diff --git a/backend/benefit/README.md b/backend/benefit/README.md index 1a6a93ea96..5168f82fff 100644 --- a/backend/benefit/README.md +++ b/backend/benefit/README.md @@ -86,9 +86,13 @@ The project is now running at [localhost:8000](https://localhost:8000) In `backend/benefit/`: -- Run `python manage.py makemessages --no-location -l fi -l sv -l en` +- Run `python manage.py makemessages -e xml,txt,html,py --no-location -l fi -l sv -l en` - Run `python manage.py compilemessages` +⚠️ **Note 1: if you have technical keywords such as enum that need to have a translation, check applications/enums.py on how to get makemessages to detect them** + +⚠️ **Note 2: very important to include -e xml,txt,html,py - otherwise some of the files will be left without translation ** + ### Testing and debugging To run the backend without integrations/authentication, set NEXT_PUBLIC_MOCK_FLAG=1 in @@ -215,12 +219,15 @@ There are separate Sentry projects for the Django api (`yjdh-benefit-api`), hand To limit the amount of possibly sensitive data sent to Sentry, the same configuration as in kesaseteli is used by default, see [`https://github.com/City-of-Helsinki/yjdh/pull/779`](https://github.com/City-of-Helsinki/yjdh/pull/779). ## AHJO integration + Making request to the AHJO REST api requires a Bearer token in the authorization headers. + ### Retrieving the access_token The token is retrieved following the Oauth 2.0 flow. To retrieve the token in Django with AhjoConnector class, the following settings need to be configured for Django: + ``` AHJO_CLIENT_ID AHJO_CLIENT_SECRET @@ -230,29 +237,37 @@ AHJO_REDIRECT_URL ``` 1. The first step is to navigate via browser to (maintenance VPN enabled on local dev environment) [`https://johdontyopoytahyte.hel.fi/ids4/connect/authorize?scope=openid%20offline_access&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https://helsinkilisa/dummyredirect.html&client_id=client_id_goes_here`](https://johdontyopoytahyte.hel.fi/ids4/connect/authorize?scope=openid%20offline_access&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https://helsinkilisa/dummyredirect.html&client_id=client_id_goes_here) - - `scope=openid offline_access` is required so that the actual token call also returns a refresh token. - - `redirect_uri` is dummy according t, because it is not needed for anything after this, but it must be defined. + +- `scope=openid offline_access` is required so that the actual token call also returns a refresh token. +- `redirect_uri` is dummy according t, because it is not needed for anything after this, but it must be defined. + 2. Login to the form with AD credentials (ask from fellow developer) 3. Submitting the form redirects the browser to the redirect_uri parameter address, for example -`https://helsinkilisa/dummyredirect.html?code=5510FE3A7A99D4A8D0FB69C0BAB70A31DD38243EFB1D606B1F96FE75383684E4-1&scope=offline_access&iss=https%3A%2F%2Fjohdontyopoytahyte.hel.fi%2Fids4` - - Again the `redirect_uri parameter` has no other use, so it can be dummyredirect.html - - from this return address the `code` parameter is taken, in the example above: + `https://helsinkilisa/dummyredirect.html?code=5510FE3A7A99D4A8D0FB69C0BAB70A31DD38243EFB1D606B1F96FE75383684E4-1&scope=offline_access&iss=https%3A%2F%2Fjohdontyopoytahyte.hel.fi%2Fids4` + +- Again the `redirect_uri parameter` has no other use, so it can be dummyredirect.html +- from this return address the `code` parameter is taken, in the example above: `5510FE3A7A99D4A8D0FB69C0BAB70A31DD38243EFB1D606B1F96FE75383684E4-1` + 4. In the Django admin, on the AhjoSetting tab, set the setting ahjo_code to a JSON object: -`{"code": "5510FE3A7A99D4A8D0FB69C0BAB70A31DD38243EFB1D606B1F96FE75383684E4-1"}` + `{"code": "5510FE3A7A99D4A8D0FB69C0BAB70A31DD38243EFB1D606B1F96FE75383684E4-1"}` 5. Now the AhjoConnector class can fetch the new token. At this stage of development, there is one dummy function for testing authentication, which can be used like this: -`$ python manage.py shell` -`$ from applications.services.ahjo_integration import dummy_ahjo_request` -`$ dummy_ahjo_request()` -6. Unless there is an error, there will be a new ahjo_access_token object (example below) in the database, which can be used for making actual requests to AHJO. + `$ python manage.py shell` + `$ from applications.services.ahjo_integration import dummy_ahjo_request` + `$ dummy_ahjo_request()` +6. Unless there is an error, there will be a new ahjo_access_token object (example below) in the database, which can be used for making actual requests to AHJO. + ```JSON {"expires_in": "2023-10-06T21:02:14.459161", "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkY1QUMzRjhGNjNDQTdGQjc0QzgxODc1RkYyNTQ4M0YyMzI0RTNFMjNSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Ijlhd19qMlBLZjdkTWdZZGY4bFNEOGpKT1BpTSIsInR5cCI6ImF0K2p3dCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2pvaGRvbnR5b3BveXRhaHl0ZS5oZWwuZmkvaWRzNCIsIm5iZiI6MTY5NjU4NTMzNCwiaWF0IjoxNjk2NTg1MzM0LCJleHAiOjE2OTY2MTUzMzQsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vam9oZG9udHlvcG95dGFoeXRlLmhlbC5maS9pZHM0L3Jlc291cmNlcyIsInNjb3BlIjpbIm9wZW5pZCIsIm9mZmxpbmVfYWNjZXNzIl0sImFtciI6WyJwd2QiXSwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiaGVsc2lua2lsaXNhIiwic3ViIjoiaGVsbGlzYWh5dCIsImF1dGhfdGltZSI6MTY5NTgwNzgzNywiaWRwIjoibG9jYWwiLCJzaWQiOiJBM0NFNkZFN0FBQkREMzQ4MUJBQTlBQzgzREVCRTZFNCIsImp0aSI6IjcyMzAyRkY0MjEwRkYxQTE4RTA1RDFFQTZCQTUwNDc3In0.iJOgkX4P1eNqDCVmXP2U198U_YIF0labba3hRP2x8oUA3DmCqCpPxvLIdMuxJ5N--xtqrW2hJw2X6XS-GQa9aSODwP5Tt5XLvzMthAzD6m4Y09uaZFoVGqvBu8Cc6oedJNQknQKTiK8vyhoHrXoG-ACOoYs1JtUBOsqR-SIgIpEZepWp3XcjlcVsSnqf1j1YTsRDl5FfoIv1lZSFTAlRmEZGirL1rRDm_2pR_HQ4y20KAaoZaBuyVoyf89duSGmvf40FlImLMXWuIcS7FkIrMUNogdgRittSJKRj5yfRnCgzjBndn0OptWtzXk5GZPfQeGERwVMJaD82X843j5UX4g", "refresh_token": "BB2AE7A54C9EB4374FCB69B21AE75484D9C33094DD92C4DADD48F5806FE726F3-1"} ``` + 7. In the future, it is intended that the token will be continuously refreshed with a cron job (see refreshing the token), so points 1-4 are not needed unless for some reason the token refresh fails during the 8-hour period when the token is valid ### Refreshing the token + The token retrieved the first time is valid for 30,000 seconds, or about 8 hours. A successful token call also returns the refresh_token information, which is also stored in the Django database. Django has a registered command refresh_ahjo_token which can be scheduled to perform token refresh. The command can be run manually with `$ python manage.py refresh_ahjo_token` ## ClamAV integration -ClamAV is configured in the OpenShift environments to scan the attachment files uploaded by the users through a [REST api](https://helsinkisolutionoffice.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HELFI/pages/7629897754/Implementation+of+ClamAV+for+the+project) which is based on a solution found [here](https://github.com/benzino77/clamav-rest-api). The same setup is configured into the local development environment using `clamav/clamav:latest` and `benzino77/clamav-rest-api images`. The benefit backend connects internally to the ClamAV rest api using the `CLAMAV_URL` environmental variable, which needs to be configured with the value `clamav-rest-api.clamav.svc.cluster.local:3000/api/v1/version`for the test, staging and prod environments. \ No newline at end of file + +ClamAV is configured in the OpenShift environments to scan the attachment files uploaded by the users through a [REST api](https://helsinkisolutionoffice.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HELFI/pages/7629897754/Implementation+of+ClamAV+for+the+project) which is based on a solution found [here](https://github.com/benzino77/clamav-rest-api). The same setup is configured into the local development environment using `clamav/clamav:latest` and `benzino77/clamav-rest-api images`. The benefit backend connects internally to the ClamAV rest api using the `CLAMAV_URL` environmental variable, which needs to be configured with the value `clamav-rest-api.clamav.svc.cluster.local:3000/api/v1/version`for the test, staging and prod environments. diff --git a/backend/benefit/applications/api/v1/serializers/attachment.py b/backend/benefit/applications/api/v1/serializers/attachment.py index 84d770d48b..e00cd15523 100644 --- a/backend/benefit/applications/api/v1/serializers/attachment.py +++ b/backend/benefit/applications/api/v1/serializers/attachment.py @@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ def _scan_with_clamav(self, file): raise ClamAvServiceUnavailableException() except FileInfectedException as fie: log.error(f"File '{fie.file_name}' infected, viruses: {fie.viruses}") + translation_text = _("File is infected with") raise serializers.ValidationError( - f'{_("File is infected with")} {", ".join(fie.viruses)}' + f'{translation_text} {", ".join(fie.viruses)}' ) diff --git a/backend/benefit/applications/enums.py b/backend/benefit/applications/enums.py index 5e9fbd0772..0f4ab868b3 100644 --- a/backend/benefit/applications/enums.py +++ b/backend/benefit/applications/enums.py @@ -218,3 +218,21 @@ class ApplicationAlterationState(models.TextChoices): RECEIVED = "received", _("Received") OPENED = "opened", _("Opened") HANDLED = "handled", _("Handled") + + +# Call gettext on some of the enums so that "makemessages" command can find them when used dynamically in templates +_("granted") +_("granted_aged") +_("not_granted") + +_("employment_contract") +_("pay_subsidy_decision") +_("commission_contract") +_("education_contract") +_("helsinki_benefit_voucher") +_("employee_consent") +_("full_application") +_("other_attachment") +_("pdf_summary") +_("decision_text_xml") +_("decision_text_secret_xml") diff --git a/backend/benefit/applications/templates/application.html b/backend/benefit/applications/templates/application.html index 4c71528e2b..40c092b440 100644 --- a/backend/benefit/applications/templates/application.html +++ b/backend/benefit/applications/templates/application.html @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@

{{ _("Employment relationship") }}

{% if application.association_has_business_activities%}
- {{ _("Yhdistyksellä on yritystoimintaa") }}
+ {{ _("Association has business activities") }}
{{ _("Yes") }}
{%endif%} @@ -248,20 +248,20 @@

{{ _("Benefit is applied for the period") }}

{% comment %} {% if application.handled_at %}
{{ _("Päätöksen päivämäärä") }}
{{ _("Handled at date") }}
{{ application.handled_at | date_fi }}
{% endif %} {% if application.calculation.handler_details %}
{{ _("Käsittelijä") }}
{{ _("Handler") }}
{{ application.calculation.handler_details.first_name}} {{ application.calculation.handler_details.last_name}}
{%endif%} {% if application.status == "accepted" %}
{{ _("Myönnetään de minimis -tukena") }}
{% if application.calculation.granted_as_de_minimis_aid %}Kyllä{% else %}Ei{%endif%}
{{ _("Granted as de minimis aid") }}
{% if application.calculation.granted_as_de_minimis_aid %}{{ _("Yes") }}{% else %}{{ _("No") }}{%endif%}
{% endif %} {% endcomment %} diff --git a/backend/benefit/helsinkibenefit/settings.py b/backend/benefit/helsinkibenefit/settings.py index 37b5ad373c..9ea35c017d 100644 --- a/backend/benefit/helsinkibenefit/settings.py +++ b/backend/benefit/helsinkibenefit/settings.py @@ -224,7 +224,17 @@ WSGI_APPLICATION = "helsinkibenefit.wsgi.application" LANGUAGE_CODE = "fi" -LANGUAGES = (("fi", _("Finnish")), ("en", _("English")), ("sv", _("Swedish"))) +LANGUAGES = ( + ("fi", _("Finnish")), + ("en", _("English")), + ("sv", _("Swedish")), +) + +# Call gettext on languages so that "makemessages" command can find them when used dynamically in templates +_("fi") +_("en") +_("sv") + TIME_ZONE = "Europe/Helsinki" USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True diff --git a/backend/benefit/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/backend/benefit/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index 35d64ae448..d54adfb8a5 100644 --- a/backend/benefit/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/backend/benefit/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-26 12:21+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-09 11:28+0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" @@ -199,6 +199,9 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Not a valid image file" msgstr "" +msgid "File is infected with" +msgstr "" + msgid "Applications in a batch can not be changed when batch is in this status" msgstr "" @@ -268,14 +271,20 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Invalid application status change" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "Employment Benefit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "Salary Benefit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "education_contract" msgid "Commission Benefit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Agreement on providing apprenticeship training" msgid "Step 1 - company details" msgstr "" @@ -295,26 +304,36 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Step 6 - terms and send" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "Company" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" msgid "Association" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employment_contract" msgid "employment contract" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employment contract" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" msgid "pay subsidy decision" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pay subsidy decision" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "education_contract" msgid "commission contract" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Agreement on providing apprenticeship training" msgid "education contract of the apprenticeship office" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "helsinki_benefit_voucher" msgid "helsinki benefit voucher" -msgstr "" +msgstr "The Helsinki Benefit card" #, fuzzy #| msgid "employee_consent" @@ -378,14 +397,20 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Applicant" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" msgid "Pay subsidy granted (default)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pay subsidy decision" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" msgid "Pay subsidy granted (aged)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pay subsidy decision" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" msgid "No granted pay subsidy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pay subsidy decision" msgid "Submitted but not sent to AHJO" msgstr "" @@ -449,8 +474,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "An accepted decision" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" msgid "A denied decision" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pay subsidy decision" msgid "Termination" msgstr "" @@ -464,6 +491,54 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Handled" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "not_granted" +msgid "granted" +msgstr "None" + +msgid "granted_aged" +msgstr "Employment aid for people aged 55 and above" + +msgid "not_granted" +msgstr "None" + +msgid "employment_contract" +msgstr "Employment contract" + +msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" +msgstr "Pay subsidy decision" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "education_contract" +msgid "commission_contract" +msgstr "Agreement on providing apprenticeship training" + +msgid "education_contract" +msgstr "Agreement on providing apprenticeship training" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "helsinki_benefit_voucher" +msgid "helsinki_benefit_voucher" +msgstr "The Helsinki Benefit card" + +msgid "employee_consent" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" + +msgid "full_application" +msgstr "" + +msgid "other_attachment" +msgstr "" + +msgid "pdf_summary" +msgstr "" + +msgid "decision_text_xml" +msgstr "" + +msgid "decision_text_secret_xml" +msgstr "" + #, python-brace-format msgid "" "Your application {id} will be deleted soon. If you want to continue the " @@ -471,11 +546,15 @@ msgid "" "the application will deleted permanently." msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "helsinki_benefit_voucher" msgid "Your Helsinki benefit draft application will expire" -msgstr "" +msgstr "The Helsinki Benefit card" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "company" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" msgid "status" msgstr "" @@ -489,8 +568,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "application number" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "company name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" msgid "company form as user-readable text" msgstr "" @@ -498,20 +579,28 @@ msgstr "" msgid "YTJ type code for company form" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "company department" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" msgid "company street address" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "company city" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "company post code" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "company bank account number" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" msgid "first name" msgstr "" @@ -528,17 +617,23 @@ msgstr "" msgid "additional information about the ongoing co-operation negotiations" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" msgid "Pay subsidy percent" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pay subsidy decision" msgid "Pay subsidy percent for second pay subsidy grant" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "not_granted" msgid "benefit start from date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "None" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "not_granted" msgid "benefit end date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "None" msgid "paper application date" msgstr "" @@ -558,8 +653,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "amount of the de minimis aid" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "not_granted" msgid "benefit granted at" -msgstr "" +msgstr "None" msgid "de minimis aid" msgstr "" @@ -657,11 +754,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Description of the commission" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "employee" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "employees" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" msgid "attachment type in business rules" msgstr "" @@ -681,14 +782,18 @@ msgstr "" msgid "paper" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "company contact person" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" msgid "co-operation negotiations" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" msgid "pay subsidy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pay subsidy decision" msgid "benefit" msgstr "" @@ -725,8 +830,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "decision proposal template sections" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "education_contract" msgid "decision text content" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Agreement on providing apprenticeship training" msgid "ahjo decision text" msgstr "" @@ -734,8 +841,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "ahjo decision texts" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "helsinki_benefit_voucher" msgid "alteration of application" -msgstr "" +msgstr "The Helsinki Benefit card" msgid "type of alteration" msgstr "" @@ -743,8 +852,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "state of alteration" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "not_granted" msgid "new benefit end date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "None" msgid "date when employment resumes after suspended" msgstr "" @@ -784,8 +895,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Not found" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "Employer information" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" msgid "Name of the employer" msgstr "" @@ -880,8 +993,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Has the person who is being employed been assigned a job supervisor?" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "Employment relationship" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" msgid "Job title" msgstr "" @@ -901,7 +1016,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Applicable collective agreement" msgstr "" -msgid "Yhdistyksellä on yritystoimintaa" +msgid "Association has business activities" msgstr "" msgid "Is this an apprenticeship?" @@ -919,9 +1034,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Attachments" msgstr "" -msgid "granted_aged" -msgstr "Employment aid for people aged 55 and above" - msgid "Printed at" msgstr "" @@ -933,11 +1045,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Helsinki-benefit online service" msgstr "The Helsinki Benefit card" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "helsinki_benefit_voucher" msgid "Helsinki-benefit application" -msgstr "" +msgstr "The Helsinki Benefit card" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "Employee" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" msgid "Application received" msgstr "" @@ -945,6 +1061,38 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Application number" msgstr "" +msgid "Granting of Helsinki-lisä benefit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Applicant company" +msgstr "" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" +msgid "Employee name" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" + +msgid "Benefit type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Additional information" +msgstr "" + +msgid "De Minimis description" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Calculation of the benefit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Benefit per month" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total benefit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total for benefit time period" +msgstr "" + msgid "Date range too large" msgstr "" @@ -978,20 +1126,30 @@ msgstr "" msgid "State aid maximum %" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" msgid "Pay subsidy/month" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pay subsidy decision" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "helsinki_benefit_voucher" msgid "Helsinki benefit amount monthly" -msgstr "" +msgstr "The Helsinki Benefit card" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "helsinki_benefit_voucher" msgid "Helsinki benefit amount for a date range" -msgstr "" +msgstr "The Helsinki Benefit card" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "helsinki_benefit_voucher" msgid "Helsinki benefit total amount" -msgstr "" +msgstr "The Helsinki Benefit card" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "helsinki_benefit_voucher" msgid "Training compensation amount monthly" -msgstr "" +msgstr "The Helsinki Benefit card" msgid "Total amount of deductions monthly" msgstr "" @@ -1024,23 +1182,31 @@ msgstr "" msgid "reason for overriding the calculated benefit amount" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "helsinki_benefit_voucher" msgid "Incomplete application" -msgstr "" +msgstr "The Helsinki Benefit card" msgid "calculations" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" msgid "Pay subsidy start date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pay subsidy decision" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" msgid "Pay subsidy end date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pay subsidy decision" msgid "Work time percent" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" msgid "pay subsidies" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pay subsidy decision" msgid "encrypted social security number" msgstr "" @@ -1099,8 +1265,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "bank account number" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "companies" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" msgid "Finnish" msgstr "" @@ -1111,6 +1279,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Swedish" msgstr "" +msgid "fi" +msgstr "Finnish" + +msgid "en" +msgstr "English" + +msgid "sv" +msgstr "Swedish" + #, python-brace-format msgid "" "Your application has been opened for editing. Please make the corrections by " @@ -1236,11 +1413,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "swedish text for the consent checkbox" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "application consent" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" msgid "application consents" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Employee's consent for processing personal data" msgid "timestamp of approval" msgstr "" @@ -1265,30 +1446,3 @@ msgstr "" msgid "terms of service approvals" msgstr "" - -#~ msgid "fi" -#~ msgstr "Finnish" - -#~ msgid "sv" -#~ msgstr "Swedish" - -#~ msgid "en" -#~ msgstr "English" - -#~ msgid "not_granted" -#~ msgstr "None" - -#~ msgid "Processing of the personal data of the person to be employed" -#~ msgstr "Behandlingen av personuppgifterna av personen som ska sysselsättas" - -#~ msgid "Agreement for employee's personal data processing" -#~ msgstr "Avtal för anställds personuppgiftsbehandling" - -#~ msgid "employment_contract" -#~ msgstr "Employment contract" - -#~ msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" -#~ msgstr "Pay subsidy decision" - -#~ msgid "education_contract" -#~ msgstr "Agreement on providing apprenticeship training" diff --git a/backend/benefit/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/backend/benefit/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index ddc83b04a9..c2c2a737fe 100644 --- a/backend/benefit/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/backend/benefit/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-26 12:21+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-09 11:28+0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-01 10:45+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Kari Salminen \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ msgstr "Verkkolaskuoperaattorin tunnus" msgid "E-invoice address" msgstr "Verkkolaskuosoite" +#, python-brace-format msgid "{field} must be filled if using an e-invoice address" -msgstr "" -"{field} on pakollinen tieto, mikäli lasku lähetetään verkkolaskuna" +msgstr "{field} on pakollinen tieto, mikäli lasku lähetetään verkkolaskuna" msgid "Alteration cannot start before first benefit day" msgstr "Muutos työsuhteessa ei voi alkaa ennen tukijakson alkua" @@ -207,6 +207,9 @@ msgstr "Epäkelpo PDF-tiedosto" msgid "Not a valid image file" msgstr "Epäkelpo kuvatiedosto" +msgid "File is infected with" +msgstr "Ladatusta tiedostosta löytyi seuraavat haittaohjelmat: " + msgid "Applications in a batch can not be changed when batch is in this status" msgstr "Erän hakemuksia ei voida muuttaa erän ollessa tässä tilassa" @@ -346,11 +349,15 @@ msgstr "liite" msgid "pdf summary" msgstr "Vaihe 4 – yhteenveto" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "application attachment content" msgid "public decision text xml attachment" -msgstr "" +msgstr "hakemuksen liitteen sisältö" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "application attachment content" msgid "non-public decision text xml attachment" -msgstr "" +msgstr "hakemuksen liitteen sisältö" msgid "attachment is required" msgstr "liite on pakollinen" @@ -508,6 +515,62 @@ msgstr "Avattu" msgid "Handled" msgstr "Käsitelty" +msgid "granted" +msgstr "Palkkatuki" + +msgid "granted_aged" +msgstr "55 vuotta täyttäneiden työllistämistuki" + +msgid "not_granted" +msgstr "Ei myönnetty" + +msgid "employment_contract" +msgstr "Työsopimus" + +msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" +msgstr "Palkkatukipäätös" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "commission contract" +msgid "commission_contract" +msgstr "toimeksiantosopimus" + +msgid "education_contract" +msgstr "Sopimus oppisopimuskoulutuksen järjestämisestä" + +msgid "helsinki_benefit_voucher" +msgstr "Helsinki-lisä -kortti" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" +msgid "employee_consent" +msgstr "Suostumus työntekijän henkilötietojen käsittelyyn" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "application" +msgid "full_application" +msgstr "hakemus" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "attachment" +msgid "other_attachment" +msgstr "liite" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Step 4 - summary" +msgid "pdf_summary" +msgstr "Vaihe 4 – yhteenveto" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "status" +msgid "decision_text_xml" +msgstr "tila" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "application attachment content" +msgid "decision_text_secret_xml" +msgstr "hakemuksen liitteen sisältö" + #, python-brace-format msgid "" "Your application {id} will be deleted soon. If you want to continue the " @@ -651,8 +714,10 @@ msgstr "Asiantuntijatarkastajan nimi" msgid "P2P inspector's email address" msgstr "Asiantuntijatarkastajan sähköpostiosoite" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Expert inspector's name" msgid "P2P acceptor's title" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Asiantuntijatarkastajan nimi" msgid "Expert inspector's name" msgstr "Asiantuntijatarkastajan nimi" @@ -742,8 +807,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "company contact person" msgstr "yrityksen yhteyshenkilön sähköpostiosoite" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "alteration of application" msgid "co-operation negotiations" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Muutos hakemukseen" msgid "pay subsidy" msgstr "palkkatuki" @@ -771,8 +838,10 @@ msgstr "tila" msgid "ahjo statuses" msgstr "tila" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Decision date" msgid "type of the decision proposal template section" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Päätöksen päivämäärä" #, fuzzy #| msgid "date of the decision in Ahjo" @@ -784,8 +853,10 @@ msgstr "päätöksen päivämäärä Ahjossa" msgid "decision proposal section text content" msgstr "Päätöksen päivämäärä" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Decision date" msgid "name of the decision proposal template section" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Päätöksen päivämäärä" #, fuzzy #| msgid "Decision date" @@ -802,8 +873,10 @@ msgstr "Päätöksen päivämäärä" msgid "decision text content" msgstr "hakemuksen liitteen sisältö" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "status" msgid "ahjo decision text" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tila" #, fuzzy #| msgid "status" @@ -985,8 +1058,8 @@ msgstr "Sivukulut / kuukausi" msgid "Applicable collective agreement" msgstr "Työehtosopimus" -msgid "Yhdistyksellä on yritystoimintaa" -msgstr "" +msgid "Association has business activities" +msgstr "Yrityksellä on liiketoimintaa" msgid "Is this an apprenticeship?" msgstr "Onko kyseessä oppisopimus?" @@ -1003,9 +1076,6 @@ msgstr "Ajalle" msgid "Attachments" msgstr "Liitteet" -msgid "granted_aged" -msgstr "55 vuotta täyttäneiden työllistämistuki" - msgid "Printed at" msgstr "Tulostettu" @@ -1028,6 +1098,37 @@ msgstr "Hakemus saapunut" msgid "Application number" msgstr "Hakemusnumero" +# For Ahjo secret decision XML +msgid "Granting of Helsinki-lisä benefit" +msgstr "Työllisyydenhoidon Helsinki-lisän myöntäminen" + +msgid "Applicant company" +msgstr "Hakija" + +msgid "Employee name" +msgstr "Työllistetyn nimi" + +msgid "Benefit type" +msgstr "Tukimuoto" + +msgid "Additional information" +msgstr "Lisätietoja" + +msgid "De Minimis description" +msgstr "Tuki myönnetään vähämerkityksisenä eli de minimis-tukena" + +msgid "Calculation of the benefit" +msgstr "Helsinki-lisän tukijaksot" + +msgid "Benefit per month" +msgstr "tuki/kk" + +msgid "Total benefit" +msgstr "tuki yhteensä" + +msgid "Total for benefit time period" +msgstr "Yhteensä koko tukiajalta" + msgid "Date range too large" msgstr "Päivämääräalue liian suuri" @@ -1083,16 +1184,20 @@ msgstr "Koulutuskorvauksen määrä kuukaudelta" msgid "Total amount of deductions monthly" msgstr "Vähennysten kokonaismäärä kuukaudelta" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Date range too large" msgid "Basic date range description" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Päivämääräalue liian suuri" #, fuzzy #| msgid "Date range too large" msgid "Date range description for total row" msgstr "Päivämääräalue liian suuri" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "De Minimis description" msgid "Deduction description" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tuki myönnetään vähämerkityksisenä eli de minimis-tukena" msgid "Calculation already exists" msgstr "Laskelma on jo olemassa" @@ -1200,6 +1305,15 @@ msgstr "Englanti" msgid "Swedish" msgstr "Ruotsi" +msgid "fi" +msgstr "Suomi" + +msgid "en" +msgstr "Englanti" + +msgid "sv" +msgstr "Ruotsi" + #, python-brace-format msgid "" "Your application has been opened for editing. Please make the corrections by " @@ -1371,39 +1485,8 @@ msgstr "palveluehtojen hyväksyntä" msgid "terms of service approvals" msgstr "palveluehtojen hyväksynnät" -# For Ahjo secret decision XML -msgid "Granting of Helsinki-lisä benefit" -msgstr "Työllisyydenhoidon Helsinki-lisän myöntäminen" - -msgid "Benefit type" -msgstr "Tukimuoto" - -msgid "Total benefit" -msgstr "tuki yhteensä" - -msgid "Benefit per month" -msgstr "tuki/kk" - -msgid "Employee name" -msgstr "Työllistetyn nimi" - -msgid "Additional information" -msgstr "Lisätietoja" - -msgid "De Minimis description" -msgstr "Tuki myönnetään vähämerkityksisenä eli de minimis-tukena" - -msgid "Total for benefit time period" -msgstr "Yhteensä koko tukiajalta" - -msgid "Applicant company" -msgstr "Hakija" - -msgid "Calculation of the benefit" -msgstr "Helsinki-lisän tukijaksot" - -msgid "File is infected with" -msgstr "Ladatusta tiedostosta löytyi seuraavat haittaohjelmat: " +#~ msgid "Granted as de minimis aid" +#~ msgstr "Myönnetään de minimis -tukena" #~ msgid "applicant" #~ msgstr "hakija" @@ -1419,42 +1502,3 @@ msgstr "Ladatusta tiedostosta löytyi seuraavat haittaohjelmat: " #~ msgid "Pay subsidy percent required" #~ msgstr "Palkkatukiprosentti on pakollinen" - -#~ msgid "Helsinki benefit is granted" -#~ msgstr "Helsinki-lisää myönnetään" - -#~ msgid "Helsinki benefit is not granted" -#~ msgstr "Helsinki-lisää ei myönnetä" - -#~ msgid "Granted as de minimis aid" -#~ msgstr "Myönnetään de minimis -tukena" - -#~ msgid "Processing of the personal data of the person to be employed" -#~ msgstr "Työllistettävän henkilötietojen käsittely" - -#~ msgid "employment_contract" -#~ msgstr "Työsopimus" - -#~ msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" -#~ msgstr "Palkkatukipäätös" - -#~ msgid "education_contract" -#~ msgstr "Sopimus oppisopimuskoulutuksen järjestämisestä" - -#~ msgid "helsinki_benefit_voucher" -#~ msgstr "Helsinki-lisä -kortti" - -#~ msgid "fi" -#~ msgstr "Suomi" - -#~ msgid "sv" -#~ msgstr "Ruotsi" - -#~ msgid "en" -#~ msgstr "Englanti" - -#~ msgid "granted" -#~ msgstr "Palkkatuki" - -#~ msgid "not_granted" -#~ msgstr "Ei myönnetty" diff --git a/backend/benefit/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/backend/benefit/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index 0272094f2a..f29e881505 100644 --- a/backend/benefit/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/backend/benefit/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-26 12:21+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-09 11:28+0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-01 10:47+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Kari Salminen \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -160,8 +160,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "E-invoice provider name" msgstr "Arbetsgivarens namn" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Name of the employer" msgid "E-invoice provider identifier" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Arbetsgivarens namn" #, fuzzy #| msgid "Delivery address" @@ -172,14 +174,20 @@ msgstr "Leveransadress" msgid "{field} must be filled if using an e-invoice address" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "application end_date can not be less than start_date" msgid "Alteration cannot start before first benefit day" -msgstr "" +msgstr "end_date för ansökan kan inte vara tidigare än start_date" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "application end_date can not be less than start_date" msgid "Alteration cannot start after last benefit day" -msgstr "" +msgstr "end_date för ansökan kan inte vara tidigare än start_date" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "application end_date can not be less than start_date" msgid "Alteration cannot end after last benefit day" -msgstr "" +msgstr "end_date för ansökan kan inte vara tidigare än start_date" #, fuzzy #| msgid "application end_date can not be less than start_date" @@ -210,6 +218,9 @@ msgstr "Ingen giltig PDF-fil" msgid "Not a valid image file" msgstr "Ingen giltig bildfil" +msgid "File is infected with" +msgstr "Filen är infekterad med följande malware" + msgid "Applications in a batch can not be changed when batch is in this status" msgstr "Ansökningar i en sats kan inte ändras när satsen har denna status" @@ -349,11 +360,15 @@ msgstr "bilaga" msgid "pdf summary" msgstr "Steg 4 – sammanfattning" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "application attachment content" msgid "public decision text xml attachment" -msgstr "" +msgstr "innehåll i bilaga till ansökan" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "application attachment content" msgid "non-public decision text xml attachment" -msgstr "" +msgstr "innehåll i bilaga till ansökan" msgid "attachment is required" msgstr "bilaga är obligatorisk" @@ -517,6 +532,62 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Handled" msgstr "Handläggare" +msgid "granted" +msgstr "Lönesubvention" + +msgid "granted_aged" +msgstr "Sysselsättningsstöd för personer som fyllt 55 år" + +msgid "not_granted" +msgstr "Inget stöd" + +msgid "employment_contract" +msgstr "Arbetsavtal" + +msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" +msgstr "Beslut om lönesubvention" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "commission contract" +msgid "commission_contract" +msgstr "uppdragsavtal" + +msgid "education_contract" +msgstr "Avtal om ordnandet av läroavtalsutbildning" + +msgid "helsinki_benefit_voucher" +msgstr "Helsingforstilläggskortet" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "employee_consent" +msgid "employee_consent" +msgstr "Behandlingen av personuppgifterna av personen som ska sysselsättas" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "application" +msgid "full_application" +msgstr "Ansökan" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "attachment" +msgid "other_attachment" +msgstr "bilaga" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Step 4 - summary" +msgid "pdf_summary" +msgstr "Steg 4 – sammanfattning" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "status" +msgid "decision_text_xml" +msgstr "status" + +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "application attachment content" +msgid "decision_text_secret_xml" +msgstr "innehåll i bilaga till ansökan" + #, python-brace-format msgid "" "Your application {id} will be deleted soon. If you want to continue the " @@ -660,8 +731,10 @@ msgstr "Namn på sakkunnig inspektör" msgid "P2P inspector's email address" msgstr "E-postadress till sakkunnig inspektör" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Expert inspector's name" msgid "P2P acceptor's title" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Namn på sakkunnig inspektör" msgid "Expert inspector's name" msgstr "Namn på sakkunnig inspektör" @@ -751,8 +824,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "company contact person" msgstr "kontaktpersonens e-postadress" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "application batches" msgid "co-operation negotiations" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ansökningssatser" msgid "pay subsidy" msgstr "lönesubvention" @@ -780,8 +855,10 @@ msgstr "status" msgid "ahjo statuses" msgstr "status" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Decision date" msgid "type of the decision proposal template section" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beslutsdatum" #, fuzzy #| msgid "date of the decision in Ahjo" @@ -793,8 +870,10 @@ msgstr "datum då beslut fattas vid Ahjo" msgid "decision proposal section text content" msgstr "Beslutsdatum" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Decision date" msgid "name of the decision proposal template section" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beslutsdatum" #, fuzzy #| msgid "Decision date" @@ -811,8 +890,10 @@ msgstr "Beslutsdatum" msgid "decision text content" msgstr "innehåll i bilaga till ansökan" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "status" msgid "ahjo decision text" -msgstr "" +msgstr "status" #, fuzzy #| msgid "status" @@ -842,17 +923,23 @@ msgstr "slutdatum för understöd" msgid "date when employment resumes after suspended" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "type of terms" msgid "reason for alteration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "typ av villkor" msgid "date when alteration notice was handled" msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "amount of the benefit granted, calculated by the system" msgid "the first day the unwarranted benefit will be collected from" -msgstr "" +msgstr "understödsbelopp som beviljats, beräknat av systemet" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "amount of the benefit granted, calculated by the system" msgid "the last day the unwarranted benefit will be collected from" -msgstr "" +msgstr "understödsbelopp som beviljats, beräknat av systemet" #, fuzzy #| msgid "amount of the benefit granted, calculated by the system" @@ -869,8 +956,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "name of the e-invoice provider" msgstr "Arbetsgivarens namn" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Name of the employer" msgid "identifier of the e-invoice provider" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Arbetsgivarens namn" #, fuzzy #| msgid "Delivery address" @@ -1008,8 +1097,8 @@ msgstr "Bikostnader per månad" msgid "Applicable collective agreement" msgstr "Kollektivavtal som tillämpas" -msgid "Yhdistyksellä on yritystoimintaa" -msgstr "" +msgid "Association has business activities" +msgstr "Arbetsgivaren har ekonomisk verksamhet" msgid "Is this an apprenticeship?" msgstr "Handlar det om ett läroavtal?" @@ -1026,9 +1115,6 @@ msgstr "Ansöker om datum" msgid "Attachments" msgstr "Bilagor" -msgid "granted_aged" -msgstr "Sysselsättningsstöd för personer som fyllt 55 år" - msgid "Printed at" msgstr "Tryckt" @@ -1051,6 +1137,37 @@ msgstr "Ansökning mottagen" msgid "Application number" msgstr "Ansökningsnummer" +# For Ahjo secret decision XML +msgid "Granting of Helsinki-lisä benefit" +msgstr "Beviljande av Helsingforstillägget för anställningsstöd" + +msgid "Applicant company" +msgstr "Sökande" + +msgid "Employee name" +msgstr "Den anställdes namn" + +msgid "Benefit type" +msgstr "Typ av förmån" + +msgid "Additional information" +msgstr "Ytterligare information" + +msgid "De Minimis description" +msgstr "Stödet beviljas som stöd av mindre betydelse" + +msgid "Calculation of the benefit" +msgstr "Beviljade stödperioder" + +msgid "Benefit per month" +msgstr "Förmån per månad" + +msgid "Total benefit" +msgstr "Total förmån" + +msgid "Total for benefit time period" +msgstr "Totalt för hela perioden" + msgid "Date range too large" msgstr "Tidsperiod för lång" @@ -1102,16 +1219,20 @@ msgstr "Utbildningsersättningens belopp per månad" msgid "Total amount of deductions monthly" msgstr "Totalbelopp av avdrag per månad" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Date range too large" msgid "Basic date range description" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tidsperiod för lång" #, fuzzy #| msgid "Date range too large" msgid "Date range description for total row" msgstr "Tidsperiod för lång" +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "De Minimis description" msgid "Deduction description" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stödet beviljas som stöd av mindre betydelse" msgid "Calculation already exists" msgstr "Beräkning finns redan" @@ -1220,6 +1341,15 @@ msgstr "Engelska" msgid "Swedish" msgstr "Svenska" +msgid "fi" +msgstr "Finska" + +msgid "en" +msgstr "Engelska" + +msgid "sv" +msgstr "Svenska" + #, python-brace-format msgid "" "Your application has been opened for editing. Please make the corrections by " @@ -1391,39 +1521,8 @@ msgstr "godkännande av villkoren för tjänsten" msgid "terms of service approvals" msgstr "godkännanden av villkoren för tjänsten" -# For Ahjo secret decision XML -msgid "Granting of Helsinki-lisä benefit" -msgstr "Beviljande av Helsingforstillägget för anställningsstöd" - -msgid "Benefit type" -msgstr "Typ av förmån" - -msgid "Total benefit" -msgstr "Total förmån" - -msgid "Benefit per month" -msgstr "Förmån per månad" - -msgid "Employee name" -msgstr "Den anställdes namn" - -msgid "Additional information" -msgstr "Ytterligare information" - -msgid "De Minimis description" -msgstr "Stödet beviljas som stöd av mindre betydelse" - -msgid "Total for benefit time period" -msgstr "Totalt för hela perioden" - -msgid "Applicant company" -msgstr "Sökande" - -msgid "Calculation of the benefit" -msgstr "Beviljade stödperioder" - -msgid "File is infected with" -msgstr "Filen är infekterad med följande malware" +#~ msgid "Granted as de minimis aid" +#~ msgstr "Beviljas som stöd av de minimis stöd" #~ msgid "applicant" #~ msgstr "sökande" @@ -1439,39 +1538,3 @@ msgstr "Filen är infekterad med följande malware" #~ msgid "Pay subsidy percent required" #~ msgstr "Lönesubventionsprocent krävs" - -#~ msgid "Helsinki benefit is granted" -#~ msgstr "Helsingforstillägg beviljas" - -#~ msgid "Helsinki benefit is not granted" -#~ msgstr "Helsingforstillägg beviljas inte" - -#~ msgid "Granted as de minimis aid" -#~ msgstr "Beviljas som stöd av de minimis stöd" - -#~ msgid "employment_contract" -#~ msgstr "Arbetsavtal" - -#~ msgid "pay_subsidy_decision" -#~ msgstr "Beslut om lönesubvention" - -#~ msgid "education_contract" -#~ msgstr "Avtal om ordnandet av läroavtalsutbildning" - -#~ msgid "helsinki_benefit_voucher" -#~ msgstr "Helsingforstilläggskortet" - -#~ msgid "fi" -#~ msgstr "Finska" - -#~ msgid "sv" -#~ msgstr "Svenska" - -#~ msgid "en" -#~ msgstr "Engelska" - -#~ msgid "granted" -#~ msgstr "Lönesubvention" - -#~ msgid "not_granted" -#~ msgstr "Inget stöd"