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140 lines (109 loc) · 5.99 KB

File metadata and controls

140 lines (109 loc) · 5.99 KB



On top of the base theme provided by doxygen-awesome.css, this repository comes with Javascript extensions that require additional setup steps to get them running.

The extensions require customizations in the header HTML-template. This is how you can create the default template with Doxygen:

  1. Create default header template:

    doxygen -w html header.html delete_me.html delete_me.css
  2. Reference the template in your Doxyfile:

    HTML_HEADER            = header.html

More details on header customization

Dark Mode Toggle

Adds a button next to the search bar to enable and disable the dark theme variant manually.


  1. Add the required resources in your Doxyfile:

    • HTML_EXTRA_FILES: doxygen-awesome-darkmode-toggle.js
    • HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET: doxygen-awesome-sidebar-only-darkmode-toggle.css (ONLY required for the sidebar-only theme variant!)
  2. In the header.html template, include doxygen-awesome-darkmode-toggle.js at the end of the <head> and then initialize it:

           <!-- ... other metadata & script includes ... -->
           <script type="text/javascript" src="$relpath^doxygen-awesome-darkmode-toggle.js"></script>
           <script type="text/javascript">
  3. The button can be customized to some extend:

    • Change the tooltip of the button:
      DoxygenAwesomeDarkModeToggle.title = "Zwischen hellem/dunklem Modus wechseln"
    • Change Icons. Both Emoji or SVG icons are supported:
      DoxygenAwesomeDarkModeToggle.lightModeIcon = '🌞'
      // icon from
      DoxygenAwesomeDarkModeToggle.darkModeIcon = `<svg xmlns="" enable-background="new 0 0 24 24" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px" fill="#009793"><g><rect fill="none" height="24" width="24"/></g><g><g><path d="M8.1,14.15C9.77,14.63,11,16.17,11,18c0,0.68-0.19,1.31-0.48,1.87c0.48,0.09,0.97,0.14,1.48,0.14 c1.48,0,2.9-0.41,4.13-1.15c-2.62-0.92-5.23-2.82-6.8-5.86C7.74,9.94,7.78,7.09,8.29,4.9c-2.57,1.33-4.3,4.01-4.3,7.1c0,0,0,0,0,0 c0.01,0,0.01,0,0.02,0C5.66,12,7.18,12.83,8.1,14.15z" opacity=".3"/><path d="M19.78,17.51c-2.47,0-6.57-1.33-8.68-5.43C8.77,7.57,10.6,3.6,11.63,2.01C6.27,2.2,1.98,6.59,1.98,12 c0,0.14,0.02,0.28,0.02,0.42C2.61,12.16,3.28,12,3.98,12c0,0,0,0,0,0c0-3.09,1.73-5.77,4.3-7.1C7.78,7.09,7.74,9.94,9.32,13 c1.57,3.04,4.18,4.95,6.8,5.86c-1.23,0.74-2.65,1.15-4.13,1.15c-0.5,0-1-0.05-1.48-0.14c-0.37,0.7-0.94,1.27-1.64,1.64 c0.98,0.32,2.03,0.5,3.11,0.5c3.5,0,6.58-1.8,8.37-4.52C20.18,17.5,19.98,17.51,19.78,17.51z"/><path d="M7,16l-0.18,0C6.4,14.84,5.3,14,4,14c-1.66,0-3,1.34-3,3s1.34,3,3,3c0.62,0,2.49,0,3,0c1.1,0,2-0.9,2-2 C9,16.9,8.1,16,7,16z"/></g></g></svg>`

    All customizations must be applied before calling DoxygenAwesomeDarkModeToggle.init()!

Fragment Copy Button

This feature is experimental!

Shows a copy button when the user hovers over a code fragment:


  1. Add the required resources in your Doxyfile:

    • HTML_EXTRA_FILES: doxygen-awesome-fragment-copy-button.js
  2. In the header.html template, include doxygen-awesome-fragment-copy-button.js at the end of the <head> and then initialize it:

           <!-- ... other metadata & script includes ... -->
           <script type="text/javascript" src="$relpath^doxygen-awesome-fragment-copy-button.js"></script>
           <script type="text/javascript">
  3. The button can be customized to some extend:

    • Change the tooltip of the button:
      DoxygenAwesomeFragmentCopyButton.title = "In die Zwischenablage kopieren"
    • Change Icons:
      DoxygenAwesomeFragmentCopyButton.copyIcon = `<svg ...>`
      DoxygenAwesomeFragmentCopyButton.successIcon = `<svg ...>`

    All customizations must be applied before calling DoxygenAwesomeDarkModeToggle.init()!

Paragraph Linking

This feature is experimental!

Provides a button on hover behind every headline to allow easy creation of a permanent link to the headline:

Works for all headlines and for many documentation section titles.


  1. Add the required resources in your Doxyfile:

    • HTML_EXTRA_FILES: doxygen-awesome-paragraph-link.js
  2. In the header.html template, include doxygen-awesome-paragraph-link.js at the end of the <head> and then initialize it:

           <!-- ... other metadata & script includes ... -->
           <script type="text/javascript" src="$relpath^doxygen-awesome-paragraph-link.js"></script>
           <script type="text/javascript">
  3. The button can be customized to some extend:

    • Change the tooltip of the button:
      DoxygenAwesomeParagraphLink.title = "Abschnitt verknüpfen"
    • Change Icon. Both plain characters or SVG icons are supported:
      DoxygenAwesomeParagraphLink.icon = "¶"

    All customizations must be applied before calling DoxygenAwesomeParagraphLink.init()!

Read Next: Customization