This is the back end for our API school project.
This project is composed of a Spring boot application for our REST API. The front end is in this project : Front Project
If you are using both project, specify a port for the spring boot application. (VM option -Dserver.port=8081)
This project use Java 15.0.1 and MySql Database.
You can modify the database connection in this following file :
"" located in src/main/resources
Configure the user properly. Change the database name if needed.
We used the databe name : testdb
After creating/changing the database, start the springboot application once.
In your database, insert "ROLES" using the following command :
You have a list of json fomat to use for the back end in the following file :
"jsons format" located in docs/jsons format
This file list all POST/GET method and what json format to use.
When a user create an account, his username and email are saved in the database. His password is not stored in the database. Using Spring Security, only the hash code is saved in the database.
When a user log in the app, we use spring security to check if the hash code match the hash code store in the database. If it the password is correct, the API send a token to the user.
The token expire after 24 hours.
Both, the survey and all answer are saved only in memory, and not saved in the database.
You can see all POST/GET method in this following file : Json Format