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SNI respecting TLS reverse proxy that has support for pluggable authentication. Built on top of the TLS termination sophistication and SNI capabilities of SillyProxy. Allows to make use of one's own authentication mechanisms, authorization checks, session management tricks and authentication token handling. Default implementations provided for authorization checking, session management and authentication token handling should make up for most basic cases.

Salient Features -

  • Extends SillyProxy inheriting all of its TLS sophistication and SNI goodness.
  • Allows to specify pluggable authentication scheme for each route that it terminates by implementing the Authenticator interface. Authenticators need to be registered with the authenticators map. How-to in the usage section to follow
  • One can also customize the way SniProxy checks incoming requests for authorization by implementing the authChecker interface. The default implementation defaultAuthChecker should meet most requirements of authorization and session management.
  • One can also customize their authTokens by implementing the authToken interface. Again, the default implementation defaultAuthToken should meet most cases.
  • TokenSetter interface can be extended to customize the placement and type of auth token returned in the proxy's response. The tokentype is inferred for each route from the routemap.json file. The default implementation defaultTokenSetter covers the common use cases - Cookie, Header and Either.
  • The proxy also supports defining locally handled requests by setting their routes as [-1, "localHandlerRegistryName"], where -1 indicates that the route is locally handled while "localHandlerRegistryName" is the name under which a LocalHandler implementation of LocalHandler interface is registered with RegisterLocalHandler. How-to in the Usage section to follow.
  • SniProxy requires that the following paths at a minimum are locally handled - "/authorizationError/" and "/requestUnauthorized/". You may choose to register the default implementations DefaultAuthorizationErrorRedirectPathLocalHandler and DefaultAuthorizationFailedRedirectPathLocalHandler if they serve your purpose.


  • A full featured sniproxy implementation making use of Google's OpenIDC as an authentication provider is provided in the example directory. This implementation can be used to deploy a minimalistic zero-trust beyond-corp proxy for authenticating remote users using Google OpenIDC to allow access to corporate assets without any VPN.

  • Create an authenticator that satisfies the Authenticator interface and register it with the pool of authenticators available for SniProxy.

  import ""

  type myAuthenticator struct {
  func (c *myAuthenticator) Authenticate(r *http.Request,
  	w http.ResponseWriter) (AuthenticatedPrincipal, ResponseFulfilledFlag, error) {

    //do what needs to be done.

    return "someUserPrincipalID", false, nil
  type myPassThroughAuthenticator struct {
  func (c *myPassThroughAuthenticator) Authenticate(r *http.Request,
  	w http.ResponseWriter) (AuthenticatedPrincipal, ResponseFulfilledFlag, error) {

    //do what needs to be done.

    return "AnonymousUser", false, nil

  //Now register all the authenticators
  sniproxy.RegisterAuthenticator("myAuthenticatorAlias", &myAuthenticator{})
  sniproxy.RegisterAuthenticator("myPassthroughAuthenticatorAlias", &myAuthenticator{})
  • Register localhandlers for paths "/authorizationError/" and "/requestUnauthorized/" on each served host or override these paths for convenient global endpoints by overriding the paths as -
sniproxy.AuthorizationErrorRedirectPath = "https://proxyhostname/authorizationError"
sniproxy.AuthorizationFailedRedirectPath = "https://proxyhostname/requestUnauthorized"

These handlers should implement the LocalHandler interface.

  type myAuthorizationErrorLocalHandler struct {
  func (c *myAuthorizationErrorLocalHandler) Handle(w http.ResponseWriter,
  	r *http.Request) {

  	//do what needs to be done with the request and respond back


  type myAuthorizationFailureLocalHandler struct
  func (c *myAuthorizationFailureLocalHandler) Handle(w http.ResponseWriter,
  	r *http.Request) {

  	//do what needs to be done with the request and respond back


  //Now register the localhandlers with aliases
  • Alternatively, one can make use of the default local handler implementations -
  • Create an AuthToken implementation or use the provided one -
  defaultAuthToken := sniproxy.NewDefaultAuthToken("", nil)
  • Create an AuthChecker implementation or use the provided one -
  authChecker := sniproxy.NewDefaultAuthChecker(defaultAuthToken)
  • The defaultAuthChecker uses the defaultTokenSetter implementation. One can use a custom TokenSettter implementation though.
  • Next, we need to define routes. Routes are defined as JSON arrays and are composed of 'Host' to RoutePaths combinations. The 'Host' corresponds to the 'Host' header value of an incoming request. Please note that SniProxy cannot override an inbound request's method when it proxies a request. The Method and Path attributes act as filters to capture inbound requests. SniProxy uses httprouter under the hood and requires the path element to be defined using HTTPRouter's syntax.
  "MethodPathMaps": [
      "Path" :
      "Route" :
      "TokenType" :
Incoming Path

The Route attribute needs an array composed of a combination of strings and numbers in the exact sequence that makes up the proxy path for inbound request. The numbers (indexed from 0) correspond to respective parameter values that SniProxy extracts based on the Path that you defined for the route. SniProxy does a plain concatenation in order as defined in the sequence and constructs the proxy path it needs to follow. Please note that SniProxy does a URL escape over parameters it extracts from the incoming request before composing the proxy path. String values defined in the Route attribute are not escaped.

  "Path"  : "/blindforwarder/:scheme/:hostname/*end",
  "Route" : [ 0, "://", 1, "/", 2 ],

The above configuration instructs SniProxy to forward a requests for /blindforwarder/http/ to

Incoming Query Params

Any incoming Query parameters are added as they are at the end of the path constructed.


AuthenticatorScheme for each MethodPathMap needs to be defined and should have been registered in the registry.

  "AuthenticatorScheme": "myAuthenticator",

TokenTypes that a particular request needs verified for. One can implement the TokenSetter interface to support custom TokenTypes.

"TokenType": "Cookie"
MaxRequestBodyBytes (Optional config)

MaxRequestBodyBytes is the maximum number of bytes the proxy should limit to reading from the incoming request body. This is an optional parameter, if its not specified, the proxy by default reads entire request body and forwards it onward. If a MaxRequestBodyBytes value is specified for a route and an incoming request exceeds the configured body length, the proxy throws a bad request error in response. Such requests are not even forwarded onward. This is primarily to be used if you are worried about Denial of Service or memory exhaustion and related QoS failures.


Any localhandlers that SniProxy needs to take note of should go in as routes in this pattern [-1, "localHandlerRegistryName"]. You have the flexibility to register the local handlers at the proxy level or at each individual host level by flipping the DefaultAuthorizationErrorRedirectPathLocalHandler and DefaultAuthorizationFailedRedirectPathLocalHandler values. By default, SniProxy defines them as relative paths for each host but it is easy to override them to global proxy level endpoints.

  "Route" : [-1, "myAuthorizationErrorLocalHandlerAlias"]

Create the necessary proxy configuration and save it, say "sniproxy_routes.json".

  {	"Routes":[
                  "MethodPathMaps": [
                                        "Method": "GET",
                                        "Path"  : "/authorizationError/",
                                        "Route" : [-1, "myAuthorizationErrorLocalHandlerAlias"],
                                        "AuthenticatorScheme": "myPassThroughAuthenticator",
                                        "TokenType": "Cookie"
                                        "Method": "GET",
                                        "Path"  : "/requestUnauthorized/",
                                        "Route" : [-1, "myAuthorizationFailureLocalHandlerAlias"],
                                        "AuthenticatorScheme": "myPassThroughAuthenticator",
                                        "TokenType": "Either"
                                        "Method": "GET",
                                        "Path"  : "/wild/:domain/*end",
                                        "Route" : [ "https://www.",0,".com/", 1 ],
                                        "AuthenticatorScheme": "myAuthenticatorAlias",
                                        "TokenType": "Either"
                                        "Method": "POST",
                                        "Path"  : "/fileupload/1MBLimit",
                                        "Route" : [ ""],
                                        "AuthenticatorScheme": "myAuthenticatorAlias",
                                        "TokenType": "Either",
                                        "MaxRequestBodyBytes": 1048576
                  "MethodPathMaps": [
                                        "Method": "GET",
                                        "Path"  : "/authorizationError/",
                                        "Route" : [-1, "myAuthorizationErrorLocalHandlerAlias"],
                                        "AuthenticatorScheme": "myPassThroughAuthenticator",
                                        "TokenType": "Cookie"
                                        "Method": "GET",
                                        "Path"  : "/requestUnauthorized/",
                                        "Route" : [-1, "myAuthorizationFailureLocalHandlerAlias"],
                                        "AuthenticatorScheme": "myPassThroughAuthenticator",
                                        "TokenType": "Either"
                                        "Method": "GET",
                                        "Path"  : "/blindforwarder/:scheme/:hostname/*end",
                                        "Route" : [ 0, "://", 1, "/", 2 ],
                                        "AuthenticatorScheme": "myAuthenticatorAlias",
                                        "TokenType": "Either"
                                        "Method": "GET",
                                        "Path"  : "/google/*query",
                                        "Route" : ["", 0],
                                        "AuthenticatorScheme": "myAuthenticatorAlias",
                                        "TokenType": "Cookie"
  • Generate the keystore for all the hosts that the proxy needs to terminate TLS connections.
  import ""

  var (

    //location of ecdsa certificate file for the main host
  	ecdsa_cert             = "ECDSA.cert"

    //location of ecdsa key file for the main host
  	ecdsa_key             = "ECDSA.key"

    //alias for the default certificate
  	alias_default         = "default"

    //hostname of the main host
    main_hostname = ""

    //location of certificate file for another host
  	rsa_cert               = "RSA.cert"

    //location of key file for another host
  	rsa_key               = "RSA.key"

    //hostname of another host
    anotherhostname = ""

    ....//more as required//...

    //location where to locate/store the keystore file
  	keystore              = "keystore"

    //password to protect/open the keystore file
    keystorePassword = "ChangeMe"

  //generate the keystore for the default hostname
  utility.GenerateKeyStore(&keystore, &alias_default, &ecdsa_cert, &ecdsa_key,
  utility.GenerateKeyStore(&keystore, &main_hostname, &ecdsa_cert, &ecdsa_key,

  //generate the keystore for additional hosts
  utility.GenerateKeyStore(&keystore, &anotherhostname, &rsa_cert, &rsa_key,

  //do the above for each additional host

Alternatively, you can make use of the CLI by building siillyproxy for your platform and generate the keystore like so -

./sillyProxy -keystore myKeyStore.ks -pemCert certificatteFile -pemKey pvtKeyFile -keypass changeme -hostname myExternalDomainName KeyStore

More here

  • Now invoke sniproxy -
  //specify the TLS version the proxy should run against, recommended - 3
  tlsVersion := uint(3)

  //specify the bind address for the proxy
  sniproxy_address := ""

  //path to the routes file created above
  routefile_path := "sniproxy_routes.json"

  sniproxy, err := sniproxy.SniProxy(&keystore, &keystorePassword,
    &tlsVersion, &sniproxy_address, &routefile_path, authChecker)
  if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("\nSetup fail: failed to fire sniproxy : %s", err)
  sniproxy.ListenAndServeTLS("", "")


Please submit issues for suggestions. Pull requests are welcome too.


Chandrakanth Narreddy


MIT License
