Released 12 September 2020 for SMAPI 3.7 or later.
- Fixed error using one-hit kill cheat in some mod locations with invalid data.
- Improved translations. Thanks to Annosz (updated Hungarian), Rittsuka (updated Portuguese), and stefanhahn80 (updated German)!
Released 28 June 2020 for SMAPI 3.5 or later.
- Improved translations. Thanks to AndyAllanPoe (added Italian) and kdau (updated Spanish)!
Released 18 May 2020 for SMAPI 3.4 or later.
- Always Auto-Feed now waters slimes in Slime Hutches too.
- Fixed freeze-time not applying while a menu is open in multiplayer in 1.24.
- Fixed fast casks taking 10 in-game minutes in 1.24.
- Improved translations. Thanks to D0n-A (updated Russian) and talha12 (added Turkish)!
Released 14 April 2020 for SMAPI 3.4 or later.
- Added cheats:
- instant weapon cooldowns;
- unlock backpack upgrades;
- auto-water crops (replaces the former 'water all fields' button).
- Overhauled warps:
- Warps are now grouped into sections for easier navigation.
- Added JojaMart and Movie Theater warps.
- Community Center warp is now hidden if it was demolished.
- Desert warp no longer triggers bus scene.
- Desert and Sandy's Shop warps combined.
- New Beach warp renamed to Tide Pools.
- Improved fast machine options:
- Added crab pots, soda machines, statues of endless fortune, and statues of perfection.
- Mushroom boxes now refill immediately.
- Slime incubators now hatch slimes immediately.
- Improved compatibility with Android (thanks to kdau!).
- Simplified move speed option.
- 'Grow crops' and 'grow trees' can now be bound to the same button to grow both at once.
- Fixed open cheats menu not updated correctly when game window is resized.
- Fixed invalid time when changing time from after midnight.
- Fixed instant-grown wild seeds being different from slow-grown ones (e.g. not applying botanist bonus, not randomized, etc).
- Fixed instant-grown crops not generating giant crops.
- Fixed relationship sliders being slightly off on the right side.
- Internal refactoring and optimizations.
- Improved translations. Thanks to Akir0 (updated French), Annosz (added Hungarian), and D0n-A (updated Russian)!
Released 18 February 2020 for SMAPI 3.2 or later.
- Fixed 'fast casks' not completing until in-game clock change after 1.23.
Released 17 February 2020 for SMAPI 3.2 or later.
- Added option to increase the grow crop/tree radius.
- Added option to reset controls.
- Added support for disabling a control by pressing escape when 'Press New Key' is shown (except for the open-menu key, so you can't get locked out of the menu.)
- Added Skull Cavern warp (thanks to Enaium!).
- The 'freeze time' control is now unbound by default. (Current players aren't affected unless they reset controls.)
- Fixed grow trees not working consistently after 1.22.
- Fixed fast egg incubator not working.
- Clarified how fast slime egg incubator works.
- Improved translations. Thanks to Enaium (updated Chinese)!
Released 09 February 2020 for SMAPI 3.2 or later.
- Water all fields now works for indoor pots in any location.
- Grow crops/trees now affects those around the player (instead of under the cursor), to avoid confusion and for Android compatibility.
- Grow crops/trees no longer skips some in some cases.
- Harvest with scythe now works on garden pots.
- The farm/casino warps can now be overridden via
. - Fixed health bonuses not applied when changing professions.
- Fixed 'always auto-feed' changing total hay incorrectly in some cases.
- Fixed 'always auto-feed' not counting animals who aren't in their home building if it's enabled after the day already started.
- Fixed menu not usable with a controller when the 'controller-style menus' option is enabled.
- Improved translations. Thanks to ba0109 (updated Korean), jahangmar (updated German), mael-belval (updated French), Redlnn (updated Chinese), shirutan (updated Japanese), VengelmBjorn (updated Russian), and victrosantos (updated Portuguese and Spanish)!
Released 26 November 2019 for SMAPI 3.0 or later.
- Updated for Stardew Valley 1.4, including...
- added wood chipper support for fast machines;
- added unlockable dyeing & tailoring;
- added new Community Center bundle;
- added support for instantly growing tea bushes.
- Added support for holding the grow crop/tree keys while moving the cursor, so it's easier to grow larger fields.
- Warps are now sorted alphabetically.
- Warps can now be customised by editing
. - Rewrote increased movement speed to fix a number of speed-related bugs.
- Fixed sunflowers not dropping seeds when harvested with a scythe (via SDV 1.4).
- Improved translations. Thanks to jahangmar (updated German), overwritten (updated Korean), qqkookie (updated Korean), Redlnn (updated Chinese), Riazaia (updated Spanish), shiro2579 (updated Portuguese), and shirutan (updated Japanese)!
Released 12 June 2019 for SMAPI 2.11.1 or later.
- Reworked community center flag options.
- Fixed setting a community center flag not completing the in-game area.
- Fixed 'unlock community center' option not working correctly.
- Fixed instant-grow-crop not working with garden pots placed on tilled dirt or flooring.
- Improved translations. Thanks to shirutan (updated Japanese)!
Released 10 June 2019 for SMAPI 2.11.1 or later.
- Added 'advanced' tab to set flags and wallet items; merged 'quests' tab into 'advanced'.
- Fixed max relationship meter not extended for spouse.
- Fixed being able to open the menu when a minigame is active.
- Improved translations. Thanks to S2SKY (added Korean) and TheOzonO3 (updated Russian)!
Released 27 March 2019 for SMAPI 2.11 or later.
- Added support for setting relationships for unmet villagers.
- Fast machine processing is now much faster.
- Fast machine processing now continues working when time is paused.
- Fast machine list is now sorted by name.
- Fixed land swimming bug when warping out of the spa.
- Improved translations. Thanks to kelvindules (updated Portuguese) and VincentRoth (added French)!
Released 09 December 2018 for SMAPI 2.9 or later.
- Updated for the upcoming SMAPI 3.0.
- Fixed harvest with scythe option saying 'no XP gain', which was fixed in Stardew Valley 1.3. (Thanks to SkpFX!)
- Improved translations. Thanks to Nanogamer7 (added German) and Redlnn (improved Chinese)!
Released 03 November 2018 for SMAPI 2.8 or later.
- Improved translations. Thanks to Spa51 (added Spanish)!
Released 28 August 2018 for SMAPI 2.8 or later.
- Updated for Stardew Valley 1.3.29.
- Farmhands in multiplayer warping to the farm now land in front of their cabin, instead of the farmhouse.
- 'Grow crop' now affects crops under the cursor (instead of around the player).
- 'Grow tree' now affects the one under the cursor (instead of under the tool square).
- Fixed casino warp shown when player can't access casino yet.
- Fixed museum warp landing one tile to the right of the door.
- Fixed relationship slider not disabled if you haven't met the NPC yet.
Released 04 August 2018 for SMAPI 2.7 or later. Updated by CJBok (quests feature) and Pathoschild.
- Updated for Stardew Valley 1.3 (including multiplayer support).
- Added Quests tab to complete active quests instantly.
- Added option for fast fruit trees.
- Added support for instantly watering or growing crops in garden pots.
- Added support for custom greenhouse locations.
- Improved controller support.
- Fixed issues with fishing cheats.
- Fixed 'increase movement speed' checkbox disabling the speed slider.
- Fixed 'no friendship decay' preventing you from decreasing friendships through the relationships tab.
- Fixed 'no friendship decay' not resetting when you switch save.
- Fixed 'instant grow tree' making fruit trees not produce fruit.
- Fixed 'one-hit kill' cheat making monsters invincible in rare cases (thanks to Issacy!).
- Fixed relationship list not using translated name when sorting.
- Fixed relationship list not showing dwarf.
- Fixed Luremaster and Mariner professions being swapped.
- Fixed fast machine processing not working in constructed buildings.
- Fixed some artisanal items not spawning with selected quality.
- Fixed searchbox getting cleared when you change another options like quality.
- Fixed setting time manually not working if time is frozen (thanks to Issacy!).
- Fixed things happening repeatedly when time is frozen in some cases (thanks to Issacy!).
- Improved translations. Thanks to Issacy (added Chinese), Marity (added Japanese), and Ryofuko (added Russian)!
Released 11 February 2018 for SMAPI 2.4 or later.
- Updated to SMAPI 2.4.
- Added translation support.
- Added update checks via SMAPI.
- Added options to change player's professions.
- Fixed issue where setting the time could leave NPCs confused (e.g. stuck in bed).
- Improved translations. Thanks to XxIceGladiadorxX (added Portuguese)!
Released 14 July 2017 for SMAPI 1.15 or later.
- Fixed open-menu key working even when another menu is already open.
- Fixed freeze-time key working during cutscenes.
Released 27 May 2017 for SMAPI 1.13 or later.
- Updated for Stardew Valley 1.2 and SMAPI 1.13.
- Added option to set the default tab when opening the menu.
- Fixed relationship slider always set to 10 hearts.
- Fixed 'one hit break' no longer working on stones, trees, logs, and stumps.
- Fixed 'one hit break' not working on fruit trees.
Released 12 April 2017 for SMAPI 1.9 or later.
- Fixed error when used with any mod that adds multiple seeds producing the same crop.
Released 05 April 2017 for SMAPI 1.9 or later.
- Updated to SMAPI 1.9.
- Fast machines now work anywhere, not only on the farm.
- Fixed fast cask cheat not working.
- Fixed disabling the 'harvest with scythe' option not restoring existing crops to normal.
- Internal refactoring.
Released 04 January 2017 for SMAPI 1.5 or later. This and subsequent releases updated by Pathoschild.
- Updated to Stardew Valley 1.1+ and SMAPI 1.5.
- Added compatibility with Linux and Mac.
- Added support for casks and worm bins.
- Fixed instantly-grown fruit trees not producing fruit until their normal growth date.
- Fixed 'grow crops' key in settings menu not being saved.
Released 09 April 2016 for SMAPI 0.40 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Updated to Stardew Valley 1.07+ and SMAPI 0.40.0+.
- Added cheats: durable tackles, harvest with scythe, grow tree, and grow crops.
- Added changeable relationships.
- Fixed mouse cursor showing when disabled.
Released 02 April 2016 for SMAPI 0.39.6 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Updated for SMAPI 0.39.6.
- Added cheats: fast tapper, fast lightning rod, always auto-feed, and infinite hay.
- Added casino coins cheats.
- Added warps to bathhouse, Sandy, and casino.
- Added time slider.
- Fixed time frozen label.
Released 30 March 2016 for SMAPI 0.39.4 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Updated for SMAPI 0.39.4.
- Added cheats: no friendship decay, instant build.
- Fixed fast machine processing in barns and coops.
Released 23 March 2016 for SMAPI 0.39.1 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Updated for SMAPI 0.39.1.
Released 23 March 2016 for SMAPI 0.38.3 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Fixed cheats not working in the greenhouse.
Released 22 March 2016 for SMAPI 0.38.3 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Fixed cheats not working in the greenhouse.
Released 21 March 2016 for SMAPI 0.38.3 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Updated to Stardew Valley 1.0.6 and SMAPI 0.38.3.
- Fixed watering fields in the greenhouse.
- Fixed fast machine processing.
- Removed the
file (no longer needed, now uses save method in latest SMAPI update).
Released 18 March 2016 for SMAPI 0.37.3 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Fixed fast machine processing.
- Fixed watering fields in the greenhouse.
Released 17 March 2016 for SMAPI 0.37.3 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Added fast processing for all machines (each toggleable).
- Added skill reset.
- You can now switch between categories with controller (shoulder triggers).
- Fixed leveling up skills.
- Fixed watering fields in some cases.
Released 11 March 2016 for SMAPI 0.37.3 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Menu now contains categories (last scroll position and category will be remembered).
- Fixed 'always treasure' cheat.
Released 10 March 2016 for SMAPI 0.37.3 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Fixed sound bug during fishing.
- The cheats menu now remembers scroll position.
Released 10 March 2016 for SMAPI 0.37.3 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Fixed player getting stuck during events.
- Fixed sounds stuck during fishing.
Released 10 March 2016 for SMAPI 0.37.3 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Restored
in download since some users still need it. - Added 'instant bite' option, separate from 'instant catch' option.
- Fixed wrong mod version shown on load.
- Changed 'debris' weather name to 'windy'.
Released 10 March 2016 for SMAPI 0.37.3 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Added 'one hit break' option.
- Fixed diagonal movement.
- Fixed player speed effected while walking.
- Removed
(integrated into main DLL).
Released 08 March 2016 for SMAPI 0.37.3 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Fixed fish biting instantly when cheat isn't active.
Released 08 March 2016 for SMAPI 0.37.3 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Added fish 'always treasure' option.
- Added instant catch also making fish bite instantly.
- Fixed time frozen dialog overlapping mine level dialog.
- Fixed durable fences cheat not working when not on farm.
Released 07 March 2016 for SMAPI 0.37.2 or later. Updated by CJBok.
- Added many warp locations.
- Added 'always give gift' option.
- Added time freeze options.
- Added shortcut key to freeze time.
- Changed weather options to next day settings.
- Fixed movement speed still active during events.