Added new exceptions to npmignore
Added new exceptions to npmignore
Agregadas cosas para tener consultas de oferta academica
Agregadas cosas para tener consultas de oferta academica
Added cache for some methods
Added cache for some methods
Updated docs and bumped pkg json
Updated docs and bumped pkg json
Add test, and fix some bugs
Add test, and fix some bugs
[Critical]: Fixed import map for npm module, sorry for the problems
[Critical]: Fixed import map for npm module, sorry for the problems
Haciendo la doc mas chachi
Haciendo la doc mas chachi
Poniendo la doc algo chachi
Poniendo la doc algo chachi
Bump package size by deleting source code from package, updated readme
Bump package size by deleting source code from package, updated readme
Critical: Fix Schedule return undefined
Critical: Fix Schedule return undefined
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
AverageAdvance and some imports fixed :D
AverageAdvance and some imports fixed :D