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This is a walkthrough on how to execute the contracts' code with the scripts so as to check in action all Chainlink Services implemented. Follow the steps in order.

Setp 1: Prepare 2 wallets, .env and a functions subscription 💰💰

Setp 1: Prepare 2 wallets, .env and a functions subscription 💰💰

Settning up .env 🔏

  1. Create and fill up an .env file with your secret values. Check .env.example.

    • Get yout EtherScan API key from here.
    • Get a Sepolia RPC_URL node provider from here.
    • Get an OpenAI API key. (Not needed in this PoC)

Setting up wallets 💰

  1. Set your addresses value in the Utils.sol file. It's very visible just enter the file.
// Utils.sol

address constant DEPLOYER = YOUR_METAMASK_ADDRESS; //🟢 <--
address constant PLAYER_FOR_FIGHTS = YOUR_OTHER_ADDRESS; // 🟢 <--

🚧Note⚠️ : Press save on Utils.sol every time you change a value.

  1. Fund your metamask wallet with funds. To use the contracts you will need to have 2 accounts with funds in the following chains --> Sepolia and Fuji:

    3.1. Native coin in Fuji-Avalanche and Sepolia-Ethereum.

Setting up Functions Subscriptions 🔢

  1. You will need Functions Subscription in Sepolia for minting and fighting. Create a subscription just in Fuji if you wanna fight there too. Clock to go to Chainlink Functions Subs UI.

  2. Fund the subscription with at least 1.5 LINK.

  3. Change the ETH_SEPOLIA_FUNCS_SUBS_ID 🟢 in this line of Utils.sol to the one you just got.

  4. Switch the network and do the same for Fuji if you want to fight in Fuji. This time change AVL_FUJI_FUNCS_SUBS_ID here.

📘 Note ℹ️: We didn't have time to automate this process with chainlink tool-kit. 😥

Setp 2: Deploy the contracts 📜📜📜📜

Setp 2: Deploy the contracts 📜📜📜📜

Now its time to deploy the contracts. We will deploy the contracts in the following order:

📘 Note ℹ️: Delete --etherscan-api-key $S_ETHERSCAN_API_KEY_VERIFY --verify if you don't wanna verify the contracts.

📘 Note 2 ℹ️: We don't use --ffi functionality just in case there are some shell commands that are not available in your machine. Thus you will have to manually copy some values in a Utils file.

cd src/backend/

source .env

forge script script/Deployment.s.sol --rpc-url $S_RPC_URL_SEPOLIA --private-key $S_SK_DEPLOYER --broadcast --etherscan-api-key $S_ETHERSCAN_API_KEY_VERIFY --verify

Now in the Utils.sol change to the value you will see logged onto the console the addresses DEPLOYED_SEPOLIA_COLLECTION here, SEPOLIA_FIGHT_MATCHMAKER here and SEPOLIA_FIGHT_EXECUTOR here. Check the contracts addreses and future interactions on Etherscan if you like.

Now lets deploy the Fuji contracts. Run:

forge script script/Deployment.s.sol --rpc-url $AVL_NODE_PROVIDER --private-key $S_SK_DEPLOYER --broadcast --etherscan-api-key $S_ETHERSCAN_API_KEY_VERIFY --verify

Now change in Utils.sol the DEPLOYED_FUJI_BARRACKS here to the address you will se printed onto the screen again. Also change with the other vlaues printed FUJI_FIGHT_MATCHMAKER here and FUJI_FIGHT_EXECUTOR here.

Then run:

forge script script/Deployment.s.sol --sig "initSepoliaCollection()" --rpc-url $S_RPC_URL_SEPOLIA --private-key $S_SK_DEPLOYER --broadcast

Now add as consumers, from the UI, to your Functions' subscription the addresses DEPLOYED_SEPOLIA_COLLECTION and SEPOLIA_FIGHT_EXECUTOR in the Sepolia subscription and only FUJI_FIGHT_EXECUTOR in the Fuji subscription.

Setp 3: Mint Nfts 👨‍👨‍👧

Chainlink Functions for validation

Mint Nfts 👨‍👨‍👧

Mint 4 NFTs, 2 of them will fight on Sepolia and we will send 2 to Fuji to make them fight there and then bring them back.

Run this command 2 times to mint NFTs to DEPLOYER address.

📘 Note ℹ️: If you want them to have differnet prompts change the VALID_PROMPT value in this line of Utils.sol. Make them short though we don't have length checkers yet. Like 3 words as much in each field. You have examples of valid prompts in Utils.sol.

forge script script/eth-MintNft.s.sol --rpc-url $S_RPC_URL_SEPOLIA --private-key $S_SK_DEPLOYER --broadcast

Now mint 2 more NFTs to PLAYER_FOR_FIGHTS address.

forge script script/eth-MintNft.s.sol --rpc-url $S_RPC_URL_SEPOLIA --private-key $S_SK_PLAYER --broadcast

Setp 4: Send one to Fuji through CCIP 🏣📮

Chainlink CCIP

Send Nft 🏣📮

We will send NFT with ID == 1 and 4 from Sepolia to Fuji. This will take around 15min as Sepolia finalization time is 15min.

Run, it will send NFT 1 to Fuji:

forge script script/SendNftCCIP.s.sol --rpc-url $S_RPC_URL_SEPOLIA --private-key $S_SK_DEPLOYER --broadcast

Change the NFT_ID_TO_SEND value to 4 in SendNftCCIP.sol to 4 and run:

forge script script/SendNftCCIP.s.sol --rpc-url $S_RPC_URL_SEPOLIA --private-key $S_SK_PLAYER --broadcast

If you want to send it back just run after 15-20min have passed the following command. It will take a bit less time to come back as Fuji finalization time is shorter:

# For NFT id 1 use the key of deployer and change NFT_ID_TO_SEND to 1
forge script script/SendNftCCIP.s.sol --rpc-url $AVL_NODE_PROVIDER --private-key $S_SK_DEPLOYER --broadcast

# For NFT id 4 use the key of player and change NFT_ID_TO_SEND to 4
forge script script/SendNftCCIP.s.sol --rpc-url $AVL_NODE_PROVIDER --private-key $S_SK_PLAYER --broadcast

To check if your NFT has arrived on Fuji you can run:

forge script script/SendNftCCIP.s.sol --rpc-url $AVL_NODE_PROVIDER --private-key $S_SK_DEPLOYER --broadcast --sig "checkBarracksNftState()"

📘 Note ℹ️: You can also check your contract at SnowTrace - Fuji in the Internal Transactions section to see if the NFT has arrived. If so there will be more than 2 internal transactions.

Step 5: Make them fight! 👊🤯

Chainlink Functions for fight generation and VRF for chosing winner

Make them fight! 👊🤯

First we will request a fight with DPELOYER using NFT 2, then we will accept it with PLAYER_FOR_FIGHTS using NFT 3.

Before continuing make sure REQUESTER_NFT_ID and ACCEPTOR_NFT_ID are set to 2 and 3 respectively here.

# Request a fight
forge script script/eth-Fight.s.sol --rpc-url $S_RPC_URL_SEPOLIA --private-key $S_SK_DEPLOYER --broadcast --sig "requestF()"
# Accept the fight
forge script script/eth-Fight.s.sol --rpc-url $S_RPC_URL_SEPOLIA --private-key $S_SK_PLAYER --broadcast --sig "acceptF()"

Now you should see in your Chainlink Functions subscription the request going on. When functions fulfill its request then you will see in your VRF subscripton a request pending. You should be able to see the VRF subscription at You can consult the VRF ID in Etherscan from the FightExecutor read contract option if you verified it. Also the VRF ID will be logged onto the console when you accept the fight.

🚧 Note ⚠️: If VRF didnt complete in 5min there might be a gas misconfiguration. We made a small hack on the contract so deployer can settle fights just for this demo. If VRF is not answering fund the VRF subscription more or run this command to make the REQUESTER win.

forge script script/eth-SettleFightWhenVRFNotReponding.s.sol --rpc-url $S_RPC_URL_SEPOLIA --private-key $S_SK_DEPLOYER --broadcast

Step 6: Accept a fight with automation 🤖

Chainlink Automation

Use Automation to execute fights 🤖

To use automation you will need to register an upkeep for the matchmaker contract. For that use the Chainlink Automation App.

🚧 Note ⚠️: We tried to create a self upkeep registering contract but we run into an issue we cant figure out how to solve. Explained in more detail here.

Click on Create Upkeep. Choose Log Trigger. Add as upkeep contract and emitting logs contract the same SEPOLIA_FIGHT_MATCHMAKER address.

Gas limit --> 790.000 Event to listen to --> FightMatchmaker__FightRequested Initial funding can be 0 but then fund it with 3 to 5 times the minimum balance you will se displayed.

Once the subscription is created copy the upkeep ID into this varibale in Utils.sol and run:

# Initializes Upkeep
forge script script/eth-AutomatedFight.s.sol --rpc-url $S_RPC_URL_SEPOLIA --private-key $S_SK_DEPLOYER --broadcast --sig "initializeUpkeep()"

# Automates nft id 2.
forge script script/eth-AutomatedFight.s.sol --rpc-url $S_RPC_URL_SEPOLIA --private-key $S_SK_DEPLOYER --broadcast

Before continuing make sure REQUESTER_NFT_ID and ACCEPTOR_NFT_ID are set to 3 and 2 respectively here. Also switch the addresses place, now PLAYER will be the REQUESTER and DEPLOYER the ACCEPTOR.

# Nft id 3 requests a fight, as nftid 2 is automated it should be accepted in the next block by Automation.
forge script script/eth-AutomatedFight.s.sol --rpc-url $S_RPC_URL_SEPOLIA --private-key $S_SK_PLAYER --broadcast --sig "request()"

Now Cahinlink Automation should work and accept your request. If so it will be displayed in the automation UI, then you should also see the Functions UI and later the VRF UI complete the request.