A small TextTree dataset that acts as a "patch" dataset for the Catalogue of Life eXtended Release. It is hosted in Checklistbank at: https://www.dev.checklistbank.org/dataset/271399
The main taxonomy tree lives in taxonomy.txtree. Information about the dataset as a whole and how to cite it is kept in metadata.yaml, while structured references are managed in BibTex. References from this list can then be cited in the taxonomy file.
BibTex content can be retrieved from CrossRef for most DOIs when known. For example by using curl on the terminal like this:
curl --location --silent --header "Accept: application/x-bibtex" https://doi.org/10.1080/11035890601282097 @article{Eriksson_2006, doi = {10.1080/11035890601282097}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080%2F11035890601282097}, year = 2006, month = {jun}, publisher = {Informa {UK} Limited}, volume = {128}, number = {2}, pages = {97--101}, author = {Mats E. Eriksson}, title = {Polychaete jaw apparatuses and scolecodonts from the Silurian Ireviken Event interval of Gotland, Sweden}, journal = {{GFF}} }
There are also online editors, e.g. https://truben.no/latex/bibtex/#
Once the dataset is created in ChecklistBank (CLB), Github webhooks can be used to automatically update the copy in ChecklistBank whenever a commit to the repository happens. Configure:
a) the dataset access URL in CLB to point to the github repo zip archive, e.g. https://github.com/CatalogueOfLife/data-vespoidea/archive/refs/heads/master.zip b) the github repo webhook in settings to point to http://api.checklistbank.org/importer/{DATASET_KEY}/github c) configure github to use a secret that the CLB admin hands over to you confidently. Please contact mdoering@gbif.org for this!
If you plan to contribute and commit changes
please configure a git pre commit hook to automatically update the issued date of your metadata.yaml.
For this create a file called pre-commit.hook
and place it into your .git/hooks
d=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
sed -i '' "s/^issued: 20..-..-..$/issued: $d/g" metadata.yaml
git add metadata.yaml
echo "Updated issued in metadata.yaml"
exit 0