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DMP Discord Map Pack Readme

Late 2020

This map pack was put together over the span of a few months off-and-on for the server Discord PUB.

Some maps are from other mappacks and some maps were made from scratch. This map pack also includes 10 original maps from Rooster128. With these main "focus maps", there are "Xtra" maps packaged in the xtra missions folder inside the vl2. These are here at the server owners pleasure to run them or not. Also included are xtra terrains, xtra maps, xtra assets, skies, textures, sounds, skins, and retextured assets. This extra content is to be kind of a future-proof for the server, offering future map makers content to make even more serverside maps one day.

The ten new original maps from Rooster were made almost completely using original assets. Some of these

maps are just a few months old- other maps are older maps that, for one reason or another, just never saw the light of day, and wound up collecting dust on his hard drive until now. The new maps were created in the spirit of this map pack- to give other mappers more assets to work with. Particular attention was given to the terrains to ensure they were challenging- but not too challenging, smooth- but not too smooth. The Rooster originals are almost completely devoid of vehicles (sorry Gooners)- standalone vehicles have been included in a few maps.

The process of making this map pack also included looking through old mappacks and looking for fresh

ideas. There's already a ton of good maps in T2- its hard to do anything different that hasn't already been done. A lot of these maps were ok-ish in their original forms and had potential- these maps were polished and refined into something hopefully people may enjoy. A lot of the textures were taken from texture projects of other games and converted to work with T2. There are a lot of decent assets people have made that are included in this pack- hopefully someone can find a use for them in the future.

Using and finding assets in this pack can be done by loading the mapassets map in the xtra 

missions folder for quick reference. If you find an asset you like, pair it with a common terrain used in the game or any s5, s8, twl, twl2, dmp terrain respectively. Anything you create will now load for other clients without requiring them to download anything. Go nuts! Choosing a sky will involve choosing sky in the editor ( Alt+E ) and putting in whatever.dml. You can find selectable dml files in the textures folder.


-Audio --AlienAnimalSounds --FrogSwampsSounds --VariousBirdSounds --TurretTechSounds --WindSound --FX-Environment ---CanyonWind ---DNAanimalSounds ---SpookySounds ---sysEnvironmentalSounds ---WhispersSpookySound

-Interiors --Various Versions of Anthems Flagstand in different themes --bmisc assets for Pantheon --cctower for BastardForge --dbase for Starfall --dbunk for BastardForge --Bleed Assets for once used PlanetX Map --idmiddle for SpinCycle center asset --butch_lava assets for LavaGods --kif_cinerous assets for Cinerium --Magellen assets --rilke assets for Ice Giant and wasteland (Original Hoth assets from Hades Mappack) --Spincycle base asset --tes_flagbase from BlueMoon --Magnum base for Bunkered --AF assets from Europack (Simple Lava Base) --Attrition assets for unused map in xtras --Bastage Badlands assets (Simple tower, base, and a tunnel (one end) --beachchair asset --Caustic assets (Decent base) --Crown assets from Europack --Ghostdance big underground base from Europack --Various gravestones --Hellfire assets from Europack (Lava) --HM base (Decent) Lava Classic style --Insurgence assets, decent bridges, big base, badlands themed --Malagnant assets, badlands themed --Metaltanks assets used for chasmaclysmic in xtra (decent assets) --ProjectX assets from europack --Transit base by Rooster128 --EEP siege bridge and spaceships assets --Torrent assets with large cave section --Vestige assets. Large elaborate base --WSol assets (Lush) --Xerxes assets (Inside underground base) Desert theme --ZV assets (Decent vehicle base)

-Missions --BastardForge: T1 map that the terrain was copied from --Bunkered: Hades Mappack Map that was refined --Cinerarium: TWL map originally and made smaller given its own terrain --Embers: Hades Mappack Map with redone terrain and flagstand --Hoth: Hades Mappack Map made Lush and redone with new base --IceGiant: EuroPack Map redone to be snow themed --LavaGods: Infamous Butcher map smoothed out and made more open --Magellen: Europack map with decent assets lightly modified --MoonDance: Mirrored Moondance, similar to the original --Pantheon: 50% smaller than the Final Dynamix Mappack original --Paranoia: Tribes Aerial Assault map someone made, light modifications --Pariah: Mirrored, Similar to the original --RavineV: Once popular map, added Vpad --Spincycle: T1 map, smoothed out and spread out a little more --StarFall: Started out with T1 terrain, Reverted to mordacity style terrain --Wasteland: Infamous butcher map, terrain smoothed out and worked on

Rooster Original Missions: --Agroleon: 10 year old map- finally finished. Lush map with medium-sized base. --Astro: Initially made for S8. Terrain completely redone. Each team has 3 small bunkers surrounding their flag. --Bitter Gorge: Ice map featuring small bases inspired by drawings done by the player Halo 2. --Derm City: Lghtspd request- a large goon-style experimental city map with capturable midfield. Best with large player count. --Emerald Spit: Another S8 map that didn't make release. Lush map on worley procedural gerrain. 2 bunkers stradle each base. --Face Crossing: A play on Facing Worlds from UT. Traverse large floating islands suspended above a lava pit. --Isle De Batalla: Brand new map, and the only vehicle map in this pack from Rooster. Rollings hills and cyberpunk vibes. --Pipe Dream: Originally made for S5 but shelved, now appears to be a favorite. C'mon it's a giant half pipe whats not to like? --Scorched Earth: This map features caves and long underground tunnels that you can ski through- not easily though. --Simple Flag Arena: A map originally created for UT, revised to work for Tribes. Probably a good map for 5v5 or 7v7.

Rooster Original Missions also includes:

  • 11 new skies (pulled from various games/sources)
  • 9 new terrains
  • Teleporter Script and Creativity Boost Pad Script
  • A plethora of new terrains including floating islands, city buildings, bases, flagstands, and more.
  • Fun surprises?

-Scripts --autoexec ---InvincibleInv.cs: So the server will know not to allow SmallCrossing Invs to be damaged ---RegisterShapes.cs: This adds our shapes we made. Includes two autumn trees, T2 vending machine, and plant asset used on wasteland ---DefaultTurrents.cs: Allows more turrent on some maps and resets them at gameover ---dmpVersionCheck.cs: Tell the server what version of the pack the client has. This is mainly used for the server logo to be used or not. But can be used for debugging purposes. --CreativityGame.cs: These are the JumpPads used on some maps. --HothFFsGame.cs: These are the custom Hoth Screen Datablocks used in the Hoth base. --TeleportGame.cs: This is the warp pad used on some maps.

-Shapes --borg16 and borg19 Autumn: Custom made autumn trees. (Wasn't used anywhere in the mappack) --porg1-dark: Phoenix plant with with buds to match wasteland --vend: T2 Vending machine pulled from Europack ProjectX asset --rst Assets: These are the various easter eggs assets Rooster128 added

-Terrains --Attrition Terrain is a large round trenched circle --DBS_Smooth is DeathBirdsSong but smoothed out for easier skiing --Chasmaclysmic is a large terrain with a large valley in the center --DX terrains are Dangerous Crossing variants, different themes etc. No change to physical terrains, just appearance. --Hillking terrain is a T1 terrain used for Hillking LT map in xtra missions --HO terrain are variants of the high octane terrain, different themes etc, No change to physical terrain, just appearance. --MapAssets.ter is a flat terrain for MapAssets map --Moonwalk is Magnum terrain themed to be moonlike --PlanetX2 is a terrain from a map that didn't make the main maps. --PuliVeivari is a EuroPack Map that was work on and smoothed. Was later dropped. --Ravine Ter - Custom Terrain with the hanger removed --RavineV Ter - The normal Ravine Terrain with the hanger. --RandomTer1-10: These are just Random Terrains we made and threw in. Tried to vary them and smooth them. Maybe someone can make a map out of them one day! --Rush is a Raindance type terrain for an LT map that was dropped --SC terrains are variants of Small Crossing terrains. These have been smoothed and lfat spot removed to eliminate Dead Stops (With help from DarkTiger) --Stripmine is cool terrain that was included --Tyre is a crater terrain used for the map Tyre --AshenPowder is a Europack terrain --Bastage is a wasteland type terrain --Birthright is a lush type terrain --Crown is a Europack map terrain --DesertedSE is a smaller version of Deserted terrain --Helion is large flat terrain --SoupLadle is a large green terrain --Old Starfall terrain pulled from T1 by Darktiger --Stripmine terrain for stripmine map, badlands type --ThunderGiant: original terrain to IceGiant. Very Red. --VanDamned is cluster map terrain smoothed out --Voodoo: large green terrain --Xerxes is a desert terrain --Ziggerat is a large custom terrain with a lot of weird shapes, could be used for fun one day.

-Textures --Badlands ---iwal textures for anthem flagstand asset --Desert ---iwal textures for anthem flagstand asset --details ---Unused planetX details for terrain --dox_textures ---some assets I forget which --gui ---All the DMP loading screen textures --Ice ---iwal textures for anthem flagstand asset --Lava ---Various textures for lushbase re-texture, anthem flagstand asset, ProjectX asset --Liquidtiles ---Various liquidtiles, some are used and some arnt --Lush ---Textures for Hoth base, chasmaclysmic, and anthem asset --skies ---clouds: light pink and blue skybox Rooster128 wanted added ---cubemap: A torque engine sky ported over ---borealis: CSGO skybox ---eve1-8: space skyboxes Rooster128 added ---haloday and halonight: Are halo style skyboxes showing halo ring (Halo the game) ---harvest: purple skybox found somewhere ---mr02: CSGO skybox ---PacificSky: Torque engine skybox ---Saturn: Found somewhere on internet ---Sky: CSGO skyboxes ---Space: CSGO skyboxes downsized and ported ---Tyre: Custom jagged claw skybox ---Sunset12: Yellow skybox Rooster128 added --Skins ---Various colored skins for new players like t1 (Bioderm is a lot harder to recolor, sorry if non are included) ---Autumn plant textures ---Vending machine texture --Special ---Glass texture for siege spaceship asset --Taco ---Taco.png: Easter Egg Texture --Terrains ---More terrain textures found in various locations (some used and unused) Terrain textures aren't always easy to make. --Texticons ---dpub ----8 small server logos to be used with the server Debrief Screen cs used on tacoserver. You could consider them easter eggs. But since we are here might as well. -DMLs to the various skyboxes (These can be edited in notepad)

-Xtra Missions --Attrition: Round Trenched map. People may play it or not. Idea originally from cluster pack --Chasmaclysmic: Big vehicle map with interesting base and terrain. Same as Attrition, people may play it or not --DBS_Smoothed: Smoothed version of DeathBirdsSong, did for fun. People may like it or not --DX variants: Badlands, Desert, Ice. No modifications to terrains just cosmetic --HillKingLT: LT map from T1, Terrain grabbed by DarkTiger, may be fun. --HO variants: Variations of High Octane, Badlands, Desert, Ice, Lush. Re-textured base to match some. No change to terrain just cosmetic. --MapAsssets: All assets in this map are on this map for quick reference --Moonwalk: Magnum terrain with moon textures, unfinished, maybe finish one day --PlanetX: Unfinished map, People may play or not --Ravine: Non Vehicle version --Rush: raindance type terrain LT map, may or may not be fun --SC variants: Variations of small crossing terrain. Terrain IS modified to removed deadstops using script made by DarkTiger to find flatspots. Tried to not change most of the terrain. --Stripmine: Cool map, people may or may not like --Tyre: Big open crater map, its different and flat. People may or may not like. --VanDamnedLT: Smoothed out LT map that was worked on. Could be fun.