Hey you! Looks like you wanna contribute with an issue. Great. Here's what you have to do:
- Include the log! Always include the crash log if there is one. You can find crash logs at crash-reports/crash-DATE_TIME-[client/server].txt. Up load this log on pastebin or gist or something similar.
- Make sure you're only using Forge, not something like Spigot/Sponge/Cauldron...
- Always try your issue with the latest version of AIOT Botania and Botania.
If you want to make a code Pull Request keep these in mind:
- Do not use the GitHub editor. Please test your PRs before you submit them (on server, too).
- Syntax is important. Make sure your PR's syntax matches the syntax of the rest of the code. That includes the lack of spacing after if/for/(etc), proper bracket usage (no newline, no brackets on one-line blocks), camel casing, and tab indentation.
- If your pull request edits very small chunks of code and isn't flawless I'll close it as it'll probably take less time to fix it myself rather than pull yours and change the code.
- If you contribute the mod you can choose an AIOT (unless Elementium) which will be rendered whenever you play with AIOT Botania installed. This includes servers as well and other players will see it, too. You can disable it by disable your jacket in Skin Customization. I'll ask you for the type of material, you don't need to ask me.
- Don't contribute just to get the icon. If the PR is crap, I'll close it, and you don't get the icon.
- Here is an example for the icon: