All entomology specimens need to be 1. verified in Arctos and have 2. new catalogue number labels attached.
- Entomology specimens in Ent Cab 30 have been inventoried and broadly reorganized by Order.
- Specimen data have been migrated into Arctos. Many of these were inventoried as FIC (found in collection) specimens as they did not have a catalogue number. They were issued new catalogue numbers during the data migration but these new numbers still need to be attached to the physical specimens.
- Once specimens from a cabinet have been verified and labeled, we will ensure that all specimens are reorganized within the cabinets and storage locations updated in Arctos. Until a specimen is labeled with a catalogue number DO NOT CHANGE ITS STORAGE LOCATION. This will prevent data dissociation that could lead to problems in the future.
Open the 1_Ento curation status tracking.xlsx spreadsheet.
Choose a drawer, any drawer. Update the Verified Contents, status field to ‘in process’ and record your name and today’s date to let others know what you are doing in the collection.
Search for all specimens in a given drawer from the specimen search page. (e.g. RVWD: 302: Ent Cab 30: 1.A)
Print off an inventory of everything that is in the drawer by navigating to Manage --> Print Any Report --> CHAS_PartStorageLoc_3
Check that each specimen listed in the inventory sheet is actually in the drawer. To do this, you will match the following label data to the data recorded in Arctos: Scientific name, locality, date collected, collector. In the easiest cases, you can simply match catalogue number, however for specimens with trinomial catalogue numbers, this will not be so simple, and you will have to match specimens to their Arctos records/catalogue numbers using their collecting data.
- If you cannot find a specimen in a drawer that is meant to be there, record information for the specimen in the Lost and Found spreadsheet.
- If you find extra specimens in the drawer that are not on your inventory list record these on your Lost and found spreadsheet as well.
When you verify an entire drawer, write your name and the date you completed the drawer on the top of the drawer inventory list and place it in order in the appropriate cabinet outbox folder.
Every time you work on the project, make sure to update the 1_Ento curation status tracking.xlsx spreadsheet to reflect your progress.
- Print labels for everything in the drawer using CHAS_label_ento or CHAS_label_ento_long_locality depending on the character count for the localities in the drawer.
- Labeling, to a certain extent, can be done concurrently with specimen verification. Apply labels to a specimen when you are certain that a catalogued belongs to it.
- Make sure that each specimen has the following labels:
The only label that is not mandatory for all specimens is the habitat label. You can leave it out if it is blank. While all specimens should have new printed labels, always keep original labels with specimens.
- Update the spreadsheet with your labeling progress for a given drawer.