These scripts are for asset creators to use in Mod Tools
console (F7
) to configure assets to use the Additive Shader.
Note for C# developers: Mod Tools script console uses the inbuilt Mono compiler that comes with the game, which uses C# language version 3.0. It does not support
operator, string interpolation, etc. In addition, members such asm_material
are derived fromUnityEngine.Object
which silently castsnull
to booleanfalse
. Hence the somewhat cumbersome code in the scripts.
There are currently four types of asset that can have the shader:
- Props
- Buildings
- Building submeshes
- Vehicle submeshes
Make sure you use the right script for your asset!
For a guide on creating the actual assets, see CSL Modding: Additive Shader.
Each script contains a settings block and a code block.
Edit the settings, do not edit the code.
If a keyword
is specified, the timeOn
and timeOff
will be ignored. To use
custom on/off times, set keyword
value to ""
. For example:
var keyword = "NightTime"; // this will be used
var timeOn = 22.0f; // ignored
var timeOff = 6.0f; // ignored
// or ...
var keyword = ""; // ignored
var timeOn = 22.0f; // this will be used
var timeOff = 6.0f; // this will be used
Important: KeyWords are case sensitive!
For more information on settings, see Asset Settings Guide.
Once you've defined your settings, paste the whole thing (settings + code) in to the Mod Tools script console.
Props are extremely versatile - they can be included in other assets, and users can plop them manually anywhere they want.
Numbers with
after them = floating point.
// Settings:
var keyWord = "NightTime"; // or "DayTime" or "AlwaysOn" (or "" for custom times)
var timeOn = 22.0f; // 24 HR clock
var timeOff = 6.0f; // 24 HR clock
var fade = 20.0f; // 0.5 a lot, 1 default, 10+ basically none
var intensity = 1.0f; // below 1 darker, 1 default, 1+ may bloom
var tags = ""; // optional: add one or more tags, separated by spaces
// Code (do not change):
var shader = Shader.Find("Custom/Particles/Additive (Soft)");
var asset = ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as PropInfo;
if ((object)asset.m_material != null) {
asset.m_material.shader = shader;
asset.m_material.SetFloat("_Intensity", intensity);
asset.m_material.SetFloat("_InvFade", fade);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyWord)) { = "AdditiveShader "+timeOn.ToString("R")+" "+timeOff.ToString("R")+" "+fade.ToString("R")+" "+intensity.ToString("R")+" "+tags;
} else { = "AdditiveShader "+keyWord+" "+fade.ToString("R")+" "+intensity.ToString("R")+" "+tags;
asset.m_lodMesh = null;
asset.m_lodMaterial = null;
asset.m_lodMaterialCombined = null;
asset.m_lodObject = null;
// End of script
This applies a shader directly to the building.
// Settings:
var keyWord = "NightTime"; // or "DayTime" or "AlwaysOn" (or "" for custom times)
var timeOn = 22.0f; // 24 HR clock
var timeOff = 6.0f; // 24 HR clock
var fade = 20.0f; // 0.5 a lot, 1 default, 10+ basically none
var intensity = 1.0f; // below 1 darker, 1 default, 1+ may bloom
var tags = ""; // optional: add one or more tags, separated by spaces
// Code (do not edit):
var shader = Shader.Find("Custom/Particles/Additive (Soft)");
var asset = ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as BuildingInfo;
if ((object)asset.m_material != null) {
asset.m_material.shader = shader;
asset.m_material.SetFloat("_Intensity", intensity);
asset.m_material.SetFloat("_InvFade", fade);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyWord)) { = "AdditiveShader "+timeOn.ToString("R")+" "+timeOff.ToString("R")+" "+fade.ToString("R")+" "+intensity.ToString("R")+" "+tags;
} else { = "AdditiveShader "+keyWord+" "+fade.ToString("R")+" "+intensity.ToString("R")+" "+tags;
asset.m_lodMesh = null;
asset.m_lodMaterial = null;
asset.m_lodMaterialCombined = null;
asset.m_lodObject = null;
// End of script
This applies a shader to a building submesh. This can be useful if you want multiple shaders for a single building, each with its own settings. Alternatively you could use props.
// Settings:
var submesh = 0; // sub mesh id, order as in the UI, starting from _0_
var keyWord = "NightTime"; // or "DayTime" or "AlwaysOn" (or "" for custom times)
var timeOn = 22.0f; // 24 HR clock
var timeOff = 6.0f; // 24 HR clock
var fade = 20.0f; // 0.5 a lot, 1 default, 10+ basically none
var intensity = 1.0f; // below 1 darker, 1 default, 1+ may bloom
var tags = ""; // optional: add one or more tags, separated by spaces
// Code (do not edit):
var shader = Shader.Find("Custom/Particles/Additive (Soft)");
var asset = ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as BuildingInfo;
var mesh = asset.m_subMeshes[submesh];
if ((object)mesh.m_subInfo.m_material != null) {
mesh.m_subInfo.m_material.shader = shader;
mesh.m_subInfo.m_material.SetFloat("_Intensity", intensity);
mesh.m_subInfo.m_material.SetFloat("_InvFade", fade);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyWord)) { = "AdditiveShader "+timeOn.ToString("R")+" "+timeOff.ToString("R")+" "+fade.ToString("R")+" "+intensity.ToString("R")+" "+tags;
} else { = "AdditiveShader "+keyWord+" "+fade.ToString("R")+" "+intensity.ToString("R")+" "+tags;
int vertexCount = mesh.m_subInfo.m_mesh.vertexCount;
var colors = new Color[vertexCount];
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) colors[i] = Color.white;
mesh.m_subInfo.m_mesh.colors = colors;
mesh.m_subInfo.m_lodMesh = null;
mesh.m_subInfo.m_lodMaterial = null;
mesh.m_subInfo.m_lodMaterialCombined = null;
mesh.m_subInfo.m_lodObject = null;
// End of script
This applies a shader to a vehicle submesh. Since v1.5.0, it should be possible to apply blinking effects.
// Settings:
var submesh = 1; // sub mesh id, order as in the UI, starting from _1_
var keyWord = "NightTime"; // or "DayTime" or "AlwaysOn" (or "" for custom times)
var timeOn = 22.0f; // 24 HR clock
var timeOff = 6.0f; // 24 HR clock
var fade = 20.0f; // 0.5 a lot, 1 default, 10+ basically none
var intensity = 1.0f; // below 1 darker, 1 default, 1+ may bloom
var tags = ""; // optional: add one or more tags, separated by spaces
// Code (do not edit):
var shader = Shader.Find("Custom/Particles/Additive (Soft)");
var asset = ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as VehicleInfo;
var mesh = asset.m_subMeshes[submesh];
if ((object)mesh.m_subInfo.m_material != null) {
mesh.m_subInfo.m_material.shader = shader;
mesh.m_subInfo.m_material.SetFloat("_Intensity", intensity);
mesh.m_subInfo.m_material.SetFloat("_InvFade", fade);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyWord)) { = "AdditiveShader "+timeOn.ToString("R")+" "+timeOff.ToString("R")+" "+fade.ToString("R")+" "+intensity.ToString("R")+" "+tags;
} else { = "AdditiveShader "+keyWord+" "+fade.ToString("R")+" "+intensity.ToString("R")+" "+tags;
int vertexCount = mesh.m_subInfo.m_mesh.vertexCount;
var colors = new Color[vertexCount];
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) colors[i] = Color.white;
mesh.m_subInfo.m_mesh.colors = colors;
mesh.m_subInfo.m_lodMesh = null;
mesh.m_subInfo.m_lodMaterial = null;
mesh.m_subInfo.m_lodMaterialCombined = null;
mesh.m_subInfo.m_lodObject = null;
// End of script