The size in bits of the entropy to be created
+ /// The optional passphrase. Please ensure NFKD Normalized, Empty string will be used if not provided as per spec
+ /// The optional language. If no language is provided English will be used
+ public BIP39(int entropySize=cMinimumEntropyBits, string passphrase=cEmptyString, Language language=Language.English)
+ {
+ //check that ENT size is a multiple of 32 and at least minimun entropy size to stop silly people using tiny entropy, oh also making sure entropy size doesn't exceed our checksum bits available
+ if (entropySize % cEntropyMultiple != 0 || entropySize < cMinimumEntropyBits || entropySize > cMaximumEntropyBits)
+ {
+ throw (new Exception("entropy size must be a multiple of "+cEntropyMultiple+" (divisible by "+cEntropyMultiple+" with no remainder) and must be greater than " + (cMinimumEntropyBits-1) + " and less than "+(cMaximumEntropyBits+1)));
+ }
+ _entropyBytes = Utilities.GetRandomBytes(entropySize / cBitsInByte); //crypto random entropy of the specified size
+ pInit(passphrase, language);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Constructor to build a BIP39 object using supplied entropy bytes eighter from a previously created BIP39 object or another method of entropy generation.
+ ///
+ /// The entropy bytes which will determine the mnemonic sentence
+ /// The optional passphrase. Please ensure NFKD Normalized, Empty string will be used if not supplied as per spec
+ /// The optional language. If no language is provided English will be used
+ public BIP39(byte[] entropyBytes, string passphrase=cEmptyString, Language language=Language.English)
+ {
+ //check to ensure at least 16 bytes no more than 1024 bytes and byte array is in 4 byte groups
+ if ((entropyBytes.Length * cBitsInByte) % cEntropyMultiple != 0 || (entropyBytes.Length * cBitsInByte) < cMinimumEntropyBits)
+ {
+ throw (new Exception("entropy bytes must be a multiple of " + (cEntropyMultiple / cBitsInByte) + " (divisible by " + (cEntropyMultiple / cBitsInByte) + " with no remainder) and must be greater than " + ((cMinimumEntropyBits / cBitsInByte) - 1) + " bytes and less than " + ((cMaximumEntropyBits / cBitsInByte) + 1) + " bytes"));
+ }
+ _entropyBytes = entropyBytes;
+ pInit(passphrase,language);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Constructor to build a BIP39 object using a supplied Mnemonic sentence and passphrase. If you are not worried about saving the entropy bytes, or using custom words not in a wordlist, you should consider the static method to do this instead.
+ ///
+ /// The mnemonic sentencs used to derive seed bytes, Please ensure NFKD Normalized
+ /// Optional passphrase used to protect seed bytes, defaults to empty
+ /// Optional language to use for wordlist, if not specified it will auto detect language and if it can't detect it will default to English
+ public BIP39(string mnemonicSentence, string passphrase = cEmptyString, Language language=Language.Unknown)
+ {
+ _mnemonicSentence = Utilities.NormaliseStringNfkd(mnemonicSentence.Trim()); //just making sure we don't have any leading or trailing spaces
+ _passphraseBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Utilities.NormaliseStringNfkd(passphrase));
+ string[] words = _mnemonicSentence.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
+ //no language specified try auto detect it
+ if(language.Equals(Language.Unknown))
+ {
+ _language = AutoDetectLanguageOfWords(words);
+ if(_language.Equals(Language.Unknown))
+ {
+ //yeah.....have a bias to use English as default....
+ _language = Language.English;
+ }
+ }
+ //if the sentence is not at least 12 characters or cleanly divisible by 3, it is bad!
+ if (words.Length < 12 || words.Length % 3 != 0)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Mnemonic sentence must be at least 12 words and it will increase by 3 words for each increment in entropy. Please ensure your sentence is at leas 12 words and has no remainder when word count is divided by 3");
+ }
+ _language = language;
+ _wordIndexList = pRebuildWordIndexes(words);
+ _entropyBytes = pProcessIntToBitsThenBytes(_wordIndexList);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Public Static Methods
+ ///
+ /// An asynchronous static method to create a new BIP39 from random entropy. The random entropy creation is CPU intensive so is run in its own Task and we await as per async pattern.
+ ///
+ /// The size in bits of the entropy to be created
+ /// The optional passphrase. Please ensure NFKD Normalized, Empty string will be used if not provided as per spec
+ /// The optional language. If no language is provided English will be used
+ /// A BIP39 object
+ public static async Task GetBIP39Async(int entropySize = cMinimumEntropyBits, string passphrase = cEmptyString, Language language = Language.English)
+ {
+ byte[] entropyBytes = await Utilities.GetRandomBytesAsync(entropySize / cBitsInByte);
+ return new BIP39(entropyBytes, passphrase, language);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Takes in a string[] of words and detects the language that has the highest number of matching words.
+ ///
+ /// The words of which you wish to derive a language
+ /// The best attempt at a guessed Language
+ public static Language AutoDetectLanguageOfWords(string[] words)
+ {
+ Wordlists.English eng = new Wordlists.English();
+ Wordlists.Japanese jp = new Wordlists.Japanese();
+ Wordlists.Spanish es = new Wordlists.Spanish();
+ Wordlists.French fr = new Wordlists.French();
+ Wordlists.ChineseSimplified cnS = new Wordlists.ChineseSimplified();
+ Wordlists.ChineseTraditional cnT = new Wordlists.ChineseTraditional();
+ List languageCount = new List(new int[] {0,0,0,0,0,0});
+ int index;
+ foreach(string s in words)
+ {
+ if(eng.WordExists(s,out index))
+ {
+ //english is at 0
+ languageCount[0]++;
+ }
+ if (jp.WordExists(s, out index))
+ {
+ //japanese is at 1
+ languageCount[1]++;
+ }
+ if (es.WordExists(s, out index))
+ {
+ //spanish is at 2
+ languageCount[2]++;
+ }
+ if (cnS.WordExists(s, out index))
+ {
+ //chinese simplified is at 3
+ languageCount[3]++;
+ }
+ if (cnT.WordExists(s, out index) && ! cnS.WordExists(s, out index))
+ {
+ //chinese traditional is at 4
+ languageCount[4]++;
+ }
+ if (fr.WordExists(s, out index))
+ {
+ //french is at 5
+ languageCount[5]++;
+ }
+ }
+ //no hits found for any language unknown
+ if(languageCount.Max()==0)
+ {
+ return Language.Unknown;
+ }
+ if(languageCount.IndexOf(languageCount.Max()) == 0)
+ {
+ return Language.English;
+ }
+ else if (languageCount.IndexOf(languageCount.Max()) == 1)
+ {
+ return Language.Japanese;
+ }
+ else if (languageCount.IndexOf(languageCount.Max()) == 2)
+ {
+ return Language.Spanish;
+ }
+ else if (languageCount.IndexOf(languageCount.Max()) == 3)
+ {
+ if (languageCount[4]>0)
+ {
+ //has traditional characters so not simplified but instead traditional
+ return Language.ChineseTraditional;
+ }
+ return Language.ChineseSimplified;
+ }
+ else if (languageCount.IndexOf(languageCount.Max()) == 4)
+ {
+ return Language.ChineseTraditional;
+ }
+ else if (languageCount.IndexOf(languageCount.Max()) == 5)
+ {
+ return Language.French;
+ }
+ return Language.Unknown;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Supply a mnemonic sentence with any words of your choosing not restricted to wordlists and be given seed bytes in return
+ ///
+ /// The mnemonic sentence we will use to derive seed bytes, Please ensure NFKD Normalized
+ /// Optional passphrase to protect the seed bytes, Please ensure NFKD Normalized, defaults to empty string
+ /// Seed bytes that can be used to create a root in BIP32
+ public static byte[] GetSeedBytes(string mnemonicSentence, string passphrase=cEmptyString)
+ {
+ mnemonicSentence = Utilities.NormaliseStringNfkd(mnemonicSentence);
+ byte[] salt = Utilities.MergeByteArrays(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cSaltHeader), UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Utilities.NormaliseStringNfkd(passphrase)));
+ return Rfc2898_pbkdf2_hmacsha512.PBKDF2(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(mnemonicSentence), salt);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Supply a mnemonic sentence with any words of your choosing not restricted to wordlists and be given seed bytes hex encoded as a string in return
+ ///
+ /// The mnemonic sentence we will use to derive seed bytes
+ /// Optional passphrase to protect the seed bytes, defaults to empty string
+ /// Hex string encoded seed bytes that can be used to create a root in BIP32
+ public static string GetSeedBytesHexString(string mnemonicSentence, string passphrase = cEmptyString)
+ {
+ mnemonicSentence = Utilities.NormaliseStringNfkd(mnemonicSentence);
+ byte[] salt = Utilities.MergeByteArrays(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cSaltHeader), UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Utilities.NormaliseStringNfkd(passphrase)));
+ return Utilities.BytesToHexString(Rfc2898_pbkdf2_hmacsha512.PBKDF2(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(mnemonicSentence), salt));
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Private Methods
+ ///
+ /// Common initialisation code utilised by all the constructors. It gets all the bits and does a checksum etc. This is the main code to create a BIP39 object.
+ ///
+ private void pInit(String passphrase, Language language)
+ {
+ _passphraseBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Utilities.NormaliseStringNfkd(passphrase));
+ _language = language;
+ byte[] allChecksumBytes = Utilities.Sha256Digest(_entropyBytes,0,_entropyBytes.Length); //sha256 the entropy bytes to get all the checksum bits
+ _entropyBytes = Utilities.SwapEndianBytes(_entropyBytes); //seems I had to change the endianess of the bytes here to match the test vectors.....
+ int numberOfChecksumBits = (_entropyBytes.Length * cBitsInByte) / cEntropyMultiple; //number of bits to take from the checksum bits, varies on entropy size as per spec
+ BitArray entropyConcatChecksumBits = new BitArray((_entropyBytes.Length * cBitsInByte) + numberOfChecksumBits);
+ allChecksumBytes = Utilities.SwapEndianBytes(allChecksumBytes); //yet another endianess change of some different bytes to match the test vectors.....
+ int index=0;
+ foreach(bool b in new BitArray(_entropyBytes))
+ {
+ entropyConcatChecksumBits.Set(index, b);
+ index++;
+ }
+ /*sooooo I'm doing below for future proofing....I know right now we are using up to 256 bits entropy in real world implementation and therefore max 8 bits (1 byte) of checksum....buuuut I figgure it's easy enough
+ to accomodate more entropy by chaining more checksum bytes so maximum 256 * 32 = 8192 theoretical maximum entropy (plus CS).*/
+ List checksumBytesToUse = new List();
+ double byteCount = Math.Ceiling((double)numberOfChecksumBits / cBitsInByte);
+ for (int i = 0; i < byteCount ;i++)
+ {
+ checksumBytesToUse.Add(allChecksumBytes[i]);
+ }
+ BitArray ba = new BitArray(checksumBytesToUse.ToArray());
+ //add checksum bits
+ for(int i = 0;i
+ /// Uses the Wordlist Index to create a scentence ow words provided by the wordlist of this objects language attribute
+ ///
+ /// A scentence of words
+ private string pGetMnemonicSentence()
+ {
+ //trap for words that were not in the word list when built. If custom words were used, we will not support the rebuild as we don't have the words
+ if (_wordIndexList.Contains(-1))
+ {
+ throw new Exception("the wordlist index contains -1 which means words were used in the mnemonic sentence that cannot be found in the wordlist and the index to sentence feature cannot be used. Perhaps a different language wordlist is needed?");
+ }
+ string mSentence = cEmptyString;
+ Wordlists.Wordlist wordlist;
+ switch(_language)
+ {
+ case Language.English:
+ wordlist = new Wordlists.English();
+ break;
+ case Language.Japanese:
+ wordlist = new Wordlists.Japanese();
+ break;
+ case Language.Spanish:
+ wordlist = new Wordlists.Spanish();
+ break;
+ case Language.ChineseSimplified:
+ wordlist = new Wordlists.ChineseSimplified();
+ break;
+ case Language.ChineseTraditional:
+ wordlist = new Wordlists.ChineseTraditional();
+ break;
+ case Language.French:
+ wordlist = new Wordlists.French();
+ break;
+ default:
+ wordlist = new Wordlists.English();
+ break;
+ }
+ for(int i =0; i<_wordIndexList.Count;i++)
+ {
+ mSentence += wordlist.GetWordAtIndex(_wordIndexList[i]);
+ if(i+1 < _wordIndexList.Count)
+ {
+ mSentence += " ";
+ }
+ }
+ return mSentence;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Process entropy + CS into an index list of words to get from wordlist
+ ///
+ /// An index, each int is a line in the wiordlist for the language of choice
+ private List pGetWordIndeces(BitArray entropyConcatChecksumBits)
+ {
+ List wordIndexList = new List();
+ //yea....loop in a loop....what of it!!! Outer loop is segregating bits into 11 bit groups and the inner loop is processing the 11 bits before sending them to be encoded as an int.
+ for(int i = 0; i< entropyConcatChecksumBits.Length; i=i+cBitGroupSize)
+ {
+ BitArray toInt = new BitArray(cBitGroupSize);
+ for (int i2 = 0; i2 < cBitGroupSize && i
+ /// Takes in the words of a mnemonic sentence and it rebuilds the word index, having the valid index allows us to hot swap between languages/word lists :)
+ ///
+ /// a string array containing each word in the mnemonic sentence
+ /// The word index that can be used to build the mnemonic sentence
+ private List pRebuildWordIndexes(string[] wordsInMnemonicSentence)
+ {
+ List wordIndexList = new List();
+ string langName = cEmptyString;
+ Wordlists.Wordlist wordlist;
+ switch (_language)
+ {
+ case Language.English:
+ wordlist = new Wordlists.English();
+ langName = "English";
+ break;
+ case Language.Japanese:
+ wordlist = new Wordlists.Japanese();
+ langName = "Japanese";
+ break;
+ case Language.Spanish:
+ wordlist = new Wordlists.Spanish();
+ langName = "Spanish";
+ break;
+ case Language.ChineseSimplified:
+ wordlist = new Wordlists.ChineseSimplified();
+ langName = "Chinese Simplified";
+ break;
+ case Language.ChineseTraditional:
+ wordlist = new Wordlists.ChineseTraditional();
+ langName = "Chinese Traditional";
+ break;
+ case Language.French:
+ wordlist = new Wordlists.French();
+ langName = "French";
+ break;
+ default:
+ wordlist = new Wordlists.English();
+ langName = "English";
+ break;
+ }
+ foreach(string s in wordsInMnemonicSentence)
+ {
+ int idx=-1;
+ if(!wordlist.WordExists(s, out idx))
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Word "+s+" is not in the wordlist for language " + langName + " cannot continue to rebuild entropy from wordlist");
+ }
+ wordIndexList.Add(idx);
+ }
+ return wordIndexList;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Me encoding an integer between 0 and 2047 from 11 bits...
+ ///
+ /// The bits to encode into an integer
+ /// integer between 0 and 2047
+ private int pProcessBitsToInt(BitArray bits)
+ {
+ if(bits.Length != cBitGroupSize)
+ {
+ //to do throw not 11 bits exception
+ }
+ int number = 0;
+ int base2Divide = 1024; //it's all downhill from here...literally we halve this for each bit we move to.
+ //literally picture this loop as going from the most significant bit across to the least in the 11 bits, dividing by 2 for each bit as per binary/base 2
+ foreach(bool b in bits)
+ {
+ if(b)
+ {
+ number = number + base2Divide;
+ }
+ base2Divide = base2Divide / 2;
+ }
+ return number;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Takes the word index and decodes it from our 11 bit integer encoding back into raw bits including CS. Then it removes CS bits and turns back into entropy bytes
+ ///
+ /// The word index to convert back to bits then bytes
+ /// entropy bytes excluding CS
+ private byte[] pProcessIntToBitsThenBytes(List wordIndex)
+ {
+ //trap for words that were not in the word list when built. If custom words were used, we will not support the rebuild as we don't have the words
+ if (wordIndex.Contains(-1))
+ {
+ throw new Exception("the wordlist index contains -1 which means words were used in the mnemonic sentence that cannot be found in the wordlist and so the -1 will stuff up our entropy bits and we cannot rebuild the entropy from index containing -1. Perhaps a different language wordlist is needed?");
+ }
+ BitArray bits = new BitArray(wordIndex.Count * cBitGroupSize);
+ int bitIndex = 0;
+ //hey look it's another loop in a loop w00t! I'm sure my old uni lecturer is fizzin' at the bumhole with rage somewhere right now.....it works tho :)
+ for(int i=0; i< wordIndex.Count;i++)
+ {
+ double wordindex = (double)wordIndex[i];
+ //slide down our 11 bits doin mod 2 to determin true or false for each bit
+ for (int biti = 0; biti < 11;biti++)
+ {
+ bits[bitIndex] = false;
+ if (wordindex % 2 == 1)
+ {
+ bits[bitIndex] = true;
+ }
+ wordindex = Math.Floor(wordindex / (double)2);
+ bitIndex++;
+ }
+ //below swaps the endianess of our 11 bit group.....crude but working
+ bool temp = bits.Get(bitIndex-(cBitGroupSize));
+ bits.Set(bitIndex - (cBitGroupSize),bits.Get(bitIndex-1));
+ bits.Set(bitIndex - 1, temp);
+ temp = bits.Get(bitIndex-(cBitGroupSize-1));
+ bits.Set(bitIndex - (cBitGroupSize-1),bits.Get(bitIndex-2));
+ bits.Set(bitIndex - 2, temp);
+ temp = bits.Get(bitIndex - (cBitGroupSize - 2));
+ bits.Set(bitIndex - (cBitGroupSize - 2), bits.Get(bitIndex - 3));
+ bits.Set(bitIndex - 3, temp);
+ temp = bits.Get(bitIndex - (cBitGroupSize - 3));
+ bits.Set(bitIndex - (cBitGroupSize - 3), bits.Get(bitIndex - 4));
+ bits.Set(bitIndex - 4, temp);
+ temp = bits.Get(bitIndex - (cBitGroupSize - 4));
+ bits.Set(bitIndex - (cBitGroupSize - 4), bits.Get(bitIndex - 5));
+ bits.Set(bitIndex - 5, temp);
+ //end bit swappy, rubber fanny haha
+ }
+ //now we need to strip the checksum and return entropy bytes
+ int length = bits.Length - (bits.Length / (cEntropyMultiple + 1));
+ if (length % 8 != 0)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Entropy bits less checksum need to be cleanly divisible by " + cBitsInByte);
+ }
+ byte[] entropy = new byte[length / cBitsInByte];
+ BitArray checksum = new BitArray(bits.Length / (cEntropyMultiple + 1));
+ BitArray checksumActual = new BitArray(bits.Length / (cEntropyMultiple + 1));
+ int index = 0;
+ //get entropy bytes
+ for (int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < entropy.Length; byteIndex++)
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < cBitsInByte; i++)
+ {
+ int bitIdx = index % cBitsInByte;
+ byte mask = (byte)(1 << bitIdx);
+ entropy[byteIndex] = (byte)(bits.Get(index) ? (entropy[byteIndex] | mask) : (entropy[byteIndex] & ~mask));
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ //get remaining bits as checksum bits
+ int csindex = 0;
+ while(index < bits.Length)
+ {
+ checksum.Set(csindex, bits.Get(index));
+ csindex++;
+ index++;
+ }
+ //now we get actual checksum of our entropy bytes
+ BitArray allChecksumBits = new BitArray(Utilities.SwapEndianBytes(Utilities.Sha256Digest(Utilities.SwapEndianBytes(entropy), 0, entropy.Length))); //sha256 the entropy bytes to get all the checksum bits
+ for(int i=0; i
+ /// Gets the entropy bytes, they can be used to reconstruct this object, providing these bytes and passphrase is all that is needed
+ ///
+ public byte[] EntropyBytes
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return Utilities.SwapEndianBytes(_entropyBytes);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the pasphrase, this lets us use the same entropy bits to derive many seeds based on different passphrases
+ ///
+ public string Passphrase
+ {
+ set
+ {
+ _passphraseBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Utilities.NormaliseStringNfkd(value));
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets the mnemonic sentence built from ent+cs
+ ///
+ public string MnemonicSentence
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ String outputMnemonic = _mnemonicSentence;
+ if(_language.Equals(Language.Japanese))
+ {
+ char japSpace;
+ Char.TryParse(cJPSpaceString, out japSpace);
+ outputMnemonic = outputMnemonic.Replace(' ', japSpace);
+ }
+ return outputMnemonic;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or Sets the language that will be used to provide the mnemonic sentence, WARNING ensure you get new seed bytes after setting language
+ ///
+ public Language WordlistLanguage
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _language;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _language = value;
+ //new language means we need a mnemonic sentence in that language
+ _mnemonicSentence = pGetMnemonicSentence();
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets the bytes of the seed created from the mnemonic sentence. This could become your root in BIP32
+ ///
+ public byte[] SeedBytes
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ //literally this is the bulk of the decoupled seed generation code, easy.
+ byte[] salt = Utilities.MergeByteArrays(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cSaltHeader),_passphraseBytes);
+ return Rfc2898_pbkdf2_hmacsha512.PBKDF2(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Utilities.NormaliseStringNfkd(MnemonicSentence)), salt);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets a hex encoded string of the seed bytes
+ ///
+ public string SeedBytesHexString
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return Utilities.BytesToHexString(SeedBytes);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets a count of the words that the entropy will produce
+ ///
+ public int WordCountFromEntropy
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ int entropyBits = _entropyBytes.Length * cBitsInByte;
+ return (entropyBits + (entropyBits / cEntropyMultiple)) / cBitGroupSize;
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
diff --git a/BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll b/BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bb677e
Binary files /dev/null and b/BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll differ
diff --git a/Globals.cs b/Globals.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67df134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Globals.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Bitcoin.BIP39
+ public static class Globals
+ {
+ public static Byte[] ProdAddressVersion = {0};
+ public static Byte[] TestAddressVersion = {111};
+ public static Byte[] ProdDumpKeyVersion = {128};
+ public static Byte[] TestDumpKeyVersion = {239};
+ public static DateTime UnixEpoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
+ public enum NORM_FORM
+ {
+ NormalizationOther = 0,
+ NormalizationC = 0x1,
+ NormalizationD = 0x2,
+ NormalizationKC = 0x5,
+ NormalizationKD = 0x6
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b86c74c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+using System.Resources;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
+// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
+// associated with an assembly.
+[assembly: AssemblyTitle("BIP39")]
+[assembly: AssemblyDescription("A C# (PCL) Implementation of BIP39")]
+[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyProduct("BIP39")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2014")]
+[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("1ETQjMkR1NNh4jwLuN5LxY7bMsHC9PUPSV")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
+[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en")]
+// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
+// Major Version
+// Minor Version
+// Build Number
+// Revision
+// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers
+// by using the '*' as shown below:
+// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
diff --git a/RFC2898_PBKDF2_HMAC-SHA512.cs b/RFC2898_PBKDF2_HMAC-SHA512.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dd6f8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RFC2898_PBKDF2_HMAC-SHA512.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Bitcoin.BIP39
+ ///
+ /// Implementation of the Rfc2898 PBKDF2 specification located here http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2898.txt using HMACSHA512 but modified as opposed to PWDTKto match the BIP39 test vectors
+ /// Using BouncyCastle for the HMAC-SHA512 instead of Microsoft implementation
+ /// NOTE NOT IDENTICLE TO PWDTK (PWDTK is concatenating password and salt together before hashing the concatenated byte block, this is simply hashing the salt as what we are told to do in BIP39, yes the mnemonic sentence is provided as the hmac key)
+ /// Created by thashiznets@yahoo.com.au
+ /// v1.1.0.0
+ /// Bitcoin:1ETQjMkR1NNh4jwLuN5LxY7bbip39HC9PUPSV
+ ///
+ public class Rfc2898_pbkdf2_hmacsha512
+ {
+ #region Private Attributes
+ //I made the variable names match the definition in RFC2898 - PBKDF2 where possible, so you can trace the code functionality back to the specification
+ private readonly Byte[] P;
+ private readonly Byte[] S;
+ private readonly Int32 c;
+ private Int32 dkLen;
+ #endregion
+ #region Public Constants
+ public const int CMinIterations = 2048;
+ //Minimum recommended salt length in Rfc2898
+ public const int CMinSaltLength = 8;
+ //Length of the Hash Digest Output - 512 bits - 64 bytes
+ public const int hLen = 64;
+ #endregion
+ #region Constructors
+ ///
+ /// Constructor to create Rfc2898_pbkdf2_hmacsha512 object ready to perform Rfc2898 PBKDF2 functionality
+ ///
+ /// The Password to be hashed and is also the HMAC key
+ /// Salt to be concatenated with the password
+ /// Number of iterations to perform HMACSHA Hashing for PBKDF2
+ public Rfc2898_pbkdf2_hmacsha512(Byte[] password, Byte[] salt, int iterations = CMinIterations)
+ {
+ P = password;
+ S = salt;
+ c = iterations;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Public Members And Static Methods
+ ///
+ /// Derive Key Bytes using PBKDF2 specification listed in Rfc2898 and HMACSHA512 as the underlying PRF (Psuedo Random Function)
+ ///
+ /// Length in Bytes of Derived Key
+ /// Derived Key
+ public Byte[] GetDerivedKeyBytes_PBKDF2_HMACSHA512(Int32 keyLength)
+ {
+ //no need to throw exception for dkLen too long as per spec because dkLen cannot be larger than Int32.MaxValue so not worth the overhead to check
+ dkLen = keyLength;
+ Double l = Math.Ceiling((Double)dkLen / hLen);
+ Byte[] finalBlock = new Byte[0];
+ for (Int32 i = 1; i <= l; i++)
+ {
+ //Concatenate each block from F into the final block (T_1..T_l)
+ finalBlock = Utilities.MergeByteArrays(finalBlock, F(P, S, c, i));
+ }
+ //returning DK note r not used as dkLen bytes of the final concatenated block returned rather than <0...r-1> substring of final intermediate block + prior blocks as per spec
+ return finalBlock.Take(dkLen).ToArray();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// A static publicly exposed version of GetDerivedKeyBytes_PBKDF2_HMACSHA512 which matches the exact specification in Rfc2898 PBKDF2 using HMACSHA512
+ ///
+ /// Password passed as a Byte Array
+ /// Salt passed as a Byte Array
+ /// Iterations to perform the underlying PRF over
+ /// Length of Bytes to return, an AES 256 key wold require 32 Bytes
+ /// Derived Key in Byte Array form ready for use by chosen encryption function
+ public static Byte[] PBKDF2(Byte[] P, Byte[] S, int c = CMinIterations, int dkLen = hLen)
+ {
+ Rfc2898_pbkdf2_hmacsha512 rfcObj = new Rfc2898_pbkdf2_hmacsha512(P, S, c);
+ return rfcObj.GetDerivedKeyBytes_PBKDF2_HMACSHA512(dkLen);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Private Members
+ //Main Function F as defined in Rfc2898 PBKDF2 spec
+ private Byte[] F(Byte[] P, Byte[] S, Int32 c, Int32 i)
+ {
+ //Salt and Block number Int(i) concatenated as per spec
+ Byte[] Si = Utilities.MergeByteArrays(S, INT(i));
+ //Initial hash (U_1) using password and salt concatenated with Int(i) as per spec
+ Byte[] temp = PRF(Si,P);
+ //Output block filled with initial hash value or U_1 as per spec
+ Byte[] U_c = temp;
+ for (Int32 C = 1; C < c; C++)
+ {
+ //rehashing the password using the previous hash value as salt as per spec
+ temp = PRF(temp,P);
+ for (Int32 j = 0; j < temp.Length; j++)
+ {
+ //xor each byte of the each hash block with each byte of the output block as per spec
+ U_c[j] ^= temp[j];
+ }
+ }
+ //return a T_i block for concatenation to create the final block as per spec
+ return U_c;
+ }
+ //PRF function as defined in Rfc2898 PBKDF2 spec
+ private Byte[] PRF(Byte[] S, Byte[] hmacKey)
+ {
+ //HMACSHA512 Hashing, better than the HMACSHA1 in Microsofts implementation ;)
+ return Utilities.HmacSha512Digest(S, 0, S.Count(), hmacKey);
+ }
+ //This method returns the 4 octet encoded Int32 with most significant bit first as per spec
+ private Byte[] INT(Int32 i)
+ {
+ Byte[] I = BitConverter.GetBytes(i);
+ //Make sure most significant bit is first
+ if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
+ {
+ Array.Reverse(I);
+ }
+ return I;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Utilities.cs b/Utilities.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71df858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Digests;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Macs;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Security;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Prng;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Math;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace Bitcoin.BIP39
+ ///
+ /// A Library that provides common functionality between my other Bitcoin Modules
+ /// Made by thashiznets@yahoo.com.au
+ /// v1.0.0.2
+ /// Bitcoin:1ETQjMkR1NNh4jwLuN5LxY7bMsHC9PUPSV
+ ///
+ public static class Utilities
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Calculates RIPEMD160(SHA256(input)). This is used in Address calculations.
+ ///
+ public static byte[] Sha256Hash160(byte[] input)
+ {
+ var sha256 = new Sha256Digest();
+ var digest = new RipeMD160Digest();
+ sha256.BlockUpdate(input, 0, input.Length);
+ var @out256 = new byte[sha256.GetDigestSize()];
+ sha256.DoFinal(@out256, 0);
+ digest.BlockUpdate(@out256, 0, @out256.Length);
+ var @out = new byte[digest.GetDigestSize()];
+ digest.DoFinal(@out, 0);
+ return @out;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Calculates the SHA256 32 byte checksum of the input bytes
+ ///
+ /// bytes input to get checksum
+ /// where to start calculating checksum
+ /// length of the input bytes to perform checksum on
+ /// 32 byte array checksum
+ public static byte[] Sha256Digest(byte[] input, int offset, int length)
+ {
+ var algorithm = new Sha256Digest();
+ Byte[] firstHash = new Byte[algorithm.GetDigestSize()];
+ algorithm.BlockUpdate(input, offset, length);
+ algorithm.DoFinal(firstHash, 0);
+ return firstHash;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Calculates the SHA512 64 byte checksum of the input bytes
+ ///
+ /// bytes input to get checksum
+ /// where to start calculating checksum
+ /// length of the input bytes to perform checksum on
+ /// 64 byte array checksum
+ public static byte[] Sha512Digest(byte[] input, int offset, int length)
+ {
+ var algorithm = new Sha512Digest();
+ Byte[] firstHash = new Byte[algorithm.GetDigestSize()];
+ algorithm.BlockUpdate(input, offset, length);
+ algorithm.DoFinal(firstHash, 0);
+ return firstHash;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// See .
+ ///
+ public static byte[] DoubleDigest(byte[] input)
+ {
+ return DoubleDigest(input, 0, input.Length);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the given byte range, and then hashes the resulting hash again. This is
+ /// standard procedure in BitCoin. The resulting hash is in big endian form.
+ ///
+ public static byte[] DoubleDigest(byte[] input, int offset, int length)
+ {
+ var algorithm = new Sha256Digest();
+ Byte[] firstHash = new Byte[algorithm.GetDigestSize()];
+ algorithm.BlockUpdate(input, offset, length);
+ algorithm.DoFinal(firstHash, 0);
+ Byte[] secondHash = new Byte[algorithm.GetDigestSize()];
+ algorithm.BlockUpdate(firstHash, 0, firstHash.Length);
+ algorithm.DoFinal(secondHash, 0);
+ return secondHash;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Calculates SHA256(SHA256(byte range 1 + byte range 2)).
+ ///
+ public static byte[] DoubleDigestTwoBuffers(byte[] input1, int offset1, int length1, byte[] input2, int offset2, int length2)
+ {
+ var algorithm = new Sha256Digest();
+ var buffer = new byte[length1 + length2];
+ Array.Copy(input1, offset1, buffer, 0, length1);
+ Array.Copy(input2, offset2, buffer, length1, length2);
+ Byte[] first = new Byte[algorithm.GetDigestSize()];
+ algorithm.DoFinal(first, 0);
+ algorithm.BlockUpdate(first, 0, first.Length);
+ Byte[] output = new Byte[algorithm.GetDigestSize()];
+ algorithm.DoFinal(output, 0);
+ return output;
+ }
+ // The representation of nBits uses another home-brew encoding, as a way to represent a large
+ // hash value in only 32 bits.
+ public static BigInteger DecodeCompactBits(long compact)
+ {
+ var size = (byte)(compact >> 24);
+ var bytes = new byte[4 + size];
+ bytes[3] = size;
+ if (size >= 1) bytes[4] = (byte)(compact >> 16);
+ if (size >= 2) bytes[5] = (byte)(compact >> 8);
+ if (size >= 3) bytes[6] = (byte)(compact >> 0);
+ return DecodeMpi(bytes);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// MPI encoded numbers are produced by the OpenSSL BN_bn2mpi function. They consist of
+ /// a 4 byte big endian length field, followed by the stated number of bytes representing
+ /// the number in big endian format.
+ ///
+ private static BigInteger DecodeMpi(byte[] mpi)
+ {
+ var length = ReadUint32Be(mpi, 0);
+ var buf = new byte[length];
+ Array.Copy(mpi, 4, buf, 0, (int)length);
+ return new BigInteger(1, buf);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Converts a hex based string into its bytes contained in a byte array
+ ///
+ /// The hex encoded string
+ /// the bytes derived from the hex encoded string
+ public static byte[] HexStringToBytes(string hexString)
+ {
+ return Enumerable.Range(0, hexString.Length).Where(x => x % 2 == 0).Select(x => Convert.ToByte(hexString.Substring(x, 2), 16)).ToArray();
+ }
+ //
+ /// Turns a byte array into a Hex encoded string
+ ///
+ /// The bytes to encode to hex
+ /// The hex encoded representation of the bytes
+ public static string BytesToHexString(byte[] bytes, bool upperCase=false)
+ {
+ if (upperCase)
+ {
+ return string.Concat(bytes.Select(byteb => byteb.ToString("X2")).ToArray());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return string.Concat(bytes.Select(byteb => byteb.ToString("x2")).ToArray());
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Calculates the 64 byte checksum in accordance with HMAC-SHA512
+ ///
+ /// The bytes to derive the checksum from
+ /// Where to start calculating checksum in the input bytes
+ /// Length of buytes to use to calculate checksum
+ /// HMAC Key used to generate the checksum (note differing HMAC Keys provide unique checksums)
+ ///
+ public static byte[] HmacSha512Digest(byte[] input, int offset, int length, byte[] hmacKey)
+ {
+ byte[] output = new byte[64];
+ HMac _hmacsha512Obj;
+ _hmacsha512Obj = new HMac(new Sha512Digest());
+ ICipherParameters param = new Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters.KeyParameter(hmacKey);
+ _hmacsha512Obj.Init(param);
+ _hmacsha512Obj.BlockUpdate(input, offset, length);
+ _hmacsha512Obj.DoFinal(output, 0);
+ return output;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Safely get Crypto Random byte array at the size you desire.
+ ///
+ /// Size of the crypto random byte array to build
+ /// Optional parameter to specify how many SHA512 passes occur over our seed before we use it. Higher value is greater security but uses more computational power. If random byte generation is taking too long try specifying values lower than the default of 5000. You can set 0 to turn off stretching
+ /// A byte array of completely random bytes
+ public static byte[] GetRandomBytes(int size, int seedStretchingIterations=5000)
+ {
+ //varies from system to system, a tiny amount of entropy, tiny
+ int processorCount = System.Environment.ProcessorCount;
+ //another tiny amount of entropy due to the varying nature of thread id
+ int currentThreadId = System.Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId;
+ //a GUID is considered unique so also provides some entropy
+ byte[] guidBytes = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray();
+ //this combined with DateTime.Now is the default seed in BouncyCastles SecureRandom
+ byte[] threadedSeedBytes = new ThreadedSeedGenerator().GenerateSeed(24, true);
+ byte[] output = new byte[size];
+ //if for whatever reason it says 0 or less processors just make it 16
+ if (processorCount <= 0)
+ {
+ processorCount = 16;
+ }
+ //if some fool trys to set stretching to < 0 we protect them from themselves
+ if (seedStretchingIterations < 0)
+ {
+ seedStretchingIterations = 0;
+ }
+ //we create a SecureRandom based off SHA256 just to get a random int which will be used to determine what bytes to "take" from our built seed hash and then rehash those taken seed bytes using a KDF (key stretching) such that it would slow down anyone trying to rebuild private keys from common seeds.
+ SecureRandom seedByteTakeDetermine = SecureRandom.GetInstance("SHA256PRNG");
+ guidBytes = HmacSha512Digest(guidBytes,0,guidBytes.Length,MergeByteArrays(threadedSeedBytes,UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Convert.ToString(System.Environment.TickCount))));
+ try
+ {
+ seedByteTakeDetermine.SetSeed(((DateTime.Now.Ticks - System.Environment.TickCount) * processorCount) + currentThreadId);
+ seedByteTakeDetermine.SetSeed(guidBytes);
+ seedByteTakeDetermine.SetSeed(seedByteTakeDetermine.GenerateSeed(1 + currentThreadId));
+ seedByteTakeDetermine.SetSeed(threadedSeedBytes);
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ //if the number is too big or causes an error or whatever we will failover to this, as it's not our main source of random bytes and not used in the KDF stretching it's ok.
+ seedByteTakeDetermine.SetSeed((DateTime.Now.Ticks - System.Environment.TickCount) + currentThreadId);
+ seedByteTakeDetermine.SetSeed(guidBytes);
+ seedByteTakeDetermine.SetSeed(seedByteTakeDetermine.GenerateSeed(1 + currentThreadId));
+ seedByteTakeDetermine.SetSeed(threadedSeedBytes);
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ //if again the number is too big or causes an error or whatever we will failover to this, as it's not our main source of random bytes and not used in the KDF stretching it's ok.
+ seedByteTakeDetermine.SetSeed(DateTime.Now.Ticks - System.Environment.TickCount);
+ seedByteTakeDetermine.SetSeed(guidBytes);
+ seedByteTakeDetermine.SetSeed(seedByteTakeDetermine.GenerateSeed(1 + currentThreadId));
+ seedByteTakeDetermine.SetSeed(threadedSeedBytes);
+ }
+ }
+ //hardened seed
+ byte[] toHashForSeed;
+ try
+ {
+ toHashForSeed = BitConverter.GetBytes(((processorCount - seedByteTakeDetermine.Next(0, processorCount)) * System.Environment.TickCount) * currentThreadId);
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ //if the number was too large or something we failover to this
+ toHashForSeed = BitConverter.GetBytes(((processorCount - seedByteTakeDetermine.Next(0, processorCount)) + System.Environment.TickCount) * currentThreadId);
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ //if the number was again too large or something we failover to this
+ toHashForSeed = BitConverter.GetBytes(((processorCount - seedByteTakeDetermine.Next(0, processorCount)) + System.Environment.TickCount) + currentThreadId);
+ }
+ }
+ toHashForSeed = Sha512Digest(toHashForSeed, 0, toHashForSeed.Length);
+ toHashForSeed = MergeByteArrays(toHashForSeed, guidBytes);
+ toHashForSeed = MergeByteArrays(toHashForSeed, BitConverter.GetBytes(currentThreadId));
+ toHashForSeed = MergeByteArrays(toHashForSeed, BitConverter.GetBytes(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks));
+ toHashForSeed = MergeByteArrays(toHashForSeed, BitConverter.GetBytes(DateTime.Now.Ticks));
+ toHashForSeed = MergeByteArrays(toHashForSeed, BitConverter.GetBytes(System.Environment.TickCount));
+ toHashForSeed = MergeByteArrays(toHashForSeed, BitConverter.GetBytes(processorCount));
+ toHashForSeed = MergeByteArrays(toHashForSeed, threadedSeedBytes);
+ toHashForSeed = Sha512Digest(toHashForSeed, 0, toHashForSeed.Length);
+ //we grab a random amount of bytes between 24 and 64 to rehash make a new set of 64 bytes, using guidBytes as hmackey
+ toHashForSeed = Sha512Digest(HmacSha512Digest(toHashForSeed,0,seedByteTakeDetermine.Next(24, 64),guidBytes),0,64);
+ seedByteTakeDetermine.SetSeed(currentThreadId + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - System.Environment.TickCount));
+ //by making the iterations also random we are again making it hard to determin our seed by brute force
+ int iterations = seedStretchingIterations - (seedByteTakeDetermine.Next(0, (seedStretchingIterations / seedByteTakeDetermine.Next(9, 100))));
+ //here we use key stretching techniques to make it harder to replay the random seed values by forcing computational time up
+ byte[] seedMaterial = Rfc2898_pbkdf2_hmacsha512.PBKDF2(toHashForSeed, seedByteTakeDetermine.GenerateSeed(64), iterations);
+ //build a SecureRandom object that uses Sha512 to provide randomness and we will give it our created above hardened seed
+ SecureRandom secRand = new SecureRandom(new Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Prng.DigestRandomGenerator(new Sha512Digest()));
+ //set the seed that we created just above
+ secRand.SetSeed(seedMaterial);
+ //generate more seed materisal
+ secRand.SetSeed(currentThreadId);
+ secRand.SetSeed(MergeByteArrays(guidBytes, threadedSeedBytes));
+ secRand.SetSeed(secRand.GenerateSeed(1 + secRand.Next(64)));
+ //add our prefab seed again onto the previous material just to be sure the above statements are adding and not clobbering seed material
+ secRand.SetSeed(seedMaterial);
+ //here we derive our random bytes
+ secRand.NextBytes(output, 0, size);
+ return output;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Safely get Crypto Random byte array at the size you desire, made this async version because can take 500ms to complete and so this allows non-blocking for the 500ms.
+ ///
+ /// Size of the crypto random byte array to build
+ /// Optional parameter to specify how many SHA512 passes occur over our seed before we use it. Higher value is greater security but uses more computational power. If random byte generation is taking too long try specifying values lower than the default of 5000. You can set 0 to turn off stretching
+ /// A byte array of completely random bytes
+ public async static Task GetRandomBytesAsync(int size, int seedStretchingIterations = 5000)
+ {
+ return await Task.Run(()=> GetRandomBytes(size, seedStretchingIterations));
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Merges two byte arrays
+ ///
+ /// first byte array
+ /// second byte array
+ /// A byte array which contains source1 bytes followed by source2 bytes
+ public static Byte[] MergeByteArrays(Byte[] source1, Byte[] source2)
+ {
+ //Most efficient way to merge two arrays this according to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/415291/best-way-to-combine-two-or-more-byte-arrays-in-c-sharp
+ Byte[] buffer = new Byte[source1.Length + source2.Length];
+ System.Buffer.BlockCopy(source1, 0, buffer, 0, source1.Length);
+ System.Buffer.BlockCopy(source2, 0, buffer, source1.Length, source2.Length);
+ return buffer;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// This switches the Endianess of the provided byte array, byte per byte we do bit swappy.
+ ///
+ /// Bytes to change endianess of
+ /// Bytes with endianess swapped
+ public static byte[] SwapEndianBytes(byte[] bytes)
+ {
+ byte[] output = new byte[bytes.Length];
+ int index = 0;
+ foreach (byte b in bytes)
+ {
+ byte[] ba = { b };
+ BitArray bits = new BitArray(ba);
+ int newByte = 0;
+ if (bits.Get(7)) newByte++;
+ if (bits.Get(6)) newByte += 2;
+ if (bits.Get(5)) newByte += 4;
+ if (bits.Get(4)) newByte += 8;
+ if (bits.Get(3)) newByte += 16;
+ if (bits.Get(2)) newByte += 32;
+ if (bits.Get(1)) newByte += 64;
+ if (bits.Get(0)) newByte += 128;
+ output[index] = Convert.ToByte(newByte);
+ index++;
+ }
+ //I love lamp
+ return output;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns a Positive BouncyCastle BigInteger
+ ///
+ /// Bytes to create BigInteger
+ /// A Positive BigInteger
+ public static BigInteger NewPositiveBigInteger(byte[] bytes)
+ {
+ return new BigInteger(1, bytes);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Convert a .NET DateTime into a Unix Epoch represented time
+ ///
+ /// DateTime to convert
+ /// Number of ticks since the Unix Epoch
+ public static ulong ToUnixTime(DateTime time)
+ {
+ return (ulong)(time.ToUniversalTime() - Globals.UnixEpoch).TotalSeconds;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Checks to see if supplied time is within the 70 minute tollerance for network error
+ ///
+ /// Unix time to check within threshold
+ /// Offset which is difference between peerUnixTime and local UTC time
+ /// Compliance within threshold
+ public static bool UnixTimeWithin70MinuteThreshold(ulong peerUnixTime, out long timeOffset)
+ {
+ int maxOffset = 42000;
+ int minOffset = -42000;
+ ulong currentTime = ToUnixTime(DateTime.UtcNow);
+ timeOffset = (Convert.ToInt64(currentTime)) - (Convert.ToInt64(peerUnixTime));
+ if (timeOffset > maxOffset || timeOffset < minOffset)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Normalises a string with NKFD normal form
+ ///
+ /// String to be normalised
+ /// Normalised string
+ public static String NormaliseStringNfkd(String toNormalise)
+ {
+ int bufferSize = NormalizeString(Globals.NORM_FORM.NormalizationKD, toNormalise, -1, null, 0);
+ StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(bufferSize);
+ // Normalize.
+ NormalizeString(Globals.NORM_FORM.NormalizationKD, toNormalise, -1, buffer, buffer.Capacity);
+ // Check for and act on errors if you want.
+ int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
+ if(error !=0)
+ {
+ throw (new Exception("A Win32 error with code " + error + " has occured in unmanaged NormalizeString"));
+ }
+ char[] trim = {'\0'};
+ return buffer.ToString().TrimEnd(trim);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Uint32 to Byte Array in Little Endian
+ ///
+ /// the uint32 to convert
+ /// The byte array representation of uint32 in little endian
+ /// Offset to start placing the bytes in the byte array
+ public static void Uint32ToByteArrayLe(uint val, byte[] @out, int offset)
+ {
+ @out[offset + 0] = (byte)(val >> 0);
+ @out[offset + 1] = (byte)(val >> 8);
+ @out[offset + 2] = (byte)(val >> 16);
+ @out[offset + 3] = (byte)(val >> 24);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Converts a Uint32 into a Stream of Bytes in Little Endian
+ ///
+ /// Uint32 to make stream
+ /// Uint32 outout as byte stream little endian
+ public static void Uint32ToByteStreamLe(uint val, Stream stream)
+ {
+ stream.Write((new byte[] { (byte)(val >> 0) }),0, (new byte[] { (byte)(val >> 0) }).Length);
+ stream.Write((new byte[] { (byte)(val >> 8) }),0, (new byte[] { (byte)(val >> 8) }).Length);
+ stream.Write((new byte[] { (byte)(val >> 16) }), 0, (new byte[] { (byte)(val >> 16) }).Length);
+ stream.Write((new byte[] { (byte)(val >> 24) }), 0, (new byte[] { (byte)(val >> 24) }).Length);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Converts a Uint32 into a Byte Array in Big Endian
+ ///
+ /// Uint32 to convert
+ /// Byte array that will contain the result of the conversion
+ /// Offset in byte array to start placing output
+ public static void Uint32ToByteArrayBe(uint val, byte[] @out, int offset)
+ {
+ @out[offset + 0] = (byte)(val >> 24);
+ @out[offset + 1] = (byte)(val >> 16);
+ @out[offset + 2] = (byte)(val >> 8);
+ @out[offset + 3] = (byte)(val >> 0);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Convert a ulong to byte stream little endian
+ ///
+ /// ulong for conversion
+ /// byte stream of ulong in little endian order
+ public static void Uint64ToByteStreamLe(ulong val, Stream stream)
+ {
+ var bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val);
+ if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
+ {
+ Array.Reverse(bytes);
+ }
+ stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Bytes to Uint32
+ ///
+ /// Bytes to get Uint32 from
+ /// Offset to start getting the UInt32 from
+ /// Uint32
+ public static uint ReadUint32(byte[] bytes, int offset)
+ {
+ return (((uint)bytes[offset + 0]) << 0) |
+ (((uint)bytes[offset + 1]) << 8) |
+ (((uint)bytes[offset + 2]) << 16) |
+ (((uint)bytes[offset + 3]) << 24);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Bytes to Uint32 in BigEndian format
+ ///
+ /// Bytes to get Uint32 from
+ /// Offset to start getting the UInt32 from
+ /// Uint32
+ public static uint ReadUint32Be(byte[] bytes, int offset)
+ {
+ return (((uint)bytes[offset + 0]) << 24) |
+ (((uint)bytes[offset + 1]) << 16) |
+ (((uint)bytes[offset + 2]) << 8) |
+ (((uint)bytes[offset + 3]) << 0);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Reverse the order of given Byte Array
+ ///
+ /// Byte array to reverse
+ /// reverse copy of supplied Byte array
+ public static byte[] ReverseBytes(byte[] bytes)
+ {
+ var buf = new byte[bytes.Length];
+ for (var i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
+ buf[i] = bytes[bytes.Length - 1 - i];
+ return buf;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Will be used internally for NFKD Normalisation
+ ///
+ /// Normal Form to use
+ /// Raw non-normalised source string
+ /// Length of source string
+ /// Normalised destination string
+ /// length of destination string
+ /// length of result string
+ [DllImport("Normaliz.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
+ private static extern int NormalizeString(Globals.NORM_FORM NormForm, string lpSrcString, int cwSrcLength, StringBuilder lpDstString, int cwDstLength);
+ }
diff --git a/Wordlists/ChineseSimplified.cs b/Wordlists/ChineseSimplified.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8668630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wordlists/ChineseSimplified.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Bitcoin.BIP39.Wordlists
+ ///
+ /// The Chinese Simplified wordlist, note the inheritance as all wordlists share functionality language dependent
+ ///
+ public class ChineseSimplified:Wordlist
+ {
+ //Words obtained from wordlist documented at https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039/bip-0039-wordlists.md
+ private static string[] chineseSimplifiedWords = { "的", "一", "是", "在", "不", "了", "有", "和", "人", "这", "中", "大", "为", "上", "个", "国", "我", "以", "要", "他", "时", "来", "用", "们", "生", "到", "作", "地", "于", "出", "就", "分", "对", "成", "会", "可", "主", "发", "年", "动", "同", "工", "也", "能", "下", "过", "子", "说", "产", "种", "面", "而", "方", "后", "多", "定", "行", "学", "法", "所", "民", "得", "经", "十", "三", "之", "进", "着", "等", "部", "度", "家", "电", "力", "里", "如", "水", "化", "高", "自", "二", "理", "起", "小", "物", "现", "实", "加", "量", "都", "两", "体", "制", "机", "当", "使", "点", "从", "业", "本", "去", "把", "性", "好", "应", "开", "它", "合", "还", "因", "由", "其", "些", "然", "前", "外", "天", "政", "四", "日", "那", "社", "义", "事", "平", "形", "相", "全", "表", "间", "样", "与", "关", "各", "重", "新", "线", "内", "数", "正", "心", "反", "你", "明", "看", "原", "又", "么", "利", "比", "或", "但", "质", "气", "第", "向", "道", "命", "此", "变", "条", "只", "没", "结", "解", "问", "意", "建", "月", "公", "无", "系", "军", "很", "情", "者", "最", "立", "代", "想", "已", "通", "并", "提", "直", "题", "党", "程", "展", "五", "果", "料", "象", "员", "革", "位", "入", "常", "文", "总", "次", "品", "式", "活", "设", "及", "管", "特", "件", "长", "求", "老", "头", "基", "资", "边", "流", "路", "级", "少", "图", "山", "统", "接", "知", "较", "将", "组", "见", "计", "别", "她", "手", "角", "期", "根", "论", "运", "农", "指", "几", "九", "区", "强", "放", "决", "西", "被", "干", "做", "必", "战", "先", "回", "则", "任", "取", "据", "处", "队", "南", "给", "色", "光", "门", "即", "保", "治", "北", "造", "百", "规", "热", "领", "七", "海", "口", "东", "导", "器", "压", "志", "世", "金", "增", "争", "济", "阶", "油", "思", "术", "极", "交", "受", "联", "什", "认", "六", "共", "权", "收", "证", "改", "清", "美", "再", "采", "转", "更", "单", "风", "切", "打", "白", "教", "速", "花", "带", "安", "场", "身", "车", "例", "真", "务", "具", "万", "每", "目", "至", "达", "走", "积", "示", "议", "声", "报", "斗", "完", "类", "八", "离", "华", "名", "确", "才", "科", "张", "信", "马", "节", "话", "米", "整", "空", "元", "况", "今", "集", "温", "传", "土", "许", "步", "群", "广", "石", "记", "需", "段", "研", "界", "拉", "林", "律", "叫", "且", "究", "观", "越", "织", "装", "影", "算", "低", "持", "音", "众", "书", "布", "复", "容", "儿", "须", "际", "商", "非", "验", "连", "断", "深", "难", "近", "矿", "千", "周", "委", "素", "技", "备", "半", "办", "青", "省", "列", "习", "响", "约", "支", "般", "史", "感", "劳", "便", "团", "往", "酸", "历", "市", "克", "何", "除", "消", "构", "府", "称", "太", "准", "精", "值", "号", "率", "族", "维", "划", "选", "标", "写", "存", "候", "毛", "亲", "快", "效", "斯", "院", "查", "江", "型", "眼", "王", "按", "格", "养", "易", "置", "派", "层", "片", "始", "却", "专", "状", "育", "厂", "京", "识", "适", "属", "圆", "包", "火", "住", "调", "满", "县", "局", "照", "参", "红", "细", "引", "听", "该", "铁", "价", "严", "首", "底", "液", "官", "德", "随", "病", "苏", "失", "尔", "死", "讲", "配", "女", "黄", "推", "显", "谈", "罪", "神", "艺", "呢", "席", "含", "企", "望", "密", "批", "营", "项", "防", "举", "球", "英", "氧", "势", "告", "李", "台", "落", "木", "帮", "轮", "破", "亚", "师", "围", "注", "远", "字", "材", "排", "供", "河", "态", "封", "另", "施", "减", "树", "溶", "怎", "止", "案", "言", "士", "均", "武", "固", "叶", "鱼", "波", "视", "仅", "费", "紧", "爱", "左", "章", "早", "朝", "害", "续", "轻", "服", "试", "食", "充", "兵", "源", "判", "护", "司", "足", "某", "练", "差", "致", "板", "田", "降", "黑", "犯", "负", "击", "范", "继", "兴", "似", "余", "坚", "曲", "输", "修", "故", "城", "夫", "够", "送", "笔", "船", "占", "右", "财", "吃", "富", "春", "职", "觉", "汉", "画", "功", "巴", "跟", "虽", "杂", "飞", "检", "吸", "助", "升", "阳", "互", "初", "创", "抗", "考", "投", "坏", "策", "古", "径", "换", "未", "跑", "留", "钢", "曾", "端", "责", "站", "简", "述", "钱", "副", "尽", "帝", "射", "草", "冲", "承", "独", "令", "限", "阿", "宣", "环", "双", "请", "超", "微", "让", "控", "州", "良", "轴", "找", "否", "纪", "益", "依", "优", "顶", "础", "载", "倒", "房", "突", "坐", "粉", "敌", "略", "客", "袁", "冷", "胜", "绝", "析", "块", "剂", "测", "丝", "协", "诉", "念", "陈", "仍", "罗", "盐", "友", "洋", "错", "苦", "夜", "刑", "移", "频", "逐", "靠", "混", "母", "短", "皮", "终", "聚", "汽", "村", "云", "哪", "既", "距", "卫", "停", "烈", "央", "察", "烧", "迅", "境", "若", "印", "洲", "刻", "括", "激", "孔", "搞", "甚", "室", "待", "核", "校", "散", "侵", "吧", "甲", "游", "久", "菜", "味", "旧", "模", "湖", "货", "损", "预", "阻", "毫", "普", "稳", "乙", "妈", "植", "息", "扩", "银", "语", "挥", "酒", "守", "拿", "序", "纸", "医", "缺", "雨", "吗", "针", "刘", "啊", "急", "唱", "误", "训", "愿", "审", "附", "获", "茶", "鲜", "粮", "斤", "孩", "脱", "硫", "肥", "善", "龙", "演", "父", "渐", "血", "欢", "械", "掌", "歌", "沙", "刚", "攻", "谓", "盾", "讨", "晚", "粒", "乱", "燃", "矛", "乎", "杀", "药", "宁", "鲁", "贵", "钟", "煤", "读", "班", "伯", "香", "介", "迫", "句", "丰", "培", "握", "兰", "担", "弦", "蛋", "沉", "假", "穿", "执", "答", "乐", "谁", "顺", "烟", "缩", "征", "脸", "喜", "松", "脚", "困", "异", "免", "背", "星", "福", "买", "染", "井", "概", "慢", "怕", "磁", "倍", "祖", "皇", "促", "静", "补", "评", "翻", "肉", "践", "尼", "衣", "宽", "扬", "棉", "希", "伤", "操", "垂", "秋", "宜", "氢", "套", "督", "振", "架", "亮", "末", "宪", "庆", "编", "牛", "触", "映", "雷", "销", "诗", "座", "居", "抓", "裂", "胞", "呼", "娘", "景", "威", "绿", "晶", "厚", "盟", "衡", "鸡", "孙", "延", "危", "胶", "屋", "乡", "临", "陆", "顾", "掉", "呀", "灯", "岁", "措", "束", "耐", "剧", "玉", "赵", "跳", "哥", "季", "课", "凯", "胡", "额", "款", "绍", "卷", "齐", "伟", "蒸", "殖", "永", "宗", "苗", "川", "炉", "岩", "弱", "零", "杨", "奏", "沿", "露", "杆", "探", "滑", "镇", "饭", "浓", "航", "怀", "赶", "库", "夺", "伊", "灵", "税", "途", "灭", "赛", "归", "召", "鼓", "播", "盘", "裁", "险", "康", "唯", "录", "菌", "纯", "借", "糖", "盖", "横", "符", "私", "努", "堂", "域", "枪", "润", "幅", "哈", "竟", "熟", "虫", "泽", "脑", "壤", "碳", "欧", "遍", "侧", "寨", "敢", "彻", "虑", "斜", "薄", "庭", "纳", "弹", "饲", "伸", "折", "麦", "湿", "暗", "荷", "瓦", "塞", "床", "筑", "恶", "户", "访", "塔", "奇", "透", "梁", "刀", "旋", "迹", "卡", "氯", "遇", "份", "毒", "泥", "退", "洗", "摆", "灰", "彩", "卖", "耗", "夏", "择", "忙", "铜", "献", "硬", "予", "繁", "圈", "雪", "函", "亦", "抽", "篇", "阵", "阴", "丁", "尺", "追", "堆", "雄", "迎", "泛", "爸", "楼", "避", "谋", "吨", "野", "猪", "旗", "累", "偏", "典", "馆", "索", "秦", "脂", "潮", "爷", "豆", "忽", "托", "惊", "塑", "遗", "愈", "朱", "替", "纤", "粗", "倾", "尚", "痛", "楚", "谢", "奋", "购", "磨", "君", "池", "旁", "碎", "骨", "监", "捕", "弟", "暴", "割", "贯", "殊", "释", "词", "亡", "壁", "顿", "宝", "午", "尘", "闻", "揭", "炮", "残", "冬", "桥", "妇", "警", "综", "招", "吴", "付", "浮", "遭", "徐", "您", "摇", "谷", "赞", "箱", "隔", "订", "男", "吹", "园", "纷", "唐", "败", "宋", "玻", "巨", "耕", "坦", "荣", 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"贮", "礼", "滤", "钠", "纹", "罢", "拍", "咱", "喊", "袖", "埃", "勤", "罚", "焦", "潜", "伍", "墨", "欲", "缝", "姓", "刊", "饱", "仿", "奖", "铝", "鬼", "丽", "跨", "默", "挖", "链", "扫", "喝", "袋", "炭", "污", "幕", "诸", "弧", "励", "梅", "奶", "洁", "灾", "舟", "鉴", "苯", "讼", "抱", "毁", "懂", "寒", "智", "埔", "寄", "届", "跃", "渡", "挑", "丹", "艰", "贝", "碰", "拔", "爹", "戴", "码", "梦", "芽", "熔", "赤", "渔", "哭", "敬", "颗", "奔", "铅", "仲", "虎", "稀", "妹", "乏", "珍", "申", "桌", "遵", "允", "隆", "螺", "仓", "魏", "锐", "晓", "氮", "兼", "隐", "碍", "赫", "拨", "忠", "肃", "缸", "牵", "抢", "博", "巧", "壳", "兄", "杜", "讯", "诚", "碧", "祥", "柯", "页", "巡", "矩", "悲", "灌", "龄", "伦", "票", "寻", "桂", "铺", "圣", "恐", "恰", "郑", "趣", "抬", "荒", "腾", "贴", "柔", "滴", "猛", "阔", "辆", "妻", "填", "撤", "储", "签", "闹", "扰", "紫", "砂", "递", "戏", "吊", "陶", "伐", "喂", "疗", "瓶", "婆", "抚", "臂", "摸", "忍", "虾", "蜡", "邻", "胸", "巩", "挤", "偶", "弃", "槽", "劲", "乳", "邓", "吉", "仁", "烂", "砖", "租", "乌", "舰", "伴", "瓜", "浅", "丙", "暂", "燥", "橡", "柳", "迷", "暖", "牌", "秧", "胆", "详", "簧", "踏", "瓷", "谱", "呆", "宾", 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"萄", "疯", "淮", "遂", "熊", "粪", "烘", "宿", "档", "戈", "驳", "嫂", "裕", "徙", "箭", "捐", "肠", "撑", "晒", "辨", "殿", "莲", "摊", "搅", "酱", "屏", "疫", "哀", "蔡", "堵", "沫", "皱", "畅", "叠", "阁", "莱", "敲", "辖", "钩", "痕", "坝", "巷", "饿", "祸", "丘", "玄", "溜", "曰", "逻", "彭", "尝", "卿", "妨", "艇", "吞", "韦", "怨", "矮", "歇" };
+ ///
+ /// Creates an English wordlist to work with
+ ///
+ public ChineseSimplified()
+ : base(chineseSimplifiedWords)
+ {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Wordlists/ChineseTraditional.cs b/Wordlists/ChineseTraditional.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2f019d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wordlists/ChineseTraditional.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Bitcoin.BIP39.Wordlists
+ ///
+ /// The Chinese Traditional wordlist, note the inheritance as all wordlists share functionality language dependent
+ ///
+ public class ChineseTraditional:Wordlist
+ {
+ //Words obtained from wordlist documented at https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039/bip-0039-wordlists.md
+ private static string[] chineseTraditionalWords = { "的", "一", "是", "在", "不", "了", "有", "和", "人", "這", "中", "大", "為", "上", "個", "國", "我", "以", "要", "他", "時", "來", "用", "們", "生", "到", "作", "地", "於", "出", "就", "分", "對", "成", "會", "可", "主", "發", "年", "動", "同", "工", "也", "能", "下", "過", "子", "說", "產", "種", "面", "而", "方", "後", "多", "定", "行", "學", "法", "所", "民", "得", "經", "十", "三", "之", "進", "著", "等", "部", "度", "家", "電", "力", "裡", "如", "水", "化", "高", "自", "二", "理", "起", "小", "物", "現", "實", "加", "量", "都", "兩", "體", "制", "機", "當", "使", "點", "從", "業", "本", "去", "把", "性", "好", "應", "開", "它", "合", "還", "因", "由", "其", "些", "然", "前", "外", "天", "政", "四", "日", "那", "社", "義", "事", "平", "形", "相", "全", "表", "間", "樣", "與", "關", "各", "重", "新", "線", "內", "數", "正", "心", "反", "你", "明", "看", "原", "又", "麼", "利", "比", "或", "但", "質", "氣", "第", "向", "道", "命", "此", "變", "條", "只", "沒", "結", "解", "問", "意", "建", "月", "公", "無", "系", "軍", "很", "情", "者", "最", "立", "代", "想", "已", "通", "並", "提", "直", "題", "黨", "程", "展", 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"萄", "瘋", "淮", "遂", "熊", "糞", "烘", "宿", "檔", "戈", "駁", "嫂", "裕", "徙", "箭", "捐", "腸", "撐", "曬", "辨", "殿", "蓮", "攤", "攪", "醬", "屏", "疫", "哀", "蔡", "堵", "沫", "皺", "暢", "疊", "閣", "萊", "敲", "轄", "鉤", "痕", "壩", "巷", "餓", "禍", "丘", "玄", "溜", "曰", "邏", "彭", "嘗", "卿", "妨", "艇", "吞", "韋", "怨", "矮", "歇" };
+ ///
+ /// Creates an English wordlist to work with
+ ///
+ public ChineseTraditional()
+ : base(chineseTraditionalWords)
+ {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Wordlists/English.cs b/Wordlists/English.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9c074d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wordlists/English.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Bitcoin.BIP39.Wordlists
+ ///
+ /// The English wordlist, note the inheritance as all wordlists share functionality language dependent
+ ///
+ public class English:Wordlist
+ {
+ //Words obtained from wordlist documented at https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039/bip-0039-wordlists.md
+ private static string[] englishWords = { "abandon", "ability", "able", "about", "above", "absent", "absorb", "abstract", "absurd", "abuse", "access", "accident", "account", "accuse", "achieve", "acid", "acoustic", "acquire", "across", "act", "action", "actor", "actress", "actual", "adapt", "add", "addict", "address", "adjust", "admit", "adult", "advance", "advice", "aerobic", "affair", "afford", "afraid", "again", "age", "agent", "agree", "ahead", "aim", "air", "airport", "aisle", "alarm", "album", "alcohol", "alert", "alien", "all", "alley", "allow", "almost", "alone", "alpha", "already", "also", "alter", "always", "amateur", "amazing", "among", "amount", "amused", "analyst", "anchor", "ancient", "anger", "angle", "angry", "animal", "ankle", "announce", "annual", "another", "answer", "antenna", "antique", "anxiety", "any", "apart", "apology", "appear", "apple", "approve", "april", "arch", "arctic", "area", "arena", "argue", "arm", "armed", "armor", "army", "around", "arrange", "arrest", "arrive", "arrow", "art", "artefact", "artist", "artwork", "ask", "aspect", "assault", "asset", "assist", "assume", "asthma", "athlete", "atom", "attack", "attend", "attitude", "attract", "auction", "audit", "august", "aunt", "author", "auto", "autumn", "average", "avocado", "avoid", "awake", "aware", "away", "awesome", "awful", "awkward", "axis", "baby", "bachelor", "bacon", "badge", "bag", "balance", "balcony", "ball", "bamboo", "banana", "banner", "bar", "barely", "bargain", "barrel", "base", "basic", "basket", "battle", "beach", "bean", "beauty", "because", "become", "beef", "before", "begin", "behave", "behind", "believe", "below", "belt", "bench", "benefit", "best", "betray", "better", "between", "beyond", "bicycle", "bid", "bike", "bind", "biology", "bird", "birth", "bitter", "black", "blade", "blame", "blanket", "blast", "bleak", "bless", "blind", "blood", "blossom", "blouse", "blue", "blur", "blush", "board", "boat", "body", "boil", "bomb", "bone", "bonus", "book", 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+ ///
+ /// Creates an English wordlist to work with
+ ///
+ public English():base(englishWords)
+ {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Wordlists/French.cs b/Wordlists/French.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0eac6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wordlists/French.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Bitcoin.BIP39.Wordlists
+ ///
+ /// The spanish wordlist, note the inheritance as all wordlists share functionality language dependent, also note the accented characters
+ ///
+ public class French:Wordlist
+ {
+ //Words obtained from wordlist documented at https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039/bip-0039-wordlists.md
+ private static string[] frenchWords = { "abaisser", "abandon", "abdiquer", "abeille", "abolir", "aborder", "aboutir", "aboyer", "abrasif", "abreuver", "abriter", "abroger", "abrupt", "absence", "absolu", "absurde", "abusif", "abyssal", "académie", "acajou", "acarien", "accabler", "accepter", "acclamer", "accolade", "accroche", "accuser", "acerbe", "achat", "acheter", "aciduler", "acier", "acompte", "acquérir", "acronyme", "acteur", "actif", "actuel", "adepte", "adéquat", "adhésif", "adjectif", "adjuger", "admettre", "admirer", "adopter", "adorer", "adoucir", "adresse", "adroit", "adulte", "adverbe", "aérer", "aéronef", "affaire", "affecter", "affiche", "affreux", "affubler", "agacer", "agencer", "agile", "agiter", "agrafer", "agréable", "agrume", "aider", "aiguille", "ailier", "aimable", "aisance", "ajouter", "ajuster", "alarmer", "alchimie", "alerte", "algèbre", "algue", "aliéner", "aliment", "alléger", "alliage", "allouer", "allumer", "alourdir", "alpaga", "altesse", "alvéole", 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"suricate", "surmener", "surprise", "sursaut", "survie", "suspect", "syllabe", "symbole", "symétrie", "synapse", "syntaxe", "système", "tabac", "tablier", "tactile", "tailler", "talent", "talisman", "talonner", "tambour", "tamiser", "tangible", "tapis", "taquiner", "tarder", "tarif", "tartine", "tasse", "tatami", "tatouage", "taupe", "taureau", "taxer", "témoin", "temporel", "tenaille", "tendre", "teneur", "tenir", "tension", "terminer", "terne", "terrible", "tétine", "texte", "thème", "théorie", "thérapie", "thorax", "tibia", "tiède", "timide", "tirelire", "tiroir", "tissu", "titane", "titre", "tituber", "toboggan", "tolérant", "tomate", "tonique", "tonneau", "toponyme", "torche", "tordre", "tornade", "torpille", "torrent", "torse", "tortue", "totem", "toucher", "tournage", "tousser", "toxine", "traction", "trafic", "tragique", "trahir", "train", "trancher", "travail", "trèfle", "tremper", "trésor", "treuil", "triage", "tribunal", "tricoter", "trilogie", "triomphe", "tripler", "triturer", "trivial", "trombone", "tronc", "tropical", "troupeau", "tuile", "tulipe", "tumulte", "tunnel", "turbine", "tuteur", "tutoyer", "tuyau", "tympan", "typhon", "typique", "tyran", "ubuesque", "ultime", "ultrason", "unanime", "unifier", "union", "unique", "unitaire", "univers", "uranium", "urbain", "urticant", "usage", "usine", "usuel", "usure", "utile", "utopie", "vacarme", "vaccin", "vagabond", "vague", "vaillant", "vaincre", "vaisseau", "valable", "valise", "vallon", "valve", "vampire", "vanille", "vapeur", "varier", "vaseux", "vassal", "vaste", "vecteur", "vedette", "végétal", "véhicule", "veinard", "véloce", "vendredi", "vénérer", "venger", "venimeux", "ventouse", "verdure", "vérin", "vernir", "verrou", "verser", "vertu", "veston", "vétéran", "vétuste", "vexant", "vexer", "viaduc", "viande", "victoire", "vidange", "vidéo", "vignette", "vigueur", "vilain", "village", "vinaigre", "violon", "vipère", "virement", "virtuose", "virus", "visage", "viseur", "vision", "visqueux", "visuel", "vital", "vitesse", "viticole", "vitrine", "vivace", "vivipare", "vocation", "voguer", "voile", "voisin", "voiture", "volaille", "volcan", "voltiger", "volume", "vorace", "vortex", "voter", "vouloir", "voyage", "voyelle", "wagon", "xénon", "yacht", "zèbre", "zénith", "zeste", "zoologie" };
+ ///
+ /// Creates a Spanish wordlist to work with
+ ///
+ public French():base(frenchWords)
+ {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Wordlists/Japanese.cs b/Wordlists/Japanese.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1f4f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wordlists/Japanese.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Bitcoin.BIP39.Wordlists
+ ///
+ /// The Japanese wordlist, note the inheritance as all wordlists share functionality language dependent
+ ///
+ public class Japanese:Wordlist
+ {
+ //Words obtained from wordlist documented at https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039/bip-0039-wordlists.md
+ private static string[] japaneseWords = { "あいこくしん", "あいさつ", "あいだ", "あおぞら", "あかちゃん", "あきる", "あけがた", "あける", "あこがれる", "あさい", "あさひ", "あしあと", "あじわう", "あずかる", "あずき", "あそぶ", "あたえる", "あたためる", "あたりまえ", "あたる", "あつい", "あつかう", "あっしゅく", "あつまり", "あつめる", "あてな", "あてはまる", "あひる", "あぶら", "あぶる", "あふれる", "あまい", "あまど", "あまやかす", "あまり", "あみもの", "あめりか", "あやまる", "あゆむ", "あらいぐま", "あらし", "あらすじ", "あらためる", "あらゆる", "あらわす", "ありがとう", "あわせる", "あわてる", "あんい", "あんがい", "あんこ", "あんぜん", "あんてい", "あんない", "あんまり", "いいだす", "いおん", "いがい", "いがく", "いきおい", "いきなり", "いきもの", "いきる", "いくじ", "いくぶん", "いけばな", "いけん", "いこう", "いこく", "いこつ", "いさましい", "いさん", "いしき", "いじゅう", "いじょう", "いじわる", "いずみ", "いずれ", "いせい", "いせえび", "いせかい", "いせき", "いぜん", "いそうろう", "いそがしい", "いだい", "いだく", "いたずら", "いたみ", "いたりあ", "いちおう", "いちじ", "いちど", "いちば", "いちぶ", "いちりゅう", "いつか", "いっしゅん", "いっせい", "いっそう", "いったん", "いっち", "いってい", "いっぽう", "いてざ", "いてん", "いどう", "いとこ", "いない", "いなか", "いねむり", "いのち", "いのる", "いはつ", "いばる", "いはん", "いびき", "いひん", "いふく", "いへん", "いほう", "いみん", "いもうと", "いもたれ", "いもり", "いやがる", "いやす", "いよかん", "いよく", "いらい", "いらすと", "いりぐち", "いりょう", "いれい", "いれもの", "いれる", "いろえんぴつ", "いわい", "いわう", "いわかん", "いわば", "いわゆる", "いんげんまめ", "いんさつ", "いんしょう", "いんよう", "うえき", "うえる", "うおざ", "うがい", "うかぶ", "うかべる", "うきわ", "うくらいな", "うくれれ", "うけたまわる", "うけつけ", "うけとる", "うけもつ", "うける", "うごかす", "うごく", "うこん", "うさぎ", "うしなう", "うしろがみ", "うすい", "うすぎ", "うすぐらい", "うすめる", "うせつ", "うちあわせ", "うちがわ", "うちき", "うちゅう", "うっかり", "うつくしい", "うったえる", "うつる", "うどん", "うなぎ", "うなじ", "うなずく", "うなる", "うねる", "うのう", "うぶげ", "うぶごえ", "うまれる", "うめる", "うもう", "うやまう", "うよく", "うらがえす", "うらぐち", "うらない", "うりあげ", "うりきれ", "うるさい", "うれしい", "うれゆき", "うれる", "うろこ", "うわき", "うわさ", "うんこう", "うんちん", "うんてん", "うんどう", "えいえん", "えいが", "えいきょう", "えいご", "えいせい", "えいぶん", "えいよう", "えいわ", "えおり", "えがお", "えがく", "えきたい", "えくせる", "えしゃく", "えすて", "えつらん", "えのぐ", "えほうまき", "えほん", "えまき", "えもじ", "えもの", "えらい", "えらぶ", "えりあ", "えんえん", "えんかい", "えんぎ", "えんげき", "えんしゅう", "えんぜつ", "えんそく", "えんちょう", "えんとつ", "おいかける", "おいこす", "おいしい", "おいつく", "おうえん", "おうさま", "おうじ", "おうせつ", "おうたい", "おうふく", "おうべい", "おうよう", "おえる", "おおい", "おおう", "おおどおり", "おおや", "おおよそ", "おかえり", "おかず", "おがむ", "おかわり", "おぎなう", "おきる", "おくさま", "おくじょう", "おくりがな", "おくる", "おくれる", "おこす", "おこなう", "おこる", "おさえる", "おさない", "おさめる", "おしいれ", "おしえる", "おじぎ", "おじさん", "おしゃれ", "おそらく", "おそわる", "おたがい", "おたく", "おだやか", "おちつく", "おっと", "おつり", "おでかけ", "おとしもの", "おとなしい", "おどり", "おどろかす", "おばさん", "おまいり", "おめでとう", "おもいで", "おもう", "おもたい", "おもちゃ", "おやつ", "おやゆび", "およぼす", "おらんだ", "おろす", "おんがく", "おんけい", "おんしゃ", "おんせん", "おんだん", "おんちゅう", "おんどけい", "かあつ", "かいが", "がいき", "がいけん", "がいこう", "かいさつ", "かいしゃ", "かいすいよく", "かいぜん", "かいぞうど", "かいつう", "かいてん", "かいとう", "かいふく", "がいへき", "かいほう", "かいよう", "がいらい", "かいわ", "かえる", "かおり", "かかえる", "かがく", "かがし", "かがみ", "かくご", "かくとく", "かざる", "がぞう", "かたい", "かたち", "がちょう", "がっきゅう", "がっこう", "がっさん", "がっしょう", "かなざわし", "かのう", "がはく", "かぶか", "かほう", "かほご", "かまう", "かまぼこ", "かめれおん", "かゆい", "かようび", "からい", "かるい", "かろう", "かわく", "かわら", "がんか", "かんけい", "かんこう", "かんしゃ", "かんそう", "かんたん", "かんち", "がんばる", "きあい", "きあつ", "きいろ", "ぎいん", "きうい", "きうん", "きえる", "きおう", "きおく", "きおち", "きおん", "きかい", "きかく", "きかんしゃ", "ききて", "きくばり", "きくらげ", "きけんせい", "きこう", "きこえる", "きこく", "きさい", "きさく", "きさま", "きさらぎ", "ぎじかがく", "ぎしき", "ぎじたいけん", "ぎじにってい", "ぎじゅつしゃ", "きすう", "きせい", "きせき", "きせつ", "きそう", "きぞく", "きぞん", "きたえる", "きちょう", "きつえん", "ぎっちり", "きつつき", "きつね", "きてい", "きどう", "きどく", "きない", "きなが", "きなこ", "きぬごし", "きねん", "きのう", "きのした", "きはく", "きびしい", "きひん", "きふく", "きぶん", "きぼう", "きほん", "きまる", "きみつ", "きむずかしい", "きめる", "きもだめし", "きもち", "きもの", "きゃく", "きやく", "ぎゅうにく", "きよう", "きょうりゅう", "きらい", "きらく", "きりん", "きれい", "きれつ", "きろく", "ぎろん", "きわめる", "ぎんいろ", "きんかくじ", "きんじょ", "きんようび", "ぐあい", "くいず", "くうかん", "くうき", "くうぐん", "くうこう", "ぐうせい", "くうそう", "ぐうたら", "くうふく", "くうぼ", "くかん", "くきょう", "くげん", "ぐこう", "くさい", "くさき", "くさばな", "くさる", "くしゃみ", "くしょう", "くすのき", "くすりゆび", "くせげ", "くせん", "ぐたいてき", "くださる", "くたびれる", "くちこみ", "くちさき", "くつした", "ぐっすり", "くつろぐ", "くとうてん", "くどく", "くなん", "くねくね", "くのう", "くふう", "くみあわせ", "くみたてる", "くめる", "くやくしょ", "くらす", "くらべる", "くるま", "くれる", "くろう", "くわしい", "ぐんかん", "ぐんしょく", "ぐんたい", "ぐんて", "けあな", "けいかく", "けいけん", "けいこ", "けいさつ", "げいじゅつ", "けいたい", "げいのうじん", "けいれき", "けいろ", "けおとす", "けおりもの", "げきか", "げきげん", "げきだん", "げきちん", "げきとつ", "げきは", "げきやく", "げこう", "げこくじょう", "げざい", "けさき", "げざん", "けしき", "けしごむ", "けしょう", "げすと", "けたば", "けちゃっぷ", "けちらす", "けつあつ", "けつい", "けつえき", "けっこん", "けつじょ", "けっせき", "けってい", "けつまつ", "げつようび", "げつれい", "けつろん", "げどく", "けとばす", "けとる", "けなげ", "けなす", "けなみ", "けぬき", "げねつ", "けねん", "けはい", "げひん", "けぶかい", "げぼく", "けまり", "けみかる", "けむし", "けむり", "けもの", "けらい", "けろけろ", "けわしい", "けんい", "けんえつ", "けんお", "けんか", "げんき", "けんげん", "けんこう", "けんさく", "けんしゅう", "けんすう", "げんそう", "けんちく", "けんてい", "けんとう", "けんない", "けんにん", "げんぶつ", "けんま", "けんみん", "けんめい", "けんらん", "けんり", "こあくま", "こいぬ", "こいびと", "ごうい", "こうえん", "こうおん", "こうかん", "ごうきゅう", "ごうけい", "こうこう", "こうさい", "こうじ", "こうすい", "ごうせい", "こうそく", "こうたい", "こうちゃ", "こうつう", "こうてい", "こうどう", "こうない", "こうはい", "ごうほう", "ごうまん", "こうもく", "こうりつ", "こえる", "こおり", "ごかい", "ごがつ", "ごかん", "こくご", "こくさい", "こくとう", "こくない", "こくはく", "こぐま", "こけい", "こける", "ここのか", "こころ", "こさめ", "こしつ", "こすう", "こせい", "こせき", "こぜん", "こそだて", "こたい", "こたえる", "こたつ", "こちょう", "こっか", "こつこつ", "こつばん", "こつぶ", "こてい", "こてん", "ことがら", "ことし", "ことば", "ことり", "こなごな", "こねこね", "このまま", "このみ", "このよ", "ごはん", "こひつじ", "こふう", "こふん", "こぼれる", "ごまあぶら", "こまかい", "ごますり", "こまつな", "こまる", "こむぎこ", "こもじ", "こもち", "こもの", "こもん", "こやく", "こやま", "こゆう", "こゆび", "こよい", "こよう", "こりる", "これくしょん", "ころっけ", "こわもて", "こわれる", "こんいん", "こんかい", "こんき", "こんしゅう", "こんすい", "こんだて", "こんとん", "こんなん", "こんびに", "こんぽん", "こんまけ", "こんや", "こんれい", "こんわく", "ざいえき", "さいかい", "さいきん", "ざいげん", "ざいこ", "さいしょ", "さいせい", "ざいたく", "ざいちゅう", "さいてき", "ざいりょう", "さうな", "さかいし", "さがす", "さかな", "さかみち", "さがる", "さぎょう", "さくし", "さくひん", "さくら", "さこく", "さこつ", "さずかる", "ざせき", "さたん", "さつえい", "ざつおん", "ざっか", "ざつがく", "さっきょく", "ざっし", "さつじん", "ざっそう", "さつたば", "さつまいも", "さてい", "さといも", "さとう", "さとおや", "さとし", "さとる", "さのう", "さばく", "さびしい", "さべつ", "さほう", "さほど", "さます", "さみしい", "さみだれ", "さむけ", "さめる", "さやえんどう", "さゆう", "さよう", "さよく", "さらだ", "ざるそば", "さわやか", "さわる", "さんいん", "さんか", "さんきゃく", "さんこう", "さんさい", "ざんしょ", "さんすう", "さんせい", "さんそ", "さんち", "さんま", "さんみ", "さんらん", "しあい", "しあげ", "しあさって", "しあわせ", "しいく", "しいん", "しうち", "しえい", "しおけ", "しかい", "しかく", "じかん", "しごと", "しすう", "じだい", "したうけ", "したぎ", "したて", "したみ", "しちょう", "しちりん", "しっかり", "しつじ", "しつもん", "してい", "してき", "してつ", "じてん", "じどう", "しなぎれ", "しなもの", "しなん", "しねま", "しねん", "しのぐ", "しのぶ", "しはい", "しばかり", "しはつ", "しはらい", "しはん", "しひょう", "しふく", "じぶん", "しへい", "しほう", "しほん", "しまう", "しまる", "しみん", "しむける", "じむしょ", "しめい", "しめる", "しもん", "しゃいん", "しゃうん", "しゃおん", "じゃがいも", "しやくしょ", "しゃくほう", "しゃけん", "しゃこ", "しゃざい", "しゃしん", "しゃせん", "しゃそう", "しゃたい", "しゃちょう", "しゃっきん", "じゃま", "しゃりん", "しゃれい", "じゆう", "じゅうしょ", "しゅくはく", "じゅしん", "しゅっせき", "しゅみ", "しゅらば", "じゅんばん", "しょうかい", "しょくたく", "しょっけん", "しょどう", "しょもつ", "しらせる", "しらべる", "しんか", "しんこう", "じんじゃ", "しんせいじ", "しんちく", "しんりん", "すあげ", "すあし", "すあな", "ずあん", "すいえい", "すいか", "すいとう", "ずいぶん", "すいようび", "すうがく", "すうじつ", "すうせん", "すおどり", "すきま", "すくう", "すくない", "すける", "すごい", "すこし", "ずさん", "すずしい", "すすむ", "すすめる", "すっかり", "ずっしり", "ずっと", "すてき", "すてる", "すねる", "すのこ", "すはだ", "すばらしい", "ずひょう", "ずぶぬれ", 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"はたん", "はちみつ", "はつおん", "はっかく", "はづき", "はっきり", "はっくつ", "はっけん", "はっこう", "はっさん", "はっしん", "はったつ", "はっちゅう", "はってん", "はっぴょう", "はっぽう", "はなす", "はなび", "はにかむ", "はぶらし", "はみがき", "はむかう", "はめつ", "はやい", "はやし", "はらう", "はろうぃん", "はわい", "はんい", "はんえい", "はんおん", "はんかく", "はんきょう", "ばんぐみ", "はんこ", "はんしゃ", "はんすう", "はんだん", "ぱんち", "ぱんつ", "はんてい", "はんとし", "はんのう", "はんぱ", "はんぶん", "はんぺん", "はんぼうき", "はんめい", "はんらん", "はんろん", "ひいき", "ひうん", "ひえる", "ひかく", "ひかり", "ひかる", "ひかん", "ひくい", "ひけつ", "ひこうき", "ひこく", "ひさい", "ひさしぶり", "ひさん", "びじゅつかん", "ひしょ", "ひそか", "ひそむ", "ひたむき", "ひだり", "ひたる", "ひつぎ", "ひっこし", "ひっし", "ひつじゅひん", "ひっす", "ひつぜん", "ぴったり", "ぴっちり", "ひつよう", "ひてい", "ひとごみ", "ひなまつり", "ひなん", "ひねる", "ひはん", "ひびく", "ひひょう", "ひほう", "ひまわり", "ひまん", "ひみつ", "ひめい", "ひめじし", "ひやけ", "ひやす", "ひよう", "びょうき", "ひらがな", "ひらく", "ひりつ", "ひりょう", "ひるま", "ひるやすみ", "ひれい", "ひろい", "ひろう", "ひろき", "ひろゆき", "ひんかく", "ひんけつ", "ひんこん", "ひんしゅ", "ひんそう", "ぴんち", "ひんぱん", "びんぼう", "ふあん", "ふいうち", "ふうけい", "ふうせん", "ぷうたろう", "ふうとう", "ふうふ", "ふえる", "ふおん", "ふかい", "ふきん", "ふくざつ", "ふくぶくろ", "ふこう", "ふさい", "ふしぎ", "ふじみ", "ふすま", "ふせい", "ふせぐ", "ふそく", "ぶたにく", "ふたん", "ふちょう", "ふつう", "ふつか", "ふっかつ", "ふっき", "ふっこく", "ぶどう", "ふとる", "ふとん", "ふのう", "ふはい", "ふひょう", "ふへん", "ふまん", "ふみん", "ふめつ", "ふめん", "ふよう", "ふりこ", "ふりる", "ふるい", "ふんいき", "ぶんがく", "ぶんぐ", "ふんしつ", "ぶんせき", "ふんそう", "ぶんぽう", "へいあん", "へいおん", "へいがい", "へいき", "へいげん", "へいこう", "へいさ", "へいしゃ", "へいせつ", "へいそ", "へいたく", "へいてん", "へいねつ", "へいわ", "へきが", "へこむ", "べにいろ", "べにしょうが", "へらす", "へんかん", "べんきょう", "べんごし", "へんさい", "へんたい", "べんり", "ほあん", "ほいく", "ぼうぎょ", "ほうこく", "ほうそう", "ほうほう", "ほうもん", "ほうりつ", "ほえる", "ほおん", "ほかん", "ほきょう", "ぼきん", "ほくろ", "ほけつ", "ほけん", "ほこう", "ほこる", "ほしい", "ほしつ", "ほしゅ", "ほしょう", "ほせい", "ほそい", "ほそく", "ほたて", "ほたる", "ぽちぶくろ", "ほっきょく", "ほっさ", "ほったん", "ほとんど", "ほめる", "ほんい", "ほんき", "ほんけ", "ほんしつ", "ほんやく", "まいにち", "まかい", "まかせる", "まがる", "まける", "まこと", "まさつ", "まじめ", "ますく", "まぜる", "まつり", "まとめ", "まなぶ", "まぬけ", "まねく", "まほう", "まもる", "まゆげ", "まよう", "まろやか", "まわす", "まわり", "まわる", "まんが", "まんきつ", "まんぞく", "まんなか", "みいら", "みうち", "みえる", "みがく", "みかた", "みかん", "みけん", "みこん", "みじかい", "みすい", "みすえる", "みせる", "みっか", "みつかる", "みつける", "みてい", "みとめる", "みなと", "みなみかさい", "みねらる", "みのう", "みのがす", "みほん", "みもと", "みやげ", "みらい", "みりょく", "みわく", "みんか", "みんぞく", "むいか", "むえき", "むえん", "むかい", "むかう", "むかえ", "むかし", "むぎちゃ", "むける", "むげん", "むさぼる", "むしあつい", "むしば", "むじゅん", "むしろ", "むすう", "むすこ", "むすぶ", "むすめ", "むせる", "むせん", "むちゅう", "むなしい", "むのう", "むやみ", "むよう", "むらさき", "むりょう", "むろん", "めいあん", "めいうん", "めいえん", "めいかく", "めいきょく", "めいさい", "めいし", "めいそう", "めいぶつ", "めいれい", "めいわく", "めぐまれる", "めざす", "めした", "めずらしい", "めだつ", "めまい", "めやす", "めんきょ", "めんせき", "めんどう", "もうしあげる", "もうどうけん", "もえる", "もくし", "もくてき", "もくようび", "もちろん", "もどる", "もらう", "もんく", "もんだい", "やおや", "やける", "やさい", "やさしい", "やすい", "やすたろう", "やすみ", "やせる", "やそう", "やたい", "やちん", "やっと", "やっぱり", "やぶる", "やめる", "ややこしい", "やよい", "やわらかい", "ゆうき", "ゆうびんきょく", "ゆうべ", "ゆうめい", "ゆけつ", "ゆしゅつ", "ゆせん", "ゆそう", "ゆたか", "ゆちゃく", "ゆでる", "ゆにゅう", "ゆびわ", "ゆらい", "ゆれる", "ようい", "ようか", "ようきゅう", "ようじ", "ようす", "ようちえん", "よかぜ", "よかん", "よきん", "よくせい", "よくぼう", "よけい", "よごれる", "よさん", "よしゅう", "よそう", "よそく", "よっか", "よてい", "よどがわく", "よねつ", "よやく", "よゆう", "よろこぶ", "よろしい", "らいう", "らくがき", "らくご", "らくさつ", "らくだ", "らしんばん", "らせん", "らぞく", "らたい", "らっか", "られつ", "りえき", "りかい", "りきさく", "りきせつ", "りくぐん", "りくつ", "りけん", "りこう", "りせい", "りそう", "りそく", "りてん", "りねん", "りゆう", "りゅうがく", "りよう", "りょうり", "りょかん", "りょくちゃ", "りょこう", "りりく", "りれき", "りろん", "りんご", "るいけい", "るいさい", "るいじ", "るいせき", "るすばん", "るりがわら", "れいかん", "れいぎ", "れいせい", "れいぞうこ", "れいとう", "れいぼう", "れきし", "れきだい", "れんあい", "れんけい", "れんこん", "れんさい", "れんしゅう", "れんぞく", "れんらく", "ろうか", "ろうご", "ろうじん", "ろうそく", "ろくが", "ろこつ", "ろじうら", "ろしゅつ", "ろせん", "ろてん", "ろめん", "ろれつ", "ろんぎ", "ろんぱ", "ろんぶん", "ろんり", "わかす", "わかめ", "わかやま", "わかれる", "わしつ", "わじまし", "わすれもの", "わらう", "われる" };
+ ///
+ /// Creates a Japanese wordlist to work with
+ ///
+ public Japanese():base(japaneseWords)
+ {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Wordlists/Spanish.cs b/Wordlists/Spanish.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78b28a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wordlists/Spanish.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Bitcoin.BIP39.Wordlists
+ ///
+ /// The spanish wordlist, note the inheritance as all wordlists share functionality language dependent, also note the accented characters
+ ///
+ public class Spanish:Wordlist
+ {
+ //Words obtained from wordlist documented at https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039/bip-0039-wordlists.md
+ private static string[] spanishWords = { "ábaco", "abdomen", "abeja", "abierto", "abogado", "abono", "aborto", "abrazo", "abrir", "abuelo", "abuso", "acabar", "academia", "acceso", "acción", "aceite", "acelga", "acento", "aceptar", "ácido", "aclarar", "acné", "acoger", "acoso", "activo", "acto", "actriz", "actuar", "acudir", "acuerdo", "acusar", "adicto", "admitir", "adoptar", "adorno", "aduana", "adulto", "aéreo", "afectar", "afición", "afinar", "afirmar", "ágil", "agitar", "agonía", "agosto", "agotar", "agregar", "agrio", "agua", "agudo", "águila", "aguja", "ahogo", "ahorro", "aire", "aislar", "ajedrez", "ajeno", "ajuste", "alacrán", "alambre", "alarma", "alba", "álbum", "alcalde", "aldea", "alegre", "alejar", "alerta", "aleta", "alfiler", "alga", "algodón", "aliado", "aliento", "alivio", "alma", "almeja", "almíbar", "altar", "alteza", "altivo", "alto", "altura", "alumno", "alzar", "amable", "amante", "amapola", "amargo", "amasar", "ámbar", "ámbito", "ameno", "amigo", "amistad", 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"recreo", "recto", "recurso", "red", "redondo", "reducir", "reflejo", "reforma", "refrán", "refugio", "regalo", "regir", "regla", "regreso", "rehén", "reino", "reír", "reja", "relato", "relevo", "relieve", "relleno", "reloj", "remar", "remedio", "remo", "rencor", "rendir", "renta", "reparto", "repetir", "reposo", "reptil", "res", "rescate", "resina", "respeto", "resto", "resumen", "retiro", "retorno", "retrato", "reunir", "revés", "revista", "rey", "rezar", "rico", "riego", "rienda", "riesgo", "rifa", "rígido", "rigor", "rincón", "riñón", "río", "riqueza", "risa", "ritmo", "rito", "rizo", "roble", "roce", "rociar", "rodar", "rodeo", "rodilla", "roer", "rojizo", "rojo", "romero", "romper", "ron", "ronco", "ronda", "ropa", "ropero", "rosa", "rosca", "rostro", "rotar", "rubí", "rubor", "rudo", "rueda", "rugir", "ruido", "ruina", "ruleta", "rulo", "rumbo", "rumor", "ruptura", "ruta", "rutina", "sábado", "saber", "sabio", "sable", "sacar", "sagaz", "sagrado", "sala", "saldo", "salero", "salir", "salmón", "salón", "salsa", "salto", "salud", "salvar", "samba", "sanción", "sandía", "sanear", "sangre", "sanidad", "sano", "santo", "sapo", "saque", "sardina", "sartén", "sastre", "satán", "sauna", "saxofón", "sección", "seco", "secreto", "secta", "sed", "seguir", "seis", "sello", "selva", "semana", "semilla", "senda", "sensor", "señal", "señor", "separar", "sepia", "sequía", "ser", "serie", "sermón", "servir", "sesenta", "sesión", "seta", "setenta", "severo", "sexo", "sexto", "sidra", "siesta", "siete", "siglo", "signo", "sílaba", "silbar", "silencio", "silla", "símbolo", "simio", "sirena", "sistema", "sitio", "situar", "sobre", "socio", "sodio", "sol", "solapa", "soldado", "soledad", "sólido", "soltar", "solución", "sombra", "sondeo", "sonido", "sonoro", "sonrisa", "sopa", "soplar", "soporte", "sordo", "sorpresa", "sorteo", "sostén", "sótano", "suave", "subir", "suceso", "sudor", "suegra", "suelo", "sueño", "suerte", "sufrir", "sujeto", "sultán", "sumar", "superar", "suplir", "suponer", "supremo", "sur", "surco", "sureño", "surgir", "susto", "sutil", "tabaco", "tabique", "tabla", "tabú", "taco", "tacto", "tajo", "talar", "talco", "talento", "talla", "talón", "tamaño", "tambor", "tango", "tanque", "tapa", "tapete", "tapia", "tapón", "taquilla", "tarde", "tarea", "tarifa", "tarjeta", "tarot", "tarro", "tarta", "tatuaje", "tauro", "taza", "tazón", "teatro", "techo", "tecla", "técnica", "tejado", "tejer", "tejido", "tela", "teléfono", "tema", "temor", "templo", "tenaz", "tender", "tener", "tenis", "tenso", "teoría", "terapia", "terco", "término", "ternura", "terror", "tesis", "tesoro", "testigo", "tetera", "texto", "tez", "tibio", "tiburón", "tiempo", "tienda", "tierra", "tieso", "tigre", "tijera", "tilde", "timbre", "tímido", "timo", "tinta", "tío", "típico", "tipo", "tira", "tirón", "titán", "títere", "título", "tiza", "toalla", "tobillo", "tocar", "tocino", "todo", "toga", "toldo", "tomar", "tono", "tonto", "topar", "tope", "toque", "tórax", "torero", "tormenta", "torneo", "toro", "torpedo", "torre", "torso", "tortuga", "tos", "tosco", "toser", "tóxico", "trabajo", "tractor", "traer", "tráfico", "trago", "traje", "tramo", "trance", "trato", "trauma", "trazar", "trébol", "tregua", "treinta", "tren", "trepar", "tres", "tribu", "trigo", "tripa", "triste", "triunfo", "trofeo", "trompa", "tronco", "tropa", "trote", "trozo", "truco", "trueno", "trufa", "tubería", "tubo", "tuerto", "tumba", "tumor", "túnel", "túnica", "turbina", "turismo", "turno", "tutor", "ubicar", "úlcera", "umbral", "unidad", "unir", "universo", "uno", "untar", "uña", "urbano", "urbe", "urgente", "urna", "usar", "usuario", "útil", "utopía", "uva", "vaca", "vacío", "vacuna", "vagar", "vago", "vaina", "vajilla", "vale", "válido", "valle", "valor", "válvula", "vampiro", "vara", "variar", "varón", "vaso", "vecino", "vector", "vehículo", "veinte", "vejez", "vela", "velero", "veloz", "vena", "vencer", "venda", "veneno", "vengar", "venir", "venta", "venus", "ver", "verano", "verbo", "verde", "vereda", "verja", "verso", "verter", "vía", "viaje", "vibrar", "vicio", "víctima", "vida", "vídeo", "vidrio", "viejo", "viernes", "vigor", "vil", "villa", "vinagre", "vino", "viñedo", "violín", "viral", "virgo", "virtud", "visor", "víspera", "vista", "vitamina", "viudo", "vivaz", "vivero", "vivir", "vivo", "volcán", "volumen", "volver", "voraz", "votar", "voto", "voz", "vuelo", "vulgar", "yacer", "yate", "yegua", "yema", "yerno", "yeso", "yodo", "yoga", "yogur", "zafiro", "zanja", "zapato", "zarza", "zona", "zorro", "zumo", "zurdo" };
+ ///
+ /// Creates a Spanish wordlist to work with
+ ///
+ public Spanish():base(spanishWords)
+ {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Wordlists/Wordlist.cs b/Wordlists/Wordlist.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..113f02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wordlists/Wordlist.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Bitcoin.BIP39.Wordlists
+ public abstract class Wordlist
+ {
+ private String[] _words;
+ ///
+ /// Constructor used by inheritence only
+ ///
+ /// The words to be used in the wordlist
+ public Wordlist(String[] words)
+ {
+ _words = words;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Method to determine if word exists in word list, great for auto language detection
+ ///
+ /// The word to check for existence
+ /// Exists (true/false)
+ public bool WordExists(string word, out int index)
+ {
+ if(_words.Contains(word))
+ {
+ index = Array.IndexOf(_words,word);
+ return true;
+ }
+ //index -1 means word is not in wordlist
+ index = -1;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns a string containing the word at the specified index of the wordlist
+ ///
+ /// Index of word to return
+ /// Word
+ public string GetWordAtIndex(int index)
+ {
+ return _words[index];
+ }
+ ///
+ /// The number of all the words in the wordlist
+ ///
+ public int WordCount
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _words.Length;
+ }
+ }
+ }