Tractor Mod is a Stardew Valley mod which lets you buy a tractor (and tractor garage) to more efficiently till/fertilize/seed/water/harvest crops, clear rocks, etc.
- Install the latest version of SMAPI.
- Install this mod from Nexus mods.
- Run the game using SMAPI.
Buy a tractor garage from Robin:
...choose where you want it built:
...and Robin will build your garage overnight:
Now just get on a tractor, choose a tool or seeds or fertilizer, and drive:
You can do these by default:
hold item | default effects | optional effects (disabled by default) |
axe | clear debris; clear dead crops; cut giant crops. | chop down bushes and trees; clear live crops. |
fertilizer | fertilize crops and trees. | — |
grass starter | plant grass. | — |
hoe | till dirt; clear weeds; dig artifact spots. | — |
melee weapon | clear dead crops; break mine containers. | attack monsters. |
milk pail | collect milk from farm animals. | — |
pickaxe | break rocks; clear tilled dirt; clear dead crops. | break paths/flooring; break placed objects. |
scythe | harvest crops, flowers, bushes, fruit trees, forage; clear weeds and dead crops. | collect machine output. |
seeds | plant seeds in dirt. | — |
shears | shear wool from farm animals. | — |
slingshot | — | shoot one projectile/tile/second in the aimed direction. |
watering can | water crops. | — |
Tractors use no stamina when using tools, and the watering can won't run out of water. They will consume fertilizer or seeds when you sow those, though.
If you have Generic Mod Config Menu installed, you can click the cog button (⚙) on the title screen to configure the mod. Hover the cursor over a field for details, or see the next section.
The mod creates a config.json
file in its mod folder the first time you run it. You can open that
file in a text editor to configure the mod.
- Global settings:
setting effect Controls
The configured controller, keyboard, and mouse buttons (see key bindings). The available controls are...
field action default SummonTractor
warp an available tractor to your position. Backspace
return the tractor you're riding to its home. Backspace
if specified, the tractor will only do something while you're holding this button. If nothing is specified, the tractor will work automatically while you're riding it. none You can separate bindings with commas (like
Backspace, LeftShoulder
for either one), and set multi-key bindings with plus signs (likeLeftShift + Backspace
The gold price to buy a tractor garage. Default 150,000g.
The materials needed to build a tractor garage (see object IDs). Default 20 iron bars, 5 iridium bars, and 5 battery packs.
The number of tiles in each direction around the tractor to affect (in addition to the tile under it):
Default 1, which is a 3 by 3 grid.
Distance has an exponential impact on performance. A distance of 15 covers most of the visible screen; 78 covers the entire vanilla farm map and affects 25K tiles. A value of 15 or less is recommended to avoid lag.
The speed modifier when riding a tractor. Default -2.
The item magnetism amount (higher values attract items from father away). Default 384.
Whether to highlight the tractor radius when riding one. Default
Whether you should be immune to damage from any source when riding the tractor. Default
Whether you can summon a temporary tractor without building a garage first. Default
. - Standard tool features:
The `StandardAttachments` section lets you configure the tractor effects when holding a specific tool or item:
field effect Axe
Configure the tractor effects when holding an axe:
field default effect ClearFruitTreeSeed
false Whether to clear fruit tree seeds. ClearFruitTreeSaplings
false Whether to clear fruit trees that aren't fully grown. CutGrownFruitTrees
false Whether to clear fully-grown fruit trees. ClearTreeSeeds
false Whether to clear non-fruit tree seeds. ClearTreeSaplings
false Whether to clear non-fruit trees that aren't fully grown. CutGrownTrees
false Whether to clear full-grown non-fruit trees. CutTappedTrees
false Whether to cut non-fruit trees that have a tapper. CutBushes
false Whether to cut choppable bushes. CutGiantCrops
true Whether to cut giant crops. ClearLiveCrops
false Whether to clear live crops. ClearDeadCrops
true Whether to clear dead crops. ClearDebris
true Whether to clear debris like weeds, twigs, giant stumps, and fallen logs. Fertilizer
Configure the tractor effects when holding a fertilizer item:
field default effect Enable
true Whether to apply the fertilizer to crops and tilled dirt. GrassStarter
Configure the tractor effects when holding a grass starter item:
field default effect Enable
true Whether to plant grass starters. Hoe
Configure the tractor effects when holding a hoe:
field default effect TillDirt
true Whether to till empty dirt. ClearWeeds
true Whether to clear weeds. DigArtifactSpots
true Whether to dig artifact spots. MeleeWeapon
Configure the tractor effects when holding a sword, hammer, or other melee weapon:
field default effect AttackMonsters
false Whether to damage nearby monsters. (This is massively overpowered due to the tractor tool speed.) ClearDeadCrops
true Whether to clear dead crops. BreakMineContainers
true Whether to break containers in the mine. MilkPail
Configure the tractor effects when holding a milk pail:
field default effect Enable
true Whether to collect milk from farm animals. PickAxe
Configure the tractor effects when holding a pickaxe:
field default effect ClearDebris
true Whether to clear debris. ClearDeadCrops
true Whether to clear dead crops. ClearDirt
true Whether to clear tilled dirt. ClearFlooring
false Whether to clear placed flooring. ClearBouldersAndMeteorites
true Whether to clear boulders and meteorites. ClearObjects
false Whether to clear placed objects. BreakMineContainers
true Whether to break containers in the mine. ClearWeeds
true Whether to clear weeds. Scythe
Configure the tractor effects when holding a scythe:
field default effect HarvestCrops
true Whether to harvest crops. HarvestFlowers
true Whether to harvest flowers. HarvestForage
true Whether to harvest forage. HarvestFruitTrees
true Whether to harvest fruits on fruit trees. HarvestMachines
false Whether to collect machine output. HarvestGrass
true Whether to cut tall grass. If you have free silo space, this gives you hay as usual. ClearDeadCrops
true Whether to clear dead crops. ClearWeeds
true Whether to clear weeds. Seeds
Configure the tractor effects when holding seeds or saplings:
field default effect Enable
true Whether to plant the seeds in tilled dirt. Shears
Configure the tractor effects when holding shears:
field default effect Enable
true Whether to shear wool from farm animals. Slingshot
Configure the tractor effects when holding a slingshot:
field default effect Enable
false Whether to fire the slingshot towards the cursor. (This is massively overpowered and will consume ammo voraciously due to the tractor tool speed.) WateringCan
Configure the tractor effects when holding a watering can:
field default effect Enable
true Whether to water nearby tiles. This doesn't consume water in the watering can. SeedBagMod
Configure the tractor effects when holding a seed bag from the Seed Bag mod:
field default effect Enable
true Whether to plant seeds in nearby tiles. - Custom tools:
enables custom items/tools while riding the tractor. Tools will be used on each surrounding tile, while items will be put down. If you specify something that's already supported (like the axe), this overrides all limitations on its use.To add an item/tool, specify its exact internal name (not the translated display name). For example:
"CustomAttachments": ["Axe", "Mega Bomb"]
You can drop new PNGs into the assets
folder to change the appearance of tractors or garages.
For a seasonal texture, just prefix the name with the season (like spring_tractor.png
). The mod
will load the seasonal texture if present, else it'll load the default name (like tractor.png
Tractor Mod is compatible with Stardew Valley 1.4+ on Linux/Mac/Windows, both single-player and multiplayer.
In multiplayer mode it must be installed by the host player, plus any farmhands who want to use its features. Farmhands who don't have it installed won't have any issues, they just won't see the tractor/garage textures or be able to use its features.
- Release notes
- Nexus mod
- Derived from TractorMod by PhthaloBlue (@lambui), rewritten with their permission.