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+# IWADverifier
+This tool was created, as the original project by Russell has disappeared from the surface of the Internet.
+IWADverifier is a small Command Line Interface tool written in Golang. It is used to quickly check if a DOOM IWAD is valid or not.
+It supports Drag & Drop support for Windows (and probably other systems, if it allows it)
+It can quickly also check if your IWADs are outdated or not.
+If so, it'll redirect you to another open-source tool called IWADPatcher 1.2, written by Phenex2, or, for the case of FreeDOOM, to the official Github repository.
+# Usage
+### Windows
+`iwadverifier `
+### Linux/Mac
+`./IWADverifier `
+# IWAD Support
+IWADverifier currently supports these IWADs:
+* DOOM v1.0 up to 1.9
+* DOOM II v1.6 up to 1.9
+* Final DOOM (Plutonia & TNT)
+* Heretic v1.0 up to 1.3
+* Hexen v1.0 & v1.1 (minus Dark Citadel's Addon)
+* DOOM 3 BFG Edition IWADs (minus NERVE.WAD)
+* FreeDOOM v0.8 up to 0.11.3
+# Pre-Requisites for compilation
+- Golang 1.10 or newer (previous versions weren't tested)
+- Package "Color" from user Fatih (`go get github.com/fatih/color`)
+- Package "go-ansi" from user k0kubun (`go get github.com/k0kubun/go-ansi`)
+Then, inside the project folder, write `go build`, and that should be it.
+# ToDo:
+- [ ] Open the WAD to check if it's a IWAD or PWAD before doing the checks
+- [ ] Add support for NERVE.WAD, DOOM2 Master levels, and the Hexen Addon.
+- [ ] Probably a few fixes here and there.
+- [x] Color support for better readability.